Chapter 21:


The Generational Sins of Idolatry are Visited upon the third and fourth generation of "The House of L. Francis Doblar"



To begin with, it is with great sorrow that I write the following.  It is with much sorrow that there is even a need to write this chapter - but there is a need. 


I have struggled with putting pen to paper.  However, I know that I know that I am to include this particular chapter because Psalm 78:7-8 commands us to instruct our sons and daughters in the ways of the Lord otherwise they may be rebellious like their fathers who were unfaithful to the Lord.


Psalm 78:7-8 is only one of many Scriptures that reveals that there is always hope for each and every new generation and that the foundation of that hope is the righteousness and faithfulness of past and present generations.


And, it is because of that hope that I write this chapter.  I have hope that the offspring of Leah's husband will not be rebellious rather they will choose not to walk in the ways of their fathers and bow down and serve the pagan gods of antiquity. 


Verse 4 of Psalm 78 tells us that we are not to hide the truths of the Lord from our children otherwise like their rebellious fathers they too may forget Him. To remain silent would deprive our own and our father's offspring of the precious truths of God. To remain silent would be an irreverence of the Lord and that would be a shameful thing to do.


Just as some of our forebears, like our Scottish forebears who honored the Lord with their lives there are those ancestors that were stubborn, rebellious and unfaithful who refused to give their hearts to God.  And, this is all the more reason that we should tell our offspring about their righteous forebears and the mighty works of God - so that they will not be like their ancestors who had an irreverence for the Lord.


And, we do so because those like Leah's husband who has an irreverence for the Lord their sins will be laid on their children to the third and fourth generation - Exodus 20:4.


How dreadful that our children would in some way suffer for the fathers' sins.  Having said that, I need to say that the father's sins visited upon their children in no way affects the salvation of their offspring - Ezekiel 18. Ezekiel 18:14 and 19 also reveals that the son of a man who sees the sins his father has committed and does not do likewise will not be affected by the sins of his father.


And, needless to say there are many other Scriptures in both the New and Old Testament that bear witness that one's salvation is solely dependent on the individual. Unfortunately, there are many sons and daughters who see their parents sin only to continue in the same sin.  However, disobedience is not to be excused because it is hereditary. The child of a rebellious father must strive to be better than his father - he must strive to give his heart to the Lord otherwise the child shall perish as his father did.

Again, I write this chapter with the hope that the offspring of Leah's husband will choose not to walk in the ways of their fathers and like their fathers bow down and serve the pagan gods of antiquity. 


And, this brings me to Exodus 20:3-5


Exodus 20:3-5 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; KJV


In the second commandment the Lord declares that He will visit the iniquity of the fathers unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him.  In the context of Exodus 20:3-5 the specific sin of Idolatry which causes the iniquity of the fathers to be visited upon the children is the sin of bowing down and serving other gods.   


That God never expresses Himself against any other sin with so much righteous indignation and righteous zeal, as against the sin of bowing down and serving other gods cannot be emphasized enough.  The sin is so grievous that the impact of God's displeasure will be felt for three to four generations.


While Exodus 20:5 reveals that the sins of those who hate the Lord are visited upon their children to the third and fourth generation - Matthew 23:30-33 reveals that when the children persist in the same sins as their fathers they are bringing to a completion that which their fathers began.  And, Woe to that Family!


But there is hope!  Even though the Lord will punish the children for their father's sins - Ezekiel 18:14-29 reveals that the children will not undergo one bit more than they deserve for their own sins - because a generational sin can be broken!  Ezekiel reveals that when a son who sees his father's sins and decides against that kind of life - he will not suffer because of his father's sins; he will surely live.  The son who lives a righteous life will not be affected by his father's sins - the real punishment of sin can only befall the one who actually sins.  Inherited guilt can be broken and verses 21-29 teach that the power of guilt accumulated within a person's life can be overcome.


