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The House of Skene

The Way to Zion

Over 300 years ago my Scottish Forefather Alexander Skene, while still in prison for his faith, along with George Keith co-authored a Book "The Way Cast Up, And the Stumbling - blocks removed from before the feet of those, who are seeking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward.  Jeremiah 50:5



The Way to Zion:  To set their faces "thitherward" indicates that it is because of their steadfastness of purpose that God's Remnant will not be turned aside by any difficulties that they may encounter on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem.  And, now, over 300 years later, in 2019, thanks be to God who has removed all the obstacles in my path I will make my way to "Mount Zion".  2019 will mark my thirteenth pilgrimage to Jerusalem where I will once again stay at "Mount Zion" Hotel to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles alongside the Jewish people.  And, included in this book are several chapters concerning the profound spiritual aspects of Mount Zion Hotel and how it relates directly to the House o Skene going all the way back to the 1200's.


The following picture is of me standing in the courtyard directly outside my room at "Mount Zion" Hotel and as you can see the Scotland flag flies atop the Scotland Presbyterian Church in the background.  Given that it is very unusual for any flag other than the Israeli flag to be displayed in Israel flying atop a building - it is significant that the Scottish Flag flies - and it is prophetic.


My Scottish Forebears wrote many articles, letters, poems and books about their love for Israel and what it meant to serve the Lord.  And, this Book is about the spiritual aspects of God's Faithfulness to the " House o Skene " of which I am Blessed to be a Daughter. 


The following email address is for anyone who would like to share their own story or pictures of our Skeens ancestors:



God's Faithfulness to the "House of Skene"


We learn from the account of Abel that one's influence lives beyond their brief sojourn here upon the earth.  Likewise, our Scottish Forebears, even though they have been dead over 300 years, they too still speak to us through the many accounts of their faith as recorded in numerous books written by them as well as others.  Hebrews 11:4


Hebrews 11:4 4 It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. Abel’s offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man, and God showed his approval of his gifts. Although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us by his example of faith. (NLT)

Likewise, we are to be a witness unto the Lord and it is our testimony of faith unto the Lord that will still speak even after we have gone home to be with the Lord.


The "House of Skene" is a Testimony of God's Faithfulness to His Promise that He will lavish His unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love and obey His commandments - Exodus 20:6


The House of Skene is a Book about God's Faithfulness to the spiritual offspring of the House of Skene.  In essence the House of Skene is the Book of Skene.  It is a Book written for all the future generations of our Scottish Forebears Alexander Skene and his son John who were both imprisoned to the point of death because they rejected the traditions of manmade religion that nullify the Word of God.  In essence they laid down their lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 


Likewise, it is a Book written for all the spiritual offspring of Lillias Skene, the fearless and powerful advocate for all the Aberdeen men who like her husband Alexander and her son John were imprisoned because they chose to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.  She too was severely persecuted when much to the surprise of the magistrates, people and false pastors of Aberdeen she publicly confronted them winning the release of many of the prisoners. 


I am a Daughter of the House of Skene and I am one of the Thousand Generations of the House of Skene that God has Blessed because of our Scottish Forebears Alexander, John and Lillias Skene who loved and kept God's Commandments.  I am truly Blessed to be a Daughter of the House of Skene and I bear Witness that God has Blessed the Spiritual Offspring of the House of Skene and He will continue to do so for a Thousand Generations. 


The "Book of Skene" is a Living Book - It is a Book with no Ending.  That is to say, until the return of Christ Jesus each and every spiritual offspring of Lillias and Alexander Skene can add his or her Testimony of God's faithfulness in their lives to this Book.  And, it is in this sense that this Book of Skene can be thought of as a Living Book - a Book to the Glory of God that has no Ending. 


The "Book of Skene" is also a fulfillment of God's promise in Psalm 128:6


Psalm 128 6 Indeed, may you see your [family perpetuated in your] children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!  Amplified


Psalm 128 reveals that the man like my Scottish Forefathers who had a reverential fear of the Lord and walked in His ways that both he and his offspring will be blessed and that his family name will be kept alive by his offspring.


