The Book of Skene



The "Book of Skene" is a Living Book - it is a Book with no Ending


We are counted among the "Living Stones" that God is using to Build His Spiritual House


To all my sons and daughters, beloved of God who have been called to serve the Lord, we are counted among the Living Stones that God is using to build His Spiritual House.  Each and every spiritual son and daughter of the "House of Skene" you are one of the "Living Stones" that the Apostle Peter spoke of that God is using to build His Spiritual House.  1 Peter 2 & Ephesians 2:19-


The Church of Christ is portrayed as a house or rather household.  In other words, using this same analogy a man's sons and daughter that make up his household can be liken to the stones that a construction worker would use in the construction of a building.


Just as a man's sons and daughters make up his household - God is using the Believer - His spiritual sons and daughters as the spiritual Stones to build His Spiritual House. 


And, it is in this sense that the spiritual sons and daughters of the "House of Skene" who are counted among the living stones that God is using to build His Spiritual House can also be thought of as the living stones that make up the spiritual "House of Skene".


We learn from the account of Abel that one's influence lives beyond their brief sojourn here upon the earth.  Likewise, our Scottish Forebears, even though they have been dead for over 300 years, they too still speak to us through the written accounts of their faith.  Hebrews 11:4


Pause and think about that!  We are to be a witness unto the Lord and it is our testimony of faith unto the Lord that will still speak even after we have gone home to be with the Lord. 


And, it is in that sense that "The Book of Skene" is a "Living Book - a Book with no Ending".


Let this "Book of Skene" that gives an account of the Spiritual Legacy of our Scottish Forebears Alexander, John and Lillias Skene (Skeens) be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will Praise the LORD. 


Psalm 102:18 18 Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the LORD. (NLT)


This Book is a Record of the Spiritual Legacy of our Scottish Forebears Alexander and Lillias Skeens and their son John who was a pioneer in bringing the Gospel to what is now known as the United States of America and the line you and I came through.


This "Book of Skene" is an account of the Spiritual Legacy of the "House of Skene" - a house built on the testimonies of Alexander and Lillias.  And, as their offspring you too are part of the "House of Skene"!


This record of the rich spiritual legacy of your Scottish Forebears Alexander, Lillias and their son John Skene (Skeens) who lived in the late 1600's is written for your encouragement and edification.  Let this Book that tells of God 's Mighty Acts, His Faithfulness and Mercy be Recorded for each new generation of Believers, so that a People not yet Born will Praise the LORD


The Prologue to this book was written by our Scottish Forebears in the late 1600's and the Epilogue has already been written by the "Author and Finisher of our Faith" Jesus Christ - the Alpha and Omega - who has no beginning and who has no ending (Revelation 1:8).  The author and source of all the events of our lives. 


For each generation of Believers that has been called by God, the race of faith that was set before us, began with Jesus and it is under Him that it is completed.


Hebrews 12:2 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.   (NKJV)


Scripture commands that one generation should make it a point to tell their descendants about the mighty acts of God.  And, as descendants of Alexander and his son John who almost died in prison because of their faith and Lillias, a Preacher, Poet and Prophetess, wife of Alexander and  mother of John, we are to continue writing the book they started for it is because of our Scottish forebears' love for the Lord, that in keeping with His Commandment, the Lord will show loving kindness and mercy to us their descendants - for one thousand generations.  Exodus 20:6


Scripture commands that one generation should make it a point to tell their descendants about the mighty acts of God.  And, as descendants of Alexander and Lilias, we ought to continue writing the book they started. 


Psalm 145:4 4 Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.   (NLT)


Needless to say, Alexander and Lillias' one thousand descendants will have their own testimonies and examples of faith, and hopefully they will add their testimonies to the "Book of Skene".  Pause and think about that!  Pause and consider how profound it is that their descendants from generation to generation will continue to tell the next generation of God's mighty acts. 


A generation may pass away - but their Testimony as well as our Testimony unto the Lord remains forever.  The Testimonies of our Scottish Forebears, my Testimony and the Testimony of your generation yet to be written - we each have our own story and chapter to contribute and together we shall compose a volume that truly honors God the Father and Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.


The "Book of Skene" that tells each new generation of God's mighty acts and faithfulness is truly a "Living Book - it is truly a Book with no Ending" - a Book written by the Living Stones that the Apostle Peter and Paul wrote about. 


So, I leave with each of you their testimonies as well as my testimony with the hopes that each new generation will continue to add chapters of your testimonies unto the Lord.  And, I have all the confidence in the world that together we shall compose a volume of such praise that it will be pleasing unto the Lord. 


