Chapter 10:  The Account of Alexander Skene


Alexander Skene was one of Aberdeen's "Eminent" Men - He was a Pastor, Merchant, Magistrate, Aberdeen's First Historian, Author of several books and a Leading Advocate for Aberdeen's Quakers for which he was imprisoned to the point of death. 


We know from the accounts of several Historians that Alexander Skene of Newtyle was one of  Aberdeen's most well known and influential men of his time.  By all accounts, as one Historian wrote, Alexander was one of Aberdeen's "Eminent" men. 


He was a graduate of Marischal College where he studied Hebrew and Greek as well as Latin.  Alexander was a magistrate of Aberdeen, and Aberdeen's first historian.  He was author of several books including "A Succinct Survey of the Famous City of Aberdeen" and "Memorials for the Government of the Royal Burghs of Scotland". 


And, while imprisoned at the Tollbooth, Alexander co-authored "The Way Cast Up, And the Stumbling-blockes removed from before the feet of those, who are seeking the way to ZION, with their faces thitherward".   


One of Aberdeen's "Eminent" men:  After reading Alexander's own writings - I believe that of all his accomplishments, Alexander would have considered his steadfastness of purpose "to earnestly contend for the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people" for which he was imprisoned as his greatest accomplishment.  Jude 3


Alexander was one of the many Aberdeen Quakers who were imprisoned to the point of death.  According to Alexander - he was imprisoned because of his testimony.  And, this brings me to Jude 1:3 and "The Way Cast Up" the book he co-authored while still in prison.


In accordance with Jude 1:3 Alexander Skene and George Keith wrote "The Way Cast Up" out of the necessity to disprove and refute the lies and falsehoods against the people called Quakers.  Reading the Preface and Postscript written by Alexander it's obvious that like Jude, Alexander felt compelled to defend the interests and welfare of the flock as well as his own faith because they all shared the same Salvation and Faith that God had entrusted once for all time to His holy people - Salvation and Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   


Jude 1:3 reads "Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people. NLT


It's amazing that over 300 years ago when Alexander wrote the "Preface" to "The Way Cast Up" his closing statement to the Preface he wrote was an echo of Jude 1:3.  He ended the Preface with:


 "From the Tolbooth of Aberdeen, where I am prisoner for the true liberty of all Christians: the 20 of the 12 moneth, called February. 1676/77 and that he was a a "real Friend and wel-wisher to the souls of all men. signed ALEXANDER SKEIN.


The following is an excerpt from the book in its original format:



"The Way Cast Up, And the Stumbling-blockes removed from before the feet of those, who are seeking the way to ZION, with their faces thitherward" speaks of the stumbling blocks removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion (Jerusalem) with their faces thitherward.  Jeremiah 50:5; Isaiah 62:10-12 and Isaiah 57:14


To set their faces (thitherward) towards the road that leads to Zion indicates that it was because of their steadfastness of purpose that God's Remnant would not be turned aside by any difficulties that they may encounter on their way back to Jerusalem. 


As it relates to Alexander Skene it was because of his own personal steadfastness of purpose that he was not going to be turned aside from worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth by imprisonment or any of the other difficulties and obstacles placed in his path by the Magistrates, False Pastors and inhabitants of Aberdeen. 


A Spiritual Return:  Quakerism was the restoration of true Christianity - and those Believers like Alexander who wanted to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ were not going to be stopped by those who embraced the manmade traditions of the Presbyterian Church that nullify the Word of God.  


A Spiritual Road:  Alexander's face and heart were turned towards Zion where the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church was born.  Alexander wrote that Scotland was his Israel - and so it was - because we know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread from Zion to the ends of the earth per Christ's command to His disciples.  And, it was here in Aberdeen, Scotland (Alexander's Israel) that like Jude, in his steadfastness of purpose Alexander earnestly contended for the faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Like Jude, Alexander was grieved that his beloved friends had allowed false teaching to seep into the Presbyterian Church - Scotland's State Church.   Worse yet, his once beloved friends who at one time he had enjoyed sweet fellowship with - they too began to persecute Alexander, his wife, his family and other Quakers.  They too were trying to prevent Alexander, his wife, his family and others from leaving the manmade traditions of the Presbyterian Church and worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth. 


