Chapter 20:  Gateways:


I have Stood in the Gateways of my Enemies at Bozrah, Jordan, Caesarea Philippi, Israel and over Washington, D.C.


The Lord told Abraham that his offspring would possess the gateways of those that hate them - Genesis 22:17.  And, a s "Spiritual Heirs" of Abraham - like Christ we too are to Possess the Gates of our enemies.


Genesis 22:17 17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; KJV


So it was with Jesus, a descendant of Abraham who stood in the "Gates of Hell" at Caesarea Philippi.


Who are the Children of Abraham?


Galatians 3:16 16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, "And to seeds," as of many, but as of one, "And to your Seed," who is Christ. ……. 29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. NKJV


Genesis 22:17 reveals that the promises were made to Abraham and his seed.  And, in Galatians 3:16 and 29 Paul reveals that Abraham's seed is a reference to Christ and all who believe in Jesus Christ - which means that those of us who are Believers in Jesus Christ - then we too are the spiritual offspring of Abraham according to the promise.


As Christ was standing in the gates of His enemies at Caesarea Philippi He would have had God's promise to Abraham and all of Abraham's spiritual descendants in mind, when He told Peter "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18


I'm pictured at Caesarea Philippi - one of the gates the Lord has called me to possess.  


And, this brings me to "why" Christ made such a profound statement at Caesarea Philippi and not the synagogue in Jerusalem


In Matthew 16:13-19 we find the account of Christ's Declaration at Caesarea Philippi that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church


Matthew 16:13-19 13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


Caesarea Philippi was located at the foot of Mt. Hermon where the headwaters of the Jordan River begin and the travel would not have been easy due to the topography of the land.  Which begs the question "Why" would Jesus journey to this particular pagan high place to make such a profound statement as recorded in Matthew 16:13-19 rather than the Temple or synagogues in Jerusalem? 


I believe the following will shed light on "Why".  


Background of the Gates of Hell according to AntiquityJesus' journey to Caesarea Philippi, a prominent pagan high place, marked the northern limit of Jesus’ travels outside Jerusalem and was a geographical area that Christ had not been to before.


To begin with, the name Caesarea Philippi was synonymous with the gates of hell.  And, it was for that reason that Christ made the declaration at Caesarea Philippi that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church.  Why?  Because the revelation that He was the Son of God would be revealed by "revelation" from God the Father -  and the gates of hell will never be able to prevail against revelation from God the Father. 


It was here that Jesus fearlessly stood at the gateway of hell and spoke a creative word into the spiritual realm (Ephesians 3:10).  He declared to Satan, the father of lies, and to the kingdom of darkness that it "Was God's revelation" to Peter that He was the Son of the Living God - that it was "Upon Revelation from God the Father" that Christ would build His church.


Ephesians 3:10 10 [The purpose is] that through the church the [a]complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere.  Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)


It is as the Apostle John wrote:  The soul needs to be divinely drawn and when we are divinely drawn Satan cannot triumph against that revelation.  John reveals that it is not by "external revelation merely" - but by "internal illumination" - that we are drawn to Christ.  And, it is upon this rock that Christ will build His Church.


John 6:44-46 44 For no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them to Me, and at the last day I will raise them up. 45 As it is written in the Scriptures, ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to Me. 46 (Not that anyone has ever seen the Father; only I, who was sent from God, have seen Him.) NLT




Before I leave the account of Caesarea Philippi I want to share the following about my Beloved Brother Grover standing across from me in this picture taken at Caesarea Philippi where we read the account of Jesus at Caesarea Philippi into the spiritual realm.  Just days before we went to Caesarea Philippi the Lord gave Grover the understanding that while we were in Israel that He would pull down the last stronghold in Grover's life which was "Fear" of being in the explosion at UBB when it happened.  Which is interesting because the pagan god the pagans worshipped at Caesarea Philippi was the Greek god "Pan" - the god of fear and panic attacks.


And, the morning of the explosion at UBB the miners found Grover's Bible opened to Psalm 46 that reads "even though the earth be shaken I will not fear".  And, this was so comforting to me because as Grover was leaving our home in Staunton back to WV the day before the explosion he told me that he didn't want to go back because he was afraid of going back into the mines.  And, I am so eternally thankful that just as Grover and I literally proclaimed at the gates of hell that Satan would not prevails against us - Satan did not prevail against Grover and that through his faith in Jesus Christ Grover overcame his fear and went back to UBB. 


The following are pictures of several other gateways that the Holy Spirit quickened me to go to.  To begin with:



The "Gates of the Enemy Cities"


at Ancient Bozrah/Busseriah, the Ancient Capital of the Edomites


Busseriah, Jordan


In this picture I'm standing in front of  a gate and fence and a sign that dentifies this particular place as ancient "Buserriah" the ancient capital of the Biblical Edomites.  In Biblical times Busseriah was known as "Bozrah" (KJ:  Micah 2:12-13)   Isaiah 34:6, Isaiah 63:1; Micah 2:12-13


Interestingly, Michah 2:12-13 reveals that the Lord will go ahead of the "sheep of Bozrah"(KJ) as He leads them out through the "Gates of the Enemy Cities" back to their own land (NLT).





The Gate and the Fence at Bozrah/Busseriah, Jordan


It's significant that I'm pictured standing in front of both a gate and fence because  according to Strong's Concordance the meaning of the Hebrew word "Bozrah" is an Enclosure, i.e. "Sheep Fold" inside a "Fenced Enclosure". 

Given that the word Bozrah is referring to a fenced sheep fold then it's understandable why the KJ, ASV and YLT uses the word "Bozrah" and other translations use the meaning of the word Bozrah:  "Sheep in a Pen".  For example,  

KJV:  Micah 2:12-13 12 I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men.  13 The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the LORD on the head of them.

NLT:  Micah 2:12-13 12 “Someday, O Israel, I will gather you; I will gather the remnant who are left. I will bring you together again like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture. Yes, your land will again be filled with noisy crowds! 13 Your leader will break out and lead you out of exile, out through the gates of the enemy cities, back to your own land. Your king will lead you; the LORD himself will guide you.”



Gateways located in our Nation's Capitol


Over 20 years ago while I was browsing in a used book store the Lord quickened me to buy a used copy of the "Development of the United States Capitol" published in 1929 by the United States Government Printing Office - Washington D.C.  When I got to page 92 I realized the Lord quickened me to buy this book because of the aerial map that clearly reveals the image of a "Large Fish" surrounding the Mall area of our nation's capitol. 


The Lord then quickened me to study the anatomical functions of a fish and as you can see in the following picture, the placement of the U.S. Capitol, the White House and monuments are strategically placed according to the anatomical functions of a fish.  (I superimposed notations over the above referenced map to show the location of the monuments and buildings).  And, this only scratches the surface of the fish's symbolism.



As you can see, the White House, the U.S. Capitol, Lincoln's Memorial, etc all lie with the boundaries of a "Great Fish".  It is obvious that the representation of a fish was not just happenstance.  Therefore, if the boundaries of a fish are not just a fluke, then that leads us to believe that there was something of paramount significance in “spiritually” connecting the symbolism of Nineveh, the great Fish City to the District of Columbia. 


Given that Daniel 10 reveals there are geographical principalities over the nation's of this world - then I knew that this "Large Fish" identified several of the geographical principalities over our nation's capitol. 


For example, Revelations 13:1 speaks of the "Beast that rose up out of the Sea".  Isaiah 27:1 reveals that Leviathan is the dragon of the sea.  And, in the context of Job 41:1 according to Strong's Concordance the Leviathan is a "large sea-monster" and also a symbol of Babylon where Nineveh, the great Fish City is located.


Judges 16:23 speaks of Dagon which according to Strong's Dagon is the Hebrew word for the "fish-god" of the Philistines. 


I will come back to the spiritual significance of the great fish that surrounds the mall area of our nation's capital but first let me share the following Scriptures concerning how and why these gateways fit into the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

To begin with:  1 John 3:8 reveals that the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.


For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,

that He might destroy the works of the devil


The existence of a Kingdom of Darkness at work in the world influencing the behavior of humans on a personal level as well as a national level is clearly revealed in Scripture.  And, that is the reason that Christ Jesus came into this world:  "to destroy the works of the devil" 1 John 3:8!   Needless to say, the works of the devil are multifaceted, however for the purposes of this chapter I want to place the focus on spiritual gateways and the geographical principalities over America. 


1 John 3:8 8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. KJV


Scripture reveals that when Christ has destroyed the works of the devil and all His enemies are under His foot that Christ Jesus will return and establish His Kingdom 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. 


But until then, Satan who has the power of death, (Hebrews 2:14) not as lord but simply as executioner, and who is the prince of the devils (Matthew 12:24) and ruler and god of this age (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4) exercises authority over the lower heavens and is the spirit working in the disobedient to do his will. 


Until Christ returns, Satan who is the prince of the power of the air - the commander of the powers in the unseen world and the angels that fell with him - they will continue to wield their influence over both people and nations who refuse to obey God's commandments 1 Chronicles 21:1; John 8:44; Acts 5:3; Acts 13:10; Matthew 16:23; Luke 22:3; Ephesians 2:2; Matthew 13:19. 


The devil may be able to tempt and influence people however he cannot force anyone to sin. 


We  know from Matthew 16:21-23 and other Scriptures that Satan and these Geographical Principalities are able to Operate through the mindset of people who see things merely from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.    


  • He can only rule over people if they let him:  Ephesians 2:2; 1 John 5:19. 
  • We can escape his influence in our lives through prayer for deliverance from evil: Matthew 6:13; John 17:15; Luke 13:16;  2 Corinthians 2:11; Ephesians 6:11; Acts 26:18; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9.
  • And, in His power and authority Christ has given us power over Satan.  Luke 10:17-20; Revelation 12;


We know from Scripture that Satan's rule is limited.  Scripture reveals that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob maintains "Sovereign" rule over Satan and "all" earthly activities.  Like Satan all evil spirits can only act with God's permission:  Job 1:12; Zechariah 3:1-2; Judges 9:23; 1 Samuel 16:14; 1 Kings 22:19-23.  And, in the end, Satan and the angels that fell with him will be cast into the lake of fire that has been prepared for them.  Matthew 12:24-26; Revelation 20:10.   


But until all the enemy has been put under the foot of Christ there is an ongoing battle in the spiritual realm between God's Angels and the Geographical Principalities that the Prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul spoke of.  Daniel 10; Ephesians 6. 


We know from Daniel 10 that there are Geographical Principalities over the Nations of the World that wield their influence over the nations and that there is an ongoing battle in the spiritual realm between God's Angels and these Geographical Principalities. 


And, in Ephesians 6 the Apostle Paul also speaks of this spiritual battle in the heavens as well.  Paul reveals that the Christian's battle is not with flesh and blood but against the principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness of this world and against the spiritual forces of the evil spirits in the heavenly realm. 


For those of us who have picked up our cross to follow Christ our lives are  one of spiritual warfare and if we are to win this spiritual battle that we are in then we need to follow Paul's instructions:  we are to stand against the wiles of the devil and the battle in the spiritual realm by putting on the whole Armor of God and after we have done all that we can do then we are to just stand there.   


Ephesians 6 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (NKJV)


Again, we know from Matthew 16:21-23 that these Geographical Principalities are able to operate through the mindset of people who see things merely from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.   And, so it is with America and America's Secular Lawmakers who are influenced by these Geographical Principalities because they only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.


In addition to this book I wrote "Saddam Hussein the Modern-Day King of Babylon" which provides documentation of my first hand account of standing in one of the gateways of our enemies located in the bowels of our nation's Captiol.  With over 200 pages of incredible documenation that could only have come from divine intervention this book can be found at my website


The purpose of this book is to shed light on the Spiritual Cords (one being the image of the fish surrounding our nation's mall) that "spiritually" bind America to modern-day Iraq, where Nineveh the Great Fish City is located, because America's lawmakers only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.  Scripture tells us that God will not be mocked; and it's because of these satanic spiritual cords laid down by America's founding fathers that America got entangled in the on-going war in Iraq. 

Those of us who understand "Spiritual Warfare" understand the Biblical principal that our war is in the heavenlies and that behind every war on earth there is a war going on in the spiritual realm between the heavenly host and the geographical principalities behind the countries at war here on earth.  Ephesians 6:12


And, these Geographical Principalities operate through "spiritual cords" that can also be thought of as "Spiritual Vines" (Jeremiah 48:32) vines that were planted by America's Founding Fathers that among other things "spiritually" Bind America to Ancient Babylon & Modern Day Iraq.


America is held captive by the "cords of their own sins" that the Prophet Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 5:18 and that King Solomon spoke of in Proverbs 5:22.  And, over time each new generation of America's Lawmakers added the "cords of their sins" to the "cords of the sins of America's Founding Fathers" and when combined these "cords of sins" became a "rope" that was strong enough to pull a cart load of sins.  A rope strong enough for today's Lawmakers to drag the sins of America's Founding Fathers behind them like a cart.


Anyone who has planted vines in their yard knows that as the vine grows it will spread out all over the yard.  And, this is why the Prophet Jeremiah used the analogy of a vine to convey a spiritual truth.  The point Jeremiah wanted to make was that as "spiritual vines" grow the vines are able to spread from one geographical area to other geographical areas including nations located across the sea.


And, as these spiritual vines spread from one country to another country the enemy is able to uses these vines to influence in one way or other the countries their vines reach.  And, just as vines that grow and spread in a garden cause destruction to crops - "spiritual influence" can grow and spread like tendrils from one geographical area to another causing destruction  Jeremiah 48:32.  And, so it is with America.  The influence of the pagan civilizations of antiquity that our founding fathers were influenced by and embraced still negatively affect America today


Jeremiah 48:32 32 O vines of Sibmah, I weep for you more than the weeping of Jazer [over its ruins and wasted vineyards]. Your tendrils [of influence] have gone over the sea, reaching even to Jazer. The destroyer has fallen upon your summer fruit harvest and your [season’s] crop of grapes.  Amplified Bible


These "tendrils of influence" or "Spiritual cords" bind America to Iraq and describes the Babylonian influence produced by the vines that sprung up and started to grow from the roots planted by our founding fathers when they incorporated the ideology of the ancient Babylonians into the founding of America.  As these tendrils continue to grow and reach maturity they continue to influence America in a way that has been and continues to be extremely destructive to our country.


Again, the purpose of my writing "Saddam Hussein the Modern-Day King of Babylon" is to shed light on the Spiritual Cords that "spiritually" bind America to modern-day Iraq.  Scripture tells us that God will not be mocked; and it's because of these satanic spiritual cords laid down by America's founding fathers that America got entangled in the on-going war in Iraq. 


Those of us who understand "Spiritual Warfare" understand the Biblical principal that our war is in the heavenlies and that behind every war on earth there is a war going on in the spiritual realm between the heavenly host and the geographical principalities behind the countries at war here on earth.  Ephesians 6:12


Again, the prince of Persia that the prophet Daniel speaks of in Daniel 10:13; 20 is a geographical principality over Persia and we know from multiple other Scriptures that those angels that fell with Satan as well as the demons  are able to influence the earthly rulers as well as individuals who only see things from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.


Matthew 16:22-23 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.  23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.  (KJV)


The prince of Persia that the prophet Daniel speaks of in Daniel 10:13; 20 is one of the third that fell with Satan and who now serves Satan as the angel of darkness over the Persian world powers.   This particular geographical principality, the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia, was the same spirit wielding his influence over Saddam Hussein, a modern-day King of Babylon - and it was only after this particular principality operating behind Saddam Hussein fell to the earth that Saddam Hussein was himself captured.  Needless to say, there are many other principalities from this same dominion that have not been dislodged - but it is only a matter of time! 