Isaiah 41:4 4 Who has done such mighty deeds, summoning each new  generation from the beginning of time? It is I, the LORD, the First and the Last. I alone am He.” (NLT)


I am writing to all my sons and daughters who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and who will keep you safe in the care of Jesus Christ.  And, may God the Father who shows mercy and lavishes His unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love Him and obey His commands grant you mercy and favor all the days of your lives. 


My love to all of you and may God's grace and peace be with all of you who are in Christ.  And, may you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - to Him be the Glory and Honor both now and throughout eternity. 


To all my sons and daughters, beloved of God, when you are weary go to Him - for He will give you rest.  Let our Lord and Savior teach you for He is humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.   Matthew 11:28-30 


Know that you're not alone.  Christ Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.  Know that there is a "Great Cloud of Witnesses Cheering you on" as well.  In Hebrews 12:1, the Apostle Paul reveals that those who serve the Lord are not alone as they run with patience the race that God set before them.  The Apostle Paul likens our walk with the Lord to a race. And, the great cloud of witnesses cheering us on can be thought of as "Spiritual Spectators".


The great cloud of witnesses are all the saints who have lived before us.  Know that in addition to the faithful listed in the Bible, your Scottish forebears who lived lives of faith, who worshipped God in spirit and in truth, who preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ are part of the "Great Cloud of Witnesses" cheering you on.  You may not be able to literally hear them - but with "Ears of Faith" you can hear them cheering you on as you run the race God has set before you.


Your Scottish forebears left a rich spiritual legacy for their offspring and it is through all their writings that they continue to "spiritually" cheer you on.  And, I hope and pray that when you read about the lives of your Scottish forebears, how they lived, what they lived for, and how they died, that it will be as much an inspiration for you that it was for me.  Their lives serve as an example for all their offspring to persevere and with patience and endurance run the race that God has set before you.


I have included three separate chapters, one dedicated to Alexander, one dedicated to Lillias and one dedicated to John.  In each chapter you will find pages that I have scanned in from the original books written by Alexander & John as well as pages from books written by others who either knew them personally or who knew of Alexander, John and Lillias who found their lives so remarkable that they were compelled to write about their lives.  Each chapter includes references.   


And, as you read the accounts of their remarkable lives you will find that your Scottish forebears were able to persevere in all the sufferings they endured because they were people who lived by faith.  They knew that it was not they who lived, not they who worked, but God, Christ, living and working in and through them.  They were able to persevere and run the race that God set before them because they had the revelation of God within them.


Like our Scottish forebears there will be times of toil and seasons of weariness and difficulty because our adversary will place obstacles in your path in the hopes that you will become discouraged and drop out of the race that God has set before you.  But, I have no doubt that just as your Scottish forebears ran with patience the race God set before them you too you will be victorious in the race God has set before you. 


And, the day is coming when I too will join that great cloud of witnesses and along with your Scottish forebears I too will cheer you on.  But, how do the saints pictured as having gathered along the marathon route cheer us on?  Some believe that the saints are literally cheering us on while others believe that it is the written testimonies they left behind.  And, some believe it is both.


But I can tell you this:  from my own personal experience after reading the many books either written by our Scottish forebears or books written about them, for the first time, I felt like I really knew who I was because I could personally identify with everything they wrote about.  I was truly amazed and I was so encouraged. 


Without a doubt, everything written by them or about them is a "Testimony of their Lives" a Testimony that almost took my breath away.  How blessed I felt to know that I had forebears that made it a point to leave a written testimony for their descendants that speaks of their profound love for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Pause and think about that! 


Pause and consider, that like Abel, it is through the written account of their lives of faith - though they are long dead, our Scottish Ancestors still speak.  Hebrews 11:4 


Though Abel and our Scottish Ancestors are long dead God is still able to use "the examples of their faith" to cheer us on.  Like Abel our Scottish Forebears are among the great cloud of witnesses and whether it is through the account of Abel's life as recorded in the Scriptures or the written account of our Scottish Forebears, though they are dead, their Testimonies still speak.  Pause and think about that!  If God can use the written testimonies of our Scottish Forebears to encourage us - then He can use your written testimony to encourage your offspring that you will never meet.


What will be written regarding our spiritual legacy?  Will our testimony influence our children, grandchildren and those yet to be born? 


But sometimes, like Abel our faith can cost us our life.  Your Scottish forebears were threatened with death - many Quakers died in the very prison that Alexander and his son John were in.  And, John left Aberdeen, Scotland and came to America because he was told that they would kill him if he didn't leave Scotland.  And, it is through the line of John, a man noted for his  incredible faith and courage that I came through.