Psalm 128 Blessed [happy and sheltered by God’s favor] is everyone who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience], Who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments.  2 For you shall eat the fruit of [the labor of] your hands, You will be happy and blessed and it will be well with you.  3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
Within the innermost part of your house; Your children will be like olive plants Around your table.  4 Behold, for so shall the man be blessed and divinely favored Who fears the Lord [and worships Him with obedience].  5May the Lord bless you from Zion [His holy mountain], And may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life; 6 Indeed, may you see your [family perpetuated in your] children’s children.  Peace be upon Israel!  Amplified


Let this "Book of Skene" that gives an account of the Spiritual Legacy of our Scottish Forebears Alexander and Lillias Skeens be Recorded for Future Generations, so that a People not yet Born will Praise the LORD.  Psalm 102:18


To all my spiritual sons and daughters, beloved of God, who have been called to serve the Lord,  a generation may pass away - but their Testimony unto the Lord remains forever.  The Testimonies of our Scottish Forebears, my Testimony and the Testimony of your generation and the testimonies of those yet to be born - we each have our own story and chapter to contribute to "The Book of Skene" and together we shall compose a volume that truly honors God the Father and Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.


The "Book of Skene" that tells each new generation of God's mighty acts and faithfulness is truly a "Living Book - it is truly a Book with no Ending". 


In His Faithfulness God has Truly Blessed the House of Skene







Why? Why did the Lord allow Alexander, his son and son-in-law to be imprisoned to the point of death simply because they wanted to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.  Why?  Why all the spiritual battles that we ourselves have had to face?


It's not a matter of "if" - it's just a matter of "when" you find yourselves in a "Spiritual Battle" nothing short of a spiritual crises - like Rebecca, you may find yourselves asking the Lord "Why" - Why if this is Your Will - "Why is this happening to me"?  Genesis 25:21-26   


Genesis 25:21-23 21 Now Isaac pleaded with the LORD for his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22 But the children struggled together within her; and she said, "If all is well, why am I like this?" So she went to inquire of the LORD. 23 And the LORD said to her:


"Two nations are in your womb,

Two peoples shall be separated from your body;

One people shall be stronger than the other,

And the older shall serve the younger." (NKJV)


This book will address the many "Whys" in our lives - "why" the Lord allows bad things to happen in our lives.  But, know this - everything that the Lord allows to happen in our lives He allows it for a Kingdom purpose.  It's encouraging to know that the Lord will even use those bad things in our lives for His good.  Romans 8


Rebecca asked the Lord "If all is well, why am I like this"?  Rebecca wanted to know that if her pregnancy was an answer to prayer then "WHY" were the twins struggling together within her?  She wanted to know why this was happening to her. 


As we run the race God has set before us like Isaac's wife Rebecca we often find ourselves asking the Lord if this is your will for my life - if all is well then WHY is this happening to me.  At times, like Rebecca we feel if all is not well then how can we live through what is nothing short of a Spiritual Crises.


A "Child of Sorrow":  If such be the sufferings of pregnancy Rebecca wanted to know why did she even seek to conceive?  If Rebecca was to become a mother in answer to prayer she wanted to know why was this happening to her.  If Rebecca's pregnancy was the result of a divine act - then "Why" - why were the twins struggling in her womb?


Rebecca understood that it was God's will for her to conceive - but she didn't understand "Why" - she didn't understand why the twins that she had conceived were struggling inside her womb.


Like Rebecca we too can reach the point where we feel that we can no longer cope with the "spiritual crises" we find ourselves in.  And, sometimes like Rebecca we question the very purpose of our existence. 


Genesis 25:22 22 And the children struggled together within her. And she said, If it be so, wherefore do I live? And she went to inquire of Jehovah. (ASV) 


We live in a world where the secular and the spiritual coexist together - there will always be a spiritual side to the secular and a secular side to the spiritual.  And, like Rebecca, we too must go to the Lord to understand the world around us - a world that all too often is confusing and bewildering to say the least.


And, when you go to the Lord in prayer, it is then that you will find the answer to your "Why".  


Pause and think about that.  Like Rebecca, through prayer, we can gain understand of God's will for our family including their future even before they are born.  And, this was the case with John the Baptist's parents and the parents of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as well.


Like Rebecca we can only gain the spiritual as well as the secular perspective on the future history of our family through prayer.  And, it is then that you will find the answer to your "Why".  


Consider King David: 


2 Samuel 7:18-21 18 Then King David went in, sat in the LORD’s presence, and said, Who am I, Lord GOD, and what is my house that You have brought me this far19 What You have done so far was a little thing to You, Lord GOD, for You have also spoken about Your servant’s house in the distant future. And this is a revelation for mankind, Lord GOD.  20 What more can David say to You? You know Your servant, Lord GOD.  21 Because of Your word and according to Your will, You have revealed all these great things to Your servant.