Revelation 12:7-12 7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, 8 but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.  9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.  10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.  11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.  12 Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” (ESV)


The prince of the kingdom of Persia is the satanic principality or ruler over the kingdom of Persia which at times included the many other countries that came under their authority - they in turn are under the authority of Satan who Scripture reveals is the god and ruler of this world having usurped man's dominion over what the Lord had given him.  However, Scripture also reveals that after all the enemy has been dislodged and placed under the foot of Jesus the end will come - and as the great Apostle John prayed - I too pray "Come Lord Jesus Come - Come and establish Your Kingdom".   1 Corinthians 15:20-28; Revelation 22:20.


Iconography:  Iconography, images and symbolism used in art, is a form of visual communication that America’s Founding Fathers used to both reveal and conceal their ideology concerning the founding of America and its new government.  Though certain ideas were conveyed to the public – the full meaning of the allegories incorporated into their iconography remained hidden.  It is what the iconography meant to conceal from the public that is the most revealing.  Why the need to conceal?  They wanted to conceal their personal beliefs concerning government and religion, but even more so, they wanted to conceal that "We the People" did not include "All the People." 


They also wanted to conceal that their fascination with ancient antiquity and their gods was more than just a fascination.  In other words, America's Founding Fathers were actually "influenced" by the pagan belief system that their false gods ordained their rulers to govern the land and that's clear from all the pagan symbols throughout our government buildings.  The worship of pagan gods was and is not just a meaningless tradition of man carried over from antiquity.  It was and is a bona fide (false) religion.  The spirits that operate behind these pagan deities are the angels that fell when Satan fell.  Daniel 10 is only one Scripture that clearly reveals that these pagan gods rule over geographical areas and have human representatives that maintain places of worship for them.


As Spirit led Christians we know that there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly.  One is not inconsistent with the other, as one cannot exist without the other.  As it concerns animals, this all began when Satan used the serpent as a tool to hide behind when he tempted Eve.  And, for that reason, there is a spiritual nature of the serpent that we should be aware of.  Not only is the serpent man’s natural enemy – the serpent also represents man’s “Spiritual Enemy." Needless to say, it is significant that both the animal and Satan were two dominant entities in the Adamic dispensation and for that reason the spiritual connection or relationship between Satan and animals is of importance.


Again, the following is only a glimpse taken from "Saddam Hussein the Modern-Day King of Babylon" that goes into a much greater detailed account of the two following Gateways located in our Nation's Capitol:   


1.  Washington's Unsued Tomb located in the bowels of the United States Capitol; and


2.  the Large Fish that is portrayed on an aerial map of Washington, D.C. that portrays the United States Capitol located within the enclosure of this Large Fish that I refer to as the Nineveh Fish.



The Nineveh Fish:  To begin with, as I go into a greater detail of the spiritual aspects between the "Great Fish" of our nation's capital and the "Great Fish of Ancient Nineveh, for the convenience of the reader, I'm including the pictures of the "Great Fish" once again.


C20-Capitol Fish-1.jpg


C20-Capitol Fish-2.jpg



The Nineveh Fish


In addition to the above details concerning the image of the "Great Fish" surrounding our nation's mall the following details sheds even more light as to its symbolism and leaves no doubt that the symbolism of the image of America's "Great Fish", which is a type of the great fish of Nineveh is a "Spiritual Cord" that binds our nation's Capitol to ancient Nineveh (modern day Mosul) in Iraq.


Ancient Nineveh:  According to the aerial map of our nation's capital the mall area and the great fish that surrounds the mall both lie within the District of Columbia.  In other words the mall area and the fish that surrounds the mall both lie within the "Enclosure of a City".


And, this is significant because according to The Popular And Critical Encyclopaedia written by Samuel Fallows, in Biblical times Nineveh, like Washington D.C., was also represented by the picture of a fish inside the enclosure of a city. 


"The name of Nineveh is written Ninua and Nina in the cuneiform inscriptions.  A popular etymology connected it with the Assyrian nunu, 'fish,' at a very early date, since the name is ideographically represented by the picture of a fish inside the enclosure of a city." 


The following two pages are from "The Popular and Critical Encyclopaedia". 




And, the Freemasons who laid the footprint of our nation's capital understood very well the significance of placing our nation's capital inside the enclosure of a city and the symbolism of the imprint of the great fish surrounding the mall area.  Freemasons also understood that the pictograph for the original shape of a fish including the triangle shape on either side of the fish's tail identified a "Gateway".  More to the point:  the Freemasons who were steeped in imagery understood the symbolism of the fish.  There can be no doubt that the Freemasons used the representation of a fish to identify a gateway here in America that would "spiritually" connect America to the great fish city of ancient Nineveh - as the pictograph for Nineveh was an image of a fish inside the enclosure of a city. 


Jonah in the "Bowels" of the Nineveh Fish:  And, this brings us to the account of Jonah according to the Book of Jonah. 


As we all know, it was because Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh, the great fish city, that he found himself in the bowels of a large fish - that Jonah referred to as the "belly of hell".


I believe that is why the LORD allowed a large fish to swallow Jonah when he would not go to Nineveh.  If Jonah would not go to Nineveh then the LORD would let Nineveh, the great fish city, swallow Jonah (hence the great fish).  Reference: Jonah 1:17, "But the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights."


We should not be surprised that the hieroglyphic for Nineveh is the outline of a fish within the enclosure of a city identifying Nineveh as the "great fish city."  After all, all though out the Bible we find that animals are often used figuratively to describe the "spiritual nature" of a geographical area and people as well as Satan, the demonic and principalities.  When a human being was compared to an animal it was because they both shared the same traits. For example, a fox is used figuratively of the antichrist or false prophet. A fox is cunning, selfish and destructive and it was because of the fox’s attributes that Jesus compared Herod to a fox - Luke 13:31.  And of course, the LORD used a Lamb to describe the nature of Jesus Christ when He went to the Cross.  Yet, when Christ returns He is described as a Lion.


As Christians we know that there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly. One is not inconsistent with the other as one cannot exist without the other.  And as it concerns animals, this all began when Satan used the serpent as a tool to hide behind when he tempted Eve. And, for that reason there is a spiritual nature of the serpent that we should be aware of. Not only is the serpent man’s natural enemy – the serpent also represents man’s “Spiritual Enemy." Needless to say, it is significant that both the animal and Satan were two dominant entities in the Adamic dispensation and for that reason the spiritual connection or relationship between Satan and animals is of importance. 


As Jonah attempts to escape from the city that is identified as “the house of the fish”, it's ironic that, in a sense, when Jonah is swallowed by the large fish - he ends up enclosed inside the house of the large fish that swallowed him.


For his disobedience for not going to Nineveh, the great fish city, the LORD let a great fish, which I believe was symbolic of Nineveh as Nineveh's economy was based on fishing, swallow Jonah.  If Jonah wouldn't go to Nineveh then the great fish of Nineveh would come to him.  And, needless to say, Jonah did not like being inside the bowels of the great fish that he likened to the bowels of hell.  Jonah 2:1-2


People in DC Compared to Fish:  And, it's interesting that Oliver Wolcott, Secretary of Treasury from 1795 to 1800 even compared the residents of D. C. to bad fish - according to Wolcott "Many Congressmen turned up their noses and wondered how long it would take to write off a bad experiment in capital location and begin again.  Oliver Wolcott, the Secretary of the Treasury, possibly noting the absence of any source of taxes, observed that 'the people are poor, and as far as I can judge, they live like fishes, by eating each other,'"  Bernard Weisberger, The District of Columbia, p.35 


Back to Jonah - who found himself in the "Bowels of the Fish" & the "Belly of Sheol"


Jonah 2:1-2 1 Then Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of the fish's belly, 2 And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. KJV


The Young's Literal Translation reads from the "Bowels" of the fish


Jonah 2:1-2 1 And Jonah prayeth unto Jehovah his God from the bowels of the fish.
2 And he saith: I called, because of my distress, to Jehovah, And He doth answer me, From the belly of sheol I have cried, Thou hast heard my voice. YLT


And, this brings me to Lincoln's Catafalque, christened as the "Temple of Death", that is enshrined inside Washington's Unused Tomb located in the Bowels of the Capitol of the United States.  And, it is here in the bowels of our nation's capital - out of the belly of the fish - that death - the last enemy that Christ will put under His feet - that the "Gates of Death" is glorified.


How is this possible - how could anyone build a shrine in the bowels of the United States Capitol that exalts death which was intended by Satan who was a murderer from the beginning to be the final ruin of mankind. 


How is this possible - how could anyone exalt death which was intended by Satan who was a murderer from the beginning to be the final ruin of mankind.  They are like those in Isaiah 28:15 that said "We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we have an agreement, when the overwhelming ship passes through it will not come to us"


Did they not understand that their covenant with death and their agreement with hell will not stand.  Isaiah 28:18  Did they not understand that they may glorify death but by His death on the Cross - Christ robbed death of its terrors.



The "Gates of Death"


The "Gates of Death":  The symbolism of the mall area of our nation's Capitol portrayed inside the enclosure of a large fish is alarming enough.  And, it's as alarming if not more alarming, that Lincoln's Catafalque that was christened as the "Temple of Death" was enshrined inside Washington's Unused Tomb located in the bowels of the U.S. Capitol is symbolic of a "Gateway of Death" - a gateway that glorifies death.


The following picture is of me standing in front of Lincoln's Catafalque that is  enshrined inside Washington's Unused Tomb.  And, there is no doubt that the gates at the entrance of Lincoln's Unused Tomb were meant to be symbolic of the "Gates of Hell" 




Washington's Unused Tomb


and Lincoln's Catafalque, Christened the "Temple of Death"


both reside in the "Shadows of Death"



The following picture on the next page is a close up of the light that you see in this picture which was not on the pictures when I first had them developed.  The light only manifested on the pictures after I got home.





In the center of the above picture just to the right of the lock on the gates you will notice a distinct shadow that resembles a man.  This "shadow" is symbolic of the "shadow of death" in Psalm107:10, 14.  It represents all those who have gone into a "Covenant with death" and an agreement with hell.  Isaiah 28:15

Psalms 107:10 10 Those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, Bound in affliction and irons (NKJV)


Psalms 107:14 14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, And broke their chains in pieces. (NKJV)


Verse 18 speaks of those who draw near unto the "Gates of Death"


Yet, there is hope because Jesus Christ came to set the prisoners free!  The light around the shadow is the light spoken of in Luke 1:79. 


Luke 1:79 79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace.” (NKJV)


The light speaks of the Marvelous light of Jesus Christ who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. 


1 Peter 2:9 9But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: (KJV)


And, this brings me to the "Temple of Death" in the Bowels of the US Capitol.


The "Temple of Death"



Given that a Temple is a place of worship - a holy place - what could the people who poured through the East Room of the White House to view Lincoln's body been thinking of when they christened Lincoln's Cataflaque the "Temple of Death". 


And, from that point in time, Lincoln's "Bed of Death" became an object of idolatry for America's politicans.  Lincoln's catafalque is not just a historical object - one might say that Lincoln's Cataflaque is the hallowed relic of America's "Virtuous Mourners" or should I say America's "Holier-than-thou Mourners". 


Needless to say, Lincoln's catafalque isn't merely holding us the coffin of whoever is lying in state in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol.  The symbolism is meant to link each newly dead president of the United States one to the other. 


Which begs the question - why do the President's lie in state in the Rotunda of the US Capitol and not the East Room of the White House where Lincoln lay in state.  The answere is simple:  it was only fitting that Lincoln's "Temple of Death" (Cataflaque) should be stored in the Capitol of the United States, after all, George Washington designed the Capitol to bear the resemblance of a Temple.  According to documentation at the Library of Congress the Capitol of the United States was originally known as the "Temple of LIberty". 


In coordination with the Library of Congress - Pamela Scott wrote "Temple of Liberty - Building the Capitol for a New Nation" and is one of the most well documented books on the development of the United States Capitol.




And, just as every temple was built to honor their pagan gods, Washington's "Temple of Liberty" had it's  gods.  In pagan temples the ceiling was designed to represent the heavens and the gods that they worshipped.  And, so it was in our nation's capital or should I say our nation's "Temple of Liberty".


The following picture is the canopy painting of "The Apotheosis of Washington" in the ceiling of the Rotunda which is suspended between the inner and outer domes of the US Capitol Rotunda.  And, as you see George Washington who is seated in the heavens was deified as a god. 



Back to Washington's Unused Tomb where Lincoln's Cataflaque is enshrined. 


When Lincoln's Cataflaque is brought out of Washington's Unusued Tomb and placed in the middle of the floor of the Rotunda -if a plum line is dropped from the center of "The Apotheosis of Washington" in the ceiling of the Rotunda that portrays Washington as a god - the plum line would travel through the center of the floor of the Rotunda where Lincoln's Cataflaque would be placed - then the plum line would proceed all the way to Washington's Tomb which lies directly underneath the Apotheosis of Washington and Lincoln's Cataflaque. 


Death Glorified:  And, that's the whole point.  The symbolism is meant to link each newly dead president of the United States spiritually to one to the other.  As crazy as it is, the idea was that each President that lies in state on Lincoln's "Temple of Death" - that in death they would be linked spiritually not just to Lincoln but America's first President who was defied as a god. 


This concept is portrayed by S. J. Ferris, in his painting which shows George Washington welcoming Abraham Lincoln into heaven.  Washington embraces Lincoln and provides him with a laurel wreath - the sign of victory.  The image embodies American sentiments toward the two Presidents, one as the founder and the other as the savior of the America Republic. 


But, what about their opposing views on slavery?  Charles Sumner noted in his eulogy on Lincoln: "the work left undone by Washington was continued by Lincoln."  Really!  Did Charles Sumner forget that George Washington embraced slavery on the other hand Abraham Lincoln did not!  Would Washington really welcome Lincoln to heaven with a laurel wreath of victory - when Lincoln destroyed the institution of slavery implemented by a slave owner such as George Washington - I dare say not!  It's all total nonsense!


Following is a copy of Ferris' painting which shows George Washington welcoming Abraham Lincoln into heaven.  Washington embraces Lincoln and provides him with a laurel wreath.  The image embodies American sentiments toward the two Presidents.



In his eulogy on Lincoln - Charles Sumner goes on to say "Kindred in service, kindred in patriotism, each was naturally surrounded at death by kindred homage. … and thus, in death, as in life, one is the complement of the other


Ferris' painting of Lincoln is only one example of "America's fallen leaders - when they fall - they rise up as gods".


It's obvious that the Tomb where Lincoln's bier is enshrined is a Temple.  It seems odd that a bier and empty Tomb considered sacred by so many should receive such honor -unless you understand the mindset of those who built Washington's Tomb and those who placed Lincoln's bier inside Washington's Tomb:  they oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Given that a Temple implies either a place of worship or a holy place – death itself as well as Lincoln was glorified.  Why would death be glorified?  Because until Christ returns death is the only thing that Satan can hold over us. 


They may glorify death - which is Christ's last enemy - but those who oppose Christ will find out that the day will come when Christ will put His last enemy - death - under His feet - and it is then that Christ will come back and establish His Kingdom. 


1 Corinthians 15:20-28 24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.  25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death NKJV


However, until Christ puts death under his feet death is still being glorified by the occult.  Even today it is considered an honor for those whose coffin rests on the bier of Abraham Lincoln.


For example, according to USA Today – June 9, 2004 – page 4 A – "Reagan's casket will rest on a catafalque originally designed for Abraham Lincoln's funeral in 1865.  The catafalque is a simple bier of rough pine boards nailed together and covered with black cloth.  It is stored in a crypt in the Capitol basement.  The crypt was intended as a tomb for George Washington….  "Once inside the Rotunda, Reagan's casket will be placed upon a pine board and black-broadcloth-draped 'catafalque.'  Built as a platform for the coffin of Lincoln, the first president to have lain in state in the Capitol Rotunda, it has since become a powerful historic symbol.  'It's almost as much of an honor to lie on the catafalque as it is to lie in the Rotunda, because it's Lincoln's catafalque,'…" 


The Freemasons who built Washington' Tomb glorified death.  They can glorify death but the last enemy that Christ will put under His feet is death.


