Chapter 13:  My Facebook Memorial to Grover Skeens


Part of honoring Grover was to create a Facebook Page that memorialized Grover and his life as a Christian coal miner, proclaimed the truth about the real cause of the UBB explosion that was covered up by MSHA, and my participation in and support of the U.S. senate campaign of Grover's former employer, Don Blankenship CEO of Massey Energy, where I was able to speak publically about Grover at his town hall meetings.  There are three parts of my Facebook page that are in this chapter:


  1. A copy of my Facebook page in its entirety with all the pictures, posts, and notes,
  2. Copies of the full text of a post or note when "Continue Reading" or "See More," is indicated, and
  3. Links to my Facebook page videos.


The link to my current Facebook page is as follows:



Full Text of Posts and Notes


Following are direct links to the Posts and Notes found on my Facebook page.  They are in the order in which they appear on the below copy of my Facebook page.  Just click the link to go directly to the article.




Facebook Videos


Following are direct links to the Videos found on my Facebook page from May 2019.  These links are in the order in which they appear on the below copy of my Facebook page.  (Please note that when viewing a video in a web browser, use your browser's back arrow to return to this page after you are finished with the video).




My Facebook Page (May 2019):






Full Text of Posts and Notes


Following are direct links to the Posts and Notes found on my Facebook page.  They are in the order in which they appear on the above copy of my Facebook page.  Just click the link to go directly to the article.




Facebook Videos


Following are direct links to the Videos found on my Facebook page from May 2019.  These links are in the order in which they appear on the above copy of my Facebook page.  (Please note that when viewing a video in a web browser, use your browser's back arrow to return to this page after you are finished with the video).




In Memory of Grover Skeens


In Memory of Grover Skeens




In Memory of Grover Skeens - A Man after God's own Heart


This Facebook Page is written and dedicated to the memory of my brother, Grover Skeens, a man who like King David was after God's own heart.


Grover went home to be with the Lord on April 5, 2010 when he died in the mining explosion at the Upper Big Branch coal mines.


Many people including the media refer to the 29 coal miners that died in the UBB explosion as fallen coal miners or victims. But, that's not how Grover would want to be remembered. Grover would want to be remembered as a Christian that worked in the coal mines and that he died in the coal mining accident that he prophesied.


Grover would want everyone to know that the Lord cares deeply when His loved ones

die and his death was precious in the sight of the Lord.


Psalm 116:15 15 Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His saints. (NKJV)


Grover was a man of ethics and as such he worked unto the Lord as he worked for men Ephesians 6:7. And, because Grover had a good name and reputation, I'm comforted in knowing that the day of Grover's death was better than the day he was born.


Ecclesiastes 7:1 1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. (NLT)


And, first and foremost, this Facebook Page is written to the Glory of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His son Jesus Christ!


Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes

from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth (NIV)


Grover at the Damascus Gate, Old City Jerusalem


Grover praying at the Western Wall, Old City Jerusalem


Grover at the Dead Sea, Israel


Grover at the Sea of Galilee, Israel


Grover and me at Caesarea Philippi, Israel






 Post of Psalm 116:15 with pictures



Psalm 116:15 15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.


When I found out that Grover had died my heart was broken and I felt that my grief was beyond healing. We grieve when men like Grover die but just knowing that Grover's death was precious in the sight of the Lord brings me great comfort because had it not been for God's Word I would have been overwhelmed with sorrow at Grover's death.


Scriptures such as Psalm 116 and Psalm 48 has brought me great comfort in coping with Grover's death. Psalm 116:15 reveals that the Lord cares deeply when His loved ones die and Psalm 48 reveals that if God is our God – then He is our guide even unto death – and so it was with Grover whose death was precious in the eyes of the Lord.


Psalm 48:14 14 For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide Even to death. (NKJV)


In 2009, just seven months before Grover died he and I went to Jerusalem. And it's comforting to know that in 2009 just as God was our guide as we walked around the holy city of Jerusalem that seven months later that God was Grover’s Guide even unto death. It's comforting to know that on April 5, 2010 that Grover came face to face with Christ Jesus.


We read and hear so much about God's holy city of Jerusalem but not everyone actually makes the journey to Jerusalem. But, just like those in Psalm 48:8 who had heard so much about Jerusalem and who went to Jerusalem to see for themselves - Grover and I were able to make the journey and see Jerusalem for ourselves. And, as we walked about the holy city of Jerusalem Grover and I truly rejoiced at everything we saw.


Psalm 48:8 8 As we have heard, So we have seen In the city of the LORD of hosts, In the city of our God: God will establish it forever. Selah ….. 12 Walk about Zion, And go all around her. Count her towers; 13 Mark well her bulwarks; Consider her palaces; That you may tell it to the generation following. (NKJV)


The below three pictures are of Grover walking around Jerusalem Old City.


And, it's Comforting to know that just as God was our Guide in Jerusalem He was Grover's Guide even unto Death. But, it was only after Grover's death that I could truly relate to verse 14 which reveals God is our guide even unto death.


Psalm 48:14 14 For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide Even to death. (NKJV)


Matthew Henry says it best:


―Let us triumph in God, and in the assurances we have of His everlasting loving kindness. Tell this to the generation following; transmit this truth as a sacred deposit to your posterity, That this God, who has now done such great things for us, is our God forever and ever; He is constant and unchangeable in His love to us and care for us.


If God be our God, He is ours forever, not only through all the ages of time, but to eternity; for it is the everlasting blessedness of glorified saints that God Himself will be with them and will be their God. If He be our God, He will be our guide, our faithful constant guide, to show us our way and to lead us in it; He will be so, even unto death, which will be the period of our way, and will bring us to our rest.


He will lead and keep us even to the last.


He will be our guide above death …


He will so guide us as to set us above the reach of death, so that it shall not be able to do us any real hurt.


He will be our guide beyond death …


He will conduct us safely to a happiness on the other side death, to a life in which there shall be no more death.


If we take the Lord for our God,


He will conduct and convey us safely to death,
through death, and
beyond death—
down to death and up again to glory.


And, so it was with Grover


Concerning Grover's death the Lord quickened me to Isaiah 57 that reveals that there are times when the Lord will take the righteous home to spare them from some evil to come - to let them rest in their grave. That those who walk uprightly with the Lord enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.


Isaiah 57:1-2 1 Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. 2 For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die. (NLT)


And, knowing that the Lord spared Grover from some evil that lay up ahead that only the Lord understands, that too I take comfort in.


Psalm 15 reveals that we should want to be friends with men like Grover and that we should honor such men. And, I'm thankful for every opportunity Don Blankenship has given me to honor Grover, to show my respect for him and to lift the Banner of Truth that Grover would never have violated a safety regulation that would have put either his life or the life of another coal miner in danger.


I knew Grover better than anyone and I know that Grover would have laid down his life for his friend rather than endanger someone else's life.





The Day of Grover's Death




The Day of Grover’s Death




Grover's Tombstone



On the day of Grover's death when it pleased the Lord our God to bring Grover to the sweet harbor of His everlasting rest, a long-tossed vessel upon the waves of many afflictions, Grover exchanged the sorrows of time for the joys of eternity.


Scripture Reveals that the Day of Grover's Death was Better than the Day Grover was born because of his Good Name and Reputation - Pause and think about that!


Ecclesiastes 7:1 1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. (NLT)


Pause and think about that!


"For the Sake of Coal Miners" is more than just a series of television commercials paid for by Don Blankenship. The series of commercials really are for the sake of all coal miners because if the truth about the coal mine explosion that Grover died in is not brought to light then another coal mine explosion similar to the one Grover died in may very likely occur.


"For the Sake of Coal Miners" calls attention to the need for improved safety measures. And, the commercials point out that untruths and politics have no role in improving mine safety.


I'm thankful for the opportunity that Don Blankenship gave me to take part in his efforts to expose the truth of what happened at UBB "For the Sake of Coal Miners". And, I am very thankful for the opportunity that the Lord gave me to be there for Don Blankenship and support him in his efforts.


Having said that - MSHA needs to do what is right in the eyes of man as well as the eyes of God. To avoid even the appearance of hiding the truth MSHA should release the gas analysis and say whether or not they required Massey to make changes to their ventilation. They need to be honest and tell the truth.


2 Corinthians 8:21 21 For we take thought beforehand and aim to be honest and absolutely above suspicion, not only in the sight of the Lord but also in the sight of men. (Amplified)


MSHA needs to take the Plank out of their Eye: How can MSHA say to a Coal Operator take the speck out of their eye when all the time there is a plank in MSHA's eye. Because if the Government and MSHA does not take the plank out of their own eyes and amend their own faults they will not be able to see things as they really are regarding the safety of our coal miners.


Matthew 7 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


MSHA is like those that the Apostle John spoke about in John 3:19-20 who won't come into the light because they are afraid of being exposed. And, because they are afraid of being exposed MSHA will do everything they can to avoid releasing the gas analysis and admit that they required Massey Energy to make changes to their ventilation system at UBB.


John 3:19-21 19 “This, then, is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who practices wicked things hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. 21 But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.” (HCSB)


For those like MSHA who hate the light - darkness is a place where they hope they can hide from the truth. They love the darkness because it is the only place where they can hope to hold on to the good opinion they have of themselves - one of self-importance. And, there opinion of themselves is that in the eyes of man they are good men and women who are blameless and above reproach.