However, I need to point out that the sins and punishments in the context of Exodus 20 and Ezekiel 18 are of a different nature as Ezekiel includes a host of sins.


Nonetheless - the son who does not turn away from the sinful ways of his father or does not overcome the sin in his own life - not only will he suffer for his own sins but according to Matthew 23:29-36 he will add to the cup of his father's sins and bring the sins of his ancestors to completion.  And, when this happens in a family, each new generation will be worse off than that of their forefathers.


What kind of legacy will you leave for your children and grandchildren?  Will you turn away from the sins of your forefathers or will you finish the evil work which your father began?  Because if you add to the cup of your father's sins you need to understand that there is a certain limit to iniquity and when this limit is reached, punishment falls.


And, that brings me to the generational sins of Leah's husband:  L. Francis Doblar who followed in the ways of his father and whose son is now following in his footsteps - both adding to the sins of their ancestors - and whose sins have now been visited on the grandson of Leah's husband.  


While "Francis" is his middle name - "Doblar" is not the real surname of Leah's husband. 

However, "Doblar" like his real surname that means "double" is a reflection of his double heart and the double life Leah's husband was leading.


In the context of this Chapter I will refer to Leah's husband as "L. Francis".


Like his father L. Francis continued in the same sins as his father - bowing down to other gods and persecuting God's people.  And, so it is with L. Francis's adult son who is continuing in the same sins as L. Francis and his father - he too bows down to pagan gods and persecutes God's true remnant.


The only difference between L. Francis, his son and his father is that now the sins are ripe for their calamity - which they were not with the first generation.  There is a measure of sin to be filled up, before utter ruin comes upon persons and families and that time came when L. Francis and his son both added to the sins of L. Francis's father.  The sins of the Doblar family are now ripe for judgment because L. Doblar and his son have both "knowingly" and "willfully" added to the sins of the father.  God will bear long, but the time will come when he can no longer forbear.


Woe to the children of the House of L. Francis Doblar who fill up the measure of their father's sins by "Arrogantly" committing the same sins over and over.  You now have become the betrayers and murderers.  Woe to the children of the House of L. Francis Doblar - because God justly visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children who continue committing the same sins of their fathers. 


Acts 7:51-52 51 “You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are always resisting the Holy Spirit; as your ancestors did, so do you. 52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They even killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become. HCSB


The offspring of the House of L. Francis Doblar like their fathers continue to persecute and mock God's people.  They are disobedient children of disobedient parents - in all their generations they had been disobedient and perverse.  As your fathers were so are you.  You have now become the betrayers and murders.   


Matthew 23:29-36 29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous, 30 and you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we wouldn’t have taken part with them in shedding the prophets’ blood.’ 31 You, therefore, testify against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets.
32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ sins! 33 Snakes! Brood of vipers! How can you escape being condemned to hell? 34 This is why I am sending you prophets, sages, and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will flog in your synagogues and hound from town to town. 35 So all the righteous blood shed on the earth will be charged to you, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 I assure you: All these things will come on this generationHCSB


1 Thessalonians 2:16 16 as they try to keep us from preaching the Good News of salvation to the Gentiles. By doing this, they continue to pile up their sins. But the anger of God has caught up with them at last.  NLT


When the offspring brings to a completion the iniquity that began with their fathers - then judgment will fall upon that family.  The end will be worse for the children than their father.


But, the worse to come will manifest itself in L. Francis' offspring that is the fourth generation starting with L. Francis' father (the first generation).  And, this brings me to L. Francis' grandson (fourth generation) whose real name is Xavier.  And, as you continue to read this chapter you will realize why the name Xavier  is so significant.


The Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier


At his baptism L. Francis was given the name "Francis" in honor of the persecuting spirit and disposition of the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier who at the bequest of Pedro Menendez in 1565 sailed to what is now known as America for the sole purpose to murder the French Huguenots who opposed the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and who had successfully established a colony here in America. 


