Chapter 24:  America's Spiritual Battle in the Heavens


The Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens

that Gained Access over America in 1565 still Affects Present Day America


The spiritual truths of America’s past are relevant to current and future events in America.   While not exhaustive – the following is a Scriptural overview intended to help us understand specific events in America from a spiritual perspective and bring to light how the influence of the “geographical principalities” that gained access over America in 1565 through Admiral Menendez, a Spanish Knight in the Catholic "Order of Santiago" and Spain's Catholic Conquistadors who murdered the French Protestants known as the French Huguenots on what is now known as American soil still affects America today.


To begin, the "Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens" that gained access over America in 1565 are the same Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens that the Apostle Paul spoke of in Ephesians 6.


Ephesians 6:11-12 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil.  12 For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  HCSB   


The New King James Translation reads "Principalities":  Ephesians 6:12 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. NKJV


Scripture interprets Scripture so we know that the Territorial Principalities that the Archangel Gabriel[1] and Michael battled with in the Heavens that the Prophet Daniel spoke of in Daniel 10 are from within the same Dominion as the "Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens" that Paul tells the Believers to put on the full armor of God so that we too can take our stand and battle against.


In the context of Daniel 10 we know these Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens wield their Spiritual Influence over People and Governments at both a national and local level worldwide which explains why the Apostle Paul taught that a Believer's Battle is Fought in the Heavenlies - not with flesh and blood.  Our fiercest battle is not with the people that Satan operates through.  


Flesh and blood are Satan's tools that he operates through but we know from multiple Scriptures that the real enemy lurking behind the humans who oppose God and Believers is Satan himself with whom our real conflict is   And, these "Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens" and the humans they operate through  oppose God's plans for mankind - for both Israel and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Daniel 10, Acts 4:25-27


The Blood of the Martyr:  And, so it was in 1565 on soil that is now known as America when the "Spiritual Forces of Evil" operating through Spain's Catholic Conquistadors murdered the French Huguenots because they had left the Catholic Church and embraced the teachings of Protestantism.  They were the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America and they were the first Believers whose blood was shed on American soil - the blood of the Martyr.

And, it was at that point in time in 1565 that the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens and the Geographical Principalities gained a "Spiritual Authority" over America that still affects America today as they continue to wield their "Spiritual Influence" over the American people and America's Governments at all levels. 


Again, the spiritual truths of America’s past going all the way back to 1565 are relevant to current and future events in America. 


People die but the Principalities who are spiritual beings do not die.  In other words, the Territorial Principalities that gained a place over America in 1565 through the Spanish Conquistadors' hatred of Protestants are able to continue to wield their spiritual influence over the "Spiritual Offspring" of the Spanish Conquistadors many of whom were Knights in Spain's Catholic "Order of Santiago".  Even today, like their Spanish forebears both the legal and illegal immigrants crossing America's borders boldly declare they are coming to America to take back what they believe is legally theirs.


And, that begs the question - why do the ancestors of the Spanish Conquistadors believe America is legally theirs? 


Why?  Because in 1565 the Pope convinced the King and Queen of Spain that God had given him the spiritual authority to take land from the Native Americans and give what we now know as America to the King and Queen of Spain.  According to the Pope the Native Americans were pagans and pagans had no rights.  And, in return - as his reward for murdering the French Huguenots and destroying their colony - the King and Queen of Spain promised Admiral Menendez that he and his offspring would be the legitimate political leaders of America for all time to come.


Why?  Because in 1565 the Pope convinced the King and Queen of Spain that God had given him the spiritual authority to give what we now know as America to the King and Queen of Spain.  And, in return - as his reward for murdering the French Huguenots and destroying their colony - the King and Queen of Spain promised Admiral Menendez that he and his offspring would be the legitimate political leaders of America for all time to come.



The following excerpt from "Marchers Flood Mall with Passion, Pride" an article published in 2006 by the Washington Post is only one of multiple resources that give a glimpse into the mindset of the Spanish speaking immigrants flooding into America.  The fact that they feel they can make America's lawmakers pass laws to their liking speaks volumes and demonstrated over and over!


"They swept onto the Mall by the tens of thousands , waving American flags and chanting in Spanish, "Here we are, and we're not leaving"  ….. "something of a battle cry was sounded to a crowd frustrated by Congress's failure to reshape immigration law to their liking.  ….. This is only the start .. "We are just starting this movement"


As their ancestors had done before them, the spiritual offspring of Spain's Catholic Conquistadors continue to do in present day America.  Time has and will prove that they are no different than their forefathers who caused the death of the French Huguenots.  They persecuted and killed the Protestant followers of Jesus Christ and given the opportune time they will continue to do so.