However, MSHA should be more concerned with God's opinion of them. For Scriptures like Ecclesiastes 7:1 reveals that the day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth only "IF" he dies with a good name and reputation in the eyes of the Lord. How God sees a man is what counts - all else is vanity.


Ecclesiastes 7:1 1 A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. (NLT)


Grover's Good Name: And, that brings me to Grover. Was the day of Grover's death better than the day of his birth?


Just as the author of Ecclesiastes 7:1 speaks of a man's good name, in the ad I too spoke of Grover's good name. I referred to Grover as a good miner who would never have done anything that put other miners at risk.


But, does the Lord see Grover as I see him? In the eyes of the Lord was the day of Grover's death better than the day of his birth?


And, just as the author of Ecclesiastes 7:1 speaks of the day a man dies, in the ad I too spoke of the day Grover died. In the ad I explained that my brother Grover was killed in the 2010 Upper Big Branch coal mine explosion in West Virginia. But, unlike the author of Ecclesiastes, I didn't mention the day of Grover's birth in the ad. And, it wasn't until after Don posted the video on August 18 that I told him August 18 was Grover's birthday.


So, given that Hebrews 2:4 reveals that the Lord will confirm what He tells us by giving us a sign - I asked the Lord for a sign.


Hebrews 2:4 4 At the same time, God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributions of gifts from the Holy Spirit according to His will. (HCSB)


And, as a sign to me, that He saw Grover as I did, the Lord gave me the understanding that He would ensure that Don would release the ad on August 18 - the same day Grover was born on. And, even though Don Blankenship was not aware that August 18 was the day Grover was born on 65 years ago - just as the Lord told me - Don uploaded the ad to his website on that very day



Video Upload Date of August 18, 2017



And, this was my sign from the Lord that Grover really was a good coal miner who would not have done anything that would have put his life or the lives of other coal miners at risk.


Grover's good name and reputation meant everything to him. And, anyone who knew Grover, understood that what was really important to Grover, was that he had a good reputation in the eyes of the Lord. And, needless to say, the Lord has confirmed to us all that in the eyes of the Lord - Grover was a good man. A man who loved the Lord with all his heart, his soul, his mind and his strength.


I will always miss Grover, however I can take solace in the fact that the day of Grover's death was far better than the day of his birth. And, I am eternally grateful for what the Lord has done for me and for Grover's memory.


There were 29 coal miners who died that day and each of us has our own story.


But, because some of the families told the media that their loved one did violate safety measures many people came to the "wrong conclusion" that all the coal miners who worked at UBB including those who weren't working that day as well as those that died in the explosion - that they were all guilty of safety violations - and that the explosion was due to the coal miners because they violated safety laws that put themselves at risk.


Many of the coal miners still feel pain at the loss of the 29 coal miners they worked with and they don't need the extra burden of people believing that they violated safety laws that endangered the lives of the 29 coal miners that died in the explosion at UBB - because they didn't.


The idea that King Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes 7:1 wanted to convey was that if a man's life is such that he leaves a good name behind him, then the day of his death is far better than that of his birth. And, I am so thankful that Grover's character was such that I am able to say that my brother would never done anything that would have put his life, the life of her brother, or the life of anyone that worked at UBB in danger.


The Lord will Honor those who Honor Him: Psalm 15 reveals that we are to honor the man, like Grover, that honors the Lord.


And, I'm thankful that the Lord has given me so many opportunities to publicly honor Grover, to tell others that Grover was a good coal miner, whose reputation was more valuable than costly perfume. And, that the day he died in the UBB explosion was better than the day he was born.


But more importantly, I am so thankful that I have been able to honor Grover's memory by telling so many people that Grover was a man after God's own heart.


Psalm 15:1-5 1 LORD, who can dwell in Your tent? Who can live on Your holy mountain? 2 The one who lives honestly, practices righteousness, and acknowledges the truth in his heart— 3 who does not slander with his tongue, who does not harm his friend or discredit his neighbor, 4 who despises the one rejected by the LORD but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his word whatever the cost, 5 who does not lend his money at interest or take a bribe against the innocent— the one who does these things will never be moved. (HCSB)


Psalm 147:11 and 1 Samuel 2:30 reveals that the Lord takes pleasure in those like Grover who honor Him and that the Lord will honor those like Grover that honor Him. And, I am eternally grateful that the Lord has and continues to honor Grover because Grover so honored Him.


Psalm 147:11 but He takes pleasure in those who honor Him, in those who trust in His constant love.


1 Samuel 2:30 30 Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before Me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from Me; for them that honour Me I will honour, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed. (KJV)


On the day of Grover's death when it pleased the Lord our God to bring Grover to the sweet harbor of His everlasting rest, a long-tossed vessel upon the waves of many afflictions, Grover exchanged the sorrows of time for the joys of eternity.




Miner's Memorial Statue, Capitol Grounds, Charleston, WV




The Biblical Truth about Coal Mining


The Biblical Truth about Coal Mining





The Biblical Truth about Coal Mining: According to Job 28:3 Coal Miners Work in the "Shadow of Death"


Job 28:1-3 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone. 3 He setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow of death. (KJV)


Job 28:1-11 1 Surely there is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined. 2 Iron is taken from the ground, and copper is smelted from ore. 3 A miner puts an end to the darkness; he probes the deepest recesses for ore in the gloomy darkness. 4 He cuts a shaft far from human habitation, in places unknown to those who walk above ground. Suspended far away from people, the miners swing back and forth. 5 Food may come from the earth, but below the surface the earth is transformed as by fire. 6 Its rocks are a source of sapphire, containing flecks of gold. 7 No bird of prey knows that path; no falcon’s eye has seen it. 8 Proud beasts have never walked on it; no lion has ever prowled over it. 9 The miner strikes the flint and transforms the mountains at their foundations. 10 He cuts out channels in the rocks, and his eyes spot every treasure. 11 He dams up the streams from flowing so that he may bring to light what is hidden. (HCSB)

Like Job 28 Psalm 23:4 also speaks of the "Shadow of Death". And, Psalm 23 was one of seven Scriptures that Grover had written on the walls of his prayer closet in my home.


Psalm 23:1-6 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. (KJV)


Needless to say, on April 5, 2010, Grover was working and walking through the valley of the shadow of death.


Because it was Grover's custom to leave his Bible opened to the last Scriptures he read before he left my home or the guest house I asked two coal miners if they would go over to Massey's Guest House and see where Grover had left his Bible opened to. And, I found it comforting when they found Grover's Bible on his bed opened to Psalm 46 because verses 1 and 2 reveals that even when the earth and mountains shook, the Psalmist did not fear because he realized that God was his refuge and strength in times of great trouble. It was then that I knew that Grover had overcome his fear of going back into the mines because MSHA had changed the ventilation at UBB and of the explosions in his dreams that caused the earth and mountains to shake.


Grover was afraid to go back because he said MSHA was changing the ventilation and when he left our house on April 4, 2010 as he walked through the laundry room Grover told me he was afraid to go back. In fact, months before the explosion Grover had actually prophesied that there would be an accident at UBB. The Lord had shown Grover at least a year and a half before the explosion that it was going to happen, but it was only when MSHA changed the ventilation that Grover knew how the accident was going to happen. Scriptures reveals that God does speak to man through dreams and visions and Grover being a man of faith believed in the multiple dreams about being in an explosion at UBB.


I found it comforting to know that like the Psalmist Grover realized that God was his refuge and strength even if the earth should be shaken. It's comforting to know that God's grace was sufficient for Grover on April 5, 2010 when he went underground and the earth shook!


Because Grover was a man who believed God's Word was a light unto his path the Lord was able to use mining in Grover’s life to teach him certain Biblical principles regarding work in general.


And, I know for a fact that Grover worked for Massey as though he was working for the Lord. Likewise, others have told me that Grover willingly put his whole heart into his work and really wanted to do his best for those he worked for at Massey Energy. And, it was because Grover worked as unto the Lord that Grover really did like working for Massey!


The Biblical Truth about Coal Mining: Like other coal miners, Grover understood the dangers of mining and the importance of following MSHA's safety regulations. What's more, Grover also understood mining and the dangers of mining from a Biblical perspective as well. Again, consider Job 28:1-11 - verses 1-3 reads:


Job 28:1-3 1 "Surely there is a mine for silver, And a place where gold is refined. 2 Iron is taken from the earth, And copper is smelted from ore. 3 Man puts an end to darkness, And searches every recess for ore in the darkness and the SHADOW OF DEATH. (NKJV)


Job reminds us that even though man’s intelligence and his engineering and technological ingenuity and determination have made it possible for him to extract the coal from the earth, he is still mining in the SHADOW OF DEATH.


Job reveals that Miners carry lanterns deep into the darkness of the earth to search for gold, silver, diamonds, precious metals, iron, copper and coal. And anyone related to a coal miner understands how hard coal miners have to work to extract the coal and wealth that is buried deep in the earth among the SHADOW OF DEATH.