The Lord was able to use the threat of death in John's life in the same way he used the death of Stephen the first Christian Martyr.  It was when Stephen was murdered that the disciples scattered and took the Gospel throughout the world.  And, so it was with John, who was a pioneer in bringing the Gospel to what is now known as America.  Acts 7:54 - 8:1


My Beloved Brother:  Faithful obedience may be the path to natural death as it was with my beloved brother Grover.  But just as it was with Abel and Stephen there was a Kingdom purpose for Grover's death as well.  The Apostle John spoke of men like our Scottish forebears and Grover who did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.  Note that the Apostle John makes the point that it was by the blood of the Lamb and "by their Testimony" that men like our Scottish Forebears and Grover were able to defeat Satan. 


Revelation 12:11-12 11 And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. 12 Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice! But terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time.” (NLT) 


As you continue to read this book you will read a written account about my beloved brother - Grover Skeens - a man truly after God's own heart.  The account of Grover's walk with the Lord will surely "cheer you on".  Grover was a man that the world was not worthy of!  Hebrews 11:38


The written account of your Scottish forebears and mine as well as Grover's are left for you as "Examples of our Faith" that hopefully will encourage you and "cheer you on" as you run the race God has set out for you.


By faith, by the assurance of better things hoped for, I too will run the race and you can do it.  I did it, your forebears did and so can you.


There is also another sadness as I write this book.  There is a sadness because I know that some of my descendants will be betrayed by the very ones they should be able to trust.  That a loud war cry will be raised against you by your own family.  Jeremiah 12


Many Christians tend to think that if they ever experience persecution it will be at the hands of  unbelievers or atheists.  And, that is often the case; however it is much more common for persecution and opposition to come from within the Church.  The worldly Christian will oppose and persecute the spirit led Christian.  1 Corinthians 3


And, sadly, Alexander and John were thrown into prison by the Pastors and Magistrates who were fellow Believers because they rejected the man made traditions of organized religion that nullify the Word of God. 


Keep in mind that Cain knew the Lord.  Cain was not an atheist - he was a religious man who believed in God.  He brought a sacrifice in order to worship God - but not in a way that was pleasing to God.  Cain was the father of false religion based on the traditions of man and like Cain the worldly Believer will persecute those Believers who like Abel want to please the Lord. 


Hosea 6:8-9 speaks of the "Company of Priests" who murdered in the way by consent.  And, so it was with the Aberdeen Pastors who gave their consent to send Alexander, his son, his son-in-law and numerous other Quakers to prison simply because they rejected the traditions of men.  And, sadly many of those that were imprisoned alongside Alexander and his son did die in prison.


Without a doubt, when the very institutions such as the Church that God intended for man's good becomes corrupted - it becomes the most evil of all evils.  A corrupted Bible not only dishonors the Lord but it becomes the worst of all books.  It does more harm than any publication that the atheist or unbeliever could ever publish.  History reveals that the "Company of Priests/Pastors" that Hosea 6:6-8 speaks of, Pastors who have corrupted God's Word, have sanctioned ungodly wars, supported political tyrannies, sanctioned the persecutions of the truly righteous, sanctioned the cause of slavery, etc. to achieve either their own personal gain as well as the denomination they represent or the politics of those in power, for example, the Crusades led by the Roman Catholic Church and the Kings and Queens of countries who invaded other countries all under the guise of spreading the Gospel.  History has proven that these Priests/Pastors are the worst of all men - none so ruthless and bloody as a corrupted Pastor who gives his consent to murdering others in the name of Christianity. 


Just as my Scottish Forebears learned, I too have learned that a pulpit is not necessarily used to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That a man is not a particularly good or righteous person  just because he calls himself a Christian - that a building is not the house of God because it is called a Church.


Sermons when delivered by a Pastor who misrepresents the Gospel of Jesus Christ can cause more damage than any literature written by an atheist or unbeliever.  How dreadful to realize that all too often many of Satan's followers who appear as angels of light bear the title of Christian, Pastor, Elder and Deacon.  The devil, who roams around looking for someone to devour, is never more able, more influential and more powerful than when he stands in the pulpit and is the author of so-called religious books, etc. 


But know this, just as the Lord delivered your Scottish forebears from a sentence of death in the late 1600's - He has literally delivered me from the one who actually tried to take my life - and He will be merciful and deliver those of you have been condemned to death as well.