We know from their own testimonies and actions that the Spanish gangs who have killed many Americans plan on killing more and more people here in the United States. 


Jesus said "Fill up… the measure of the sin of your forefathers?  There was still some guilt to add to their forefathers' guilt.


Matthew 23:32 32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ sins! HCSB 

And, so it is with the spiritual offspring of Spain's Catholic Conquistadors many of whom were Knights in Spain's Catholic "Order of Santiago".   They continue to add to the sins of their forefathers even to this day!


Time will prove that the spiritual offspring of the Spanish Conquistadors are no different than their forefathers who caused the French Huguenots to be put to death.  They persecuted and killed the true followers of Jesus Christ and we will see the spiritual offspring of the Spanish Conquistadors continue to do so in our lifetime and the lifetime of our children.   


I will come back to the historical account of Spain's Catholic Conquistadors and the French Huguenots and "What" Principalities wield their influence over America and "When" and "How" they found a place to set up a Stronghold over America.  However, first and foremost it's important that all Believers understand the Biblical Principals of Geographical Principalities and "Spiritual Warfare" - and for that reason I'm including multiple Scriptures throughout this section that supports both. 


And, it's important to point out that while Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness is a focus of this section it is only a focus because of the reality that Satan exists - however, Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness is not the "main focus".  First and foremost our main focus is on Christ and His Kingdom and the Biblical truth that Christ has already defeated Satan.


Jude and explains it best -


Jude 1:3 reads "Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to His holy people. NLT


Like Jude, my heart is to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and nothing else.  On the other hand, like Jude I know that evil does exist and that if we ignore evil then we will not be able to effectively stand against all of Satan's schemes.  We, simply cannot ignore the evil schemes of Satan or else evil will find it's our way into our homes

as well as the Church.  We cannot ignore Jude's teachings that "it went unnoticed" that certain people had crept into some of their Churches teaching that God's marvelous grace allowed the Believer the grace to live immoral lives (NLT).  Needless, to say these people were "and are" influenced by Satan.   


Nor can we ignore Timothy's warning that "The Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons."  1 Timothy 4:1


The Believer's Battle is in the Heavens


The "Deceiving Spirits" and "Doctrines of Demons" that Timothy warns us about is another example of the Spiritual Battle going on around us and is only one of many Scriptures that explains why the Apostle Paul teaches us that our Battle is in the Heavens.  Ephesians 6:11-12

Ephesians 6:11-12 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil12 For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  HCSB 


We know from Daniel 10 and Ephesians 6:11-12 as well as many other Scriptures that behind every war on earth there is a spiritual battle going on in the heavens.  Revelation 12, Daniel 10, Luke 10, Judges 3:1-4, Judges 11:24, 1 Kings 18:33, 1 Kings 20:23, Judges 11:24, Jeremiah 49:1-3, .


Judges 5:8 8 They chose new gods; Then there was war in the gates; Not a shield or spear was seen among forty thousand in Israel. NKJV 


Judges 5:20 20 They fought from the heavens; The stars from their courses fought against Sisera.  NKJV 


Judges 11:24 24Wilt not thou possess that which Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess? So whomsoever the LORD our God shall drive out from before us, them will we possess.  27Wherefore I have not sinned against thee, but thou doest me wrong to war against me: the LORD the Judge be judge this day between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon.

Scripture also reveals that at times God’s people, for various reasons, will lose possession of land that He gave them as was the case with the Ammonites and their pagan deity who did eventually take possession of the territory that Jephthah had secured. 


Jeremiah 49:1 1Concerning and against the Ammonites:  Thus says the LORD:  Has Israel no sons [to return after their captivity and claim the territory of Gad east of the Jordan which the Ammonites have taken over]?  Has [Israel’s Gad] no heir?  When then has Milcom [the god the Ammonites call their king] dispossessed and inherited Gad, and [why do] his people dwell in Gad’s cities2Therefore behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will cause an alarm of war to be heard against Rabbah of the Ammonites; and it [the high ground on which it stands] will become a desolate heap, and its daughter [villages] will be burned with fire.  Then will Israel dispossess those who disposed him, says the LORD.  3 Wail, O Heshbon [in Moab, just south of Ammon], for Ai [in Ammon] is laid waste!  Gird yourselves with sackcloth, lament, and run to and fro inside the [sheepfold] enclosures; for Milcom [the god-king] shall go into exile, together with his priests and his princes. Amplified Bible


Milcom is the pagan god that the Ammonites called their king.  And, Jeremiah 49 is one more Scripture that speaks about "Territorial Principalities" taking possession of land that God gave to the Israelites.  And, verses 3 speaks of the priests and princes (flesh and blood) that served this pagan principality. 