Job tells us that the miner puts his hand upon the rock; he uproots and overturns the mountains looking for these resources. He cuts out channels in the rocks and he keeps the waters from overflowing, all while working in the SHADOW OF DEATH.


Working in the SHADOW OF DEATH certainly gave Grover cause to stop and think about the dangers of mining from a new perspective. And, it was because Grover believed what Job 28:1-11 revealed about mining and the dangers of mining that anyone working underground works in the SHADOW OF DEATH that Grover was very mindful of MSHA's safety regulations. I have been told by others that Grover never violated a safety regulation that would have endangered either his life or the lives of those he worked with.


We know from the Book of Job, Chapter 28, that coal mining is a hazardous occupation and that the areas of the earth where men go to mine for the hidden treasures underground as the region of the “Shadow of Death”:


Job 28 3 He setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow death. (KJV)


More to the point, while man has safety regulations and takes safety precautions to make coal mining safer, coal mining will always be a hazardous occupation, as this is what the Scriptures reveal (i.e., the “shadow of death”).


The coal industry has instituted the much needed safety regulations that my father and others in his generation and generations before him did not have. Needless to say, those safety laws need to be enforced. However, regardless of the safety measures taken, coal miners and their families will always have the awareness that coal mining is a dangerous occupation and an accident can happen at any given time just because of the nature of mining.


To try to make mining “completely safe’ is a physical and spiritual impossibility - too try and control the nature of mining is to try to control God who created and is in control of all things.


For that reason, like so many praying miners and their families, we all need to understand what God reveals about mining – not just what the secular world would want the mining industry to focus on. Secular knowledge cannot replace Scriptural principles or truths. Miners and their families are rightfully concerned about the dangers of mining. In reality, many are discerning the Biblical truth that miners are always working in the “shadow of death”.


This is why that whatever “bad” was going to happen in the mines [the word Grover received from the LORD] had nothing whatsoever to do with safety violations. If safety violations were a factor in the explosion, then it was something the LORD never revealed to Grover and was not something Grover was concerned about.


As the recorded words in Grover’s journal reveal: Grover like working for Massey.


True Wisdom: The LORD used mining in Grover’s life to teach him certain Biblical principles and interestingly, Job uses the example of mining to make the point that “true wisdom can only be found in God,” not mining! Job, Chapter 28 points out that:


While those things produced by mining are valuable to man, true wisdom is not found in man’s worldly ability to overcome the obstacles of mining nor can wisdom be purchased with those precious things the mines produce


True wisdom can only be found in God who created the mines


In other words there is a Place and Need for God underground.


Needless to say, Grover understood mining from a worldly perspective; all miners do. However after he became a Christian, the LORD began to show him mining from a Biblical perspective as well. There’s always a Biblical principle behind those things of the world. Grover came to a place where he could not separate out the worldly principles from the Biblical principles. When speaking to us about mining he would always share what the LORD revealed to him in any given mining situation.


In other words, Grover was not speaking on his own that something bad was going to happen – it came by revelation.


Therefore, I can only speak from that perspective as well. I cannot separate one out from the other. To do otherwise would misrepresent Grover and how God used mining in Grover’s life to teach him certain Biblical principles.


Job sums up the mining industry with these words:


Job 28:28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. (KJV)


And, so it was with Grover who understood the Biblical truths about coal mining


True wisdom is to fear God and shun evil! Fear in this context does not mean that we are to be afraid of the LORD – it simply means that we are to show reverence for the LORD! These were principles that God wanted Grover to understand and apply to his life when working underground.


And, so it is with coal mining – and that will never change – regardless of what man thinks





The Spiritual Aspect of the UBB Explosion



The Spiritual Aspect of the UBB




According to MSHA's "Report of Investigation" when the coal miners "unknowingly" mined into a "Geological Fault Zone" gas seeped through the breach into the mines that led to the explosion that the 29 coal miners died in on April 5, 2010.


And, this "Geological Fault Zone" is significant because 19 months before MSHA released their findings I sent myself an email to document a vision the Lord gave me of this very Geological Fault Zone. In fact, I sent myself the email of the vision even before MSHA began their underground investigation. [a copy of the email is included]


In the vision there was a crack in the floor of the coal mines that ran 11 to 5 and according to the map MSHA included in their "Report of Investigation" the "Geological Fault Zone" also ran 11 to 5. In other words, the "Geological Fault Zone" was the manifestation of the crack in the floor of the coal mines that the Lord revealed to me in a vision approximately 19 months earlier.


What does an "Act of God" mean? The secular definition of an "Act of God" means that the explosion at UBB was beyond the control of the coal miners. For example, on April 5, 2010 the coal miners at UBB could not have possibly known that they were mining into an underground "Geological Fault Zone" which serves as a reservoir and conduit for gas. They could not have known that they were mining into a Geological Fault Zone that would ultimately lead to their deaths.


As you can see from the copy of the email I've included in this post to understand the meaning of the breach in the vision the Lord quickened me to Psalm 60:2 which reads: Psalm 60:2 2 Thou hast made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it: heal the breaches thereof; for it shaketh.


Because of the vision I knew that in due time MSHA would find that a breach in the floor of the mines was the "Root" contributing factor of the explosion.


An Act of God: Needless to say, the coal miners could not have known that they were mining into a Geological Fault Zone that was located underneath the earth. And, needless to say, I could not have documented the breach in the floor of the mines or the 11 to 5 path it took before MSHA documented the same unless it came by revelation from the Lord. In other words, if the Lord revealed the breach and the course it took, then He wanted those who have ears to hear and eyes to see to understand the spiritual aspects and His will concerning the explosion at UBB. More to the point, according to Psalm 60 there was not one thing any of the miners themselves could have done to prevent that explosion.


Those of us who understand the spiritual aspects of prophecy and visions understand that visions emphasize the relationship between the spiritual realm and the earthly. Visions are one of the ways that the Lord communicates with man to let us know that He is aware of the daily events of mankind - for example the explosion at UBB. And, those of us who understand the spiritual aspects of visions understand the significance of why the Lord gave me a vision of a breach in the floor of the mines that ran on a 11 to 5 path 19 months "Before" MSHA released their "Report of Investigation".


At this point I need to stress that mining into the Geological Fault Zone was what "Led" to the explosion however, it is not what caused the explosion. Had MSHA not required Massey to make changes to their ventilation system there would have been enough air to prevent an explosion.


Needless to say, we all know that the investigative findings of the explosion has to be based on facts - not a vision. I said that to say this: Grover was afraid of going back to the mines "BECAUSE" MSHA changed the ventilation. MSHA was Grover's only concern. The vision is for me and others like me who want to understand the spiritual aspects of the explosion and in no way negates my concerns that MSHA changed the ventilation.


I'm including documentation that verifies that I had the above mentioned vision approximately 19 months "Before" MSHA met with the UBB families and gave each of us a copy of their "Report of Investigation" which included a map of the above mentioned Geological Fault Zone.


And, it's undeniable that the map on page 87 of MSHA's December 6, 2011 "Report of Investigation" confirms my vision of May 14, 2010!


But then again, those who aren't interested in the truth really don't care what the Lord reveals or confirms. Because as John 3:12 reveals "I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak to you of heavenly things

John 3:12 12 But if you don’t believe me when I tell you about earthly things, how can you possibly believe if I tell you about heavenly things? (NLT)


The emails of May 15, 2010 and December 14, 2010 are as follows:



The following email that I sent to myself on December 14, 2010 is a follow up to this one and notes that the crack in the floor of the mines ran "11 to 5" along the floor of the mines. Again, MSHA did not release their information concerning the "Geological Fault Zone" that ran 11 to 5 until the following December.



The following map of the Geological Fault Zone that the Coal Miners Mined into on April 5, 2010 is from page 87 of MSHA's "Report of Investigation" that was distributed to the family members on December 6, 2011 - again, over a year "after" I sent the emails to myself documenting the crack in the floor of the mines that ran 11 to 5 along the floor of the mines.



It's undeniable that MSHA's Report confirms my vision of May 14, 2010!

The following is from page 6 of MSHA's "Report of Investigation.”





Grover Dreamed he was Walking with a very Important Man on a White Carpet



In addition to God's Word Scripture reveals that one of the many ways the Lord speaks to man is through dreams which can be thought of as Prophetic Dreams. So, it doesn't surprise me that Grover's last two dreams as well as the seven Scriptures he had written on the walls of his Prayer Closet here in our home in Staunton, Va. were both connected to UBB and the UBB explosion. In his last dream just the night before the explosion Grover wrote in his prayer journal that "he liked working for Massey". And, on April 3 just two days before the explosion Grover wrote that in his dream he was walking on a white carpet laid along the tracks with someone who was "very important". And, this White Carpet was like a table cloth that he and this very important person ate on.


I remembered that Grover was fascinated with this particular dream because he knew it was "Prophetic". He couldn't help but wonder who this very important man was that was walking with him along the tracks in the coal mines on a white carpet that turned into a tablecloth. And, after reading the accounts of the Rescuer's who went in the mines to recover the bodies of the coal miners - that in the mist of total blackness - they were surprised to see a "Pretty White Curtain" over by the long wall where Grover worked I knew exactly what the "Pretty White Curtain" was symbolic of and who the very important man was.