This book addresses how that as the Lord uses us, He is really causing us to be witnesses of His faithfulness to covenant promises to our forefathers as well as our future sons and daughters yet to be born.  We are the manifestations of what the Lord said He would give to those who love Him, to a thousand generations.  Exodus 20:6


But, know that even those things that seem so bad for those of us who serve Him He will use it for good in our lives.  Romans 8  That at the end of the day all things the Lord allows in our lives are intended as a blessing, not a burden or curse.  Just as the birth of Esau and Jacob was part of God's Kingdom purposes - at the end of the day our Esau's and Jacobs - they too are all part of His Kingdom purposes.  And, with that understanding, for those of us who through no fault of our own bore an Esau we will be able to persevere and by faith continue to run the race that God has set before us.   


Just as there were two nations in Rebecca's womb there are two nations of Skenes.  More to the point:  our Jacob's will serve the Lord - our Esau's will not. 


But, for those of us who gave birth to an Esau who will not serve the Lord we need to understand that it is no more our fault then it was Rebecca's fault.  And, it is when and only when the knowledge that it is not our fault enters our hearts then that knowledge will become pleasant to our souls


And, when that understanding enters our hearts that the Esau's are part of God's plan then that knowledge will be pleasant to our souls and that understanding will keep us safe.  It's understanding God's will for our lives and the lives of our sons and daughters that will keep us safe.  If not, then like Rebecca we will ask ourselves if life is worth living.


Proverbs 2:10-11 10 For wisdom shall enter into thy heart, And knowledge shall be pleasant unto thy soul; 11 Discretion shall watch over thee; Understanding shall keep thee: (ASV)


But there is Hope!


Psalm 78:7 reveals that there is always hope for each and every new generation.  And, Psalm 78 is only one of many Scriptures that reveals that the foundation of that hope is the righteousness and faithfulness of past and present generations. 


Psalm 78:7-8 also commands to instruct our sons and daughters in the ways of the Lord otherwise they may be rebellious like their fathers who were unfaithful to the Lord.


Verse 4 of Psalm 78 tells that we are not to hide the truths of the Lord from our children otherwise they may forget Him.  To remain silent would deprive our own and our father's offspring of the precious truths of God.  To remain silent would be an irreverence of the Lord and that would  be a shameful thing to do. 


Just as some of our forebears honored the Lord with their lives there are those ancestors that were stubborn, rebellious and unfaithful who refused to give their hearts to God.  And, this is all the more reason that we should tell our offspring about their righteous forebears and the mighty works of God - so that they will not be like their ancestors who had an irreverence for the Lord.  And, we do so because those who have an irreverence for the Lord their sins will be laid on their children to the third and fourth generation  Exodus 20:4.  How dreadful that our children would in some way suffer for the fathers' sins.  Having said that, I need to say that the father's sins visited upon their children in no way affects the salvation of their offspring - Ezekiel 18.  Ezekiel 18:14 and 19 also reveals that the son of a man who sees the sins his father has committed and does not do likewise will not be affected by the sins of his father.  And, needless to say there are many other Scriptures in both the New and Old Testament that bear witness that one's salvation is solely dependent on the individual.


Unfortunately, there are many sons and daughters who see their parents sin only to continue in the same sin.


A divided house cannot stand.  And, all too often our spouse can be the one who is rebellious and whose heart is not right towards the Lord.  However, disobedience is not to be excused because it is hereditary.  The child of a rebellious father must strive to be better than his father - he must strive to give his heart to the Lord otherwise the child shall perish as his father did. 


But still there is Hope!


Those of us who gave birth to a rebellious son, an Esau, a Cain, a Samson or an Absalom - all Sons of our Sorrow, we will need to trust in the Lord that at the end of the day He will use it all for His good, that at the end of the day He will show the Son of our Sorrow mercy!


We hold on to the hope that the Lord will show mercy to the son of our sorrow who has caused us and our household so much sorrow and open their eyes and convict them of their sin.  Our hope is that our son of sorrow, like the Prodigal Son, will come to a place where he will humble himself before the parent and the Lord and confess that he or she has sinned against the father and heaven Luke 15:21.


2 Samuel 7:11-16 11 ever since the day I ordered judges to be over My people Israel. I will give you rest from all your enemies. “‘The LORD declares to you: The LORD Himself will make a house for you.  12 When your time comes and you rest with your fathers, I will raise up after you your descendant, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom.  13 He will build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.  14 I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to Me. When he does wrong, I will discipline him with a human rod and with blows from others15 But My faithful love will never leave him as I removed it from Saul; I removed him from your way.  16 Your house and kingdom will endure before Me forever, and your throne will be established forever.’”  (HCSB)


Therein lies our Hope!  That when our son of sorrow does wrong that the Lord will correct and discipline him with the rod like any loving father would do.  1 Kings 11  But that He will not take His love or mercy from our son of sorrow as He did with Saul. 