And, it was the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier along with other Priests who led Pedro Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors to believe that it was God's will for them to murder the French Huguenots who were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to what is now known as America.  And, it is this same persecuting spirit that will manifest itself through Xavier Doblar because of the sins of his fathers.


At this point I want to point out that even before L. Francis or any of us even knew whether or not he would ever have a grandson - let alone that his name would be Xavier - with tears I told him that the Lord had revealed to me that his sins would be visited on his grandson and to confirm this his grandson would be named Xavier after the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier who L. Francis was named after.


And, to this day, Xavier's father (who is L. Francis' son) is unaware that the Lord gave me the foreknowledge concerning his son Xavier.  And, his son never ever knew that his father L. Francis was named after the Catholic Saint - St. Francis of Xavier.  Later in this chapter I will come back to the significance of the name Xavier.


As previously mentioned in Chapter 20 the Lord gave Leah the understanding that He wanted her to sell her house and purchase a house in what used to be the front yard of a 300 acre Slave Plantation whose Slave Master was a Pastor.  The Lord gave Leah the understanding that this old plantation was the Gateway of her enemy that hated her - and she was to take possession of this Gateway.  And I mentioned that the Nicolaitan spirit that found its way into the Church of Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17) found its way into the life of Leah's husband when he took an oath to uphold the ideology of his fraternity's founding fathers who were Confederate Soldiers that owned slaves until slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War.  The ideology he took an oath to uphold was to be "victorious over others" by "lording over" them. 


L. Francis was predisposed to joining the particular fraternity that he did and he was predisposed to the specific vows and oaths that he swore to the fraternity because of his father's sins.


But, it is so much more! 


As a reminder from the previous chapter, Leah's husband dabbled in the occult and when he was initiated into his fraternity he bowed down at the altar in a church with an open Bible and skulls placed on top of the altar.  And, with his hands on the open Bible, he was required to kiss the Bible as he took an ungodly oath to the Lord and swore allegiance to the fraternity steeped in  satanic rituals, etc. 


At the initiation ceremony, to honor the fraternity's founding fathers, long since deceased, he was required to pledge his loyalty and faithfulness to the spirit of the deceased founders of his fraternity.  The President of L. Francis' fraternity invoked the spirits of the founding fathers - needless to say - the only spirit they invoked was that of the demonic.  And, this was in violation of Isaiah 8:19 and Exodus 20:3-5.   


Isaiah 8:19 reads:  19 Someone may say to you, “Let’s ask the mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do.” But shouldn’t people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead?


In the context of Exodus 20:3-5 the specific sin of Idolatry which causes the iniquity of the fathers to be visited upon the children is the sin of bowing down and serving other gods and this is exactly what L. Francis did!  The vows that L. Francis made was not to the Lord - but to the demons operating behind the spirits they invoked - the same demons operating behind the ideology of the fraternity's founding fathers. People die - these familiar spirits operating behind them don't die - they just move on to the next generation of living.


And, to make matters worse in addition to the ungodly oaths he swore, like those in Numbers 30:2 he swore an additional oath to bind his soul with a "sacred bond" (obligation). 


Numbers 30:1-2 1 And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes concerning the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded.  2 If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth. KJV


He literally bound a bond upon his soul - meaning the bond entered into his soul - his mind, his heart - his very reasoning.  And, that was the whole point of the demonic behind this satanic ritual - to bind the initiate to the demonic. 


He literally bound a bond/obligation onto his soul to honor the ideology of the founding fathers of his fraternity which encompassed a whole host of ungodly behavior and ideas.  In essence he invoked the demonic spirit operating through the ritual spirit into his heart - binding himself to a demonic spirit.  He actually bound his soul to the demons operating behind the ideology of the fraternity.


And when he invoked their spirit into his heart, it was at this point that he entered into a covenant of death that Isaiah 28:14-15 speaks of.  The prophet Isaiah reveals that some of the Israelites actually went into a covenant with the spirit of death and that they were in agreement with hell.  But, the covenant of death and the agreement with hell is not what they think it is. 