On the next several pages are pages from the Rescuers testimonies of their account of the "Pretty White Curtain" they saw when they were recovering the bodies of the coal miners.




Grover's April 3, 2010 Journal Entry










The Apostle Paul tells us that God gives signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit that will confirm to someone and/or others something He has told that person. Needless to say these signs were meant to catch the attention of someone as something out of the ordinary. For example, God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign that He would never again destroy the earth by a flood.


Hebrews 2:4 4 And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose. NLT


And, the "Pretty White Curtain" over by the Long Wall where Grover worked that the Rescuers saw in the midst of total blackness and incredible devastation when they went underground to bring the bodies of the 29 coal out was such a sign and it gives insight into Grover's dream just two days before the explosion.


And, according to Acts 2:19 we know that in the last days God will give us visions and dreams.


Acts 2:17-18 17 ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy. NLT


"Prophetic Dreams" are only one way that the Lord communicates with people and while dreams are often used by God to communicate His will to us we are not to rely solely on dreams to know God's will. First and foremost we are to rely on God's written Word.


Even though we are not to rely solely on dreams to understand God's will - we are not to disregard our dreams either. Even though God's Word tells us that He speaks to man through dreams and even though people worldwide have had dreams from the beginning of time - "Prophetic Dreams" are one of the most ignored and misunderstood ways that God still uses to communicate with us.


There are a number of reasons why the Lord at times will use dreams that more often than not seem like riddles to speak to mankind. Prophetic dreams can offer insight and foresight into something that will happen in the future that we are not aware of. Prophetic Dreams can be a warning (Job 33:14-16; Matthew 29:19) or make us aware of an action we should take (Matthew 2:13, 19), etc.


Before sharing how Grover's dream of a white carpet/tablecloth relates to the Pretty White Curtain the rescuers found in the aftermath of the UBB explosion I want to share two examples of dreams - one from Scripture - and one concerning the dream President Lincoln had about his own assassination.


Pilates' Wife: The account of Pilate's wife is recorded in wife or in Matthew 27:19.


Matthew 27:19 19 While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, "Have nothing to do with that just Man, for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him." NKJV


It was through a dream that the Lord revealed to Pilate's wife that Jesus Christ was an innocent man and she in turn sent word to Pilate to have nothing to do with the death of this righteous man. How profound that no one other than the wife of a heathen governor that had the power to crucify Christ was the only one to plead for His life. In the dream the Lord showed Pilate's wife how much she herself would suffer if Pilate gave the order to crucify Christ.


She sent word to Pilate that "after suffering many things in the dream herself". She was warning Pilate not to do anything to this righteous man for which he would later be sorry for. Needless to say, Pilate ignored the divine revelation and gave in to the desires of the people who had been persuaded by the chief priests and elders to crucify Christ.


To suffer many thing in the dream meant that the Lord revealed to her that if Pilate crucified Christ that his household would reap suffering in the real world. According to tradition Pilate committed suicide.


President Abraham Lincoln: It was well known that President Lincoln, who was always eager to share his dreams with anyone who would listen, believed that there was a spiritual aspect to his many dreams - including the one where he saw himself laying in state at the White House just ten days before his death.


Approximately ten days before he was assassinated President Lincoln told Ward Hill Lamon, his friend and sometimes body guard that he had a dream that he had been assassinated.


Lincoln's account of the dream:


‘There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs…..It was light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me…..I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments…..’Who is dead in the White House?’ I demanded of one of the soldiers. ‘The President,’ was the answer, ‘he was killed by an assassin!’ Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which awoke me from my dream. I slept no more that night…..’”


Until the day he died Lincoln was fascinated by his dreams which according to those he shared his dreams with had the power both to terrify as well as delight him. Even though Lincoln tried to downplay his fears of being assassinated Lamon recalls that Lincoln was haunted by the dream of seeing himself dead in a coffin in the White House.


Needless to say, the Lord forewarned Lincoln of his death.


Back to Grover's Dream & the Pretty White Curtain: As a reminder - a sign from the Lord is something out of the ordinary that is designed to catch the attention of someone - for example, the "Pretty White Curtain". In other words, there is no doubt that the "Pretty White Curtain" the Rescuers saw in the midst of total blackness and incredible devastation when they went underground to bring the bodies of the coal miners was a sign from the Lord. After all, to see a "Pretty White Curtain" in what the Rescuers described as a situation so black that it was hard to find the victim's bodies is definitely out of the ordinary.


In context of Grover's dream and the Pretty White Curtain the rescuers saw reminds me of the light that shines in the darkness that the Apostle John spoke in John 1:5. John reveals that the light - meaning Christ - shines in the darkness and the evil of darkness has not overcome it. The darkness that John spoke of was the evil in this world and even though the evil is so devastating, disastrous, and earth-shattering - it is not triumphant - not then and not now - because Jesus overcame the evil in this world.


John 1:5 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ESV


In Scripture White was associated with Light.


And, that Grover was walking with a very important man on a white carpet brings to mind those who have not soiled their garments will walk with Jesus in white.


Revelation 3:4 4 But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.


Those who have not soiled their garments speaks of those whose character has not been soiled during their walk here on earth. In this sense their character can be thought of as the garment of the soul. They shall walk with Me in white speaks of those that shall be raised to a state of eternal glory and shall for ever be with Jesus Christ through all eternity.


Again, Clayton Sparks was one of the Rescuers at Performance Coal who testified under oath on June 8, 2010 at The National Mine Health & Safety Academy as to what he witnessed inside UBB after the explosion on April 5, 2010. On page 36 and 43 of his Testimony, Clayton Sparks told those present that he and some others thought they saw a “Pretty White Curtain” over by the Long Wall. And, this is where Grover and five other coal miners worked on the Long Wall. Yet, according to page 67-68 of Jerry Cook's Testimony, it was so black inside UBB that it was hard to even find the fallen coal miners.


Given that Grover's last name "Skeens" is a reference to the "tent" of God in Scripture then the sign of the Pretty White Curtain that the Rescuers saw can also be likened to the "curtain" and "tent" that is referenced in Isaiah 40:22.


It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. Isaiah 40:22 KJ


As Isaiah 40:22 reveals, this particular curtain is closely related to a tent (a skene), Grover's last name. Curtain of the Tabernacle (tent of meeting) (dwelling) (skene). And, it's interesting that the Rescuers thought they saw a "Pretty White Curtain" because a "White Curtain" is used to cover the alter in the Jewish Synagogues at the Feast of Tabernacles (skene).


The White Curtain that Adorns the Alter in Jewish Synagogues during the High Holy Days


The Synagogue: While in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles, a Jewish family took me to an old Jewish Synagogue inside the Old City. And, they pointed out that it is customary for a white curtain to be draped over the alter on the Day of Atonement as well as on the days of the Feasts of the Lord including that of the Feast of Tabernacles (skene). They do so because the color white is a traditional symbol of purity and forgiveness. And, in addition to draping a white curtain over the alter in the synagogues it is customary to wear white on the Day of Atonement, which symbolizes purity and calls to mind the promise that our sins shall be made as white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).


This Pretty White Curtain was a sign to me from the Lord concerning Grover. The Lord gave me so many things, the two visions that I had concerning the explosion at UBB that have come to pass, Grover's Bible that he left on his bed open to Psalm 46 and the Pretty White Curtain just to name a few to confirm what he had revealed to both me and Grover about the explosion, to give me the spiritual understanding of the explosion at UBB that He knew I would need for a variety of reasons including writing this book.


And, needless to say the symbolism of the Pretty White Curtain hung by the Long Wall combined with the symbolism of the White Curtain over the alter during the Feast of Tabernacles which can be understood as the Feast of Skene as Skene in Greek means Tabernacles was very comforting - especially knowing that both Grover and I are of Jewish descent.


The White Carpet and Table Cloth in Grover's dream are connected to Psalm 23, one of the seven Scriptures Grover had written on the walls of his Prayer Closet.


Psalm 23:5 reveals that as the Psalmist walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death that the Lord prepared "a Table before him in the presence of his enemies". Now given that Job 28:3 reveals that those who work in mines work in the "Shadow of Death" - then whoever the important person that Grover ate with - then they would have eaten in the "Shadow of Death". In other words, the important person that Grover was walking with along the tracks in the coal mines (or as Job reveals miners work in the Shadow of Death) can only be a reference to the Lord.


The symbolism of Grover's dream and the Pretty White Curtain is clear. The important person in Grover's dream that he ate with on a white tablecloth could be none other than Christ. The point is this: I know that Grover is home with the Lord - and that brings me great comfort that the Lord cared enough about the sorrow at the loss of Grover that the last two dreams he gave Grover to record in his prayer journal as well as the manifestation of the Pretty White Curtain were left to comfort me - because the Lord knew that I would read his last dreams and the Scriptures that I knew Grover would leave his Bible left up to as well as the seven Scriptures written on the walls of his prayer closest - all to comfort me.




UBB – Unanswered Questions



Miner's Memorial, Capitol Grounds, Charleston, WV



In Memory of Grover



The following comments are from Don's Facebook Page concerning the above ad that was filmed in front of the Miner's Memorial on the lawn of West Virginia's Capitol.


