Chapter 3:  The Day I was Conceived is Prophetic


Just as my Maiden Surname "Skeens" (Skene) is Prophetic

The Day I was Conceived is Prophetic


Even though Scripture reveals that the day we are conceived is determined by the Lord - until October 2015 I never gave it any thought about the day I was conceived.  Genesis 18:10; Genesis 21:1-2; Genesis 30:2, 22-23; Genesis 25:21.  That is until October 2105. 


Scripture reveals that the Lord will use those things in the natural that we can relate to - to convey a spiritual truth.  And, so it is with the day I was conceived. 


In October 2015 while I was in my room at the Mount Zion Hotel in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles the Lord gave me the understanding that there was a spiritual aspect to the day I was conceived - specifically Israel's 1948 "War of Independence" and the day that Israel's "Harel Brigade of the Palmach" took back the Biblical Mount Zion and the Western Wall on May 18, 1948


And, interestingly, during the War of Independence the Israeli Army took up a station in the rooms of what is now known as the Mount Zion Hotel.  And, it was from here that they


At that same time the Lord quickened me to put the date of my birth into a chart that I found online that is used to calculate the approximate date of conception.  I was amazed, because according to the chart if I was born on February 12, 1949 then the approximate date of my conception would be between May 18, 1948 to May 26, 1948.


You can imagine my surprise when May 18, 1948, the same day, month and year that Israel's "Harel Brigade of the Palmach" successfully conquered Mount Zion and the Western Wall, the only thing left of the Biblical Temple, from their enemies was linked to the first date reflected on the chart that I found online to calculate the approximate date of my conception.  Needless to say, the entire week of May 18 through May 26, 1948 was key to the success of Israel's "War of Independence".  (A copy of the Date of Conception Calendar and my birth certificate are included in this section as well as documentation confirming the date Israel re-took Mount Zion).


In my spirit I always knew that the Lord had called me to Jerusalem however I was surprised when the Lord confirmed my calling to Jerusalem with multiple signs - the date of my conception was only one of several.


Not only does the Lord determine when we are conceived according to Psalm 139:13-16 the Lord also watches over us as we are formed in our mother's womb which is interesting because while I was still being formed in the womb - in December of 1948 Israel's war for Independence was still on-going.  In essence the new nation of Israel was still being formed. 


Even though the Israelis conquered much of Mount Zion in May of 1948 Jordan was still able to hold the walls of the Old City which made it impossible for the Israelis to get the much needed supplies and troops up the mountain to the Old City to tend to and evacuate the wounded on Mount Zion


However, that all changed when the Israeli Army established an outpost in the present day Mount Zion Hotel.


And, this brings me to the link between the present day Mount Zion Hotel, which at the time was the St. John's Eye Clinic built and run by the Order of the Knights of St. John's of Jerusalem that overlooks Jerusalem's Old City and the Biblical Mount Zion geographically located inside the Old City of Jerusalem.


It's important to keep in mind that in 1948 at the time the Israeli Army established an outpost in  the present day Mount Zion Hotel it was an Eye Clinic that was built by the Order of the Knights of St. John's of Jerusalem whose presence in Jerusalem dates all the way back to the twelfth century when some Skene's were Knights of the Order of St. John's of Jerusalem.  As far back as the twelfth century the Skene's in Scotland oversaw lands that were owned by the Knights of the Order of St. John's of Jerusalem that had a clinic inside the Old City which meant some of our direct ancestors were Knights and as such they would have made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem as early as the twelfth century.


Knights of St. John's of Jerusalem not only provided the much needed and free medical care for those living in Jerusalem they also shared the Gospel of Jesus to whoever came to their clinic. 


For me personally, that is profound because where I stay when I'm in Jerusalem is  part of my spiritual heritage that links me to Jerusalem.


As background on the connection between the present day Mount Zion Hotel and the Biblical Mount Zion geographically located inside the Old City of Jerusalem I'm including the following excerpts from two articles concerning the "Cable Car Museum" that is housed in the Mount Zion Hotel that was an outpost of the Israeli Army during the 1948 War of Independence. 


Excerpts from the first article ""Mt. Zion Cable Car" posted by Yael Adar is as follows:


It was a military secret until 1972, when its very existence was first revealed.


During the War of Independence, fire from Arab League forces, made it impossible to reach the positions on Mt. Zion. These served as the forward position in the defense of southwest Jerusalem. At the time, a tunnel linked Mt. Zion with the Yemin Moshe neighborhood (in the western part of the city). The tunnel was very narrow and an alternative method was needed to evacuate the wounded and bring supplies to the soldiers on Mt. Zion.