And, Scripture is clear, those like President Lincoln's wife and Nancy Reagan who held séances at the White House are not to seek the dead on behalf of the living.  It is common knowledge that after his young son's death Lincoln allowed his wife Mary to hold  séances at the White House in an attempt to make contact with their dead son. 


And, it is common knowledge that many visitors to the White House claim they feel Lincoln's presence throughout the White House.  And, Eleanor Roosevelt is not the only one to claim they saw an apparition of Lincoln.  According to many people Lincoln's ghost is an ever presence spirit at the White House.  And, this concept of seeking the dead and glorifying death is a pagan belief that the Scriptures condemn.


Isaiah 8:19 19 Someone may say to you, “Let’s ask the mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do.” But shouldn’t people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead? NLT


Leviticus 20:6 6 “I will also turn against those who commit spiritual prostitution by putting their trust in mediums or in those who consult the spirits of the dead. I will cut them off from the community. NLT


Isaiah 19:3 3 The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will confuse their plans. They will plead with their idols for wisdom and call on spirits, mediums, and those who consult the spirits of the dead. NLT


Isaiah 65:4 4Who sit among the graves [trying to talk with the dead] and lodge among the secret places [or caves where familiar spirits were thought to dwell]; Amplified


Isaiah 29:4 4And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust.


Isaiah 28:15 15Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: 18And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. 


Before leaving the account of Lincoln's Catafalque it's important to make note of the construction of the Catafalque.  The structure that was built to hold Lincoln's catafalque was so enormous in size that it had to be constructed inside the East Room of the White House where Lincoln's body lie in state.  The structure stood as high as eleven to sixteen  feet and was ten feet long and stood four feet off the floor and was crowned by a soaring canopy that was so tall that to accommodate it the workmen had to take down the central chandelier in the East Room.   The entire structure was draped with yards and yards of black velvet, silk, satin and crepe fabric.


Given the significance of the light that manifested on the pictures of Lincoln's bier that I took - I want to point out that the underside of the canopy was made out of "White" fluted satin which was intended to catch what little light was in the room so the light would reflect on Lincoln's face.


Going back to the manifestation of a man that appears to be imprisoned in the picture that I took of Lincoln's bier I want to focus on the lock and iron bars of Washington's Unused Tomb that resembles the lock and bars of an old jail house.



Again, in the center of the above picture just to the right of the lock on the gates you will notice a distinct shadow that resembles a man.  However, at this point I want to focus on the "lock" and the iron gate.  This "shadow" is symbolic of the "shadow of death" in Psalm107:10, 14.  It represents all those who have gone into a "Covenant with death" and an agreement with hell.  Isaiah 28:15

Psalms 107:10 10 Those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, Bound in affliction and irons (NKJV)


The Scriptures speak of those who sit in darkness as "prisoners" and there is no denying that Washington's Unused Tomb looks like a jail or prison cell.  And, there can be no doubt that the manifestation of a man standing inside Lincoln's "Temple of Death" is symbolic of someone who is imprisoned.


And, that brings me to the following Newspaper articles just published this past week.  I was seeking the Lord as to how I should convey to those today that Lincoln's Temple of Death is equivalent to a prison and the "Gates of Hell" that Jonah referred to when he found himself in the bowels of the great fish. 


And, I was simply amazed that in response to my prayer the following news articles were published.  As a way of history, several days ago the Democrats threaten to put Attorney General Barr in jail for not releasing an un-redacted copy of Muller's Report - a report that under the law he couldn't release.  And, when asked where would they jail him House Speaker Pelosi told a reporter that they had a jail in the basement of the Capitol which needless to say piqued everyone's curiosity. 


Given his curiosity - this reporter paid a visit to the Architect of the Capitol to find out where this mysterious jail was located.  And, the two newspaper articles say it all.


Needless to say, there wasn't a real jail in the basement of the Capitol where someone can actually be put in jail.  However, it's interesting that the Architect of the Capitol did show the reporter(s) Washington's unused Tomb because it resembles that of an old school house prison. 


Whether she understood it or not - spiritually speaking - like Oliver Wolcott, the Secretary of the Treasury from 1795 to 1800, who disdainfully compared the people of our nation's capital to bad fish - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was speaking prophetically when she told a reporter they had a jail in the basement of the Capitol - albeit a "spiritual jail". 


And, the prisoners inside this spiritual jail in the bowels of our nation's capitol are all those that our politicians have and continue to devour.  And, I have no doubt that the Democrats would like for Attorney General Barr to be spiritually bound up so that he wouldn't be able to do his job.  However, they would be wise to heed the words of the great Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:14-15 lest they themselves become prisoners of their own schemes.


At times God will use even the unrighteous, like the High Priest Caiaphas, to utter a Prophecy:


John 11:49-53 49 Caiaphas, who was high priest at that time, said, “You don’t know what you’re talking about! 50 You don’t realize that it’s better for you that one man should die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed.” 51 He did not say this on his own; as high priest at that time he was led to prophesy that Jesus would die for the entire nation. 52 And not only for that nation, but to bring together and unite all the children of God scattered around the world. 53 So from that time on, the Jewish leaders began to plot Jesus’ death. NLT


Even though Caiaphas was not a prophet - in giving utterance that it would be better for one man meaning Jesus to die for the people and not that the whole nation should perish - albeit unknowingly  - he was speaking prophetically.  Without knowing it Caiaphas spoke a prophecy of the deepest significance. 


Adam Clarke wrote:  Wicked and worthless as he was, God so guided his tongue that, contrary to his intention, he pronounced a prophecy of the death of Jesus Christ.  According to Adam Clarke  intention them merely to state that it was better to put Jesus to death than to expose the whole nation to ruin on his account.  His maxim was, it is better to sacrifice one man than a whole nation. 


And, so it was with Oliver Wolcott and Nancy Pelosi.  How interesting that Oliver Wolcott, the Secretary of the Treasury from 1795 to 1800 described the residents of D.C. as nothing more than bad fish.  Wolcott wrote, adding rather disdainfully, "as far as I can judge, they live like fishes, by eating each other,"  And, so it is today.  Our government officials live like fishes - they are continually devouring one another.


In Galatians 5:14-15 the Apostle Paul warns those who devour one another.  The allusion is to that of the beasts of prey who fall upon and devour one another.  The apostle warns them if they themselves should behave like animals that devour one another - that if they continue their biting sarcasms, scandalous lies and injurious actions then take heed because along with those they devour they themselves may very well end being destroyed.


Galatians 5:14-15  14  For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is complied with in the one precept, You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself. [Lev. 19:18].  15 But if you bite and devour one another [in partisan strife], be careful that you [and your whole fellowship] are not consumed by one another.  Amplified Bible, Classic Edition


Case in Point:  The Democrats wanted a Special Prosecutor to investigate President Trump and in the process many people's lives were utterly destroyed.  Now, the tables have turned on the Democrats - a Special Prosecutor has been appointed to investigate the investigators.  And, no doubt many Democrats will end up being devoured during this investigation.


How interesting that the Prophet Habakkuk asked the Lord why did He look on those who deal treacherously with others and not do something when the wicked "devours" others like the fish of the sea


Habakkuk 1:13-17 13 But you are pure and cannot stand the sight of evil. Will you wink at their treachery? Should you be silent while the wicked swallow up people more righteous than they? 14 Are we only fish to be caught and killed? Are we only sea creatures that have no leader? 15 Must we be strung up on their hooks and caught in their nets while they rejoice and celebrate?  16 Then they will worship their nets and burn incense in front of them. “These nets are the gods who have made us rich!” they will claim. 17 Will you let them get away with this forever? Will they succeed forever in their heartless conquests? NLT


All too often, our politicians treat each other as well as Americans in general as a fisherman treats the fish in the sea.  Their aim, as sad as it is, is to catch those they care nothing for and use them to advance their own agendas! 


Muller's investigation instigated by the Democrats and all the slanderous remarks and lies spewed out of the mouth of the Democrats can be likened to the hooks and fishing nets that Habakkuk speaks of.  All symbolic of the lie, ploys, traps and schemes by which our politicians have used to entrap and gain dominion over other countries as well as Americans and each other. 


The hook and the fishing net, both things used for catching fish, are symbolic of all the means which someone's enemies will use in order to subdue and destroy people as well as other nations. In the context of our politicians these hooks and fishing nets are nothing more than the schemes, lies, slander and traps that our politicians will use to devour and destroy whoever they see as a threat to their agenda.


For example, just today in a Fox News article they only echo what many who are familiar with Muller's investigation having been saying for a very long time - that there was a long running, high level effort to entrap Michael Flynn.    The following is an excerpt from that article: 


"Michael Flynn was under FBI investigation earlier than previously thought, according to a little-noticed section in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report -- and the former national security adviser's brother told Fox News exclusively this week that the revelation suggested a long-running, high-level effort to "trip him up" and "trap" him."


And, the list goes on and on and on!  Need I say more.


In essence Galatians 5:15 and Habakkuk 1:14-15 reveal that Big Fish eat Little Fish and the Bigger Fish eat the Big Fish.


And, whether she understood it or not - spiritually speaking - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was speaking a truth - because "Washington's Tomb" is symbolic of all those in America that are in a "Spiritual Prison" because of the injustice of our political system. 


When reading the two news articles that were an answer to prayer we find that even those who are worldly agree that Washington's Unused Tomb looks like a jail.  And, the reporter even describes the location of Washington's Unused Tomb as "Deep in the bowels of the U.S. Capitol, two levels directly before the Rotunda floor and precisely in the dead-center of the building."


I was amazed that on the very first page of the first article is a large picture of  Washington's Unused Tomb.  The two news articles in their entirety are as follows:






The "Tomb of Empty Promises":  How Prophetic!









How Do We Know where the Gateways of our Enemies are Located


It comes by Revelation.  The Lord will Quicken us to a Particular Scripture or He can even give us Revelation by means of a Dream


Genesis 28:10-17 10 Meanwhile, Jacob left Beersheba and traveled toward Haran. 11 At sundown he arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a stone to rest his head against and lay down to sleep. 12 As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth up to heaven. And he saw the angels of God going up and down the stairway. 13 At the top of the stairway stood the LORD, and he said, “I am the LORD, the God of your grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants. 14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to the west and the east, to the north and the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. 15 What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.”  16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!” 17 But he was also afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! It is none other than the house of God, the very gateway to heaven!”


He dreamed” indicates that it was through “revelation” that Jacob understood that this particular area was a “gate of heaven”. 


I know that I stand in a gateway because of “revelation” and the documentation of signs and wonders by which the LORD has confirmed the revelation.  When the revelation comes through a dream or vision - the Lord will immediately quicken me to a particular Scripture that gives insight into where He wants me to go and who my enemy is in that particular gateway.     


And, if we are called to stand in the Gateway of our Enemies - then the Lord will

give us Confirmations that yes we were Standing in the Gateway of our Enemies


I have included pictures of me "Standing" in front of the Gateway of my Enemies - but what exactly does that mean - what does that look like?


In Luke 10 when the 70 Disciples returned they told Christ that even the devils submitted to them in His name.  Yes, Christ told them and He told them "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening".  And, that's what happens when we stand in the Gateway of our enemies - in the Name of Jesus they will submit to us - and like lightening they will be forever falling until Christ returns.  


When Jesus told the 70 that He saw Satan as lightning falling from heaven - in essence He wanted them to know that He was aware of their triumphs when in His name the devils submitted to them.  He wanted them to know that while they were rejoicing that the devils submitted to them - He was witnessing a greater sight - He saw Satan falling from heaven like lightening!  And, every time that we stand in the Gateway of our enemies - Satan and the fallen angels are forever falling.


Revelation 12:7-9 7 Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. 8 And the dragon lost the battle, and he and his angels were forced out of heaven. 9 This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels. NLT


Again, the following documentation is a glimpse of what is in the book I wrote on "Saddam Hussein the Modern-Day King of Babylon".


 I will begin with "December 13, 1998 starting with the following copy of my husband's  American Express statement as it confirms that I was at the United States Capitol on December 13, 1998 the day I stood in front of Washington's Unused Tomb and read the taunt to the King of Babylon as recorded in Isaiah 14 into the spiritual realm.


And, this is significant because then-president Bill Clinton who was in Jerusalem, Israel on the start of a Middle East trip - after receiving a negative report on Iraq's compliance with UNSCOM - on December 13, 1998 while I was at the U.S. Capitol - unbeknown to us - President Clinton made the decision to go to war with Iraq within 72 hours. 


And, within four days American bombed Iraq approximately 60 miles outside of ancient Babylon.  Needless to say, only the Lord could have orchestrated the timing of these two events to coincide.  What the Lord had me to speak into the spiritual realm while I was at the US Capitol - the Lord used President Clinton to carry it out in the natural realm.  And, that's a key point, I had to be at the Capitol - not somewhere else.


Then, to my amazement, five years later to the day and to the month, on December 13, 2003, Saddam Hussein, the modern-day King of Babylon, was captured at 12:30 pm our time.


Saddam Hussein claimed that he was a descendant of Nebuchadnezzar, and in that sense, he is the “Modern-Day King of Babylon."  The spirit or principality behind the ancient “King of Babylon” is the same spirit that was operating through Saddam Hussein.  The men that this principality works through die; however, the spirit doesn’t die – this principality will only find another human to work through.


In addition to the American Express card that confirms I was at the U.S. Capitol on December 13, 1998 and the news articles that confirm it was on December 13, 1998 that President Clinton ordered our troops to prepare for air strikes on Iraq - I'm including a news article that confirms five years later that is was to the day and to the month - on  December 13, 2003 that Saddam Hussein the modern day King of Babylon was captured after being found hiding in an underground hole that they likened to a grave.  And, this is significant that he was captured hiding "underground" because when I spoke the taunt to the King of Babylon I was underground standing in front of what was supposed to be Washington's grave.



Following this page is the second page of this account and confirms that on December 13,  1998 I made a purchase at the gift shop located in the U.S. Capitol on December 13, 1998




American Express & Parking Transactions


American Express:






The American Express transaction confirms that I was at the United States Capitol on December 31, 1998


Union Station Parking:

The Parking ticket confirms both the date of December 13, 1998 and the times that I was within walking distance of the US Capitol: The parking receipt reflects that we arrived at 9:56 am and departed at 1:20 pm

12:20 PM:

In other words, I was at the US Capitol at "12:30" pm – the time that the modern-day king of Babylon was captured five years later (six years if 1998 is included in the calculation)

The receipt for "Central Parking Union Station Parking Garage



Bill Clinton's decision to attack Iraq on December 13, 1998


Clinton's decision comes the same day I read the "Taunt to the King of Babylon"




Saddam Hussein captured on December 13, 2003 at 8:30pm


Hussein was captured at 8:30pm (equivalent to 12:30pm Washington, DC time) to the month, day and half hour, that I read the "Taunt to the King of Babylon" in 1998). 


The following excerpt is from page 3A of the December 15, 2003 edition of USA Today.




President Clinton: it is also important to note that on December 13, 1998, the same day I spoke the Taunt at the US Capitol, President Clinton was in Israel and it was from the King David Hotel that same day that President Clinton ordered the US military to be ready to attack Iraq in 72 hours.  This fact is significant because when I speak a creative word into the spiritual realm it seems to always be spiritually connected to Israel.    


The hole that Saddam Hussein had been hiding in was likened to a "Grave".  Again, when I spoke the taunt of Isaiah 14 into the spiritual realm I was standing underground in the bowels of the U. S. Capitol in front of Washington's Unused Tomb.  This could only have been orchestrated by the Lord Himself.