Don Blankenship


October 8, 2017


Gwen Thomas' brother Grover lived with her when he was not working at Upper Big Branch (UBB). They were very close. Gwen understood from testimony at my trial and from Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) briefing meetings that MSHA was essentially blaming Grover and the other miners for causing the UBB explosion by not doing their jobs properly.


The government's line was that Massey Energy Company only cared about production and profits. The other government falsehood was that the miners were so afraid of me and of losing their job that they broke the mining laws.


The facts are that nothing could have been further from the truth. Confidential surveys conducted by professional consultants were conducted both before and after the tragedy. The miner’s responses to questions regarding Massey's safety practices, the quality of training, the condition and availability of equipment, the miners comfort with telling management about safety issues and other similar questions made clear that more than 93% of the miners believed Massey mines to be safer than other mines they had worked at.


MSHA and the prosecutors also made a big issue out of the number of violations UBB received. Here again the government misled the jury, the public, and the families.


UBB had about the average number of violations for a US longwall mine. In fact, UBB had far less violations than the most comparable mine to it (i.e. the Harris Mine nearby). Former Massey mines in the UBB area received more violations after Alpha Natural Resources acquired the mines than they did under Massey. And as to the government's claim that Massey received more violations than its competitors because it did not staff its mines with enough miners, this was proven false too. Alpha added miners, and yet violations increased.


Ms. Thomas asks in the video whether MSHA required changes which reduced the airflow. The truth is that they did. Not only did MSHA require ventilation changes which reduced the airflow by 50%, they did so despite being begged by company personnel not to do it. Incredibly, both of the government's lead witnesses testified to this fact at trial.


Ms. Thomas also asked about natural gas exiting the mine. The truth is that MSHA knows that a huge volume of natural gas exited the mine after the explosion. It was enough natural gas to fuel 17,000 homes that use solely natural gas to heat and cool and operate their appliances for a full day. An explosion expert report fully explains why it is clear that UBB was a natural gas explosion and not a dust explosion as MSHA claims. It’s not an opinion, it is a scientific fact.


We wish to express our sincere thanks to Gwen Thomas for her understanding, her courage and her assistance in exposing the truth of what happened at UBB "For the Sake of Coal Miners".






Given that quite a few UBB Family Members that were at the UBB Miners Memorial for the 8th anniversary of the UBB explosion are trying to contact me via my Facebook account, out of courtesy, the following post is in response to your request.


I had every right to attend the Memorial Service at the Miner's Memorial yet according to the following excerpt from an article by Dave Jamieson published by HUFFPOST the families gave me a piece of their minds because my presence at the Miner's Memorial was too much for the families to bear.


"It was at the memorial where things got unpleasant at this year’s anniversary gathering. Among the families, politicians and news crews was Gwen Thomas, the sister of Grover Skeens, one of the miners who was killed. Thomas has taken an unusual position among Upper Big Branch family members: She has called the disaster an act of God and praised Blankenship, who in turn has featured Thomas in a television ad and on the campaign trail.


The presence of an outspoken Blankenship supporter at the memorial was too much for Davis and other mourners. She defended the former CEO; they gave her a piece of their minds. A state trooper intervened."


Given HUFFPOST's article I assume that you want to continue to give me a piece of your mind - and that saddens me.


Even though John and I were both verbally and physically threatened by several UBB families I harbor no anger or malice towards anyone. I'm only writing this post in response to your request - not from a root of bitterness.


I'm writing this post in the hopes that you will consider what you are doing to yourselves and the memory of your loved ones. After reading HUFFPOST and several other news article do you realize how others now tend to see you? Many people, including the media, have been taken aback by your shameful behavior. It brings me no joy that some, including the media, now view you as bullies.


I cannot judge how you or others mourn or feel, however I don't understand how hatred or a root of bitterness honors your loved ones who died in the UBB explosion. But I do know there is no comfort or peace in bitterness and unforgiveness.


I write this Post because I know that Truth is on my side. And, I will honor Grover's memory by continuing to tell the truth that Grover liked working for Massey, that he was only afraid of going back to work because MSHA made changes to Massey's ventilation plan and that Grover would never have violated a safety law that would have put either his life or the life of another coal miner at risk.


And, contrary to HUFFPOST's belief that my position is an unusual position among Upper Big Branch family members - I can tell you for a fact that there are many other UBB families that encourage me to keep speaking out.


Hebrews 12:15 reveals that people who have hatred and bitterness towards others only end up creating problems for themselves and those around them. Bitterness is a condition of the heart. Bitter people tend to be self-righteous - hence they will give you a piece of their minds if you won't follow them. Bitterness affects every aspect of a person's life. Bitterness will even have an effect on someone's ability to accept the truth.


I am perplexed that there are those who are offended that I support Don Blankenship simply because they don't. But, there are 29 Coal Miners and 29 families, each with our own stories and each of us have the right to tell our own personal story. You may not agree or like Grover's story - but it is still his story - and it is the truth.


Yes, you did give me a piece of your minds. But, what HUFFPOST failed to mention in their article was that even though I was threatened and told to leave that I held my ground and "I didn't leave the Memorial Service". (see excerpt from the following article by Ron Gregory)


We stayed at the Memorial until the last journalist left. And, the only other people were two family members. We were told that we wouldn't be safe if we stayed after Manchin and the state police left. And, sure enough, as the last journalist left and we crossed the road to our car one of the two remaining family members yelled and said "you don't have any protection now".


Now, pause and think about that! Is that something you are proud of?


Again, I have no malice or anger towards anyone that day who tried to make me leave and I forgive them for everything they said or did. I can only feel sorry for you. If Grover were living he would tell me "Little Sister, just love and forgive them because they don't understand".


I know who I am and I know the truth. Your actions towards me that day only define who you are - not who I am.


The following articles by Andrew Colegrove & Ron Gregory are part of this post





WVVA Interview with Annie Moore


WVVA Interview with Annie Moore


In the interview with Annie Moore of WVVA in front of the UBB Memorial located near the mines in addition to Grover's own personal story I talk about backlash.





Text of Annie Moore Interview (source:




Register-Herald Interview with Jessica Farrish





Being interviewed by Jessica Farrish at the Beckley Town Hall Meeting



I'm including excerpts from the following article posted online by the Register-Herald at because in addition to Grover's story it speaks of the backlash that I am faced with because I support Don Blankenship. In other words, the UBB family members who gave me a piece of their minds at the Memorial Service on April 5, 2018 is just another example of the backlash I spoke about three months earlier.


The excerpts are as follows:


Blankenship and a few miners at the event Thursday said that MSHA, the federal agency responsible for both enforcing regulations and investigating mine safety events, was responsible for the ventilation plan that resulted in the deadly explosion. “I’m not anti-MSHA,” Blankenship said. “I just think these guys made a horrible mistake.” …..


A UBB longwall supervisor who had worked the shift prior to the explosion told the audience that MSHA had forced UBB operators to cut ventilation in half, even after UBB workers had protested the plan. He said MSHA would not approve a ventilation plan until UBB changed it to MSHA specifications.


Blankenship said that MSHA officials later tried to cover up wrongdoing by blaming UBB operators and the miners for the explosion …..


Gwen Thomas, sister of miner Grover Skeen, 57, who was killed at UBB, told The Register-Herald that she had tried to tell several government agencies, including MSHA Assistant District Manager Kevin Strickland, that her brother had believed the MSHA ventilation plan was faulty and that her statements were dismissed.


“Kevin Strickland hung up on me,” she said. “He called my house, and I said, ‘Grover wasn’t concerned about safety (at Massey),’ and he hung up on me.


I’ve gotten backlash,” she said.


Thomas, who said Skeens’ son did not accept her account of Skeens’ mindset at the time of his death, also charged that then - Gov. Joe Manchin’s office tried to prevent her from attending the UBB memorial service.


Thomas said the last words written in Skeens’ “prayer journal” on April 4, 2010, were “I like working for Massey.”


The journal was in his room at the Massey guest house, she said.


On his last trip to her house before the explosion, she said, Skeens told her he was scared to go back to work.


“My brother was afraid to go back because he said MSHA was changing the ventilation,” she said. “When he left, he walked into the laundry room and said, ‘I’m afraid to go back.’”


Thomas said Skeens, a spiritual, Christian man who donated a large portion of his money to others, lived at her house part-time and at the Massey guest house and had feared an explosion for months prior to the UBB event.


“He had actually prophesied to the coal miners that it was coming,” she said. “The Lord had shown him a year and a half before that it was going to happen, but when MSHA came in, he knew that was how it was going to happen,” she said. “He was a man of faith, and he had multiple dreams about being in an explosion.”





Post on ABC News' Merideth McGraw Intervie




Two UBB Miners Speak Out




Don Blankenship's Good Name


Don Blankenship’s Good Name


Proverbs 22:1-2 1 Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. 2 The rich and poor have this in common: The LORD made them both. (NLT)


According to Proverbs 22:1 a man of integrity understands that a good name has more value than great wealth. Sadly, this is a concept that Senator Joe Manchin doesn't understand. Rather, than commend Don Blankenship for wanting to do the righteous thing and clear his name, according to an article by By Carrie Hodousek in News | October 12, 2017 at 5:53PM - CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Senator Manchin "criticized" Don for using his wealth to clear his name as though Don was doing something wrong.