Uriel Jefetz designed this unique cable car. While it was only in use for half a year the IDF maintained it in working order from 1948 until 1967, should the need for it ever arise. The Harel Brigade conquered Mt. Zion on May 18, 1948.


The cable car spanned 200 yards/meters and was in use only at night. During the day it was lowered into the valley, so that the enemy could not detect it. A trip in this cable car only lasted two minutes Suspended 50 yards/meters above the Ben Hinom Valley it had a maximum load of 5500 pounds (250 kilos) and linked the Israeli position on Mt. Zion with the Israeli position at St. John Hospital (a clinic for eye diseases). The hospital was built in 1882 under the auspices of the Duke of Kent (of the Order of St. John).


The site is maintained as a small museum and you can see the authentic cable car (the car is authentic, although the cable has been restored) as well as a good view of Mt. Zion.


Jefetz was Commander of the I.Z.L.’s (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Engineering Corps. He was awarded the Israel Security Prize and received a number of the IDF’s highest commendations for his participation in the Yom Kippur Was and the terrorist siege at Maalot.  …..


Excerpts from the second article "The Cable Car Museum" was posted by the "East Jerusalem Development Ltd" and is as follows:


In December 1948, Uriel Hefetz conceived the idea of an airlift (“Avshalom route” in the military code), connecting Mount Zion with the western part of Jerusalem. During the War of Independence, the goal of the cable car was to connect and transport food and equipment to the defenders of Mount Zion during the siege.


The plan included a 200 m long steel cable stretching over the Ben Hinnom Valley, connecting the Israeli post at St. John’s Hospital (Bethlehem Road, nowadays – near the Cinematheque) to the Mount Zion post. The maximum height of the cable car above the valley was about 50 meters. A 250-kilogram during freight trolley was attached to the cable and it was stretched out every night and lowered at morning to Ben Hinnom Valley so it won’t get shot down by the Jordanian snipers.


The cable car museum is located on Hebron Road 17, between the Cinematheque and Mount Zion Hotel, at the building from which the cable car was operated. Exhibitions and photographs from this area are presented, the entrance is from Mount Zion Hotel, free of charge.


The Lord had already revealed to me that the etymology of my maiden name "Skeens" (Skene) is a reference to His Temple - as the Greek word for "dwelt" in John 1:14 is "skene".  And, now the realization that the Lord determined that the day of my conception was to coincide with the same day, month and year that the Israeli's captured Mount Zion where the Lord told Solomon that He would put His name forever (1 Kings 9:3) and where the new Temple that Ezekiel spoke of will be built (Ezekiel 40) was such an encouragement in my walk with Him. 


Mount Zion Hotel:  Needless to say, the spiritual aspects to the Mount Zion Hotel, where I stay when I am in Jerusalem is profound.  Because it was from the very rooms that Rocklyn and I stay in that the Israeli military, unbeknown to their enemies, set up camp and during the night they were able to take supplies in to the Old City of Jerusalem and bring the wounded out without the enemy detecting them.


The "Cable Car Museum" is a unique museum that has three rooms and includes historic photographs and the original car - only the cable line itself has been restored.  


And, it was then that I realized why the Lord had been quickening me to Scriptures concerning my conception. The Lord used the day I was conceived to convey a spiritual aspect of my life as it relates to the "Feast of Tabernacles", the Tent that Moses built in the wilderness, the Temple that Solomon built and the new Temple that is yet to be built that Ezekiel spoke of in Ezekiel 40.

I have been blessed the eleven times that I have already been to Jerusalem.  And, what a joy and blessing that once again this year (2019) I will be going back to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles alongside the Jewish people as well as the many many people that come every year from every nation to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.  How blessed, that once again I will bbe able to stand on Mount Zion where His Name is and where the new Temple will be built.


I'm amazed that the Lord determined that the Day I was conceived was the same month, day and year that the Israelis took back Mount Zion and the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem in their 1948 War of Independence.  Needless to say, this is just another spiritual aspect of my maiden name Skeens. 


Generational Blessings:  Needless to say, the close connection between my maiden name and Tabernacles is both Generational and Prophetic and is one of the reasons that the Lord has opened the door for me to go to Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles - as there is a Kingdom purpose - the same Kingdom purpose that my spirit led forefathers and relatives walked in. 


Following is a copy of my Birth Certificate and the chart "When Was I Conceived".  And following these two documents are pictures of the "Cable Car Museum" located on the other side of the room where I stay when I'm in Jerusalem.




Again, according to the calculations as shown on the following "Date of Conception Calendar," if I was born on February 12, 1949 then I was conceived sometime during the week of May 18 - May 26, 1948.  And, given that the Lord quickened me all this - I know that I was conceived on May 18, 1949 - the same week and month that "Mount Zion" was retaken by the "Harel Brigade of the Palmach".