And, in their steadfastness to contend for the Faith, neither Alexander, his wife Lillias, his son John nor his son-in-law - all leaders of the Quaker movement in Aberdeen - were willing to sit idly by and allow false teachers to undermine and persecute those Quakers who were determined to stand up for the true liberty of all Christians.


Like Jude, Alexander felt such a heavy burden to defend the truth that he was compelled to write several books and articles to confront the false teachers in the Church of Scotland.  In his writings Alexander explained to his readers that they would not be able to share a common salvation if they did not adhere to the doctrinal truths that define the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Like Jude, Alexander exhorts the Quakers to earnestly contend for the faith.  And, in contending for the faith Alexander and the Quakers of Aberdeen found themselves in one agonizing situation after another wherein they were forced to dispute, struggle and strive for the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the New Testament.


Their most heart breaking and fiercest battles were battles that came from inside the seemingly safe confines of the Presbyterian Church where they once worshipped.  They had been betrayed by Believers who were once their close friends.  And, without a doubt, even today, it is from inside the walls of the Church where the greatest challenges to Christianity lie.


For example, the students of divinity of the University of Aberdeen were among those that were persecuting Alexander and the Quakers.  Out of necessity for the true Liberty of all Christians and their zeal to contend for the faith Alexander and his son John along with Robert Barclay and George Keith challenged the Theologians at the University of Aberdeen to a debate. 


And, in contending for the faith, like Jude, Alexander along with three others put in writing a true account of the debate so that the so-called Students of Divinity who were still opposing the truth could not misrepresent the outcome of the debate.  Words are soon forgotten but their written account remains unto this day.  In his writings Alexander would often explain to his readers that what he was writing was also for the generations to come.  And, so it is.  How blessed I am to be a daughter of Alexander Skene.


The account of said debate, which can be read in full online, was written down by Alexander, his son John, Thomas Mercer and John Cowie and published in 1675. 



The following excerpt is from their opening statement: 


A True and Faithful ACCOMPT OF The most material Passages of a Dispute betwixt

some Students of Divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene, and the People

called Qnakers; held in Aberdene in Scotland, in Alexander Harper his Close (or Yard)

before some hundreds of Witnesses, upon the fourteenth day of the second Month

called April, 1675. There being


They wrote:


Friendly Readers,

For as much as our opposers threatned they would Print an accompt of the debate, and boasted of a victory, we thought it our concernment for the Truths sake, and to undeceive these that may be abused by such reports, to give this true and faithful accompt of what past: which we are confident all the impartial and attentive Auditors, will affirm to be a true accompt; neither is there any one Argument omitted that we can remember of, or any thing added. There were many things spoken extrinsick from the matter; and somtimes confusedly two or three of our opposers speaking often at once, and also some others Page  4 that were not concerned, as particularly, one Brown the Bishops Chaplain, who though he refused to Subscribe the Articles, and so was excluded from speaking, did often most impertinently interupt, and intrude himself. But these being only transcient; and no Arguments insisted on; we have not inserted them, studdying to keep to the matter: and we do faithfully declare that we have herein dealt impartially according to our memory, as we hope such serious Auditors as may read this will acknowledge. So leaving you to the perusal hereof, we rest,


Your Souls well-wishers,


  • Alexander Skein.
  • Iohn Skein.
  • Thomas Mercer.
  • Iohn Cowie.


End of Excerpt.


Over three hundred years have passed since their deaths yet their written accounts still speaks to the generations that came after them.  How blessed I am that my Scottish forebears committed their thoughts, beliefs, trials and tribulations to writing not just for their generation but for my generation and all generations to come. 


There is no doubt that Alexander Skene was one of the "Eminent" men of Aberdeen, Scotland.