And, after thousands of years, not much has changed. 


What!  Are there no Descendants of Israel to take back the Temple Mount!

Jeremiah 49:1


Jordan, the modern day Ammonites still maintain "Administrative Authority" over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City.  Needless to say, it's not just happenstance that Jordan the modern day Ammonites have "Administrative Authority" over the Temple Mount.


At one point Israel had gained back control over the Temple Mount from the Jordanians - but for reasons that still puzzle many Israelis - after the Six Day War, Israel handed administration of the Temple Mount back to the Waqf under Jordanian custodianship.


 And, to this day, even though the Temple Mount is under the control of the "Israeli Security" - under the terms of the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty, the Temple Mount remains, under Jordanian custodianship.


Needless to say, Milcom, the ancient god of the modern day Ammonites remains a "Territorial Principality" over the Temple Mount - and the Waqf are none other than Milcom's Priests and Princes. 


Up until 2019, the Jordanian Government had been careful not to let anyone outside of the Hashemite Monarchy serve in the "Waqf" that oversees the Administrative duties over the Temple Mount.  However, in 2019 the Jordanian Government made an extraordinary move in an effort to close ranks to combat any change in the "Religious" and "Political" status of the Temple Mount to expand the Waqf council to 18 and agreed for the first time to allow representatives of the Palestinian Authority and local Muslim leaders to serve in the Waqf.


Needless to say, in order to wage this type of spiritual warfare successfully we must understand the nature of the people they are able to influence as well as the spiritual foes we have to contend with.  Therefore, it's important that all Christians carefully consider the Biblical teachings and principles as to the wiles of Satan and how he and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens are able to influence people and use people like the Jordanian Government to carry out their evil schemes here on earth.  Otherwise, Scripture reveals that Satan who roams the earth looking for someone to devour - he may very well gain access into your own life as well as those that we love.  1 Peter 5:8 


Even more alarming - the Apostle Timothy tells us that in the end times even Believers will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and the teaching of demons.  How unthinkable!  It's one thing that Satan is able to operate through those like the ancient Ammonites - but it's unthinkable that some Believers will turn away from the faith and follow Satan.  


1 Timothy 5:15 15 For some are already turned aside after Satan. KJV


1 Timothy 4:1 1 Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. NLT


2 Timothy 2:26 26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. KJV


1 Timothy 5:15, 1 Timothy 4:1 and 2 Timothy 2:26 are three Scriptures that clearly reveals that out battle is in the heavens - not with flesh and blood.  Those that departed the faith to follow Satan instead of Christ was not because of man's teachings - but due to the teaching from demons.  However, once they turn away from the faith - they in turn will seek to turn others away from the faith.


In addition to above Scriptures from both the Old and New Testament that supports the reality of the existence of demons and satanic gods (Geographical Principalities) and their influence over people and geographical areas I want to include several others before going into greater detail concerning the events that took place in 1565 between Spain's Catholic Conquistadors and the French Protestants known as the French Huguenots. 


What a Powerful Physician Christ was and is - everywhere Jesus went He drove out demons from those who the demons were tormenting. 


Matthew 4:24 24 And His fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and He healed them. KJV


Christ was and is the Great Physician - He is the Physician of our souls and spirit.  And, as the Great Physician Christ continues to wage war with the devil - Satan's kingdom continues to be destroyed.  Luke 10 reveals that when the 72 returned and told Christ that even the devils submitted to them in His name - Christ turned His gaze towards the heavens and told His disciples that He saw Satan fall as lightening.  And, every time someone accepts Christ as their personal savior or a demon is cast out of someone - Satan and his principalities continue to fall from the heavens like lightening.

And, when all of Christ's enemies are under His feet then Christ will establish His Kingdom.