And, after talking with Leah's husband, and as crazy as it sounds, he thought he was never going to age or die.  And, he even personally told me that he believed his first wife who would now be in her seventies and that he divorced before he met Leah had never aged past 24 and was going to come back for him.  And, as he was telling me this he didn't even realize the insanity of what he was saying.


Why, would he think that she was coming back?  Why? because when he pinned his fraternity pin that he wore over his heart - over her heart - he spiritually bound his soul to her soul - and spiritually he loved her as his own soul.  Sadly, a demon was behind this spiritual bond.  It was not their marriage vows that bound them together - it was his fraternity and all that it symbolized.  


And, it's important to note that the soul tie with his first wife that he hasn't even seen in decades was formed when he placed his fraternity over her heart to wear.  That's to the degree that the initiation into his fraternity has had on his life.  He has been waiting for over 50 years for his first wife who utterly despised him to come back.  Oh, sorrow upon sorrow.


The prophet Ezekiel reveals that the sin of idolatry is not just external - but that the Heart is the Seat of Idolatry.  And, these are just several examples of the condition of his heart.    


Ezekiel 14:3 3 Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them? KJV


And we know that Jesus wanted people to deal with the issues of the heart - not just the external - whether it be the sin of idolatry or whatever their sin may be.


And, not surprisingly, part of the fraternity's initiation ceremony dealt with the heart of the person being initiated into the fraternity.  Their intent was to bind the heart of L. Francis to the heart of the fraternity.     


L. Francis has a reverence for the demonic.  His obligation was not according to God's Word.  It was according to the Greek philosophy concerning religion. 


Read what the Apostle Paul tells us about the Greek who honor gods that are not gods.


Acts 17:22-23 22  “So Paul, standing in the center of Areopagus [Mars Hill meeting place], said:  Men of Athens, I perceive in every way [on every hand and with every turn I make] that you are most religious or very reverent to demons23 For as I passed along and carefully observed your objects of worship, I came also upon an altar with this inscription, To the unknown god.  Now what you are already worshipping as unknown, this I set forth to you.”  Amplified Bible


It is common knowledge that the foundation of Greek fraternities and sororities are based on the Greek  philosophers - that's why they call them Greek sororities and fraternities.  They see themselves as great philosophers.  And, we know from Acts 17:22-23 their philosophy included the worship of the many different gods and goddesses of antiquity that they had a reverence for.  According to Fraternities "Philosophy is the guide of life".  And, the Apostle Paul warns us about the deceit of philosophy. 


Colossians 2:8 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. KJV


At the initiation ceremony when they placed the fraternity pin over L. Francis' heart - it was proclaimed that he was now sealed and had entered into a new life that would determine the rest of his life.  The Sealing implied that L. Francis now belonged to them.  He was told that he was being initiated into a "New Life".  That the "lofty ideals" of their fraternity would become a lasting pattern throughout his life.  And, oh how true this proved to be.  


This was the counterfeit of Christians who are Sealed by the Holy Spirit. 


It's interesting that L. Francis told us that he was well aware that he had changed when he joined the fraternity but didn't understand exactly how or why at that time.


And, it's interesting that the pledge and oaths he took actually used the words "bond" and "obligation" that Numbers 30:2 warns against.  In other words they knew exactly what they were doing.  They knew that they were leading the initiates through a ceremony that would change their lives forever - but not in a good way.  That they would be predisposed to the influence of the demonic that they bound themselves during the initiation ceremony.  


We know that the sins of the fathers (Exodus 20:3-5) fathers who bow down to other gods will be visited upon his children unto the third and fourth generation - meaning the children will be predisposed to certain sins.  But, it's important to keep in mind that even though L. Francis' offspring are predisposed to a certain sin he or she is still able to decide whether or not to sin.  Just because someone is predisposed to a generational sin it does not exempt he or she from the responsibility of their own sins.