And  there is no doubt that of all his accomplishments that first and foremost Alexander would want to be remembered as a man who like King David was a man after God's own heart and that like Jude he was a man who contended for the faith and the true liberty of all Christians!  Acts 13:22 and Jude 1:3


Like the Apostle Peter, Alexander was a man who had a reverence for Christ Jesus in his heart - a man who honored Christ Jesus as Lord.  And, like both Jude and the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 3:15) it was because Alexander honored the Lord in his heart that he was always prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks to give the reason for the hope that we have in Christ:  hence the book "The Way Cast Up" and "A True and Faithful Account" of the debate between the so-called Students of Divinity of the University of Aberdeen and the Quakers". 


Alexander was man who was always ready and eager to give a defense to anyone who asked him for a reason for the hope that was him in - for the hope that was in his heart.  1 Peter 3:15


Scripture reveals that the Lord will honor those like Alexander Skene who honored the Lord and many Memorials have been written in memory of Alexander Skene because he was a man who truly honored the Lord.


Alexander honored the Lord in a multitude of ways and the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland" - a book written by Alexander Skene is another example.  And, at this point I want to share with the readers the following excerpts from the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland".


Among his many other accomplishments Alexander served as a Magistrate of Aberdeen.  And, if you read the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland" that Alexander wrote you will find that Alexander was a Magistrate after God's own heart.  In the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland" Alexander reminded the new generation of Magistrates that that those who served in the Courts and Government should view their service as a religious duty. 


Alexander Skene reminded those within Aberdeen's Government that unless the Lord Build the House - the Labors labor in vain and as such they should conduct themselves in a way that Aberdeen's government honored the Lord.  He reminded them that the government rests upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ and that His government will never end. 


The following are several excerpts from the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland".  However, the Book in it's entirety can be viewed on line.   


I wanted to scan in the text from the following three different pages of the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland", as well as from other books written by Alexander that I reference in this chapter, so that hopefully the readers will have more of an appreciation of who Alexander was if you read what he wrote in his own words.



My Comments:  Alexander reminds the Rulers that the government rests on the shoulders of Jesus Christ and that it is from Christ that all blessings of peace and prosperity come.  That except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.


And, so it is today, whether it be Scotland or America



My Comments:  Alexander reminds the Magistrates, etc that Scotland has prospered because of the great mercies of the Lord.  And, in particular, Alexander mentions Scotland's "Spiritual Blessings"




My Comments:  Alexander understood that if a nation wants to come into the Promises of God then they need to walk in holiness.  Alexander stresses the importance of "worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth" - and so sadly that is one of the reasons that Alexander was sent to prison for - worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth over the man made traditions of the Presbyterian Church which at the time was the State Church.


Until Alexander's conversion to Quakerism in 1672 which brought Alexander's career in public office to an end - he had been elected to a number of key posts on the Aberdeen Town Council including Magistrate, etc.  


This is where I start on the Draft - Transfer to Final Copy

Before moving on to the next book that references Alexander Skene I am scanning in several pages from a thesis submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of St. Andrews (Scotland) by Gordon Russell DesBrisay in 1989.


Mr. DesBrisay devotes a lot of his thesis to Alexander Skene and the "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland".  And, his thesis gives a good insight into the character of Alexander Skene, a most remarkable man, from someone in our generation.  His thesis is fascinating! 








Alexander understood the dangers of "Immigration."




Alexander understood the dangers of Immigration - a danger not accepted by so many of America's politicians - even when there is proof otherwise









Without a doubt, after reading Mr. DesBrisay's Thesis as well as what others have written about this most remarkable man - there is no doubt that Alexander Skene was a Believer who "Walked the Talk".  He was a Believer who believed in the Precepts and Biblical Principles of the Bible as they pertained to his own personal life as well as on a national level.




Without a doubt-  Alexander Skene was a Believer who "Walked the Talk".  He was a Believer who believed in the Precepts and Biblical Principles of the Bible as they pertained to his own personal life as well as on a national level.


Moving on to "The History and Antiquities of New and Old Aberdeen" by Alexander Smith who like other Historians identifies Alexander Skene as one of the "Eminent" men of Aberdeen.