Psalm 102:18-22 18 Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the LORD.  19 Tell them the LORD looked down from his heavenly sanctuary. He looked down to earth from heaven 20 to hear the groans of the prisoners, to release those condemned to die.  21 And so the LORD’s fame will be celebrated in Zion, his praises in Jerusalem, 22 when multitudes gather together and kingdoms come to worship the LORD.  (NLT)  


Psalm 102:28 28 The children of your people will live in security. Their children’s children will thrive in your presence.” (NLT)


Even though some of you have yet to be born - it is out of my love for each of you and my love and reverence for the Lord that I am writing this book to tell you about the Lord and His righteousness. 


Psalm 22:30-31 30 Their descendants will serve Him; the next generation will be told about the Lord.  31 They will come and tell a people yet to be born about His righteousness— what He has done. (HCSB) 


And it is out of the Lord's love for you that I pen this book because even before you were born He knew you!  And even before you were born, not because of your righteousness because no one is righteous - no not one - but by His grace, He chose to set you apart!  (Jeremiah 1:4-5)


Jeremiah 1:4-5 4 The word of the LORD came to me: 5 I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. (HCSB) 


Galatians 1:15-16 15 But when God, who from my birth set me apart and called me by His grace, was pleased 16 to reveal His Son in me, so that I could preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone. (HCSB) 


O God, You have been my God since childhood - from the moment I was born.  (Psalm 22:9-10) 


The words of Psalm 22:9-10 have a special place in my heart because God has been my God since my childhood.  I don't ever remember one day that I didn't feel His presence in my life.  And it is His presence and loving kindness that has sustained me throughout my life.


And, interestingly, by all accounts, Lillias Skene knew the presence of the Lord from her childhood as well.


And, those of us, like Lillias and myself who have personally experienced God's constant presence throughout our entire lives must leave a record of His loving kindness and mercy for future generations before our work here on earth is done and life comes to a close and we go home to be with the Lord who has been my God since childhood. 


We must leave a written record for our future offspring that when they go through trials, which they will, the Lord will be faithful to protect them from the wiles of the evil one.  For those of us in ministry He will not take us out of this world until our work is done because there is much work to be done for His Kingdom (John 17:15).  We must tell the next generation that the Lord will keep them safe from the evil one and that He will keep them safe from those that the devil works through.  He will keep us safe that we may be a Witness unto Him and spread the Good News of the Gospel from one generation to the next.  


Psalm 22:27-31 27 All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD. All the families of the nations will bow down before You, 8 for kingship belongs to the LORD; He rules over the nations. 29 All who prosper on earth will eat and bow down; all those who go down to the dust will kneel before Him— even the one who cannot preserve his life. 30 Their descendants will serve Him; the next generation will be told about the Lord. 31 They will come and tell a people yet to be born about His righteousnesswhat He has done(HCSB)


It is from my own personal experiences that I bear witness to the faithfulness of the Lord.  It is from my own personal knowledge and convictions that I declare the righteousness of God and His Son Christ Jesus!


We who honor the Lord honor Him in different ways but regardless of the way we honor Him - the faithfulness and righteousness of God should be told throughout the generations.  Those of us who have personally experienced God's loving kindness and mercy we must leave a written record that tells the next generation of God's faithfulness to His covenant promise that He really does show love and mercy to one thousand generations of those who keep His Commandments and that love Him with all their heart, soul, their mind and their strength.


Exodus 20:5-6 5 You must not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the fathers’ sin, to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing faithful love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commands. (HCSB) 


For the sake of my descendants I must leave a written record and tell them that the Lord has shown me loving kindness and mercy because of our Scottish Forebears who were persecuted and put in prison for their faith in the late 1600's. 


Yet, in the midst of their persecution even to the point of death our Grandfathers Alexander and John continued to serve the Lord with all their heart, their soul, their mind and their strength.  Their persecutors soon found out that prison couldn't stop our forebears who continued to preach the Gospel from the prison windows. 


I must tell them that like me they are one of Alexander and Lilias's thousand generations that will be blessed because of them.


Psalm 78 is one of several Scriptures that the Lord quickened me to so that I would understand  that I have a responsibility to tell my sons and daughters about their ancestors who loved the Lord with all their heart, their soul, their mind and their strength.  And, to tell them how much God has done for me personally.  And, my hope is that the next generation along with their own testimony will pass my testimony on to the succeeding generations as well.


My hope is that by recounting the past my sons and daughters will never lose sight of their spiritual heritage.  That they will meditate on the mercy and loving kindness that the Lord has shown our ancestors and that because of our ancestors the Lord will show mercy to one thousand generations of the Skeens household.  That they may always set their hope in God throughout all their generations to come .