Back to the account of the generational sins of idolatry that were visited upon Leah's husband because of the sins of his father's idolatry.  When Leah's husband was baptized into the Catholic Church he was given the name "Francis" in honor of the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier (Spain) who along with a company of priests from other Catholic Orders sailed to what is now known as America with Pedro Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors in 1565 for the sole purpose of murdering the French Huguenots who fled France to come to the new world because of the religious persecution they were suffering at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church. 


It is unthinkable that the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier and the other priests encouraged the Spanish Conquistadors to murder the French Huguenots who were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to what is now known as America.  And, how unthinkable that the father of Leah's husband could name his son in honor of such evil men who would encourage and bless the murder of God's true remnant. 


It was here in the new world that the French Huguenots established the first successful colony in what is now known as America.  They fled to the new world to find a place where they could worship the Lord in spirit and in truth without being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church who chose church tradition over the truth.  They were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to what is now known as America and they were the first martyrs to shed their blood on the shores of what is now known as St. Augustine, Florida.


Again, the sins of the fathers whose iniquity is visited to the third and fourth generations means that their children will be "Predisposed" towards a certain sin.  For example, when Leah's husband participated in his fraternity's ungodly satanic initiation ritual - he was already headed in that direction - he already had a tendency to embrace the demonic and the ideology of slave owners because of his father's sins of honoring and embracing the ideology of "Saint Francis of Xavier" founder of the Catholic Order of Jesuits who also condoned slavery. 


Leah's husband already had the tendency to combine the truth of the Gospel with error to justify his carnal desires - hence the Satanic initiation that took place in a Church as opposed to a secular building.  And, just as the Jesuits of St. Francis of Xavier sanctioned slavery here in America - and like the colonial Pastors who sanctioned slavery from the pulpit - the founding fathers of the fraternity L. Francis joined - they too sanctioned slavery. And, when they sanctioned slavery they also sanctioned the brutality inflicted upon the slaves.


And, all those who sanctioned the brutality of slavery were as guilty as those who carried out the brutality.


How shocking that the Jesuits along with a company of priests from other Catholic orders led Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors to believe that it was God's will to murder the Protestant French Huguenots because like the Pope they believed Protestants were the mortal enemies of the Roman Catholic Church. 


According to Hosea 6:9 when the Jesuits led the Spanish Conquistadors to believe it was God's will for them to murder the French Huguenots - they murdered by giving their consent - meaning they were as guilty as those that actually murdered them. 


Hosea 6:7  7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.  9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.


Just as the priests in verse 9 murder in the way by giving their consent – so did the Jesuits and the company of other priests that accompanied Menendez - they gave their consent to the slaughter of the French Huguenots – Christians who desired to worship the LORD in spirit and truth.  And, Solis de Meras, a Priest and brother-in-law of Menendez gave more than his consent - he was one of the two men who personally killed Jean Ribaut, leader of the French Huguenots.


The Pulpit Commentary says it best:


"A corrupted pulpit is the worst of all ministries.


Popes, archbishops, bishops, and the clergy in every grade in all Churches, have been found amongst the most intolerant despots and the most bloody persecutors of all times.




·         consecrate the banners of the warriors,

·         they advocate the cause of slavery,

·         they have ever been the prime obstructors to the promotion of liberty and the advancement of the universal rights of man.


An old expositor has said, “The clergy, when wicked, are the worst of all men; none so cruel and bloody.”


It is time for the people to be taught that a pulpit is not necessarily a Christian or a useful thing.  It may be — alas! it sometimes is — the corruptest and the most pernicious thing in the neighborhood in which it has a place.


·         A man is not a saint because he calls himself a Christian;

·         a building is not the “house of God” because it is called a church, a chapel, or a tabernacle;

·         a forum is not sacred to the utterance of gospel truth because it is called a pulpit.