Isaiah 14:15 reads "Instead, you will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depts.  Verse 16 reads Everyone there will stare at you and ask, 'Can this be the one who shook the earth and made the kingdoms of the world tremble?"



And, this is the question many asked when they found Saddam Hussein in a grave like hole in the ground!




Isaiah 14:4  You will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon




In summary:  On December 13, 1998 from 11:45 am until 12:30 pm, I read Isaiah 14, the Taunt to the King of Babylon, in front of Lincoln’s Bier located inside the tomb or cave-like structure in the US Capitol. 


I spoke Isaiah 14:3-23, which is a Taunt against the King of Babylon, into the spiritual realm. 


Saddam Hussein claimed that he was a descendant of Nebuchadnezzar, and in that sense, he is the “Modern-Day King of Babylon."  The spirit or principality behind the ancient “King of Babylon” is the same spirit that was operating through Saddam Hussein.  The men that this principality works through die; however, the spirit doesn’t die – this principality will only find another human to work through.


Not coincidentally, on this same day, Sunday, December 13, 1998, then-president Bill Clinton was in Jerusalem, Israel on the start of a Middle East trip.  After receiving advance notice of a negative report on Iraq's compliance with UNSCOM, President Clinton made the decision to go to war with Iraq.  He gave the Pentagon 72 hours to make preparations and air strikes Five years later to the day, on December 13, 2003, Saddam Hussein, the modern-day King of Babylon, was captured at 12:30 pm our time.


Having Said all of the Above -

the Worldly Believer will never understand the Spiritual Aspects of Gateway


But, what is important is that we who are called to Stand in the Gateway of our Enemies

is that we understand where the Lord has called us


The Apostle John reveals that Christ Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  And, the Apostle Luke reveals that Christ has given the Believer authority to destroy the works of the devil as well.


1 John 3:8 8 But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. NLT


1 John 3:8 8 [But] he who commits sin [who practices evildoing] is of the devil [takes his character from the evil one], for the devil has sinned (violated the divine law) from the beginning. The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done].  AMPC


Luke 10 reveals that the same Christ that came to destroy the works of the devil also gave His disciples the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and authority over all the power of the enemy.  Luke tells us that when the 70 Disciples that Christ sent out to all the towns and places He planned to visit returned they joyfully reported to Christ that when they used His name that the devils obeyed them.   And, even though the Lord told them not to rejoice because evil spirits submit to them rather rejoice because their names are written in heaven - He then told His disciples "Blessed are the eyes that see what you have seen".  Luke 10:17-24


In addition to Luke, the Apostle Paul gives us insight as to how we as Spirit led Believers are to equip ourselves in order that we can bring damage to the kingdom of darkness.  In Ephesians 6:10-17 the Apostle Paul reveals that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Therefore, Paul instructs us to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against and destroy the works of the devil. 


The Apostle Luke Reveals that the Worldly Believer will never be able to understand Spiritual Warfare or take Authority over devils:  Interestingly, Luke reveals that Christ thanked God the Father for hiding what the 70 Disciples had seen from those who think themselves wise and clever.  In the context of Luke 10 the wise and clever can be likened to the Corinthians who Paul described as Worldly Believers who because of their worldliness cannot understand spiritual things.  Like the Corinthians today's Worldly Believers are incapable of comprehending the higher truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God because, as Paul explained, they think and as act like the unbeliever.


1 Corinthians 3:1-4 1 Dear brothers and sisters, when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people. I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. 2 I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready,   3 for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world? 4 When one of you says, “I am a follower of Paul,” and another says, “I follow Apollos,” aren’t you acting just like people of the world? NLT


1 Corinthians 3 is a continuation of Paul's preceding discourse in 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 regarding the unbelievers who crucified Christ because they couldn't discern the truths that Christ spoke of.  And, like the Unbeliever the Worldly Believers cannot discern Spiritual truths either.  And, because the Worldly Believer cannot discern spiritual truths they are easily deceived by the unbeliever.


For example, some of the Believers in the church of Thyatira allowed the false prophet Jezebel to lead some of the Believers astray by seducing them to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.  And, some of the Believers at Thyatira actually followed the false teaching - the deeper truths as they called them - depths of Satan, actually - that was introduced into their church.


It is absolutely unthinkable that any Christian would claim special knowledge of "the deep things of Satan" - but they did!  How is that possible?  Sadly, the Worldly Christian continues to behave in such a manner to this day.  I know this firsthand, because I have personally met many of them.


But if they really understood the "mysteries of Satan" they would have understood that part of Satan's strategy is to deceive the Worldly Believer into opposing the Spiritual Believer.


What about the Believers in the Church of Pergamum - why in the world would they hold  onto the doctrine of Balaam who placed stumbling blocks before the sons of Israel and the teaching of the Nicolaitans.  And, it was the Nicolaitan spirit that was operating through the slave owners who wanted to lord over others?  And, it was the Pastors who owned slaves in colonial America that as they stood in the pulpit justified slavery to their congregation.  Revelation 2:12-15 


And, what at about the Galatians?  The Apostle Paul was astonished that the Galatians so quickly rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ and turned to a different gospel that distorted the Gospel of Christ Jesus.  Galatians 1:6-7   Paul explains the difference between the Gospel that was revealed to by the Spirit and that the Gospel they have turned to is a "man-made gospel" - a worldly gospel.


In chapter 3 Paul even asked the Galatians "who had bewitched them", that they should not obey the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?


Revelation 2:20 20 “But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman—that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet—to lead my servants astray. She teaches them to commit sexual sin and to eat food offered to idols. ….. 24 “But I also have a message for the rest of you in Thyatira who have not followed this false teaching (‘deeper truths,’ as they call them—depths of Satan, actually). I will ask nothing more of you 25 except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come. 26 To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, To them I will give authority over all the nations. NLT


1 Corinthians 2:1-16 1 When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. 2 For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. 3 I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. 4 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. 5 I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God. 6 Yet when I am among mature believers, I do speak with words of wisdom, but not the kind of wisdom that belongs to this world or to the rulers of this world, who are soon forgotten. 7 No, the wisdom we speak of is the mystery of God—his plan that was previously hidden, even though he made it for our ultimate glory before the world began. 8 But the rulers of this world have not understood it; if they had, they would not have crucified our glorious Lord9 That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”  10 But it was to us that God revealed these things by His Spirit. For His Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. 11 No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. 13 When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. 14 But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means15 Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. 16 For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. NLT


Those who are proud miss the meaning of the Gospel and the Kingdom.


However, and I rejoice that that the Holy Spirit revealed to our Scottish Forebears who had the mind of Christ the spiritual truths of Luke 10.  And, without a doubt, they took authority over their spiritual enemies.   


And, so it is with us.  Those of us who like our Scottish Forebears have the mind of Christ - we too will be called to possess the gateways of our spiritual enemies.  We too will have authority over the devils who operate through the Worldly Believer to oppose us and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, we would be wise to heed the words of Christ, Luke and Paul and apply their teachings to our own lives.  Like our Scottish Forebears we who are their spirit led offspring - we too are in a fierce spiritual battle. 


By all accounts, our Scottish Forebears understood the Biblical Principle of "Spiritual Warfare".  To begin with, Lillias Skene who had the mind of Christ was one of the few among the Quakers who even wrote about spiritual warfare.


So much of Lillias' writing and imagery was steeped with Biblical allusion and imagery drawn from the Old Testament because she was able to spiritually relate to the Biblical principles and promises in the Old Testament.


It's obvious from her writings that Lilias Skene believed that God would avenge His people, the Quakers, and destroy their enemies in the same way that He had destroyed the enemies of the Old Testament Israelites.  And, this is a concept that the Worldly Christian cannot grasp.


For example, Lilias warned the magistrates and inhabitants of Aberdeen that the Lord would "rise up against Babylon … a destroying Wind" and that the "Hills and Mountains will not cover you" from the coming wrath of God since "assuredly the Lord will not hold you guiltless".


Unlike most Quakers, Lillias used imagery connected with battle and spiritual warfare when writing about the persecution of Quakers.  And, this too - the reality of "Spiritual Warfare" - is a Biblical principle that only their spiritual offspring will understand or take part in.  Ephesians 6  A "Spiritual War" that  mainstream Christianity denies.


for His spiritual warfare hath trained bands

And their provision keeps in His own hands

A house of Magazine well furnished where

For every soldier He hath weapons there

For some a battle axe, a sword a bow

As He hath service, weapons He'll bestow

With some He'll wound the beast, by others kill it


In another poem Lilias called on the Quakers to join in the Lamb's War which is interesting because Luke tells us that Christ sent the 70 out as lambs among wolves.  And, like the 70, Lillias too had victory over Satan and all the power of the enemy. 


….. The Lord will bath His sword in Edoms blood

And vengeance recompense on all her brood

Who have engaged in this holy war.

And followers of the Lamb accounted are.


and Lillias called on Quakers to join in the Lamb’s War:


Come all ye mighty men bring forth your shield

Yee valiant ones appear now in the field

 All ye expect in war gird on your thigh

 Your swords, so as in readiness ye be 

Yea breast plate buckler, helmet & a shield

That none unharnished12 may go to the field …


The Lord will bath his sword in Edoms blood

And vengeance recompense on all her brood

Who have engaged in this holy war And followers of the Lamb accounted are.


Like Deborah, a Mother of Israel and a woman of authority who as she stood in the Gateway called the men to rise up and fight for the Lord, Lillias called the Quaker men to rise up and fight for the Lord.  Judges 4-5


Like many other Quakers Lilias saw direct parallels between her/their own experiences and those of the Biblical Israelites.  And, Lilias the Prophetess, believed that she and others who were prophetic were as inspired by the same spirit that had inspired the prophets of the Bible.


Satan doesn't want the Church to believe that he really exists or to understand the authority we have over him in the Name of Jesus - because when every power, rule, authority, principality, demon and Satan himself has "completely fallen" and made inoperative - in other words fallen under the feet of Jesus - then "The End Cometh" 1 Corinthians 15:24-28


I believe that Luke 10:1-24 helps us to understand at least one of the reasons "why" those of us who understand the spiritual behind the natural are often misunderstood and why Satan doesn't want the Body of Believers to believe that he really does exist. 


Man's Spiritual Enemy & the Law of Double Reference: Biblically speaking there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly. One is not inconsistent with the other as one cannot exist without the other. And all throughout the Bible we find a Biblical principle that Believers refer to as the "Law of Double Reference". For example, in many passages of the Bible the LORD addresses a "Visible" creature while at the same time He addresses an "Invisible" creature who is using the "Visible" creature as a tool. In other words two creatures are involved in the same passage - one visible - the other invisible. For example, in the account of the temptation of Adam and Eve, Satan (the invisible) used the serpent (the visible) as a tool to hide behind. And, for that reason there is a spiritual nature of the serpent that we should be aware of. Not only is the serpent man’s natural enemy – the serpent also represents man’s “Spiritual Enemy”. Needless to say, it is significant that both the animal and Satan were two dominant entities in the Adamic dispensation and for that reason the spiritual connection or relationship between Satan and animals is of importance.


As we know, animals in the Bible are often used figuratively to describe the nature of a human being as well as Satan, the demonic and principalities. When a human being was compared to an animal it was because they both shared the same traits. For example, a fox is used figuratively of the antichrist or false prophet. A fox is cunning, selfish and destructive and it was because of the fox’s attributes that Jesus compared Herod to a fox. 


Luke 13 31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee. 32 And He said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.


Another example of "double reference" is when Jesus Christ addressed Peter as Satan - Matthew 16:23.


And, we still see Satan (the invisible) using things in the natural realm (the visible) as his tools.  For example, we often hear America (the visible) described as a "World Power" meaning that America is powerful enough to affect the entire world by its influence or actions. Well, while that may be true, it is only a partial truth. In other words, there is an invisible world power behind America's visible world power.


According to John 12:31 Satan (the invisible) is the "Ruler of this world". In other words, according to Scripture Satan (the invisible) is behind "all visible" world powers - and these visible world powers are nothing more than tools of Satan. More to the point "all world powers" are under the influence of Satan to one degree or another to further his agenda. More to the point "Satan is The World Power". But like all world powers who rise to power only to fall - Satan's world power is limited as well and Satan's power of influence is over "unbelievers"- not Believers at least Believers who are not in willful sin. 1 John 5:18-19 reveals that the whole world (of unbelievers) lies in the power of the evil one - meaning the unbeliever is easily influenced by Satan to do his will - to follow Satan's agenda. On the other hand verse 18 reveals that the wicked one does not touch those born of God and who do not sin.


Again, John 12:31 reveals that Satan is the "ruler of this world" and 2 Corinthians 4:4 reveals that Satan is god of this world - meaning Satan has a kingdom. Hence, Satan is a "World Power".  In other words, "Ruler of this world" and "god of this world" are not just frivolous titles - they reveal that to some degree the Lord has given Satan the capability and authority to rule over all nations - that Satan is able to influence the mindset of the majority of people. I say "to some degree" because the LORD is still sovereign and Satan can only operate within the boundaries set by the LORD. For example, while Scripture such as Ephesians 2:2; 2 Timothy 2:26 and 1 John 5:19 reveals that unbelievers are under the influence of Satan: - Colossians 1:13 reveals that Believers are no longer under the rule of Satan - at least the spirit led Believer who He has given the authority to rule over Satan (Luke 10).


But, just as Satan hid behind the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Satan still prefers to remain hidden (invisible). For example, Satan is the only world power whose main strategy is to influence people through deception, including the Church that he nor the Kingdom of Darkness really exist. And, Luke 10 is one of the Scriptures that can shed light as to "why" Satan wants to remain "invisible" - because if the Church believes he really does exist then they will take authority over him and his followers which would weaken his kingdom of darkness. On the other hand if he can deceive the Worldly Believers that he doesn't really exist then they will not be a threat to his kingdom. And, I believe that the teaching of the 70 that Jesus sent out in Luke 10:17-24 is among those teachings that are important to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.


For those of us who are led by the Holy Spirit we know very well that we have the same adversary that Adam and Eve had and if we do not take authority over our adversary in the Name of Jesus - then to some degree or other he will come to kill, steal and destroy within our households.


Acts 7:25 reveals that Moses thought that his own people would realize that God was using him to rescue them. Likewise, it still holds true today that the brethren often do not understand the anointing and call on the lives of other individuals.  And because of that our identity must abide in the Lord alone. As long as the Lord understands my walk with Him, it is not necessary for others to understand. 


Again, Luke 10:17-24 reveals that there are those of us who are called to a specific type of Spiritual Warfare and why we are not understood by others.  Verse 21 reveals that the truths of Luke 10:1-24 were not revealed to everyone and sadly we see this in the Body of Christ itself and I believe that it is due to the arrogance, mixture and compromise that we see in, not all, but many Churches. 


Notice that in verse 1 that it was only those that Jesus “appointed” that were sent two by two ahead of Him to every town and place where He was about to go. In other words not everyone was/is “appointed” for this particular “calling”. Furthermore, we know that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to the Body of Christ as He wills - and one of the gifts is the "Distinguishing of Spirit" 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.


And, this particular gift enables us to distinguish whether or not someone is a false teacher, or when someone is speaking in their flesh; or when someone is under the influence of a demonic spirit - all areas where discernment is especially needed. This particular gift enables us to distinguish outward appearances from inward realities - to discern the true motives of someone's heart.


In other words, this particular gifting enables us to distinguish between (1) the Spirit of God, (2) the spirit of man (3) and the spirit of evil.  And, when someone has this particular gift "they react to the circumstances". And, those Believers who discern and understand the spiritual behind the natural are very sensitive to this gifting.


Jesus revealed that not everyone is called to spiritual warfare nor will everyone in the Body of Christ understand this type of warfare; however, blessed are those that have been appointed and who do understand what God has called them to.