And, I commend Don for his willingness to spend so much on the ads, etc. because Don wants to restore the good name and reputation of the many good men who worked for him at UBB.


Verse 2 of Proverbs 22 also tells us something about Don's good character.


Proverbs 22:2 2 The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all. (KJV)


Proverbs 22:1-2 reveals how important a good reputation is to a man like Don and verse 2 explains why Don has helped so many people in need. It's because Don understands that the Lord is the Maker of us all. And, because the Lord is the maker of both the rich and the poor - both the rich and poor can be helpful to each other.


Senator Joe Manchin and others have accused Don of only being interested in money. Needless to say, if that were true Don wouldn't be spending money on the ads or giving the millions over the past years to the needy that he has.


Furthermore, Senator Manchin, who believes that Don's is spending his money "to go after" him - shouldn't think so highly of himself - because Don's focus is not on going after Manchin - his focus is on going after the truth. Senator Manchin, it's not all about you.


Going back to verse 2, if the rich and poor meet together and the Lord is the common bond between the rich and poor then that means it is God's will that the rich and poor live together and that both the rich and poor can be helpful to each other.


In fact, we need one another. If there were not poor people than where would the rich find anyone willing to labor for him. And, if there were not rich people, then who would be there to help the poor.


I can relate to Proverbs 22:2 because my father was able to provide for our family because of Armco Steel? Even when the miners were laid off Armco still took care of the coal miners and their families - Armco made sure that my father as well as all the other men who worked for them had food on their tables whether the coal mines was operating or not. And, Armco Steel made sure my father had a house for us to live in - a house that only cost my father $1 a year.


I'm including an Ad by Pastor Bostic who bears witness that Don Blankenship provided jobs for thousands and for over 30 years Don was always there to help the underprivileged children and elderly! Pastor Bostic understands what Senator Manchin does not.


It is God's will that the rich and the poor live together and that we are to help each other. In God's eyes both the rich and the poor are equally important to him and to society. Neither should despise the other.


In 2017 Don invited 500 children to be his guest at the Golden Corral for the holidays. And, in addition to dinner they all received a much needed winter coat. And, this is just one of many examples of Don's kindness and generosity and concern for the poor. And, many people have come forward to bear witness that Don has been helping the poor for over 30 years.


In addition to the article written by Carrie Hodousek published on October 12, 2017 I want to include the following excerpt from an article written by Dylan Brown, E&E News reporter published on October 11, 2017


"Blankenship opens wallet to clear his name, rattle Manchin. ….. Former coal magnate Don Blankenship, fresh out of prison for his role in the deadly Upper Big Branch mine explosion, says he is going to spend heavily to clear his name.".


Needless to say, Dylan Brown doesn't understand that Don is doing the righteous thing in opening his wallet to clear his name - but not to rattle Manchin.


It's a shame that they don't understand that what Don is doing is the righteous thing to do


"Generosity with Reverend Mike Bostic" Ad: In 1984 Don Blankenship formed a group to help Needy Children




Explanation: “Don Blankenship for Senate” also issued an explanation of the campaign’s ad. The ad features Pastor Mike Bostic expressing his feelings about Don Blankenship’s three decades of positive engagement to help the less fortunate in West Virginia.


Blankenship is known to have done more for needy children in West Virginia than most any other individual. His contributions for the benefit of children alone (both corporate and personal) total in the millions and millions of dollars. He is most noted for the building of children’s playgrounds and for providing gifts and food packages for thousands of children including the Christmas just passed. Blankenship first began providing food and gifts for children at Christmas time in 1984 and he has done so every year for 33 years.


Among Blankenship’s creative approaches to helping needy children was a “Spousal Group.” The “Spousal Group” was primarily the wives of company employees who wrapped and delivered gifts to needy children at Christmas time and to the elderly in nursing homes at Easter. He also funded a facility building for the elderly and a gymnasium for the Catholic Church. He has also provided scholarship funds for children through Churches in West irginia as well as having funded numerous athletic teams and events.


Explanation: “Don Blankenship for Senate” also issued an explanation of the campaign’s ad. The ad features Pastor Mike Bostic expressing his feelings about Don Blankenship’s three decades of positive engagement to help the less fortunate in West Virginia.


Blankenship is known to have done more for needy children in West Virginia than most any other individual. His contributions for the benefit of children alone (both corporate and personal) total in the millions and millions of dollars. He is most noted for the building of children’s playgrounds and for providing gifts and food packages for thousands of children including the Christmas just passed. Blankenship first began providing food and gifts for children at Christmas time in 1984 and he has done so every year for 33 years.


Among Blankenship’s creative approaches to helping needy children was a “Spousal Group.” The “Spousal Group” was primarily the wives of company employees who wrapped and delivered gifts to needy children at Christmas time and to the elderly in nursing homes at Easter. He also funded a facility building for the elderly and a gymnasium for the Catholic Church. He has also provided scholarship funds for children through Churches in West Virginia as well as having funded numerous athletic teams and events.


Blankenship also spent hundreds of thousands of his own money advocating for the elimination of the West Virginia sales tax on food. An effort that ultimately raised public awareness of the issue to the point that the West Virginia legislature eliminated the tax. The elimination of the food tax saves West Virginia families an estimated $200 million dollars each year


Blankenship has also been an active donor to the National Right to Life organization. He is also proud to have led the effort to defeat former West Virginia Supreme Court Judge Warren McGraw in 2004. The Judge had permitted the release of a convicted pedophile from prison and had not only allowed but ordered that the pedophile work at a school. Once released the pedophile was later arrested again for possession of drugs and traveling with another 16 year old minor while on probation.


Blankenship considers children to be the most helpless victims of Senator Manchin’s failures in the Senate. Don hopes to increase public awareness that children must be the first focus of government else we all lose our dignity and our right to claim we are a compassionate and caring people.




Grover's Last Name is Prophetic




Grover's last name "Skeens" is Prophetic and is a Reflection of Grover's Walk with the Lord.


The New Testament was originally written in Greek and the writer of Hebrews used the analogy of a “skene,” the Greek word for a tent or tabernacle, to describe the “true tabernacle” which the Lord pitched (Hebrews 8:2). Likewise, Luke also used skene for the tabernacle with its tent, a type of the true tabernacle,

that the Israelites carried with them through the wilderness (Acts 7:44).


The word Skene, which is the original spelling of our Scottish surname Skeens, is a reference to Tabernacle of God and in these two pictures Grover is pictured standing at the Western Wall and outside the Damascus Gate. The Western Wall is all that is left of the Biblical Tabernacle and it is standing where the Third Temple will be built.


Scripture reveals that the Lord used earthly things as examples to explain spiritual truths. And so it was with Grover and coal mining. However, in addition to coal mining, the Lord used many other things in Grover’s life to teach him certain Biblical principles.


While many refer to the 29 coal miners who died in the UBB explosion as “Fallen Coal Miners,” it should be obvious to anyone who has read the accounts of Grover’s life that he was anything other than a fallen coal miner. He would never want to be remembered in that way.


To think in terms of Grover as a fallen miner would be to miss the whole point of his life.


First and foremost, Grover would want to be remembered for his walk with the LORD, whether it was as a coal miner or in his own personal life and ministry. However, it is his personal ministry outside the coalfields that I want to draw attention to in this section.


Grover’s Name: In the Bible, names were often indicative of a person’s character or nature and that was certainly the case with Grover surname "Skeens" which means "Tent of God". The spiritual meaning of Grover’s last name is a true reflection of Grover’s love for the Lord and the Lord’s love for Grover.


The Spiritual meaning behind the surname “Skene” which is the original spelling of our last name Skeens: Many years ago, the LORD gave me the understanding that my maiden name of Skeens was spiritually significant and that He wanted me to know this spiritual meaning. This is not to say that the spiritual significance of the name Skene or Skeens would apply to all Skeens’, as not all are Spirit-led Christians. Rather, many are carnal Christians who are led by their carnal, worldly nature without a witness unto the Lord. However, I do know that Grover’s last name was characteristic of Grover’s walk with the Lord


Skeens is a variation of our Scottish name, “Skene,” from which we trace our ancestry. Moreover, it has a specific Scriptural meaning – as the Greek word “skene” refers to the habitation, tent or tabernacle of God


Again, the New Testament was originally written in Greek and the writer of Hebrews used the analogy of a “skene,” the Greek word for a tent or tabernacle, to describe the “true tabernacle” which the Lord pitched (Hebrews 8:2). Likewise, Luke also used skene for the tabernacle with its tent, a type of the true tabernacle, that the Israelites carried with them through the wilderness (Acts 7:44).


Grover’s last name of Skeens is a reflection of his Witness unto the Lord: Given that Acts 1:8 reveals that we are to be a witness unto the Lord and as the Apostle Paul compared our bodies, our earthly house, to a skene, a tent or tabernacle (2 Corinthians 5:1, 4), one can say that Grover’s last name of Skeens is a reflection of his witness unto the Lord. Just as the Israelites picked up the “tent of witness” and took it wherever they went, Grover was always a witness unto the Lord wherever he went.