Like many other Historians the author of "The History and Antiquities of New and Old Aberdeen" considered Alexander Skene to be one of Aberdeen's Eminent.  The author  describes Alexander Skene as Master of Arts, a Bailie of the City of Aberdeen and references "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland"


And, even today, Alexander Skene is still honored as one of Aberdeen's most well-known, important and distinguished citizens of Aberdeen - as is evident by Mr. DesBrisay's Thesis published in 1989.


He is remembered for a career in public office that included a number of key posts on the Aberdeen Town Council which involved oversight of the local economy.  Alexander was an Aberdeen merchant and local historian who, by all accounts, had a keen insight into Scottish overseas trade.  And, the list goes on.   


Alexander Skene was also known by his Literary name "Pseudonym "Philopoliteius"

- a Lover of the City


The following excerpt is from page 279 of Mr. DeBoyse's Thesis regarding Alexander Skene's literary name that he used when writing "Memorialls For the Government of the Royal Burghs in Scotland" as well as "Succinct Survey of the Famous City of Aberdeen published under the same pseudonym:  Philopoliteius (a lover of the public welfare)







My Comments:  Note Alexander's comments regarding Israel because this is a theme throughout his writings.



C10-History and Antiquities p.152a.jpg


Alexander had a Master of Arts from Marischal College where he studied Hebrew.  Hebrew was taught at Marischal after the Reformation (16th Century) when there was an increased interest in the study of the original text of the Bible - hence - those like Alexander Skene began to study Hebrew and Greek.   


The next excerpts are from "A Succinct Survey of the famous City of Aberdeen" written by Alexander his literary pseudonym " Philopoliteious - which means  a "Lover of the Public Well-Fare".  The Book is a reprint of Alexander's that was printed in 1685.




The author who reprinted Alexander Skene's Book points out that Alexander's Book was probably the earliest ever published - hence Scotland's other historians credit Alexander Skene as Aberdeen's first historian.


The above is another reference to Alexander Skene's Literary name "Philopoliteius." 



Page 8 is the last page of his Foreward.  As noted on the previous page "Philopoliteius" was Alexander Skene's Literary name that he often used to describe himself. 


Alexander's reference to the vertuous woman and gates are from Proverbs 31:10-12 that speaks of the vertuous woman - a wife of noble character and by all accounts it is a description of Alexander's wife Lillias who was known for her devout and moral character.  In her zeal to contend for the faith Lillias even stood in Aberdeen's Gates and confronted the Magistrtes who had falsely imprisoned the Quaker men.  Alexander's reference to city gates is significanct - according to Scripture - this was a place of authority where government officials met to decide matters.  As a Magistrate of Aberdeen - Alexander - a man of authority also stood in the gates. 


Proverbs 31:10-12 10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies.  11 Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. … 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.  Poverbs 31:23 23 Her husband is well known at the city gates, where he sits with the other civic leaders. (NLT)


Alexander begins his "Epistle to the Reader"



My Comments:  It was important to Alexander Skene that he record certain things for the next generation - and that it very Scripturally sound.  Psalm 48:13 is only one of many Scritpures that speak of telling future generations about the mercies of the Lord .


Psalm 78:3-4 3 things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us.
4 We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. (ESV)




My Comments:  Note Alexander's reference to Jerusalem.



Proverbs 17:6 6 Children's children are the crown of old men; And the glory of children are their fathers. (ASV)


If Alexander only knew to the extent that he is "The Glory of his many offspring"!  And, once again, Alexander stresses the Biblical principal of our ancestors (ancient records)


As already noted "Philopoliteius" was Alexander Skene's Literary name that he often used to describe himself.


Continuing from the previous page Alexander stresses the Biblical principal of our ancestors (ancient records)




Once again, Alexander references "Israel". 


Future Generations


Before leaving the account of "A Succinct Survey of the Famous City of Aberdeen" I want to make the following comments.


On page 9 Alexander states:


Page 9:  IT may be lookt upon by some, that this Survey of Aberdeen may savour of ostentation, seeing there are few, or perhaps no other town in the kingdom that is descryved, or hath any of their acts published : To which I may say, that such vanity in so doing is far from my mind, seeing there is nothing more ordinarie amongst all nations then to set down what hath been the most remarkable providences of God to their countries and places of their nativity; whereby posterity may observe the mercies of the Lord to their ancestors, the neglect or omission of such thankfull remembrances


Alexander was writing in order that his descendants, including myself, may observe the mercies of the Lord that the Lord extended to Alexander, Lillias and John as well as their ancestors.