And, just as it was with the 70, Jesus Christ still takes a personal interest in our walk with Him and He is still aware of the on-going victories each generation has in taking authority over the enemy.  On earth as it is in heaven:  Jesus revealed to them that as they were taking authority over the devils, that He was aware of the progressive decline of Satan’s kingdom and as Satan's was losing ground his power was diminishing.


Verse 18: Jesus replied: "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven": In other words Jesus directed their attention to the "spiritual realm" making them aware of a much larger picture of the satanic world. Interestingly, Satan's fall is compared to lightening that is quick, dazzling and destructive. On Earth as in Heaven: While the disciples were taking authority over the devils here on earth and casting out Satan's subject - Jesus was saying that it affected the spiritual realm - Jesus saw Satan himself fall! Even though Satan and his angels had already fallen - Ephesians 6:12 reveals that there is still a battle going on in the heavenlies. Jesus was explaining to them that there is a spiritual aspect of what they were doing. Casting out demons was more than just casting out demons. Jesus pointed out how their success affected the Kingdom of Darkness - Jesus pointed out how devils being cast out affected Satan.


Every time a Christian takes authority over Satan  and every time a principality is dislodged and every time the Church casts out a demon from someone who is being vexed or bound - and every time an unbeliever's soul is rescued from the demonic and comes into the Kingdom - Satan is being driven out (John 12:3) and comes closer to being cast into the lake of fire and brimstone! (Revelation 20:10).  Every time a Christian takes authority over Satan - he continues to fall. And, all throughout the Church age - Satan is ever falling! 


And, I believe that's why Satan doesn't want the Church to believe that he really exists or to understand the authority we have over him in the Name of Jesus - because when every power, rule, authority, principality, demon and Satan himself has "completely fallen" and made inoperative - in other words fallen under the feet of Jesus - then "The End Cometh" 1 Corinthians 15:24-28

 In closing,


There is much more concerning Gateways - however I will close this Chapter with "Women who Stand in Gateways"


Women & Gateways


Many women like myself are called by the Lord to stand in the Gateway of those who hate us.   


Enmity Between Satan and the Woman


Notice in Genesis 3:15 that the enmity was between the woman and Satan; between the woman’s offspring and Satan’s offspring.  If only we understood to the fullest as to what Genesis 3:15 means. 


Back to Gateways:   The Lord told Abraham that his offspring would possess the gateways of those that hate them Genesis 22:17. 


Genesis 22:17 17 I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies. NLT 

And, this Biblical principle is once again confirmed in a blessing spoken over Rebekah as she was leaving her family to join Isaac as his wife Genesis 24:59-60. 

Genesis 24:59-60 59 So they said good-bye to Rebekah and sent her away with Abraham’s servant and his men. The woman who had been Rebekah’s childhood nurse went along with her. 60 They gave her this blessing as she parted: “Our sister, may you become the mother of many millions! May your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies.” NLT


And, Judges 5:13 tells us that Deborah, a descendant of both Abraham and Rebekah, had dominion over the mighty.  Deborah’s story is told in Judges 4 and 5.  She was a prophetess, she was a Judge of Israel and she was also known as a “mother” of Israel. 


Gateways speak of authority and Deborah was a woman with authority.  As a judge she sat in the Gateway, a place of authority where legal matters were handled and as we will find she also stood in a spiritual Gateway whereby she took a stand against the gods (principalities).


More to the point:  it is not unusual for women to take dominion over Satan and the demonic.


The gateway that Deborah had authority over involved a war with principalities.   The gods mentioned in verse 8 speak of principalities and in verse 11 we find that the Israelites went down to the gates to war against these principalities.  Alongside Israel we also find the angels of the Lord fighting.  


Judges 5 [8] They chose new gods’ then was war in the gates:  [11]…then shall the people of the Lord go down to the gates.  In verse 20 we find the angels of the Lord in the battle; they fought against Sisera.  Judges 5 [20] They fought from heaven; the stars in the courses fought against Sisera.


Deborah, a mother of Israel is an example of a woman who protected not only one man however she protected an entire generation of men.  Even though both Barak and Deborah sang what has come to be known as “Deborah’s Song” Judges 5 verse 7 indicates that this song was written by Deborah.  Judges 5:7…until “I” Deborah arose, that “I” arose a mother in Israel.  The Song of Deborah reveals the character of who Deborah was.  For example as a “mother of Israel” Deborah Birthed a Whole Generation of Men to Come into their Callings and destroy the works of darkness that had ravaged Israel.  She challenged Barak to rise up and face the enemy of Israel and enter the LORD’s battle and fight against the Canaanites. 


She said to Barak:  Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying, Go…  Judges 4:6  6And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedesh-naphtali, and said unto him, Hath not the Lord God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward Mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun?  In verse 14 Deborah said unto Barak,  Up, for this is the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine hand:  is not the LORD gone out before thee?  So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.  The word “Up” can also be read “Arise” and Barak was challenged and encouraged to “Rise Up” in the things of the LORD by the courage and resolve of a woman who understood who she was in the LORD!


Once again in verse 14 Deborah encourages Barak to be the man that God called him to be and from her encouragement and challenge Barak “went down” the mountain and entered into the Battle that the God of Israel had called him to.  It was Deborah, a woman, that encouraged a man to enter into the battle for the Lord and it was a woman who was able to unite the men of Israel who fought under Barak. 


Notice that it was not Deborah’s intent to usurp the leadership role or authority of the man.  Her intent was that he would rise to the command of the Lord.  After Barak arose to the occasion Deborah went into the battle at Barak’s request (verse 8-10).  Verse 10 states that Deborah “went with Barak”; she supported him and stood alongside of Barak during the battle.  In other words Deborah submitted to the authority that Barak was now walking in.


From the Scriptures it is obvious that Barak did not feel threatened by Deborah because he is the one who said to her, Judges 4:8 8 If thou wilt go with me, then I will go:  but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go.  9 And she said, I will surely go with thee: …And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.


Barak did not view Deborah as a woman who was pressing or trying to control him.  He understood the motives of her heart:  Deborah states in Judges 5:9 My heart is toward the governors of Israel…


And sometimes, like Deborah a mother of Israel, we too will be called to stand in the gateway to protect a man. 


Jeremiah 31:21 Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps:  set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest:  turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again, to these thy cities.  22:How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? For the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth.  A woman shall compass a man.


The Amplified translation is of interest:  …For the LORD has created a new thing in the land [of Israel]; a female shall compass (woo, win, and protect) a man.


It is Heartbreaking when the Gateway you are Standing in is your own Home and your Enemy that Hates you is the one you are Married to.


However, the man who has sinned against his own body and "takes pleasure in the Unrighteousness" of the prostitutes that he has joined himself to - this man prefers to be wooed, won and protected by the prostitutes that he has joined himself to.


1 Corinthians 6:15-20 15 Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! 16 And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.”  17 But the person who is joined   to the Lord is one spirit with him. 18 Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. NLT


No other sin so clearly affects the body as this sin does.  The type of sin that Paul is referring to makes a man who takes pleasure in unrighteousness - preferring that to the way of holiness - his own deadliest enemy.  And, this man will become a slave to the prostitutes that he has joined himself to. 


And, this brings me to the following account of a woman that I will call Leah, who I have known all my life - and like me - God has called Leah to stand in the Gateways of the Enemy.


And, one of the Gateways that Leah is Standing in is her own Home

and the Enemy that Hates Leah is her own Husband who takes Pleasure in Unrighteousness


It is heartbreaking that the Gateway Leah is standing in is her own home and the enemy that hates her so much that he has literally tried to murder her because she would not play the part of a prostitute, is her own husband who has become a slave to the Prostitutes that he has joined himself to - and "Loves only Himself".


I have known Leah all my life and I know every detail of her life as though it was my own.  And, as such I can and do testify that what I am writing is truth!  


Luke 8:1-3 and Luke 8:26-39 as well as other Scriptures reveals that someone can be possessed or influenced by more than one demonic spirit and so it was with Leah's husband.   It was heartbreaking when Leah realized that not only had her husband joined himself to a spirit of Prostitution - but that the man she had married had all the characteristics of a Narcissist Sociopath - someone who loves only himself and leads a double life as well as the characteristics of a Nicolaitan - someone who wants to be victorious over others by lording over them.


Like the Narcissist the goal of those who embrace the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, the very doctrine that the Apostle John tells us the Lord hates - is to be "victorious over others" by lording over them.  According to Strong's Concordance the word Nicolaitan is from the root word "Nike" and describes someone who desires to be "Victorious over the People" even if it means the "Destruction of the People".  Revelation 2:6 & Revelation 2:15 


In the context of Revelation 2 we know that the Nicolaitans that the Apostle John is writing about are those found within the walls of the Church who are victorious over others in the congregation by misleading them.  And, so it was here in the Churches of Colonial America.  The very Pastors in Colonial America that embraced the teaching of the Nicolaitans - they were the ones - while preaching from the pulpit - who convinced their congregations that it was God's will for them to become slave owners.  And, it was the Pastors who convinced the slave owners that it was God's will that they should lord over their slaves - even if it meant the destruction of those they lorded over.  And, lord over them they did in the cruelest of ways, many slaves died at the hands of the slaver owners.


And, so it was with Leah's husband, who embraced the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans simply because he too wanted to be "victorious" by "lording over all others" even if it meant their destruction.  


The Nicolaitan spirit found its way into the life of Leah's husband when he took an oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers who were Confederate Soldiers that owned slaves until slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War.  The ideology he took an oath to uphold was to be "victorious over others" by "lording over" them. 


And, just as slavery was Christianized by the Pastors as they stood in the Pulpit of America's Colonial Churches - Leah's husband was required to take the oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers in a Church where the initiation ceremony took place.


And, it was here in the Church that his fraternity brothers, dressed in black with black hoods over their heads, had placed several skulls with candles burning inside the skulls on the Church altar where he was required to kneel and take an oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers to be victorious over others by lording over them even if it meant there destruction.  Needless to say, the initiation ceremony was demonic in nature.



Spiritual Slavery:  And, it was at this point in time that Leah's husband became a slave to the spirit operating behind the doctrine of the Nicolaitan that would rule over him for the rest of his life.  One might say that the Doctrine of the Nicolaitan became a part of his spiritual DNA.  And, sadly he took pleasure in the unrighteousness of lording over others. John 8:34; 44


And, in keeping with his oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers - Leah's husband tried to lord over Leah by making her take pleasure in his sins of unrighteousness.  And, just as the slave owners would murder their slaves who they couldn't lord over - when Leah refused to take pleasure in her husband's unrighteousness - Leah's husband literally attempted to murder her on more than one occasion.  And, had the Lord not intervened on Leah's behalf - he would have succeeded in murdering her.


Psalm 5:4 reveals that God is not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness.  God does not take pleasure with those like Leah's husband who take pleasure in unrighteousness - who even take  pleasure in trying to murder one of God's servants.  It is as the Apostle Paul wrote - God does not ignore our sin - we will reap what we have sown. 


Scripture reveals that Sin has the Power to Enslave and that a man becomes a Slave to whatever has Mastered him:  What Leah's husband and others who embraced the worldly doctrine of the Nicolaitans did not understand is that sin has the power to enslave!  When they acquiesced to this spirit, they gave the spirit the authority to lord it over them as well.  Even though the shackles that the spirit operating behind the Nicolaitan bound Leah's husband with were invisible - her husband was in bondage nonetheless. 


In other words, at the end of the day when their cup of iniquity of lording over others has reached its brim and they reap what they have sown - it is the Nicolaitan spirit that is victorious over them.


Like Leah's husband who had become a "Servant to Sin" - there comes a time in someone's life that when their cup is full - they find themselves so entangled in the cords of their own sins that they cannot escape.  In Isaiah 5:28 and Proverbs 5:22 sins are compared to cords and it is their  own sins that are used as the "Spiritual Cords" to "Spiritually Bind" bind him.  In the beginning their sin is likened to that of one single cord (sin).  But, as they continue in their sins and one sin is added to another sin the once single cord (sin) is now strong enough to pull a cart load of sins.  And, so it was with Leah's husband - there came the time in the life of Leah's husband when his own sins had such a grip on him - that he was like a bird who is held captive in the fowler's snare. 


And, once in the fowler's snare - Leah's husband became the devil's "Spiritual Slave" to carry out the will of the devil - including Satan's will for him to try and murder Leah.


John 8:34 34 Jesus responded, “I assure you: Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. HCSB


 John 8:44 44 You are of your father the Devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of liars. HCSB 


Like those that Peter speaks of, the Nicolaitan preachers in America's Colonial Churches promised their congregations that they had the freedom to own slaves.  And, they did so because they themselves were had become enslaved to the Doctrine of the Nicolaitan that now lords over and controls them.


2 Peter 2:19 19 They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you. NLT


Colonial slavery has been abolished - but modern day slavery here in America has not been abolished.  The Nicolaitan spirit has been able to keep slavery alive here in America through forced labor and the human traffickers whose desire is to lord over others.  One can't turn on the news without hearing about how people in America are being bought, sold, and smuggled into America - they are America's modern-day slaves.


While the shackles of the Colonial slaves were visible, the shackles of the modern day slave here in America are invisible - nonetheless like the Colonial slave - America's modern day slaves - they too are in bondage. 


Before I leave the topic of the Nicolaitan - years ago the Lord gave Leah the understanding that He wanted her to sell her house and purchase a house in what used to be the front yard of a 300 acre Slave Plantation whose Slave Master was a Pastor.  The Lord gave Leah the understanding that she would be standing in the Gateway of her enemy that hated her - and she was to Possess this Gateway.


And, it was only after the Lord turned Leah's husband over to Satan and he desperately needed help and admitted to his dark side that she understood why the Lord told her the old plantation she was now living on was the "Gateway of her Enemy that Hated her".  How, amazing, that it was here in the front yard of an old slave plantation that the Lord chose to expose Leah's husband as to who he really was.    


Just as the Nicolaitan spirit found its way into her husband's life because he wanted to be victorious over others by lording over them - so it was with the spirit of Narcissism that found its way into her husband's life. 


Narcissist, is the modern day term used by Psychologists to describe those who think more highly of themselves than they should and who "love only themselves" - that the Apostle Paul warns us about.  2 Timothy 3:1-7 


Paul tells us that in the last days there will come times of difficulty - and at the top of his list are those who "Love only themselves" and even scoff at God because they consider nothing sacred.  They are unloving and unforgiving they will slander others just for the sake of slandering.  They are cruel and hate what is good.  They will betray their friends and family - even their own sons and daughters.  They are reckless and puffed up with pride and love the pleasures of sin rather than the righteousness of God. 


Like, Leah's husband, they will act righteous but they reject the power of God that could make them godly.  Paul tells us to stay away from people like that!  But, it was only after she was married that Leah realized she was married to such a man.


These Narcissist people - who are infatuated with themselves - who are "lovers of self" will make the times perilous because like Satan, who was the first Narcissist, they think so highly of themselves that they have no dread of God rather they want to be like God.  2 Timothy 3:1-7


The Psalmist describes the Narcissist as someone who is so arrogant that he cannot detect or even hate his sins - just like the Narcissist in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to hate his sins.  Psalm 36


Like the sexually immoral man who took pride in his perversions that the Apostle Paul told the Corinthian Congregation that they were to deliver over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord - the Lord turned Leah's husband over to Satan because after many years of indulging in the kind of sexual immorality that is not even tolerated among the unbelievers - the measure of his iniquity was full. 


And, it was only after the Lord turned Leah's husband over to the devil for the destruction of his flesh and he was terrorized by the demonic attacks of the enemy that he admitted to those close to her that yes, on more than one occasion, he had tried to kill her by making it look like an accident.  And, he even admitted that the first time he attempted to kill her he had even taken a life insurance policy out on her life.


There were red flags but Leah's husband always had a plausible explanation to explain away his behavior. It was only after he was attacked by the demonic that he could no longer hide the truth.  And, it was at this point in time that Leah came to learn the truth - not only was he not the Christian he claimed to be when they married but he had been leading a double life all throughout their marriage and that he had even dabbled in the Occult all his life.