Things called “sermons” may sometimes have more wickedness in them than infidel tracts; places called the “houses of God” may sometimes serve more effectually the cause of the devil than the theatres of pleasure-seekers or lecture-halls of skeptics.


Mere names must not rule our judgment.


It is the policy of the devil in these days to baptize his instruments with Christian titles. He is never more powerful than when he occupies the sacred desk, writes religious books, and quotes the Word of God.


There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and false prophets now as ever." 


— D.T. Pulpit Commentary, The - The Pulpit Commentary – Volume 13: Daniel-Joel.


And, this brings me back to St. Augustine and the Company of Priests who sanctioned slavery and America's First Slave Plantation as well as the murder of the French Huguenots.


America's First Slave Plantation

was already in existence before Colonial Jamestown


The following account is only a brief overview of the Spanish Crusade against the French Huguenots in 1565.  However, I have included a chapter that goes into a greater detailed account of the "American Crusade" as Chapter 22 of this book.


Most people think that the first slaves and slave plantation originated in 1619 with the arrival of Africans to Jamestown, Virginia.  But not so.  In 1565 when Menendez came to what is now known as Florida, in addition to the Jesuits of Saint Francis of Xavier, he brought with him the first African slaves to America.  And, the 500 African Slaves he brought with him built the Spanish Fort as well as the first Spanish Catholic Mission that is still in existence today.


And, this Spanish Fort and Mission located in St. Augustine, Florida was America's first "Slave Plantation".


These 500 slaves that Menendez brought to St. Augustine were the first slaves brought to America.  On the other hand, even before the Spanish brought slaves to what is now known as America the French Huguenots brought black men with them to what is now known as America - and the first black man the French Huguenots brought to America was a "Free" man.


In other words, even from the foundation of what would become America, God's will for America was that all men regardless of their color were to be free men - not slaves.


Again, in 1565 along with the other Roman Catholic Priests that Pedro Menendez brought with him to what is now know as America - the Jesuits Priests of "Saint Francis of Xavier", Spain  led Menendez to believe that it was God's will for them to murder the French Huguenots who were the first to bring the pure Gospel to America.  And, the sins of the Jesuit Priests: they murdered God's remnant by giving their consent.  They were as guilty as those who actually murdered the French Huguenots.


Which brings me back to L Francis' grandson "Xavier"


Again, with tears, I told Leah's husband that the Lord revealed to me that he would have a grandson who would be named "Xavier" after St. Francis of Xavier - the founder of the Jesuits.  And, lo and behold, Leah's son who to this day knows nothing about the prophetic word that I gave to his father did indeed have a son and just as the Lord revealed - they named him "Xavier"! 


Yet, even though Xavier's birth had been prophesied Leah's husband was still resolute in continuing in his "willful sins"!  Sadly, the accumulated inheritance of evil hardens the heart.   


Leah's husband only mocked me.  Instead of heeding the word God gave me - because of his self righteousness - he despised the word that would have helped him.  And, by all accounts, he has all but destroyed himself. 


The seriousness of his sin, and that which filled the measure of it, was his years of abusing God's messengers and prophets, who out of compassion were sent to call him to repentance.  


2 Chronicles 36:15-16 15 And the LORD God of their fathers sent warnings to them by His messengers, rising up early and sending them, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place.  16 But they mocked the messengers of God, despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, till there was no remedy. NKJV


Woe to those who add sin to sin - one sin dragging another sin along with it as though it was a cart of sin (Isaiah 5:18)


A rope strong enough to pull a cart is made up of many cords - not just one.  And, in the context of Isaiah 5:18 the cord strong enough for the evil-doer to pull the cart load of sin that he has harnessed himself to is made up of the accumulation of his sins.