This Plaque is part of the "Cable Car Museum" which is located in the "historical" section of  "Mount Zion Hotel" and is actually displayed on the outer wall of room 718, which is the room I stay in.   Needless to say, it was and is the Lord's will for me to stay in this historical part of the Mount Zion Hotel.  



18.5.48 is referring to the date of May 18, 1948 - when the Biblical Mount Zion was conquered by the Israeli army - and the date I was conceived.


During Israel's War of Independence, the Jewish Quarter located in Jerusalem's Old City was under siege by the Jordanian Army.  And, it was from inside a room of the old "Ophtalmic Hospital" built by the Order of the Knights of Jerusalem that the Israeli Army set up a secret cable to transport the much needed supplies to those under seige and transport the wounded from the Old City back to the now vacated "Ophtalmic Hospital" which is now known as "Mount Zion Hotel.  And, the "Cable Car Museum" is a Memorial to that part of Israel's history.


And, this cable that still runs from "Mount Zion Hotel" across the Hinnom Valley all the way up to the Old City of Jerusalem is symbolic of the Believing Jew and Believing Gentile becoming one.  Because, Scripture tells us that together, the Believing Jews and the Believing Gentiles are being built into a Holy Temple for the Lord.  Ephesians 2:14-22


The "Cable Car Museum" is a unique museum that has three rooms and includes historic photographs and the original car - only the cable line itself has been restored.  




The "Cable" that is connected to the Cable Car located on the other side of room 718 which is the room I stay in at "Mount Zion Hotel" runs across Hinnom Valley to Biblical Mount Zion itself.  In other words, this particular cable "spiritually" connects the part of the hotel that I stay in at Mount Zion Hotel to the Biblical Mt. Zion itself.


And, it's important to note that the part of the hotel I stay in is the old "historical" section of the hotel and is actually separated from the main part of the hotel by a courtyard. 


What a Blessing that the Lord intervened and had the Hotel staff to upgrade me to this section and particular room.


These two pictures are of the courtyard just outside my room and the only ones that would have a reason to use this courtyard are those who stay in either of the two room located in this sections of the hotel - as this old section of the hotel is away from the main hotel.



The Cable Car to Mt. Zion:  When the British departed Mandate Palestine, both the Jews and Arabs were left to defend the territory already held and take additional turf. One strategic point was Mount Zion, which the Harel Brigade of the Palmach captured on 18 May 1948.  And, even though they were not able to keep their hold on the Jewish Quarter - the Jewish forces were able to retain their foothold on Mount Zion. The question now became how to bring supplies to the Jewish Quarter on Mount Zion & evacuate the sick without being exposed to Arab gunfire. 


And, in December 1948 Uriel Hefetz, later to serve as a senior officer in the IDF Engineering Corps, proposed a steel cable suspended 165 feet above the Valley of Hinnon. The cars that took much needed supplies to the Jewish Quarter still under siege & bring others out could make the trip in two minutes.



One end of the cable was on Mount Zion; the other end was in the abandoned St. John’s Ophthalmic Hospital which is now the "Mount Zion Hotel" where I stay.  For six months the cable was raised at night then lowered before daybreak, so the operation would go undetected. Until 1972 the cable car was kept in readiness in case its operation would once again become necessary. Eventually, the operations room and one of the cars have become a museum.


The above is a picture of  the "Cable Car Museum" and it's significant that the "Cable Car Museum" is actually located between rooms 717 & 718 - which are the two rooms that Rocklyn and I stay in at the Mt. Zion Hotel.  And, the "Cable" that is connected to the Cable Car actually runs across Hinnom Valley all the way to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to the Biblical Mount Zion itself.  In other words, this particular cable "spiritually" connects the part of the hotel that we stay in at Mount Zion Hotel to the Biblical Mt. Zion itself. 




The Cable Car just outside the window of the Mt. Zion Hotel is suspended on the cable that runs across Hinnom Valley up to the Biblical Mount Zion in the Old City of Jerusalem.


A larger picture of the window at Mount Zion Hotel that the

cable and cable car extends from



The window to the right is the inside of the

window as shown above












In this picture I am going down a set of stairs and as you see I will immediately start up another set of stairs.  I have just left the rooms where Rocklyn (my spiritual son) and I stay and I am on my way to the dining room and Lobby area of the hotel.  This picture shows how our rooms & the Cable Car Museum are set apart from the main hotel.



Following are three more documents that further confirms my name and date of birth as well as other documentation on the "History of Mount Zion Hotel" and the "Cable Car Museum"














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