In His Faithfulness to His Covenant Promises the Lord intervened on behalf of Leah:  Scripture tells us to joy in all our trials - and this holds true for Leah.  As you continue reading you will find that in His Faithfulness to His Covenant Promises that He will show mercy and loving kindness to one thousand generations of those who love and obey His commandments - as one of the offspring of Alexander, Lillias and John Skene - all three who loved and obeyed the Commandments of the Lord - the Lord intervened in Leah's life and would not allow her husband to destroy or take her life.


Our Scottish Forebears Loved the Lord and kept His Commandments and as you read this chapter, I will share with you how the Lord in His faithfulness to His covenant promise that He will show loving kindness and mercy to those who love Him and keep His Commandments for a thousand generations - how He intervened in the most remarkable ways to protect the life of Leah - one of Alexander Skene's many daughters - how He intervened to protect her life from the one who hated her.  Exodus 20:6


Like me, Leah is a direct descendant of the Skene household through the male line.  And, like her Scottish Forebears she too strenuously contends for the faith.  Even though her husband literally threatened her with death if she didn't choose him and his evil ways over the Lord - and even though the enemy was forever operating through her husband to harass and torment her - like Jude and her Scottish forebears - she vigorously and tirelessly continues to contend for the faith. 


Like the Apostle John who had the revelation that Jesus loved him - Leah has personally experienced the love of the Lord.  She not only has head knowledge that Jesus loves her - she experiences the Lord's Love on an everyday basis.


Like her Scottish Forebears she understands the Biblical principle that those who pick up their cross and follow the Lord will be persecuted and face many trials.  She understands that even though she has been tossed about by the waves of affliction that the day will come when she will exchange the sorrows of time for the joys of eternity.  And that day will come when it pleases the Lord our God to bring her to the sweet harbor of His everlasting rest.


As I begin this chapter, the letter that Jude wrote to the Church comes to mind.  Like Jude, my heart is to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you and others.  But, like Jude; and as heartbreaking as it is, I find that I must write the following because just as the Lord spoke to people in the Bible about their offspring, the Lord has revealed to me that some of my sons and daughters will find themselves in a marriage with a spouse who is not who you think they are.  And, like Jude, my mind is deeply troubled and I feel such sorrow and anguish because of the evil and dangers that lie ahead for my offspring who will marry someone who will literally try and murder you because you will not choose them over the Lord.


Like Jude, I have no choice but to write the following to warn you of the dangers of such a marriage.  But not only to warn you - but to encourage those of you who will find yourselves in such a marriage - to hold fast to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strenuously contend for the faith against those evils.


Back to Leah.  Leah is not her real name but I will call her "Leah" because after all wasn't it Leah that Jacob hated. 


Genesis 29:30-31 30 So Jacob went in to Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah, and served Laban for another seven years. 31 When the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. ESV


Jacob favored Rachael over Leah even though it was Leah's offspring that God determined that the covenant promise with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be confirmed.  It was through Leah’s son Judah that Jesus Christ came through – “The Tribe of Judah”!


Of the two wives “Leah was the highest” – but Jacob could never see that because of his love for Rachael.  Carnal love for someone doesn’t always mean God’s highest!


Jacob may not have loved Leah, however at the end of the day, we know that he acknowledged  that it was through Leah that the covenant promise would be fulfilled because Jacob requested to be buried in the Tomb where Leah and the other Patriarchs and their wives were already buried rather than next to Rachael, the one he loved, who he buried alongside the road where she died near Bethlehem.  Genesis 49:29-31; Genesis 35:19-20


So many Leahs!  So many wives deserted and wounded in spirit, so many wives who the Prophet Isaiah tells us were rejected by their husband even at the beginning of their marriage when they were still youthful.  Rejected because of their husband's infidelity. 


Isaiah compares the woman who has been rejected by her husband to the widow who has no husband - she is likened to those who were in the captivity of Babylon.  Like Leah who was hated by her husband Jacob - the women in Isaiah 54 - they are all a type of Leah's. 


And, sadly, oh so sadly, I have met so many Leah's within the Body of Christ who are so tormented by their husbands that they feel that they are in captivity.


Like Jeremiah many of us including myself have experienced deep hurt and sorrow not because we were hated by outsiders but because we have been hated and betrayed by those close to us.  Jeremiah 12:6 


Nonetheless, we cannot take the betrayal too much to heart – otherwise we will weary ourselves!     


We must become “Hardened to the Difficulties of Betrayal and Spiritual Abuse” by those that we love.  Not in the sense that you or I forget what happened or harbor un-forgiveness but in the sense that the hurt and sorrow has no hold on us.  And, like Leah, we do that by keeping our focus on our Calling – not on the sorrow and hurt that can so easily replace our focus if we are not careful – because we must press on towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  


If we allow ourselves to be “mentally” wearied because of the hurt of our own family in whom we put our trust – then we put ourselves at a greater risk from an attack outside of our family.  We must be prepared – and that means that we must become hardened to the difficulties of spiritual abuse in our own house.  


We must keep in mind that Christ revealed that our enemies are right in our own household - Matthew 10:36.  Sadly, like Jeremiah, we can be in captivity in our own homes and the members of our own household who raise a loud war cry against us can be as terrifying, dangerous and cruel as the Babylonians.  Jeremiah 12


It's a great source of comfort to know that over 2,000 years ago Christ Jesus cared so much for us that He wanted us to know that if we find ourselves in a family that doesn't want to serve Him - that we are to choose Him over our family.  That it's not our fault!  It's not our fault that our faithfulness to Christ Jesus didn't bring the peace to our household that we hoped for.  It's a great comfort to know that in these particular family situations that Christ the Prince of Peace didn't come to bring peace to a family that doesn't want to serve Him - rather Christ brought a sword.


Matthew 10:34-39 34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'; 36 and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'  37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of  Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.   NKJ


It's difficult to live at peace with a husband or wife who professes to be a Believer but acts as an unbeliever demanding that you join in their sins - sins too unspeakable to mention.  But even though this is a bad situation as Romans 8 reveals - God can use this situation for good.  When we choose God over our spouse and children it brings God glory.


What a relief for those of us who have experienced the betrayal of family to understand that God can use it for good even though it's so grievous.  We know that “All His ways are just,” which can also mean “justified.”  God knows what He’s doing; it is ultimately for our good (as well as His Kingdom purpose), and coming to understand His purpose brings comfort which removes guilt, emotional pain, shame, and mental anguish. 


It is truly life changing when a person comes to understand that even though they are rejected by their spouse - they are still a part of God’s eternal family.  The Apostle John wrote:


How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!  And that is what we are!”  1 John 3:1 NIV


As if that were not great enough, God intends for us to know the purpose (the reason for being) He had in mind when he made us individually.  Our backgrounds and experiences are not mistakes.  God planned for us to be a part of His family and left amazing blessings for us with which to worship Him.


One of the most painful things for people to comprehend is why their loved ones reject them because they are "Spirit Led" Believers.  Our family members who are "Worldly Believers" who according to the Apostle Paul live like unbelievers more often than not will persecute the "Spirit Led" Believer.  1 Corinthians 3:1-3 & 2 Corinthians 13:5   


On page 649/Volume 2 of The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia and Scriptural Dictionary, Reverend Samuel Fallows explains it best:


Reverend Fallows begins in saying that the influence of the Christian religion upon the customs and habits of family life was very considerable, even from the first; although it did not aim at making any abrupt or sudden changes, except in those things which were necessarily sinful.


The elevation of the female sex was one of the most conspicuous of the indirect results which rapidly followed the reception of the new religion.  The position of women among the Jews, and the manner in which Jesus had received them as His disciples and friends, must have taught the apostles, if they needed any such teaching, what place women were entitled to hold in the social economy of the church.  And accordingly, wherever Christ was proclaimed, women were invited and welcomed into the Christian communities, and were admitted equally with men to all Christian privileges.  hence in a Christian family the wife and mother held an honorable place; and the conjugal union, the source of all other family relationships, being thus honored, communicated a happy influence throughout the household.


"Before Christianity became the prevailing and established religion, families were in continual danger of being molested by popular violence, and of being utterly broken up in times of legalized persecution.  But besides these dangers and troubles, there were sometimes others hardly less painful within the family itself, when only a part of the household had become Christians.  The antagonism and consequent discomfort, if not positive misery, must then have been almost perpetual; and the difficulty of maintaining religious faithfulness, without losing family affection or breaking family ties, must have been very great.  Jesus himself had warned His disciples beforehand that 'a man's foes might be those of his own household;' and that his religion, in such a case, might bring 'not peace but a sword.'  St. Paul, while desirous that this difference of religion should not actually separate a husband and wife, admitted that it would and must sometimes have this effect.  Tertullian (ad Uxor. ii:4) describes in detail the sort of hindrances, opposition and ridicule which a Christian woman must expect if she married a husband who was an unbeliever; and how impossible she would find it to fulfill in peace, if she could fulfill at all, her Christian duties - even if nothing worse occurred.  But in times of persecution, or of any strong excitement of anti-Christian feeling, it was not merely difficulties and discomforts that had to be encountered.  The strongest words of Christ were then often literally realized, when the most powerful natural affections were shattered, and Christians were betrayed and denounced by their nearest relatives and given up to the persecutor's sword."


And, without a doubt, Leah could identify with the woman that Reverend Fallows described.


It is only after reading the words of Jesus that those like Leah come to the understanding as to why many of our loved ones turn against us. 


Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.  For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law'; and 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'  He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.  And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.  He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.  Matthew 10:34-39 - NKJ


And, from that understanding comes an acceptance.   


The Valley of Baca - the Valley of Tears:  Psalm 84:6 speaks of those who pass through the "Valley of Baca" - the "Valley of Tears" and the Lord gave Leah the understanding that even as she was walking through the Valley of Tears that she was still sowing into the Kingdom - that she was still victorious.


The Valley of Baca can be understood as the "Valley of Tears" - "Weeping" - "Lamentation" - "A Lonely Valley" - a "Valley in Palestine"  - "A Valley of Trouble and Sorrow" - a Spiritual  Valley that many of us as Christians, like the Psalmist, can relate to.  However, like Leah, from personal experience I have found that our longing for the Lord can turn a Valley of Weeping into a Valley of Joy. 


Faith in the Lord can bring us comfort.  Verses 2 & 4 reveals that not only did the Psalmist yearn for the Lord, he also sang for joy to the living God.  Worship of the Lord can transform a place of sorrow into a place of joy; worship of the Lord can impart peace in times of our deepest sorrows.  


Baca can be symbolic of any place of tears - not just a literal valley.  When traveling through the valley of weeping and tears we will find ourselves facing both our outward and innermost trials.  Even so, as verse 7 reveals - as we face one trial after another we go from strength to strength - from victory to victory.  By the grace of God, like Leah, we too can find the strength to get through and grow stronger and stronger in the Lord! 


The "Spiritual" Valley of Baca:  Because of the distance and the constant upheaval I don't know of any of us who would find ourselves travelling to the "geographical" Valley of Baca.  Yet, as Christians many of us can relate to a "Spiritual" Valley of Baca.  As a Christian, like Leah, I have come to understand that even my "Worldly" trials have a "Spiritual Aspect" to them and it is in that sense that my spiritual trials far out way any trials that are worldly in nature. 


Baca is a place that we all want to avoid - it is a desolate place that seems to be void of all hope - a place of utter despair.  Yet, like Leah and other Christians, there have been times that I have been in the Valley of Baca.  And, even though I was anxious - Like Leah, I knew that I had to pass through this Valley of Sorrow - a Valley of unrest and restlessness - a Valley where we find ourselves weeping - yet, like Leah, I know I cannot attain the promises of God unless I enter this Valley when the Lord requires it of me. 


As I entered this valley - I realized that what I was going through was much bigger than me.  All I could see was what seemed to be a "Chasm".  And, I knew that if the Lord did not intervene - I would fall into that chasm.  At times when it seemed that there was no hope and felt my strength giving way - I realized more than ever that if the Lord did not intervene - what would I possibly do?  But, like Leah, I always felt the presence of the Lord!  Like Leah, I knew that He was always there and I knew He would bring me out of the Valley of Baca into a spacious place - a place free of the trial that I was facing.  And, He has always been that bridge for me to pass over the chasm.


Like Leah, I knew that unless I encouraged myself in the Lord as David did - I would be defeated.  And, as I would encourage myself in the Lord that's where I found my strength renewed - and I knew that I would be able to face the adversity I was facing all the way through the Valley of Baca until my pilgrimage was over - until I was able to reach the end of my pilgrimage through Baca.  And, like Leah, I knew/know that as I am nearing the end of pilgrimage through Baca I will not be defeated.  I know that I will see what it is that the Lord wants me to see about myself and my relationship to Him!  That's one of the purposes of passing through the Valley of Baca.


Baca is not the Valley of Death or Defeat - only a Valley of Adversity - it is not a Valley that never ends - but a valley where the Pilgrimage does come to an end - and at the end there is a joy to be had.  At times, like Leah, I have cried tears at night - but in the morning at the end of my journey through Baca there has always been that joy.  And, even when I find myself in the Valley of Baca I still experience the peace of God which transcends all understanding, a peace that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:7


From the understanding the Lord has given me - I realize that some of my our own sons and daughters will find themselves in a marriage that is nothing short of captivity - and they too will find themselves walking through the Valley of Baca.


And, with this understanding I find myself in the Valley of Baca - weeping for my children. 


Yet, I always hold on to the Scriptures that the Lord quickened me to concerning my offspring and that is where I found and continue to find strength - in His word.  And, I have seen the Lord intervene so many times already with my offspring that I know He will continue to do so concerning my sons and daughters that have not even been born yet.


Needless to say the Valley of Baca is not limited to our offspring - but the Biblical principal is still the same.  Whether it is our marriage, an illness or whatever the situation may be - He is Lord over all trials that take us into the Valley of Baca and it is a Valley where He will always reveal to us something about ourselves and our relationship to Him.  And, the Lord will not require us to go through the Valley of Baca unless He has a purpose and unless He will bring us out in Victory!



When Leah's husband tricked her into going through the Rocky Mountains

it was because Death had laid a Trap in Leah's path


But the Lord Brought Leah out of the Valley of the Shadow Death in Victory


And, the Lord brought Leah out of the Rocky Mountains into Safety because He delighted in her  Psalm 41:11


And, that brings me to Psalm 18 - when the Lord rescued Leah from the hand of her husband who in the darkness of the night purposely tricked Leah into following him into the heights of the Rocky Mountains certain that Leah who was night blind and terrified of heights would panic and not able to see in the darkness of the night would drive over the mountain to her death. 


However, the Lord in His faithfulness came to Leah's rescue and instead of death swallowing up Leah - the Lord the Conqueror of death itself intervened and in victory triumphed over death, the grave, hell and Satan and brought Leah out of the terrifying heights and utter darkness of the Rocky Mountains into a place of safety.  1 Corinthians 15:54-55 


O death, where is your Sting - O death, where is your Victory

Death is Swallowed up in Victory


Psalm 18 is the Song of a grateful heart - a heart filled with joy at the manifold and marvelous mercies of God.  And, like the Psalmist, Leah who has gone through a whole lot of hell and a whole lot of fire can sing praises unto the Lord because the Lord was always there to rescue her. 

Like the Psalmist Leah looks back with devout thankfulness on her past and she too lifts up her voice as she sings Psalm 18 unto the Lord - a song of praise to the God of her life.


When the Lord quickened Leah to buy a house in the front yard of an Old Slave Plantation - the Lord gave Leah the understanding that he wanted her to move there because it was the "Gateway of her Enemy".  The slave owner was a Pastor so Leah knew that like those in the Church in Pergamum he had embraced the Doctrine of the Nicolaitan - the desire to lord over others. 