Woe to those who persevering in their willful sins drag wickedness behind them like a cart.  To be sinning “always,” is a sign of reckless, abandoned depravity.  A man who sins willfully is a man who is held captive by his own sins - his own sins are the very ropes that catch and hold him.  Isaiah 5:18 Proverbs 5:22


Needless to say, all unrighteousness is sin.  However, willful sins are much different then hidden sins which someone is unaware of or unintentional sins Psalm 19:12-13.  According to 1 John 5:16-17 there is a sin that leads to death as well as a sin that does not lead to death. 


And, according to Matthew 23:29-36 there comes the time when there is a fullness of "Generational Sins" which brings its own penalty - when sin reaches the point that the penalty can no longer by delay.  When someone like Leah's husband continues in the sins of the fathers - then his generation will be held responsible.  1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 


In the context of this chapter the "Generational Sins" visited upon Xavier are the "Willful" - "Presumptuous Sins" of his fathers. 


The Significance of the Name "Xavier"


Scripture reveals that when there is a spiritual aspect to someone's name then it was a reflection of some attribute that would manifest in that person's life.  When there is a spiritual aspect to someone's name then it was indicative of a person’s character or nature that will manifest itself in the course of their natural lives. 


For example, Jacob whose name means supplanter was rightly named because by nature Jacob was indeed a supplanter.


Genesis 27:36 36 And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me? KJV


Needless to say, there are many other Scriptures that speak of the relationship between an individual and his or her name.


And, so it is with the name Xavier. 


While the name Xavier is a reflection of both his father and grandfather as well as his great grandfather who dedicated Leah's husband to "Saint Francis of Xavier" when he was baptized into the Catholic Church - it is a reflection of the Jesuits of St. Francis of Xavier who gave their consent to murder God's remnant.  More to the point, at some point in his life, Xavier will murder by consent by misleading others that it is God's will for them to murder God's remnant people.


And, sadly, the immigration crises in America will provide the perfect platform for Xavier.  I have read multiple news articles where the illegal immigrants from the Spanish crossing over into America have raised the war cry that they are coming back to take what is theirs.  To understand this more fully I have included the following chapter "American Crusade" that goes into greater details.


Given that the sins of his father have been visited upon him - it's not surprising that Xavier's father has always been "obsessed" with the Spanish culture - and not in a positive way.  For example, quite often he will mimic their accent to a point that you can't even understand what he's saying. 


And, it was while he was vacationing in a Spanish Island and under the influence of  heavy drugs that he believed that the Lord told him to go home and get married so that he would have a help mate in ministry (?).


Suffice it to say - he was under the influence of the demonic because according to Strong's Concordance H5332 the Hebrew meaning for the word Sorcery and/or Witchcraft is from "Pharmakon" - a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion - a druggist (Pharmacist) or poisoner, i.e. (by extension a magician - a sorcerer).


Revelation 21:8 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. KJV


The NLT reads:  Revelation 21:8 8 “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”  NLT


And, interestingly as he was getting ready to leave for the Spanish island he told me he had a dream that two spirits gave him revelation while he was in the Spanish island and then they went to a bar.  And, I warned him that he should not be going to this Spanish island, but like his father he refused to listen.


And, he even told me that the Lord told him that he would not reap from his sins of sexual immorality and his drug abuse.  Oh, my word.  And, the list goes on. 


And, needless to say, he did reap from his sins.  But, true to his father's nature, he blames everyone around him for any outworking in his life.


Even though he was predisposed to being influenced by the Spanish culture - however - God did not over ride his free will.  He could have walked away from the sexual immorality and drug abuse - but he chose not to.  He's accountable for his own sins not those of his father "L. Francis".  He just added his sins to the cup of his father and grandfather's sins.  And, now all three of three of his forefather's sin will be visited on Xavier.


Just as I went to L. Francis on multiple occasions - with tears I went to Xavier's father time and time again.  But like his father - he too was determined on imitating his forefathers’ iniquities - and like his forefather he too rejected the messengers that God sent to him.  He even told me that he didn't want to get set free!  Matthew 23:29-36 reveals that willful sin would lead to deeper guilt.    And, sadly, he has placed himself in a place where he  will be subjected to God's righteous dealings.