In this passage as well as others Alexander's mindset and understanding is that of a Christian who understands the Scriptures from both a Gentile and Jewish perspective.  And, interestingly, but after all that I have read about Alexander, I wasn't surprised to learn that Alexander wrote Scriptures in Hebrew as well as his native tongue.


On page 9 we find that Alexander understands the Biblical principal of Psalm 78 whereby we are not to forget the mercies the Lord has showed to our ancestors rather we are to tell our children and even leave word for future generations yet to be born of God's mercies. 


Psalm 78:1-8 1 Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth. 2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: 3 Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. 4 We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done. 5 For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: 6 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: 7 That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: 8 And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.


On page 10-l1 Alexander wrote "Wherefore I hope none will misconstruct me for making a respectful remembrance of these whom the Lord honored and doth at this time honour to be worthy Magistrats of our town in their day and generation; for it is said, Prov.17.6 The glory of children are their father.


And, so it was with my Scottish Forefather - Alexander Skene. 


On page 59 Alexander Skene refers to "Our Israel" - he states:


"This city hath not been a barren mother or nurse in our Israel, in bringing forth and breeding up many eminent men and brave spirits, ..... "   


Alexander's choice of words "mother" and "our Israel" in the same sentence reveals two very specific things about Alexander's mindset:  A Mother of Israel is a Biblical concept that not all Christians can relate to.  However, it is obvious that Alexander not only understood what it meant to be a "Mother of Israel" but could relate to a Mother of Israel on a personal level.  His wife Lillias had all the qualities of a "Mother of Israel"  (See Chapter 9, page 157).  


His belief that Scotland was his Israel indicates that Alexander believed that his ancestors were among those scattered from Israel to Scotland.  More to the Point:  From all my research, after reading everything he wrote there is no doubt that Alexander Skene was of Jewish descent. 


On page 59 Alexander refers to Aberdeen as "Our Israel".  In so many of his writings Alexander would always turn his focus back to the importance of Jerusalem and Israel in his own personal life as well as that of Scotland as a nation.  And, this is something that not all Gentile Believers grasp.  It's not wrong that they don't - I just want to point out that Alexander and his wife Lilias both place a lot of emphasis on their relationship to Jerusalem and Israel. 


Judges 5:7 7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I  Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.


Which is not surprising because the "Scottish Declaration of Independence" claims that Scotland is of Jewish descent (1320).


From all his writings it's obvious that Alexander Skene understood the Scriptures from the mindset of a Jewish man.  Elsewhere in this book I included a page from William Forbes Skeens' book that reveals Alexander knew Hebrew.   


It's obvious that Alexander Skene believed that Aberdeen prospered because they were a Christian nation. Alexander believed that Aberdeen was "Spiritually Blessed" because Scotland was among the first of the Nations who embraced the Christian Religion as early as Donald the First who ruled Scotland around the year 858.  Alexander unstood the importance of the relationship between God and a nation!


Going back to Scotland's Jewish roots, I want to share the most fascinating and amazing account of Eleazir the Jew and a document concerning a land grant to Eleazir found in Alexander Skene's Charter Chest.  Both references are in regards to a grant Robert the Bruce gave to Eleazir the Jew of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1314  The account in "The Stirling Antiquary" published in 1904 makes a connection between Eleazir the Jew and a document found in the Charter Chest of Alexander Skene.



Alexander's Love for Jerusalem & Israel and Eleazir the Jew


Eleazir the Jew and a Document concerning Eleazir found in Alexander Skene's Charter Chest:  The following two references are absolutely fascinating.  Both references are in regards to a grant of land in Aberdeenshire that Robert the Bruce gave to Eleazir the Jew of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1314 ".  Most interesting is the account in "The Stirling Antiquary" published in 1904 makes a connection between Eleazir the Jew and a document found in the Charter Chest of Alexander Skene belonging to Eleazir.  