Psalm 78:1-8 1 O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, 2 for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past3 stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. 4 We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders. 5 For He issued His laws to Jacob; He gave His instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, 6 so the next generation might know them— even the children not yet born— and they in turn will teach their own children. 7 So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands. 8 Then they will not be like their ancestors— stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.  (NLT)  


I have a responsibility to tell future generations that our ancestors played a key role in both the secular and spiritual foundation and development of both Aberdeen, Scotland and West New Jersey's government.


Isaiah 9 and Roman 13 reveals that the government rests on the shoulders of Jesus Christ and as such the Lord established all secular governments and for that reason so many of God's Saints in one way or another are involved in both the secular and spiritual affairs of their country's government.  And, so it was with both Alexander and John.  And, so it will be with many of their descendants! 


For example, in addition to being a pioneer in bringing the Gospel to America in the late 1600's  our Forebear John Skene served as the third governor of West New Jersey.


And, his father Alexander who was Aberdeen's first historian was a well respected Magistrate of Aberdeen who wrote several books concerning the foundation and development of Aberdeen's government.  The following quote is from page 9 of A Succinct Survey of the Famous City of Aberdeen a book written by Alexander and published in 1685 that clearly demonstrates that Alexander believed that a nation would only prosper if the foundation of their government was based on Biblical principles. 


The following quote from page 9 of Alexander's book we find that Alexander understood the Biblical principal of Psalm 78 that we are not to forget the mercies the Lord has showed to our ancestors rather we are to tell our children and even leave word for future generations yet to be born of God's mercies. 


On page 9 Alexander states:


"IT may be lookt upon by some, that this Survey of Aberdeen may savour of ostentation, seeing there are few, or perhaps no other town in the kingdom that is descryved, or hath any of their acts published : To which I may say, that such vanity in so doing is far from my mind, seeing there is nothing more ordinarie amongst all nations then to set down what hath been the most remarkable providences of God to their countries and places of their nativity; whereby posterity may observe the mercies of the Lord to their ancestors, the neglect or omission of such thankfull remembrances"


Alexander was writing in order that his descendants, including you as well as myself, may observe the mercies of the Lord that the Lord extended to Alexander, Lilias and John both on a national as well as a personal level.


It's remarkable that almost one hundred and fifty years later A Succinct Survey of the Famous City of Aberdeen was reprinted by Peter Buchan in 1833.


I must tell them that the Lord will lavish love on a thousand generations of our Scottish forebears  Alexander and Lilias's because they loved and obeyed His commands - who were persecuted and imprisoned to the point of death because they chose to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth rather than adhere to the traditions of man that nullify the Word of God.  Simply put, they were persecuted because they chose the Lord over the traditions of the Church.


Psalm 78:7 reveals that there is always hope for each and every new generation.  And, Psalm 78 is only one of many Scriptures that reveals that the foundation of that hope is the righteousness and faithfulness of past and present generations. 


Verse 4 of Psalm 78 tells that we are not to hide the truths of the Lord from our children otherwise they may forget Him.  To remain silent would deprive our offspring of the precious truths of God.  To remain silent would be an irreverence of the Lord and that would be a shameful thing to do.


During their imprisonment my two forebears poured out their heart to the Lord.  And even though my Grandmother Lilias who was overwhelmed with grief and sorrow that her husband and son, like so many others, may have died in prison - their zeal and love for the Lord prevailed.  Their faith in the Lord enabled them to rise up out of the despair they found themselves in. 


And, like my Scottish Forebears the Lord has taught me from my earliest childhood, and like my Scottish Forebears I constantly tell others about the wonderful things the Lord has done for me. 


O God, You have taught me from my earliest childhood, and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things You have done for me.  Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me to the grave until I have proclaimed your power and your faithfulness to Your promises to another generation - to all my spiritual sons and daughters to come after me.


And, now that I am old and gray, and before I die, like my Scottish Forebears, I too am leaving a written account of God's power and His faithfulness to His Covenant Promises to another generation - to all my spiritual sons and daughters that have yet to be born.

Blessed are those like my Grandmother Lilias who began in her youth to proclaim the name of the Lord and did not cease until her dying breath.  May my sons and daughters be men and women like King David, a man who was after God's own heart.


I am eternally grateful for our Scottish Forebears and I am eternally grateful that the Lord shows mercy and loving kindness to a thousand generations of those who love Him with all their heart, their soul, their mind and their strength.  And, without a doubt, I am living proof that He is faithful to that covenant promise.  And, it is because of His faithfulness to His covenant Promise to my Scottish Forebears that the Lord has shown me mercy and will show you mercy - because there will be times in your life that you will need God's loving kindness and His mercy.   


My love to all of you - your Grandmother - Gwendolyn Skeens Thomas, a woman after God's own heart.


Amen and Amen - so be it Lord 





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