The Lord will not take away His mercy or loving kindness from our son of sorrow because of His covenant promise that He will show mercy and loving kindness to one thousand generations of those who love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.  And when that knowledge enters into our hearts then that knowledge will be pleasant to our souls and that understanding will keep us safe. 


It's understanding God's will for our lives and the lives of our sons and daughters that will keep us safe.  If not, then like Rebecca we will ask ourselves if life is worth living.


Hope is my anchor!  We have a promise and it is because of God's covenant promise that I have hope for our sons who have caused so much sorrow. 


Hebrews 6:18-19 8 So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. 19 This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. (NLT)

There is Hope!





Table of Contents




Chapter 1: In the New Testament the Greek Word for Tabernacle is the Surname "Skene"

Chapter 2:  The Historical & Secular Origins of the House of Skene is also Prophetic

Chapter 3:  The Day I was Conceived is Prophetic

Chapter 4:  The Apostolic Calling - Called from the Womb

Chapter 5:  The Spiritual Aspects of the "Mount Zion Hotel"

Chapter 6:  And, like his Grandmother Lilias, my brother Grover Honored the Lord

Chapter 7:  The Name Skene is Memorialized in History Forever


Chapter 8:  The Trials and Afflictions of Alexander, Lillias and their son John Proved that their Faith was Genuine

Chapter 9:  Lilias Skene, Poet, Prophet & the Woman Preacher of Aberdeen

George Keith and the Woman-Preacher of Samaria

Her Letter to Robert Macquare

Her letter of Rebuke to the Magistrates, Pastors & People of Aberdeen

Copy of a Commemorative Plaque at the Friends House in Aberdeen, Scotland and an incredible Memorial to Lilias Skene in an Exhibition at the Tolbooth Prison

Lilias Skene A Mother of Israel

Chapter 10:  The Account of Alexander Skene

Chapter 11:  John Skene

Chapter 12:  Grover Skeens

Chapter 13:  My Facebook Memorial to Grover Skeens

My Facebook Page (May 2019)

Full Text of Posts and Notes


Chapter 14: 

My Genealogy going all the way back to Joseph Skeen one of the early settlers of Jackson County, WV as recorded in the "Early Families of the Kentuck-Fletcher Goshen Area Jackson County West Virginia"

Chapter 15:

Genealogy Chart from page 5 of "Skeen (s) Sargent and Evans" published by Wise County Historical Society tracing the ancestors of Revolutionary War Peter Skene back to Alexander Skene of Aberdeen, Scotland

Chapter 16:

Sarah Skene:  Picture of Sarah Skene wife of Revolutionary War Captain Peter Skene and a copy of the "Revolutionary Pension Application of Sarah Skeen"

Chapter 17:

Joseph (Bear) Skene:  Picture of Joseph (Bear) Skene and his second wife Polly Garrett, which was the line I came through.  A news article from The Jackson Star News as well as documentation concerning the on-going feud between Joseph Skene and Daniel Cunningham the U.S. Deputy Marshal who arrested both McCoys and Hatfields

Chapter 18:

Genealogy from the Book "Memorials of Family of Skene of Skene" written by the renowned Scottish Historian and Her Majesty's Historiographer for Scotland

Chapter 19:

Jewish Ancestry:  Scotland's "Declaration of Independence" (aka "The Declaration of Abroath") that was written in 1320 claims that the Ancestors of the Scottish people are of Jewish Descent

Chapter 20:  Gateways

I have Stood in the Gateways of my Enemies at Bozrah, Jordan, Caesarea Philippi, Israel and over Washington, D.C

It is Heartbreaking when the Gateway you are Standing in is your own Home and your Enemy that Hates you is the one you are Married to

The Spiritual Condition of Leah's Husband

The Generational Sins of Idolatry are Visited upon the third and fourth generation of the "House of L. Francis Doblar"

Chapter 21: 

The Generational Sins of Idolatry are Visited upon the third and fourth generation of "The House of L. Francis Doblar"

Chapter 22:  The American Crusade

The First International War on Soil now known as America occurred in 1565

Chapter 23: 

Satan was the first Narcissist – The Spiritual Aspects of Psychotic Disorders

Chapter 24:  America's Spiritual Battle is in the Heavens

Chapter 25:  The Original Sin of America is Religious Persecution




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