The date of 1314 that Robert the Bruce gave a land grant to Eleazir is significant because Skene lands were erected into a barony by King Robert the Bruce in the year 1317.  And, in the 1320 Scottish Declaration of Independence, the signatories claim that Scotland is of Jewish descent and declares their support for King Robert the Bruce who seized the throne in 1306. 


Like Alexander Skene, Robert the Bruce and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence had the mindset of a Jewish Believer.  Without a doubt, along with Robert the Bruce the signatories of the Declaration of Independence believed that a significant portion of the inhabitants of Scotland were descended from the ancient Israelites.


The Declaration was a declaration of Scottish independence from England.  Its purpose was to convince Pope John XXII that Scotland was an independent, sovereign country that had every right to bear arms and use military means when unjustly attacked.  Their hope was that the Pope would recognize Scotland's independence and acknowledge Robert the Bruce as the country's lawful king.  The declaration was a refutation of England's claim to rule Scotland.  Scotland's King, Robert the Bruce had defeated the English at Bannockburn in 1314, and that Scotland had  recaptured Berwick-on-Tweed, a city located on the border with England from the English in 1319.  Particularly interesting is that the Declaration claims a connection between the Scots and the Scythians, and also mentions the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. The ancient tribe of the Scythians once lived in the area were believed to be part of the "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel" that were deported by the Assyrian Empire during Biblical times. 


The Account of Eleazir:  Following are pages from "Antiquary:  A Magazine Devoted of the Study of the Past" published in 1901 & "The Stirling Antiquary" published in 1904.  The following article from "The Stirling Antiquary" is most interesting.  On page 252 they state that the document of the land grant to Eleazir was loaned to the exhibit by the Skene Clan.  The case in which the doucment was displayed was marked as "Lent by … (a noble and popular Duke), and containing "(a) the Skian dhu of the Skene Family, (b) Original Charter of Robert the Bruce, (c) copy of above made in 1747. 


While the author feels it was probably just a joke - he has to admit that the document stood all the ordinary test of genuineness.  His explanation:  he felt the humorist who he identified as a Skene and who created the document knew his business.  It's understanable that the author admits his surprise that it would be in the Skene Charter Chest - because historians have commented on the "Serious" nature of Alexander Skene.  And, after reading Alexander Skene's writing we know that he was an extremely "Serious" man - he was not a humorist.  In other words the land grant to Eleazir was Genuine! 




Following page 227 of the above mentioned book I have included pages from "The Stirling Antiquary" that gives more information concerning the document found in the Skene Charter Chest that was once in the possession of Alexander Skene.


Though the author of "The Stirling Antiquary" published in 1904 has his doubts as to the authenticity of the land grant - Alexander Skene like his forebears were of such serious character they would never have kept the land grant to Eleazir in the Skene Charter Chest if it wasn't based on truth - let alone mock the Jewish people.  One has to question "why" the documents were destroyed instead of letting experts examine the documents and determine the authenticity.


Nor would the document have been included in an exhibit in the Scottish History and Archeology Section of the Glasgow Exhibition if the Document was not authentic.

Seems as though someone wanted to be "politically correct" and destroyed the document!




The following article from "The Stirling Antiquary" is most interesting.  On page 252 they state that the document of the land grant to Eleazir was loaned to the exhibit by the Skene Clan.  The case in which the doucment was displayed was marked as "Lent by … (a noble and popular Duke), and containing "(a) the Skian dhu of the Skene Family, (b) Original Charter of Robert the Bruce, (c) copy of above made in 1747


Again, as stated above, while the author feels it was probably just a joke - he also admits that the document stood all the ordinary test of genuineness.  His explanation:  he felt the humorist who he identified as a Skene and who created the document knew his business.  And, the author admits his surprise that it would be in the Skene Charter Chest.  But, as stated above Alexander Skene whose once was in possession of the land grant was by all accounts to serious of man to joke about anything let alone a joke that mocked the Jewish people.