The Greek word skene, meaning tent, reminds us of the Old Testament tabernacle that could be dismantled and carried along wherever the Israelites sojourned and after reaching each new destination, they would “pitch the tent” once again. The tent was a reminder to the Israelites that the presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob traveled with them as they traveled.


In this sense, when Grover traveled back and forth between his home in Virginia and the mines, or to Jerusalem or to a restaurant or wherever – one could say that Grover picked up his tent and upon reaching his destination, he pitched his tent. Whether Grover was picking up his tent or pitching his tent, he knew that the presence of God was always with him. That’s why Grover was always talking about the Lord – because he was always aware of God’s presence in his life, just as the Israelites were. Grover was truly a witness unto Jesus Christ – Grover never stopped talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And as part of his witness unto the Lord, wherever Grover pitched his tent he was always helping the poor and needy.


Acts 7:44 speaks of the “Tent of Witness” or depending on the translation, the “Tabernacle of Witness”. Just as the tent of witness was the visible witness or proof of God’s presence with the Israelites, Grover’s witness unto the LORD was proof of God’s presence with him. Needless to say, Grover was indeed a “Tent of Witness” as Grover took his witness unto the LORD from place to place, for Grover understood that the worship of the LORD was not confined to a church building or just one place.


The tent of witness was evidence of God’s relationship to the Israelites and so it was with Grover. The “Tent of Witness,” when using the Greek word “skene” for tent, can also be understood as the “Skene of Witness”. Just as the Israelites had their “tent of witness” – Grover had his “tent (Skene) of witness”.


Whether Grover was picking up his skene (tent) and traveling or pitching his skene (tent), God was Grover’s guide throughout his life’s journey. As Psalm 48:14 reveals, the Lord was Grover’s guide even unto death when Grover folded up his skene (tent). And, just as Job 29:4 reveals that the blessing of God was upon Job’s tent, so it was with Grover. He was known for telling everyone that he was “Heavenly Blessed” whenever he was asked how he was doing.


The Origin of the Family Name Skene: According to Scottish history, the Skeens family name is linked to a forest. This too was prophetic as the name Grover as well as Skeens is a reference to a grove of trees, not because of the forest itself, but because of what happened in a forest around the year AD 1110. And, it was happened among a grove of trees that a Scottish king changed my forefather’s name from Robertson to Skene (Skeens).


At the time, my forefather’s last name was Robertson. This Robertson saved the life of the king of Scotland from the attack of a ravenous wolf using a “skene”, (skene being the word for an Irish dagger) to kill the wolf. After this heroic deed, the king changed Robertson’s name from Robertson to Skene, as it was a skene that my forefather used to kill the wolf.


Keeping in mind that Jesus used everyday examples to teach spiritual truths, then we need to ask what the LORD wanted to teach Grover’s forefather when he saved the king from the savage wolf.


The answer can be found in Matthew 10:16 when Jesus said, Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. As it was with our forefather, so it was with Grover.


Grover folded up his tent: With the Biblical understanding that names often revealed certain characteristics about people and considering Grover’s walk with the Lord, it’s not surprising that Grover’s last name takes on a spiritual meaning. Nor is it surprising that God made Grover aware of the spiritual understanding of the name Skeens before Grover folded up his earthly tent on April 5th, 2010 in exchange for his heavenly tent.


2 Corinthians 5 1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.


Furthermore, the writer of Hebrews refers to the heavenly tabernacle as the “true” tent (or skene): Hebrews 8 2 A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.


Grover would want to be known for his ministry, not because he was in ministry, but “why” he was in ministry. He was in ministry because of his love for the Lord, and Grover wanted everyone to just love the Lord! He wanted everyone to praise the Lord because He was the great I AM!


God’s Timing: Grover was part of our home church and because of his love for the Lord, in October 2009 Grover went with me to Israel. The Lord had spoken to Grover about the things He would bring about in Grover’s life during this trip. As we know, those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed and the ministry that came forth in Israel in which he took part had a profound and lasting effect on Grover’s life. Moreover, as Grover touched other’s lives, the Lord touched Grover’s life.


In preparation for our trip, the Lord quickened us to Psalm 48, which reveals that the Lord would be our Tour Guide and that this would be a trip of a lifetime. Indeed, it was for Grover, for reasons that only Grover could have fully explained.


And, in addition to being our tour guide, Psalm 48:14 also reveals that the Lord will be our guide even unto death – and so it was with Grover.


Psalm 48:14 – For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death.


As Matthew Henry stated in his commentary on verse 14 of Psalm 48: “Let us triumph in God, and in the assurances we have of His everlasting lovingkindness. Tell this to the generation following; transmit this truth as a sacred deposit to your posterity, That this God, who has now done such great things for us, is our God forever and ever; He is constant and unchangeable in His love to us and care for us.


If God be our God, He is ours forever, not only through all the ages of time, but to eternity; for it is the everlasting blessedness of glorified saints that God Himself will be with them and will be their God. If He be our God, He will be our guide, our faithful constant guide, to show us our way and to lead us in it; He will be so, even unto death, which will be the period of our way, and will bring us to our rest.


He will lead and keep us even to the last.


He will be our guide above death …


He will so guide us as to set us above the reach of death, so that it shall not be able to do us any real hurt.


He will be our guide beyond death …


He will conduct us safely to a happiness on the other side death, to a life in which there shall be no more death.


If we take the Lord for our God, He will conduct and convey us safely to death, through death, and beyond death, down to death and up again to glory.”


And, so it was with Grover, the Lord was Grover's guide even unto death when Grover folded up his skene (tent) and went home to be with the Lord!




Steve Ruby Charged with Aggravated DUI


Steve Ruby Charged with Aggravated DUI





I sent the below letter to Judge Anne B. Charnock of the Charleston Municipal Court, who forwarded my letter to the Kanawha County Magistrate Court. My letter was in response to an incident involving former U.S. Assistant District Attorney Steve Ruby, who was the lead prosecuting attorney in Mr. Blankenship's criminal trial.


According to several news articles, on December 19, 2018 Steve Ruby, who is now in private practice, was arrested in Charleston, WV for "Aggravated DUI," a very serious misdemeanor. Should he be found guilty, I made the case that Mr. Ruby should receive the maximum sentence that the law allows using the same reasoning and words that Mr. Ruby used in recommending maximum sentencing of Mr. Blankenship in his misdemeanor conviction. As can be seen in my letter, I did not ask this for any other reason than for equal justice and accountability under the law, the two critical principles that foster respect for the law.


Following is my letter dated December 31, 2018 to the Honorable Judge Anne B. Charnock.


Dear Judge Charnock:


My name is Gwen Thomas and my brother Grover Skeens, who lived with me for the last seven years of his life, was one of the 29 coal miners that died in the UBB explosion on April 5, 2010.


As a family member I attended several days of Don Blankenship's trial and anyone who followed Mr. Blankenship's trial is familiar with the name Steve Ruby.


Which brings me to why I am writing this letter. According to several news articles - on December 19, 2018 Steve Ruby was arrested for "Aggravated DUI". My understanding is that his case will be handled in your court room. If not, I would appreciate it if you would forward this letter to the appropriate Judge.


As I read the news articles I couldn't help but reflect back to the comments made by Mr. Ruby on the day Mr. Blankenship was sentenced. Even though Mr. Ruby probably didn't understand it, or probably didn't mean for it to be, on the day that Mr. Blankenship was sentenced, Mr. Ruby set the bar for the day he would face sentencing for violating the "Safety Laws" that were meant to protect the safety of all men, women and children on the highway from drunk drivers.


The irony is that Mr. Ruby had unwittingly spoken words which would prove to be a foreshadowing of what would eventually come to pass in his own personal life. Mr. Ruby's words had more of a personal application to his own personal life than he probably realized - that is until his arrest for an Aggravated DUI on December 19, 2018.


Mr. Ruby's own words bear witness that the court should hold him to the highest of standards and that he himself should demand to receive the maximum sentence for the "Aggravated DUI".


Why? Because, on the day Mr. Blankenship was sentenced, Steve Ruby was adamant that Mr. Blankenship should receive the maximum the court could hand down - and it was at that point in time - whether he knew it or not - Mr. Ruby set the bar for himself.


Mr. Ruby's own words bear witness that he should be judged according to the same manner he asked Judge Berger to judge Mr. Blankenship: to the fullest of the law. And, likewise Mr. Ruby should receive the maximum the law allows.


Matthew 7:2-5 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. 3 “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? 4 How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. NLT


Not much has changed since Matthew 7:2-5 was written over two thousand years ago. All too often people like Steve Ruby are guilty of the very thing they accuse others of.


For example, Steve Ruby accused Mr. Blankenship of "willfully" violating mine safety laws that were meant to protect coal miners - yet Steve Ruby "willfully" violated road safety laws that were meant to protect motorists from people who drive under the influence of alcohol.


Mr. Ruby claimed that the coal miners felt they would lose their jobs if they didn't violate safety laws. But, surely Steve Ruby didn't have to drink and drive in order to keep his job and feed his family. Surely no one required Mr. Ruby to violate the safety laws of the road that put his life and the lives of others in danger because he needed to keep his job.