However, it was only after moving into the "Gateway of her Enemy" that the Lord gave Leah the understanding that when her husband took an oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers who owned slaves - he did so because like his fraternity's founding fathers he had embraced the Doctrine of the Nicolaitan - he too wanted to lord over others.  And, then Leah understood why her husband was always trying to lord over her in such ungodly ways - why he was always trying to make her choose him over the Holy Spirit.  It was the same evil spirit operating through the slave owners to lord over others even if it meant their destruction that was now operating through her husband and had been even before they met. 


Just as the Lord sent an evil spirit to trouble King Saul who had shut God out of his life through his own prideful and willful disobedience, it was here in the "Gateway of her Enemy" that the Lord turned Leah's husband over to an evil spirit to trouble him as he had troubled others.  To utterly terrify him as he had frightened Leah for so many years.  He was going to turn her husband over to the spirit operating behind the Doctrine of the Nicolaitan and let the Nicolaitan spirit lord over her husband.  1 Samuel 16:14-23


Leah's husband found himself in such a frightful and dreadful situation that he no longer lied to her or others about all the times he tried to kill her and make it look like an accident - because like King Saul he wanted someone to help him find relief from the spirit that was troubling him - and Leah's husband knew that Leah who had a deliverance ministry could help him - but only if he stopped lying to her.


1 Samuel 16:14-23 14 Now the Spirit of the LORD had left Saul, and an evil spirit sent from the LORD began to torment him, 15 so Saul’s servants said to him, “You see that an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16 Let our lord command your servants here in your presence to look for someone who knows how to play the lyre. Whenever the evil spirit from God troubles you, that person can play the lyre, and you will feel better.” 17 Then Saul commanded his servants, “Find me someone who plays well and bring him to me.” 18 One of the young men answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is also a valiant man, a warrior, eloquent, handsome, and the LORD is with him.”  19 Then Saul dispatched messengers to Jesse and said, “Send me your son David, who is with the sheep.” 20 So Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, a skin of wine, and one young goat and sent them by his son David to Saul.  21 When David came to Saul and entered his service, Saul admired him greatly, and David became his armor-bearer. 22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse: “Let David remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.”  23 Whenever the spirit from God troubled Saul, David would pick up his lyre and play, and Saul would then be relieved, feel better, and the evil spirit would leave himHCSB


Like King Saul - Leah's husband had opened himself up to the evil spirits which God allowed to trouble him in order to bring an end to him ever again terrorizing Leah or anyone else.


Like King Saul, before the Lord sent an evil spirit to trouble him, the Lord gave Leah's husband many opportunities to turn from his evil ways.  And, the Lord only turned Leah's husband over to an evil spirit after a season of grace and mercy and pleadings from Leah and others who ministered to her husband who literally begged him to repent of his sins and return to God


Psalm 5:4 reveals that God is not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness.  God does not take pleasure with those like Leah's husband who take pleasure in unrighteousness - who even takes  pleasure in trying to murder one of God's servants.  It is as the Apostle Paul wrote - God does not ignore our sin - we will reap what we have sown.     


Scripture reveals that Sin has the Power to Enslave and that a man becomes a Slave to whatever has Mastered him:  What Leah's husband and others who embraced the worldly doctrine of the Nicolaitans did not understand is that sin has the power to enslave!  When they acquiesced to this spirit, they gave the spirit the authority to lord it over them as well.  Even though the shackles that the spirit operating behind the Nicolaitan bound Leah's husband with were invisible - her husband was in bondage nonetheless. 


In other words, at the end of the day when their cup of iniquity of lording over others has reached its brim and they reap what they have sown - it is the Nicolaitan spirit that is victorious over them.


Like Leah's husband who had become a "Servant to Sin" - there comes a time in someone's life that when their cup is full - they find themselves so entangled in the cords of their own sins that they cannot escape.  In Isaiah 5:28 and Proverbs 5:22 sins are compared to cords and it is their  own sins that are used as the "Spiritual Cords" to "Spiritually Bind" that bound Leah's husband.    


In the beginning their sin is likened to that of one single cord (sin).  But, as they continue in their sins and one sin is added to another sin the once single cord (sin) is now strong enough to pull a cart load of sins.  And, so it was with Leah's husband - there came the time in the life of Leah's husband when his own sins had such a grip on him - that he was like a bird who is held captive in the fowler's snare. 


And, once in the fowler's snare - Leah's husband became the devil's "Spiritual Slave" to carry out the desires of the devil - including Satan's desire for him to try and murder Leah.


And, it was here in the "Gateway of her Enemy" that after forty years of constant warfare that seemed to never stop her husband finally admitted to the truth.  And, now Leah was finally able to review the past from its proper perspective - she could now see the truth from the Lord's perspective and it is the truth that set Leah free in ways she could never have imagined!  And, she no longer has to feel guilty about all the times she questioned her husband's true motives  wondering if he was trying to kill her - because she now knew that he was trying to kill her. 


Leah has always know the presence of the Lord in her life but now from this new perspective the Lord has enabled Leah to find Him in all her sorrows, deliverance and triumphs to a greater degree than she could have ever imagined.  Now, when Leah looks back over her life - it is with "Grateful Retrospect". 


Which brings me to the following account of the first time Leah's husband tried to literally murder her in 1981 when the company he worked for in California transferred him to their office on the east coast.


Leah thought it was very strange that instead of using the money his company gave him to hire professional movers that he decided he would rent a very large moving truck and that they would move themselves.  He would drive the moving truck and she would follow him in their car.


This was especially troubling for Leah because she couldn't understand why someone who told her he loved her would want her to follow him across country that would almost certainly include driving through mountainous areas when her husband knew how "Terrified" she was of mountainous heights. 


 And, even though he gave her his word that he would route them around the Rocky Mountains and they would be off the highway by sunset each night because she was night blind and couldn't see to drive at night - he still knew that she was extremely uncomfortable with following him across country.  And, unbeknown to her that's what he was counting on.


After he kept insisting that everything would be fine, Leah finally agreed, after all, he was her husband, and surely he wouldn't put her and his very own child in a dangerous situation where they could be killed - or would he.  And, that was his plan from the beginning!  The move to the east coast was simply the opportunity he was waiting for.


Even though Leah's husband had come up with a plan to kill both she and his own son - he was as pleasant as could be day in and day out.  He knowingly planned both their deaths and even took out an insurance policy on Leah.


Leah's husband knew that she was extremely uncomfortable in taking on such an adventure.  And, that was exactly what he was counting on.  He knew she wasn't used to this type of driving – 8 hours a day - she had rarely driven over 45 minutes at any given time.


She had night blindness, a condition that makes it difficult or impossible to see in relatively low light because the eyes fail to adapt to darkness.  And, because of that the road and other vehicles become slightly out-of-focus and blurred which needless to say can lead to an accident.  It should be obvious to anyone why people who experience night blindness are unable to drive safely or comfortably at night.


Storms were also a concern because like night blindness, storms, also greatly hindered her vision.  And, her husband understood very well why she STRESSED that she would not drive across country if they drove through the Rocky Mountains.  He knew that Leah had a tremendous fear of driving through mountains especially the Rocky Mountains


Intimidation and fear were tactics that her husband learned through his Fraternity - the same tactics that slave owners used to "lord over" their slaves.  Keeping in mind that the founding fathers of his fraternity were ex Confederate Soldiers and that her husband swore to uphold the ideology of those same men - then one can easily understand her husband's mentality of trying to make Leah submit to him through fear and intimidation.  Leah's husband tried to bring her into submission through intimidation, fear, guilt and false accusations


And even though she didn't want to drive across country she finally agreed to because he gave his word that they would not drive through the Rockies - that they would take the alternate route that didn't have mountains.  That they would not drive at night nor would they drive in any heavy downpours.


Yet, unknown to Leah her husband had already had Triple-A to plan their trip back East through the Rockies as opposed to the route he told he told her they were taking.  He knowingly and purposely planned on driving through the Rocky Mountains at night even before they left California.


It wasn't until Leah was actually in the Rocky Mountains that she realized where she was:  the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  And, it was then that she realized why her husband kept driving at night and didn’t stop at a motel before it got any later than it was – because he had no intentions of stoppinghis intentions were to purposely lead her into a dangerous situation.  She was absolutely shocked and heartbroken as to what was happening.  And, just as her husband had hoped - she panicked - she panicked because she couldn’t see, it was not only dark it was pitch black and her eyes were not adjusting to the darkness and oncoming car lights.  And, to make matters worse she knew the horrendous storm they had driven into would surely make her night vision worse.


But, then, all of a sudden, much to Leah's relief  she realized that because of the storm the traffic could only move at a snail's pace.  And, according to Psalm 18 that the Lord quickened Leah to - the Lord came down in the darkness of that night and He was in the storm that He sent to protect Leah's life from her husband - her enemy.  But, keep in mind at the time Leah didn't understand that her husband was her enemy and that he had planned on taking her through the Rockies for the purposes of bringing about her death.  It was only after they moved to the old plantation that she understood why his behavior seemed so strange to her.   


Psalm 18:9-19 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under His feet. 10 And He rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, He did fly upon the wings of the wind. 11 He made darkness His secret place; His pavilion round about Him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. 12 At the brightness that was before Him His thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire. 13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave His voice; hail stones and coals of fire. 14 Yea, He sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and He shot out lightnings, and discomfited them. 15 Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils. 16 He sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters. 17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. 18 They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay. 19 He brought me forth also into a large place; He delivered me, because He delighted in me.


How interesting that the Lord used a horrendous storm to protect Leah because normally the thunder storm would have hindered her vision even more and as mentioned above her husband was aware of that as well. 


So, on this particular night because of the combination of the storm and the mountainous road conditions, the cars could only travel about 20 miles an hour and the traffic was backed up bumper to bumper which allowed Leah to follow the car in front of her at a speed she was comfortable driving at – 20 miles an hour.  And, much to her surprise instead of being blinded by the car lights - the cars in front of her actually provided the amount of light she needed to get through the next 2 hours of travelling through the Rocky Mountains without blinding her.


It was because of the storm that the cars had to slow down to a crawl which enabled Leah the time she needed to judge where she was on the road at all times.  And, because the cars in front of her and on the opposite side of the road were going so slow she wasn't blinded by their head lights.  Instead of blinding Leah the Lord used the car lights to illuminate the darkness that surrounded her.


If Leah had gone through the Rockies on a night without the thunderstorm – the outcome could have been much different – the thunderstorm created a situation which actually allowed her to compensate.  Furthermore, her husband was nowhere in sight – he was purposely trying to make her try and keep up with him because he knew that would make a dangerous situation even more dangerous for her. 


However, just as Psalm 18 reveals - the Lord He lights my lamp; my God illuminates my darkness. 


Psalm 18:28 28 For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. KJV


Psalm 112:4 4 Light shines in the darkness for the upright. He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous. HCSB


Isaiah 42:16 16 And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. ESV


The Lord will light our candle and turn our darkness into light.  The Lord Himself will find the holy fire with which the candle shall burn.  A candle lit by God is one that the devil nor man can extinguish.  So, it was with Leah, the night she drove through the Rocky Mountains.  In Leah's darkest hour - light arose - the Lord turned the darkness before her into light - the real light that night was from above.  It is the light of God's love that constantly brings joy and comfort to our souls.


Over the years the Lord would quicken Leah to Psalm 18 but it wasn't until after Leah moved to the Gateway of Her Enemy that she was finally able to understand the Lord kept quickening her to Psalm 18 because He wanted her to understand that He was the one who sent the thunderstorm and that He was the one who illuminated her darkness to ensure that she got through the Rockies.  It was the light of His countenance - and when His light shone - the whole path in front of Leah was bright.   


After safely coming out of the Rockies Leah confronted her husband as to why he did this and he had two very different reasons - both of which she knew were lies - and when the first lie didn't work he told her another lie.  He told Leah that there was no alternate route to the East coast from California and he had to lie to her because - well - according to him that was the only way to get from California to Virginia.  He told her that he just didn't have any other choice than to lie to her - because he knew she wouldn't have followed him cross country otherwise. 


Then Leah reminded her husband that she knew for a fact there was an alternate route - after all they had taken the alternate route in 1973 when they drove through the Rocky mountains on their way out west because he knew how terrified she was of going through the Rockies.


Then when that lie didn't work - he told Leah that the alternate route would have taken up to 2 days and they were expecting him back to work and he couldn't risk losing his job.  Yet, he knew that the alternate route was only "one hour" longer.


Needless to say Leah was perplexed as to why her husband would put she and his own child in a situation where both could have been killed - it didn't matter what his explanation was.  But, as perplexed as she was Leah couldn't accept that he could have been trying to kill her - after all what man would try and kill his wife and own child.  But she couldn't stop wondering which caused her to feel guilty.  She never forgot that night.  Every so often she would ask herself "why" did her husband to such a thing - what were his true motives!  All the facts screamed that he was trying to kill her - yet that couldn't be true - she couldn't possibly be married to someone that would murder his own wife and child - could he? 


As in all other situations - she would always explain to others that he couldn't have known what he was doing - and her explanation became his hiding place for the entire time that they have been married. He would always explain to Leah that regardless of what he did to her - putting her in many other situations where she could have been killed as well as others - that it wasn't the intent of his heart - he just wasn't thinking. 


Only a man with a root of bitterness and malice in his heart would have purposely led his wife and his only son into a dangerous situation knowing they could have died.  Only a man that had already rejected both Leah and his own child and who would rather that they both had died rather than pay alimony or child support could have taken such great measures in planning that trip through the Rockies in 1981.


After the truth came out when Leah asked her husband why he just didn't divorce her - his reply was that he didn't want to pay alimony or child support.  And, he didn't want a divorce because he wanted to maintain an image of a loving husband and father.  And, according to her husband he would have grieved at her funeral.  He wanted out of the marriage and he didn't want a child and the Rockies Mountains seemed to be the solution to his problem. 


After they finally checked into a motel, Leah saw a look of confusion on his face that she had never seen before - nor to this day forgotten.  As he just stood there staring at her - she realized  that he was at a complete loss for words and that he not only looked confused but she realized that he was so confused that he just stood there not knowing what to.       


It was only after the Lord put her in the Gateway of her Enemy that she realized why he looked so confused - he was shocked that Leah could have come out of the Rockies alive.  After all, he had devised the perfect plan - one that couldn't be detected.  He hadn't planned on checking into a hotel that evening - he had planned on making funeral arrangements and now he didn't know what to do.


Psalm 18:14 reveals her husband was confused - because the Lord confused him.


He had planned all along to arrive at the entrance to the Rockies after sunset so Leah would not realize where they were until it was too late and she wouldn't be able to turn around.  Because she was night blind and wouldn't be able to judge going around curves or where the road began or ended he knew she would be even more terrified of being in the mountains.  And, that was what he was hoping for - that she would be so terrified that she would panic and go over the mountain. 


And, that's exactly what he did.  At the end of one very long day of driving and the sun had already set Leah realized that her husband was not stopping for the night.  And, to make matters worse they had driven into a thunderstorm and for someone who is night blind her husband was well aware that was a recipe for disaster.


And, this brings me back Psalm 18:  When Leah's husband could no longer deny that he tricked Leah into driving into Rocky Mountains because he thought she would drive over the mountain to her death - Leah finally understood why over the years the Lord would constantly quicken her to Psalm 18. 


Psalm 18:5 reveals that Death had laid a trap in Leah's path.  But, in her distress when she cried out to the Lord - her cries reached His ears and He brightened the darkness before her and opening the heavens He came down in a Storm - a Storm that the Lord used to smooth out the road ahead of her and protect Leah's life.


Psalm 18 reveals that the Lord brought Leah out of the Rockies into a place of safety because He valued her life and her relationship with Him - her Rock and her Fortress in whom she put her trust.  