My Comments:  Given that Alexander Skene was the over seerer of doucments passed down when someone died he would have possession of the above mentioned land grant during his life time.  Anyone who reads the testimonies written by others as to the character of Alexander Skene or written by Alexander Skene himself would know that this was a very serious man who was not prone to jokes rather a man who stood for Truth.  And, its obvious from his own writings that Alexander Skene would never have mocked the Jewish people.


While the Scottish Declaration of Independence makes direct references to the Israelite origin of the Scottish people the Declaration also makes reference to the Scots as a Christian nation and invokes the Name of Jesus Christ- hence their appeal to the Pope.


Like many other people I have always been interested in who my forefathers were.  While the interests may vary from person to person my interest in my ancestors came from my love of Scripture.  And, both the New Testament and the Tanakh (Old Testament) have much to say about the importance of someone's ancestry. 


Given that my Forebears are from Scotland then its important for me to understand the significance of the Scottish Declaration of Independence, etc. as it's part of my spiritual heritage.


The Earliest Recorded Genealogy is the Generations of Adam and Eve:  The fifth chapter of Genesis is the family history of the first man Adam of our race.  Verse 1 begins with " This is the book of the generations of Adam."..... And, according to verse 32 this book of the generations of Adam and his descendants is a record to the  five hundredith of the life of Noah.


The Generations of Jesus Christ: And, Matthew 1:1-17 gives the family history of Christ Jesus, the second Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45-47), going all the way back to David while Luke 3:23-38 gives the family history of Christ Jesus going all the way back to Adam.


The Generational Blessings of the Twelve Tribes of Israel:  In Genesis 49 of the Torah we read the account of Jacob blessing his sons, the twelve tribes of Israel.  These were generational blessings - blessings that foretold of events yet to come, of things that are still unfolding today and according to Genesis 49:1 will continue to unfold even "in the last days".  These blessings can be thought of as a blueprint for the path each tribe would take as each tribe had his particular journey.  Jacob foretold to each of his sons what would happen during their successive generations.  As one reads the different blessings it becomes clear that each tribe would have its own distinctive attributes that would set it apart from the other tribes.


Genesis 49:1 1 And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days. ..... 28 All these are the twelve tribes of Israel: and this is it that their father spake unto them, and blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them.


Generational Blessings & the Ten Commandments:  While many people know the Ten Commandments as recorded in Exodus 20 - very seldom do we hear anyone mention that the Ten Commandments also speaks of "generational sins" and "generational blessings".    


Exodus 20:5-6 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.


And, I bear witness that the Lord has shown me His Mercy and Loving Kindness because of Alexander, Lillias and their son John who loved Him and kept His commandments and Contended for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  How blessed I am that both Alexander and John endured prison for the "Liberty of all Christians"!


The "Book of Skene" is also a fulfillment of God's promise in both Psalm 48:14 and Psalm 128:6


Psalm 48:13:  As Matthew Henry stated in his commentary on verse 14 of Psalm 48: “Let us triumph in God, and in the assurances we have of His everlasting lovingkindness. Tell this to the generation following; transmit this truth as a sacred deposit to your posterity, That this God, who has now done such great things for us, is our God forever and ever; He is constant and unchangeable in His love to us and care for us.


Alexander Skene's testimony unto the Lord has been and will continue to be kept alive by his offspring.


Psalm 128 6 Indeed, may you see your [family perpetuated in your] children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!  Amplified


Psalm 128 reveals that the man like my Scottish Forefathers who had a reverential fear of the Lord and walked in His ways that both he and his offspring will be blessed and that his family name will be kept alive by his offspring.


Psalm 128 Blessed [happy and sheltered by God’s favor] is everyone who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience], Who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments.  2 For you shall eat the fruit of [the labor of] your hands, You will be happy and blessed and it will be well with you.  3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine Within the innermost part of your house; Your children will be like olive plants Around your table.  4 Behold, for so shall the man be blessed and divinely favored Who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience].  5May the Lord bless you from Zion [His holy mountain], And may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life; 6 Indeed, may you see your [family perpetuated in your] children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!  [This particular translation of Psalm 128 is from Amplified's updated version of 2015]


Let this "Book of Skene" that gives an account of the Spiritual Legacy of our Scottish Forebears Alexander and Lillias Skeens be Recorded for Future Generations, so that a People not yet Born will Praise the LORD.  Psalm 102:18


To all my spiritual sons and daughters, beloved of God, who have been called to serve the Lord,  a generation may pass away - but their Testimony unto the Lord remains forever.  The Testimonies of our Scottish Forebears, my Testimony and the Testimony of your generation and the testimonies of those yet to be born - we each have our own story and chapter to contribute to "The Book of Skene" and together we shall compose a volume that truly honors God the Father and Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.