L. Francis left the Catholic Church - however, the pagan teachings became part of his spiritual DNA.  Francis could have broken the pattern of the sins of his father - but he willfully chose not to.  Rather than turn away from the sins of his father - Leah's husband embraced the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans simply because he too wanted to be "victorious" by "lording over all others" even if it meant their destruction.  And, like father, like son.  


Their obstinate and willful sins leads to a crime greater than any which the world, wicked as it is, has seen from the very beginning.  That awful crime would fill up the measure of their father's sins.


And yet we know from the Scriptures that Christ cared even for the hard-hearted sinners, and would have saved them according to His tender mercies - yet Scriptures tells us that they would not come to Him, that they might have life. 


And, my prayer and hope is that L. Francis' offspring will respond to Christ's tender mercies and turn away from the sins of their forefathers that they might have life - and have life to its fullness.  It is with this in mind that I have written this chapter.


God, desires that no one perish.  And, that's why He will send his prophets to others time and again, in the hope that they will listen and turn - because the Lord takes no pleasure in visiting His displeasure upon the third to fourth generation of those who hate Him.   


Ezekiel 18:30-32 30 Therefore, each according to his ways I judge you, O house of Israel? An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Turn ye back, yea, turn yourselves back, From all your transgressions, And iniquity is not to you for a stumbling-block, 31 Cast from off you all your transgressions, By which ye have transgressed, And make to you a new heart, and a new spirit, And why do ye die, O house of Israel? 32 For I have no pleasure in the death of the dying, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And turn ye back and live! YLT 


Lamentations 3:32-33 32 Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion because of the greatness of his unfailing love. 33 For he does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow. NLT


2 Peter 3:9 9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. NLT


Again, predisposed towards a certain sin doesn't mean that Leah's husband nor his son had to follow in his father's footsteps - Ezekiel 18 as well as other Scriptures reveal that both could have made the decision not to follow in his father's footsteps.


The Lord is longsuffering and merciful however He will not turn away the punishment of those who persist in persecuting Him, His people, His Prophets and His Pastors.  Idolatry and Persecution is a sin that fills the measure of a father's guilt sooner than any other. 2 Chronicles 36:16 and 1 Thessalonians 2:16 reveals that this was the very sins that brought wrath without remedy upon the fathers and wrath to the maximum upon the children. 


1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 15 who did both put to death the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and did persecute us, and God they are not pleasing, and to all men are contrary, 16 forbidding us to speak to the nations that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always, but the anger did come upon them--to the end! YLT


2 Chronicles 36:15-16 15 But Yahweh, the God of their ancestors sent word against them by the hand of His messengers, sending them time and time again, for He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place. 16 But they kept ridiculing God’s messengers, despising His words, and scoffing at His prophets, until the LORD’s wrath was so stirred up against His people that there was no remedy. HCSB


For the welfare of His People wrath will come upon the persecutors to the maximum and will eventually overtake them.  This brought wrath upon them without remedy because they were sinning against the remedy.   


The provocation of their sin, and that which filled the measure of it, was that they treated God's messengers as their enemies.  They constantly mistreated God's prophets and messengers - constantly ridiculing God's messengers - and despising His words - the constant abuse of the very ones who God sent to convince them of their sin - to call them to repentance before they reached the place of no return.  It was because of His great mercies and compassion that God sent someone to them with a remedy - to no avail.  And, when someone abuses God's messengers - in essence what is done against them - they do unto the Lord.     


Woe to those who abuse God's people - let them turn before the day comes when they will find it would have been better for them if they had been thrown into the sea with a mill-stone about their necks than to abuse God's people - for hell is more unspeakably freighting and more dreadful than anything they could imagine.


And, that's why I wrote this chapter - the Lord takes no pleasure in the destruction of anyone!


The following "The American Crusade" will be Chapter 22 of the Book "The House of Skene"






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