The grave was unsuccessful when it tried to wrap its ropes around Lean and death was unsuccessful when it laid a trip in her path.


O death, where is your Sting - O death, where is your Victory

Death is Swallowed up in Victory


In the context of 1 Corinthians 15:54-55 death is likened to a devouring being that has been swallowing up all men from the beginning of time.  But thanks be to God who gives us Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ - the Gates of Hell will not prevail.  Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we have been given the Victory over sin, Triumph over death, the grave, hell and Satan!  


1 Corinthians 15:54-55 is an echo of Isaiah 25:8 that reaffirms what the Prophet Isaiah tells us:  Death will no longer swallow up men but that the Lord, the Conqueror of death itself, will be the one to swallow up death forever and that the Lord God will wipe away all our tears. 


Leah's Husband tricked her into driving through the Rocky Mountains because he hoped that the Cords of Death would Wrap around her and the torrents of destruction would Terrify her


But, when the Cords of Death were Wrapped around Leah and the torrents of destruction terrified her - In Her Distress Leah Called Upon the Lord - and the Lord saved her from her Enemy and brought her out of the Rocky Mountains into a spacious place


And, the Lord brought Leah out of the Rocky Mountains into Safety

because He delighted in her


Psalm 41:11  By this I know that You delight in me:  my enemy does not shout in triumph over me.   


The Spiritual Condition of Leah's Husband


Luke 8:1-3 and Luke 8:26-39 as well as other Scriptures reveal that someone can be possessed or influenced by more than one evil spirit.  But in keeping with the context of this chapter the parable of Matthew 12:43-45 is the one most applicable to the spiritual condition of Leah's husband.


It would have been better had Leah's husband never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the commands he was given to live a holy life.  Because when he rejected the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ he got tangled up and enslaved by the pollutions of the world from which he had once escaped and he is now worse off than ever before.  2 Peter 2:20-22 


The revelation in 2 Peter 2:20-22 that when someone returns to their sins after knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and gets tangled up and enslaved by sin again they are worse off than before is an echo of Matthew 12:45. 


Peter's statement that "the last state is become worse with them than the first" is a reference to  our Lord's words in Matthew 12:45 and Luke 11:26 where we find that the evil spirit had gone out from these men and for a time they had lived in the full knowledge of Christ.  But, then these men rejected the teachings of the Lord.  And, when they rejected the teachings of the Lord they left a void within themselves and when the evil spirit that had left returned and found a void he was able to bring seven other unclean spirits with him to fill that void where Christ had once been.  And now, because he rejected the command that he was given to live a holy life the last state of this man is become worse than the first.


And, so it was with Leah's husband.


When Leah's husband first became a Believer - for a time and only for a time - he followed the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  But then Leah's husband turned away from the teaching of Christ and went back to the ways of the world.  And, when he turned away from Christ - the unclean spirit that had left now returned with seven other unclean spirits and Leah's husband was now worse off than before - much worse.


In 2 Peter 2:18-19 the Apostle Peter reveals that a man who returns to his sins is a slave to whatever controls him and interestingly the sin that Peter specifically mentions is the "lusts of the flesh".  The New Living Translation reads: "twisted sexual desires" which was exactly what Leah's husband returned to and after returning to this particular sin he now had become a slave to his "twisted sexual desires". 


The Apostle Peter reveals that it would have been better had he not known Christ because now the state of this man is much worse than at the beginning - a state of apostasy is worse than a state of ignorance - for this man is condemning the way of righteousness - he is condemning the very command he was given to live a holy life


Before going back to the spiritual condition of Leah's husband I would like to add the following comments regarding Matthew 12:43-45 that reads:


Matthew 12:43-45 43 “When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it roams through waterless places looking for rest but doesn’t find any. 44 Then it says, ‘I’ll go back to my house that I came from.’ And returning, it finds the house vacant, swept, and put in order. 45 Then off it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and settle down there. As a result, that man’s last condition is worse than the first. That’s how it will also be with this evil generation.”


To understand Matthew 12:43-45 they must be taken in the context of Matthew 12 in its entirety.  And, I'm including the following commentary "Unclean Spirits and Waterless Places" by Robert Carver that explains it best.


Unclean Spirits and Waterless Places


 “Beelzebul! He casts out demons by Beelzebul!” Such was the vicious response of the Pharisees after Jesus healed a demon-possessed man. Jesus pointed out that their charge was absurd and illogical, and then accused them of having committed the unpardonable sin (Matt. 12:22–32). He said that the Ninevites (who repented at Jonah’s preaching) and the queen of the South (who came to hear the wisdom of Solomon) would rise up at the judgment against “this generation” (vv. 41–42). One greater than Jonah and Solomon was in their midst, and they rejected Him.


Jesus then spoke of an unclean spirit’s going out of a person, wandering, and eventually reentering that person with seven other spirits more evil than itself (vv. 43–45):


When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, “I will return to my house from which I came.” And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.


The context of the passage is like a series of ever-widening concentric circles. The narrower context focuses on the Pharisees’ hostility to Jesus and His condemnation of them. The wider context stretches back to the ministry of John the Baptist. At John’s preaching, many people (outwardly at least) turned to a better lifestyle (3:5–6). Jesus’ ministry also attracted great interest initially. At one point, the people were ready to do whatever was necessary to make Him their king (John 6:15). But the next day, many of His “disciples” turned back and no longer walked with Him (6:59–66).


Thus, an unclean, demonic spirit can be said to depart from a person when that person decides to make a change for the better. He has turned over a new leaf by self-effort and things are seemingly better. But in reality, a spiritual vacuum has been created. As the Reformation Study Bible states, “Unless God’s Spirit takes up residence (Rom. 8:9), a person purged by self-denial becomes vulnerable to reinfestation by graver evils such as pride, hypocrisy, and contempt for others.” Thus, this person’s last state will be much worse than the first.


Jesus concludes, “So also will it be with this evil generation.” Jesus described that generation (typified by the Pharisees) as fickle, wicked, and adulterous because of its failure to receive Him for who He is—the heaven-sent Savior. So also will it be with every generation (and every individual) that fails to recognize and embrace Him.  [end of commentary]


In the context of Matthew 12 this parable represents the spiritual condition of the Scribes and of the Pharisees and the unfaithfulness of Israel as a nation.  This parable is specifically speaking of those who hear the word of God but for whatever reason they knowingly and willfully choose to reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 12:43-45 43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. KJV


In the context of Matthew 12 while it is a very important point that Jesus makes - I believe the main point that Jesus was making was not the doctrine of demon possession but the seriousness of knowingly and willfully rejecting Him with such determination and so completely as the religious leaders had. 


Needless to say, there are dangerous consequences for those who knowingly and willfully reject Jesus.  Their rejection and opposition of Jesus would leave them much worse off than ever before.  If a person who knows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and they turn away from the Lord you will be seven times worse off than the person you are at the moment.


Those who hear the word of God, and are in part changed, but not truly converted should take heed.  Take heed - unless the evil spirit that left for a time, when he returns and finds Christ is not there to shut him out brings seven other spirits more evil than he and fills up the void you created within yourself.  Take heed before your condition becomes worse than it was at the beginning.


When the unclean spirit returns and finds you destitute of grace, irrespective of all your hypocrisy and pretences to purity and religion, the unclean spirit will find that you are more prone to his influence then before.  Now, he will be able to seduce you more powerfully than ever before.


Take heed!


In the context of Matthew 12 as it applies to Leah's husband verses 43-45 can be understood as follows:


When Leah's husband accepted the teachings of Christ the unclean spirit came out of him and roamed through waterless places looking for rest but didn't find any.  Then the unclean spirit said, I'll go back to my house that I came from - meaning Leah's husband.  And returning the unclean spirit found that Leah's husband had rejected the teachings of Christ and returned to his sinful ways.  Now, when the unclean spirit found that the house had been swept clean of the teachings of Christ and that Leah's husband had become like the hypocritical Pharisees - only pretending to obey the teachings of God - then the unclean spirit went and brought with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they entered the house of Leah's husband and settled down there.  And, now Leah's husband is worse off than before - much worse. 


Take heed before it's too late.  May all who reads this understand that there comes a time in someone's life when it's too late and you find yourself worse off than before. 


"Even so shall it be" (v45) is more than a word of warning - it is a verdict.  For as 2 Peter 2:20-21 states 20 "For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the later end is worse for them than the beginning.  21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 


Like King Saul, before the Lord sent an evil spirit to trouble him, the Lord gave Leah's husband many opportunities to turn from his evil ways.  And, the Lord only turned Leah's husband over to an evil spirit after a season of grace and mercy and pleadings from Leah and others who ministered to her husband who literally begged him to repent of his sins and return to God


Psalm 5:4 reveals that God is not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness.  God does not take pleasure with those like Leah's husband who take pleasure in unrighteousness.  It is as the Apostle Paul wrote - God does not ignore our sin - we will reap what we have sown. 


Take heed before it's too late!



The Generational Sins of Idolatry are Visited upon the third and fourth generation of "The House of L. Francis Doblar"


As previously mentioned in  this Chapter I mentioned that the Lord gave Leah the understanding that He wanted her to sell her house and purchase a house in what used to be the front yard of a 300 acre Slave Plantation whose Slave Master was a Pastor.  The Lord gave Leah the understanding that this old plantation was the Gateway of her enemy that hated her - and she was to Possess this Gateway.  And I mentioned that the Nicolaitan spirit that found its way into the Church of Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) found its way into the life of Leah's husband when he took an oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers who were Confederate Soldiers that owned slaves until slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War.  The ideology he took an oath to uphold was to be "victorious over others" by "lording over" them. 


But, it is so much more!


According to Exodus 20:3-5 the sins of the fathers who bow down to other gods will be visited upon his children unto the third and fourth generation - meaning the children will be predisposed to certain sins.  However, it's important to point out that even if someone is predisposed to a certain sin he or she is still able to decide whether or not to sin.  Just because someone is predisposed to a generational sin it does not exempt he or she from the responsibility of their own sins.


And, this brings me to the next chapter that gives an account of the generational sins of idolatry that were visited upon Leah's husband because of the sins of his father's idolatry.  When Leah's husband was baptized into the Catholic Church he was given the name "Francis" in honor of the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier (Spain) who along with a company of priests from other Catholic Orders sailed to what is now known as America with Pedro Menendez and the Spanish  Conquistadors in 1565 for the sole purpose of murdering the French Huguenots who fled France to come to the new world because of religious persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church. 


It is unthinkable that the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier and the other priests encouraged the Spanish Conquistadors to murder the French Huguenots who were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to what is now known as America.  And, how unthinkable that the father of Leah's husband could name his son in honor of such evil men who would encourage and bless the murder of God's true remnant. 


It was here in the new world that the French Huguenots established the first successful colony in what is now known as America.  They fled to the new world to find a place where they could worship the Lord in spirit and in truth without being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church who chose church tradition over the truth.  They were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to what is now known as America and they were the first martyrs to shed their blood on the shores of what is now known as St. August, Florida.


The sins of the fathers whose iniquity is visited to the third and fourth generations means that their children will be "Predisposed" towards a certain sin.  For example, when Leah's husband participated in his fraternity's ungodly satanic initiation ritual - he was already headed in that direction - he already had a tendency to embrace the demonic and the ideology of slave owners because of his father's sins of honoring and embracing the ideology of "Saint Francis of Xavier" founder of the Catholic Order of Jesuits who also condoned slavery. 


Leah's husband already had the tendency to combine the truth of the Gospel with error to justify their carnal desires - hence the Satanic initiation that took place in a Church as opposed to a secular building.  Just as the Jesuits of St. Francis of Xavier sanctioned slavery here in America - years later the colonial slave owners sanctioned slavery from the pulpit.


How shocking that the Jesuits along with a company of priests from other Catholic orders led Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors to believe that it was God's will to murder the Protestant French Huguenots because like the Pope they believed Protestants were the mortal enemies of the Roman Catholic Church. 


According to Hosea 6:9 when the Jesuits led the Spanish Conquistadors to believe it was God's will for them to murder the French Huguenots - they murdered by giving their consent - meaning they were as guilty as those that actually murdered them. 


Hosea 6:7  7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.  9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.

Just as the priests in verse 9 murder in the way by giving their consent – so did the Jesuits and the company of other priests that accompanied Menendez - they gave their consent to the slaughter of the French Huguenots – Christians who desired to worship the LORD in spirit and truth. 


And, Solis de Meras, a Priest and brother-in-law of Menendez was one of the two men who personally killed Jean Ribaut, leader of the French Huguenots.


The Pulpit Commentary says it best:


"A corrupted pulpit is the worst of all ministries.


Popes, archbishops, bishops, and the clergy in every grade in all Churches, have been found amongst the most intolerant despots and the most bloody persecutors of all times.




·         consecrate the banners of the warriors,

·         they advocate the cause of slavery,

·         they have ever been the prime obstructors to the promotion of liberty and the advancement of the universal rights of man.


An old expositor has said, “The clergy, when wicked, are the worst of all men; none so cruel and bloody.”


It is time for the people to be taught that a pulpit is not necessarily a Christian or a useful thing.  It may be — alas! it sometimes is — the corruptest and the most pernicious thing in the neighborhood in which it has a place.


·         A man is not a saint because he calls himself a Christian;

·         a building is not the “house of God” because it is called a church, a chapel, or a tabernacle;

·         a forum is not sacred to the utterance of gospel truth because it is called a pulpit.


Things called “sermons” may sometimes have more wickedness in them than infidel tracts; places called the “houses of God” may sometimes serve more effectually the cause of the devil than the theatres of pleasure-seekers or lecture-halls of skeptics.


Mere names must not rule our judgment.


It is the policy of the devil in these days to baptize his instruments with Christian titles. He is never more powerful than when he occupies the sacred desk, writes religious books, and quotes the Word of God.


There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and false prophets now as ever." 


— D.T. Pulpit Commentary, The - The Pulpit Commentary – Volume 13: Daniel-Joel.


The Spanish Fort and the first Spanish Catholic Mission still in existence in America was built by the 500 slaves that Menendez brought to Florida which makes the Spanish Fort and Mission the first "Slave Plantation" in what is now known as America.  These 500 slaves that Menendez brought to St. Augustine were the first slaves brought to America.  On the other hand the French Huguenots brought the first black man to America - and the first black man to America was a "Free" man.


Again, Predisposed towards a certain sin doesn't mean that Leah's husband had to follow in his father's footsteps - Ezekiel 18 as well as other Scriptures reveal that he could have made the decision not to follow in his father's footsteps.


And, to make matters worse when Leah's husband joined the fraternity and continued to walk in ungodly ways he added to his father's sins. 


While Exodus 20:5 reveals that the sins of those who hate the Lord are visited upon their children to the third and fourth generation - Matthew 23:30-33 reveals that when the children persist in the same sins as their fathers they are bringing to a completion that which their fathers began. 


Even though the Lord will punish the children for their father's sins - Ezekiel 18:14-29 reveals that the children will not undergo one bit more than they deserve for their own sins - because a generational sin can be broken!  Ezekiel reveals that when a son who sees his father's sins and decides against that kind of life - he will not suffer because of his father's sins; he will surely live.  The son who lives a righteous life will not be affected by his father's sins - the real punishment of sin can only befall the one who actually sins. 

However, it seems most likely the sins and punishments in the context of Exodus 20 and Ezekiel 18 are of a different nature.

Either way, at the end of the day, Leah's husband only added to the sins of his father because he persisted in the ways of his father. 


At the end of the next chapter which is chapter 21 - "The Generational Sins of Idolatry are Visited upon the third and fourth generation of "The House of L. Francis Doblar" I have included a Chapter "The American Crusade" that goes into detail concerning the Spanish Conquistador Aldenato Menendez who gave the other Spanish Conquistadors the order to murder the French Huguenots and the Catholic Priests who murdered by consent.






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