The "Book of Skene" that tells each new generation of God's mighty acts and faithfulness is truly a "Living Book - it is truly a Book with no Ending". 


When reading Psalm 128 I am so blessed to know that Alexander's wife Lillias was like that of the Psalmist's wife and that Alexander's son John can be likened to the sons of the Psalmist who.  


Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of Sons

They shall not be Ashamed, but they shall speak with their Enemies in the Gate


And, John Skene was such a son who alongside Alexander stood in the Gateway of the Enemy for a Just Cause - to contend for the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the liberty of all Believers.


Psalm 127:1-5 1 Except Jehovah build the house, They labor in vain that build it: Except Jehovah keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain. 2 It is vain for you to rise up early, To take rest late, To eat the bread of toil; For so he giveth unto his beloved sleep. 3 Lo, children are a heritage of Jehovah; And the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, So are the children of youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: They shall not be put to shame, When they speak with their enemies in the gate. (ASV)

Psalm 127 speaks of "The Virtue of God's Blessing" for a righteous man.  And, the next several pages speak of Alexander's son "John Skene".  How blessed Alexander was to have a son like John Skene who like his father was willing to contend for the faith even if it meant going to prison and eventually being told to leave Scotland.  Just as verse 5 reveals John was not put to shame when he spoke with his enemies in the gate - the Magistrates of Aberdeen that sent he and his father to prison.  John was not put to shame because he stood up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Biblicaly speaking “The gate” was the place where judgment was given, and where adversaries would gather to meet, as they pushed their respective causes. Such was the case with both Alexander's son John who met their enemies in the "Gates" courtroom of Aberdeen as well as his wife who confronted the Magistrates of Aberdeen who falsely imprisoned her husband, son and son-in-law.


John left Scotland and brought the Gospel to America where he became Governor of what is now New Jersey.


The following pages are from various sources that document the above regarding Lillias and John in relationship to Alexander Skene.





How blessed Alexander was that his wife Lillias remained true to her beliefs as a Quaker even when Alexander was still opposing them.  And, as stated above he wanted to be remembered as to his own conversion to Quakerism.



Again, how blessed Alexander was that his wife Lillias remained true to her beliefs as a Quaker even when Alexander was still opposing them. 


And, as stated above he wanted to be remembered as to his own conversion to Quakerism.



At the threat of being killed - Alexander's son John left Scotland taking the Gospel to what is now known as New Jersey helped establish a Quaker commuity.


William Penn was a personal friend of Alexander, Lillias and John Skene.  It was William Penn who recommended John Skene as Governor of West New Jersey.



John Skene is remembered as a man who had suffered much for his religion in Scotland and a man who had distinguished himself for its cause.







John quotes the Scripture that the Lord will honor those that honor him.  Spoken over 300 years ago - and in the section on my beloved brother Grover who died in a coal mining explosion you will find that God honored Grover in the most amazing way.





Like the Fruitful Wife in Psalm 128 - Alexander's wife Lillias was a Fruitful Vine


Psalm 128:1-6 1 A song of Ascents. Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways. 2 When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. 3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants All around your table. 4 Behold, thus shall the man be blessed Who fears the LORD. 5 The LORD bless you out of Zion, And may you see the good of Jerusalem All the days of your life. 6 Yes, may you see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel! (NKJV)

Following are several pages about Lillias Skene - how blessed Alexander was to have such a fruitful vine in his home.








Following is a lasting Memorial in honor of the memory of Alexander Skene.  And, in the next chapter dedicated to Alexander's son John Skene I have included documentation that the home John built and called Peachfield is on the "National Register of Historic Places."









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