More to the point: How can someone accuse others of "willfully" violating safety laws when they overlook the greater fault that lies with them - or the potential that lies within them. The greater fault was that Ruby didn't have to drive under the influence of alcohol to keep his job or feed his family - he just simply chose to.


In an article written by Ken Ward on April 5, 2016 he included the following quote made by Steve Ruby:


"The mine safety laws, it is said with good reason, are written in coal miners' blood".


Well, I'm sure that a prominent lawyer like Mr. Ruby of all people is well aware of the fact that "the drunk driving laws, and it is said with good reason, are written in the blood of every innocent man, woman and child that died on the highway at the hands of motorists driving under the influence of alcohol!


As an attorney, especially one touted as a "Prominent" West Virginia attorney - the West Virginia courts should hold Steve Ruby to the highest of standards because when he got into his car Mr. Ruby "willfully" chose to get behind the wheel of his vehicle - he "willfully" chose to operate his vehicle while driving under the influence of alcohol. In essence Mr. Ruby willfully chose to break the law rather than uphold the very law that was meant to protect innocent men, women and children from people like Mr. Ruby who "willfully" drive under the influence of alcohol!


Hopefully, the courts will hold Mr. Ruby, considered one of West Virginia's "Prominent" lawyers, to the highest of standards because of his knowledge of the law.


But, back to day Mr. Blankenship was sentenced. Following are excerpts from three news article of comments made by Mr. Ruby on the day Mr. Blankenship was sentenced.


To begin with:


First Article: Excerpts from Reuters: Article by Kara Van Pelt on December 3, 2015


Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Ruby said the core of the case dealt with violation of mine safety laws.



“It is a misdemeanor but a critical part of justice is accountability. The fact we were able to obtain that kind of justice today is a great victory,” he said.


Second Article: Excerpts from WCHS/WVAH: Article by Bob Aaron and Jeffrey Morris


Blankenship was convicted Dec. 3 of a misdemeanor conspiracy to willfully violate mine safety standards at Upper Big Branch Mine


At the sentencing, Steve Ruby, the assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted Blankenship's case, issued a strong statement.


"Breaking mine safety laws kills coal miners," Ruby said. "If the judge doesn't impose the maximum sentence it will show that is a good gamble for a CEO to take."


Ruby said if the maximum sentence of one year of prison and a $250,000 sentence is not imposed, "the justice system is not taken seriously."


Third Article: Excerpts from Remembering - and forgetting - Upper Big Branch: Article by Ken Ward Jr. on April 5 2016


But what Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Ruby outlined in his sentencing memo to Judge Berger is also true:



We have known for a very long time what makes coal mines explode. We have known for a very long time how to prevent it. And, sadly, we have known for a very long time that some mine operators will ignore these hard-learned lessons until the law compels them to take notice. The mine safety laws, it is said with good reason, are written in coal miners’ blood.


End of Excerpts


It really is all very simple! Steve Ruby, broke the safety laws of the highway that endanger the lives of others and he should be judged in the same manner he asked the court to judge Mr. Blankenship who according to Mr. Ruby broke mine safety laws that kills coal miners. Mr. Ruby demanded that the court sentence Mr. Blankenship to the fullest. And, Mr. Ruby should be judged by these same standards.


Mr. Ruby accused Mr. Blankenship of breaking mine safety laws that kills coal miners - well when Mr. Ruby broke the safety laws and chose to drive his motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol wasn't he putting the lives of other motorists on the highway in jeopardy. In essence Mr. Ruby was a threat to society. The risk of having a traffic accident or getting into a fatal crash increases with a higher BAC - and according to the news articles I have read Mr. Ruby's level of alcohol was more than double what it should have been.


Mr. Ruby should be held accountable and receive the maximum sentence for "Aggravated DUI" because according to Mr. Ruby "a critical part of justice is accountability"!


On the day Mr. Ruby is sentenced - if one applies Mr. Ruby's own advice to his own sentencing - then if the judge doesn't impose the maximum sentence it will show that is a good gamble for a drunk driver to take.


And, if we believe Mr. Ruby when he told the judge that if the maximum sentence of one year of prison and a $250,000 sentence was not imposed - the justice system is not taken seriously - then if Mr. Ruby does not receive the maximum sentence for an aggravated DUI then the justice system is not taken seriously. And, I would hope that as a "Prominent" attorney Mr. Ruby would want the justice system that he represents to be taken seriously.


U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin said. “It doesn’t matter how rich you are, or how powerful you are — if you gamble with the safety of the people who work for you, you will be held accountable.” Surely, Mr. Goodwin would be one of the first to agree that Mr. Ruby gambled with the safety of the people on the highway and I would hope that Mr. Goodwin would agree that Mr. Ruby should be held accountable to the fullest of the law.


Those, like Mr. Ruby, who are in a position of prosecuting people who break the laws of the land, in this case, putting the lives of other people at risk should "know" one's own character and make the right decisions in one's own life before judging others of the very things they are guilty of - or have the potential to be guilty of!


How can Mr. Ruby say to a Coal Operator take the spec out of his eye when all the time there is a plank in Mr. Ruby's eye. How can an attorney who has been arrested for Aggravated DUI say to a coal operator that he is guilty of violating safety laws that put the lives of others at risk - when the night he was arrested he was the one who was putting his life as well as the lives of innocent people at risk?


Without a doubt, Mr. Ruby is well known for successfully prosecuting Mr. Blankenship. However, after being arrested with Aggravated DUI hopefully, Steve Ruby will remember that he is guilty of what he accused Mr. Blankenship of - willfully putting the lives of innocent men, women and children at risk and never again open his mouth against Mr. Blankenship, because of his own disgrace.


Having a total disregard for the safety of others on the highway is Mr. Ruby's own characteristic failing. Mr. Ruby should be judged in the same way he judged Mr. Blankenship - to the fullest of the law that is allowed for Aggravated DUI! To settle for less would be a reflection of a man utterly incompetent to show the way of life to others when he himself traveled on a path that leads to death.


I would think that Mr. Ruby would welcome the opportunity to correct his faults. Surely, Mr. Ruby would not even think of the court dropping the charges from "Aggravated DUI" to a lesser DUI.


And, I might point out that Mr. Blankenship was not in the mines or near the property when the UBB coal mines exploded. On the other hand, Steve Ruby was literally there - he was arrested on the highway for drinking and driving.


Not all 29 family members believe that Mr. Ruby nor Mr. Goodwin were heroes when they prosecuted Mr. Blankenship because many of us believe that Mr. Blankenship was prosecuted purely for political reasons.


Who is the real hero? Those like Mr. Blankenship who are willing to do whatever it takes to bring the truth - the whole truth about what caused the explosion at UBB to light - he is the real Hero!


The law demands justice and on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 our Lawmakers stood in the House of Representatives and demanded the justice for the 29 Coal Miners, their families and the coal mining community! They expressed their determination to get to the bottom of what caused the explosion at UBB because they felt they owed it to their families and co-workers. The Lawmakers expressed their determination to hold accountable those who failed our miners - they made a pledge to work with the Federal agencies tasked to investigate UBB to determine the cause and take the appropriate actions. They seemed to understand that if they were to properly ensure the future safety of the coal and miners and to ensure the strength of the coal mining industry they must be determined to find the cause. (Enclosed are pages 1, 32-36 from Vol. 156 No. 52 of the Congressional Record dated Wednesday, April 14, 2010)


According to the Congressional Record Congressman Rahall even invoked the name of God declaring “We will hold accountable those who failed our miners, so help me God”.


They all sounded like our heroes - however they never kept their promises.


We all know that it's wrong for government and former government employees to be treated more favorably by the courts than every day citizens. But, we feel that instead of being held accountable - they were shown favoritism. And, one only has to read the newspapers or listen to the news to know that the public is becoming more and more aware and concerned of the courts showing favoritism.


Mr. Ruby displayed his favoritism to government employees when he refused to investigate the illicit actions of MSHA government workers and hopefully, as Mr. Ruby's Judge, you will not turn a blind eye to his criminal activity. Public trust in the legal system is being destroyed and if Mr. Ruby is not given the maximum sentence because of his status as a former government prosecutor and prominent attorney it will be further eroded. It will also appear to the public that when Mr. Ruby refused to prosecute MSHA government employees for criminal activity he was just following the normal practice in our country. In order to avoid this public perception Mr. Ruby must be given the maximum sentence.


Having said all that, I know that there are many within our legal system that do believe in justice and will uphold the law.


And, it's because of the upright within our legal system that I still have faith in the court system and believe that in due time the whole truth concerning the explosion at UBB will come to light. That someday our government will thoroughly investigate, disciple and render to everyone that is responsible for the explosion at UBB that is due them.


And, like many others, I too hope that the day will come when Mr. Blankenship will be exonerated.


Judge Charnock, thank you for taking the time to read this letter. It is greatly appreciated.




Gwen Thomas


cc: Mr. Kennie Bass, WCHS News, Charleston, WV




· Pages 1, 32-36 from Vol. 156 No. 52 of the Congressional Record dated Wednesday, April 14, 2010


· Copy of "Respect For Law" an Address delivered on August 31, 1921 by the Honorable Harry Daugherty, Attorney General of the United States


· Copies of the three news articles mentioned in the above

My letter forwarded to the Kanawha County Magistrate Court








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