1 Corinthians 15:24-27 24 Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign, till he hath put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27 For He hath put all things under his feet. But when He saith all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted, which did put all things under Him. KJV 


Matthew 10:1; Luke 9:1 and Luke 10:1, 17-19 reveals that Christ Jesus gave His twelve Disciples and the seventy (seventy-two) Disciples that He sent to the towns that He was about to go - authority over demons. 


Matthew 10:1; Luke 9:1 and Luke 10:1, 17-19 reveals that Christ Jesus gave His twelve Disciples authority over all devils.  And, Christ gave the seventy Disciples that He sent to the towns that He was about to go - the power over all devils as well.


Matthew 10:1 1 And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.


 Luke 9:1 1 Then he called His twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. KJV


 Luke 10:17-19 17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. 18 And He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. KJV


1 Timothy 4:1; Revelation 2:1, 2 and 1 Corinthians 14:29 reveals that there are some Believers that depart from the faith because of "deceitful spirits"- "seducing spirits" and the "doctrines of devils".   And, for that reason it is of the upmost importance that as the Apostle John commands we must test the spirits to see whether they be of God 1 John 4;1-3. 


And, so we are most thankful that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of distinguishing between spirits - 1 Corinthians 12:10.  


We know from 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 that some of the Corinthians were not "Spiritual Christians" but "Worldly Christians".  And,  Paul cautions the Corinthian Believers who were carnal in nature not to provoke God's jealousy by participating with demons - that Believers cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons.  Paul states clearly that Believers cannot share in the Lord's table and the table of demons.  1 Corinthians 10:19-22


Jesus Christ is above all:  there is no power or authority like Christ's - all things are under His feet (Ephesians 1:22).  When Christ rose from the dead, He disarmed and overcame all powers and authorities.  These powers and authorities are part of Satan's kingdom of darkness (Ephesians 6:12).


We need to remember that Satan is not equal to God.  Satan, the angels who fell with him and all devils, demons etc. were created by God - only to rebel against their creator.  Satan the created being is God's devil - Satan cannot go beyond the boundaries God has established for him - Job 1:1-12 - Satan must have God's permission to act.   


The demonic may serve Satan - however they recognize and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that ultimately they are subject to Christ's authority.  Mark 1:23-24, 34; Acts 19:15


Mark 1:34 34 And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew Him. KJV


Mark 3:11 11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before Him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God. KJV 


Not only do they acknowledge that their own final fate will be torment in the Abyss - they also acknowledge that it is Christ who has the power to determine the time when they will be sent into the greater torments of the Abyss.  And, it's obvious that they have a dread of Christ's power over them and are terrified of being sent into the Abyss.


Matthew 8:29 29 And suddenly they cried out, saying, "What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?" NKJV


Luke 8:30-31 30 Jesus asked him, saying, "What is your name?" And he said, "Legion," because many demons had entered him.  31 And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss. NKJV


The man named Legion was possessed by a "Legion" of demons - and at that time in Biblical history a Roman legion was equal to 6,000 soldiers - which meant that the man named Legion was possessed by approximately 6,000 demons.


According to Scripture Christians cannot be possessed by an evil spirit - we are owned and sealed by the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.  However, Believers like the Apostle Paul can be "oppressed" or attacked by an evil spirit.  And, a messenger of Satan was only allowed to torment Paul in his flesh because the Lord allowed it - it was for Paul's own good - to keep him from becoming to prideful.  2 Corinthians 12:7


Once again, let me point out that we are to keep our focus on the New Testament teachings that Satan is not coequal with God and he along with all the fallen angels will face God's judgment.  Satan is a created spiritual being who rebelled against God and while he can tempt mankind - he cannot force any human to join in his rebellion against God.  It's clear from the Scriptures that even though Satan deceived Eve - Satan did not force Adam and Eve to rebel against God - it was their choice to eat the forbidden fruit.


While there are many Scriptures and accounts of Satan and his kingdom - the main focus of Scripture is not with Satan and his kingdom - but with God's grace and plan for mankind and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


We are to keep our main focus on Jesus and that He came into the world to “destroy the works of the devil” 1 John 3:8.  Scripture reveals that in His life, death, and His resurrection Jesus Christ has overcome Satan and the kingdom of darkness.  And, there can be no doubt that Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection was a "Decisive Victory" over Satan and his kingdom of darkness  Colossians 2:15 reads:


Colossians 2:14-15 14 He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.  15 In this way, He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by His victory over them on the cross.  NLT


Spiritual Warfare:  Again, the Apostle Paul explains that the Believer's Battle is not against Flesh and Blood.  The Believer's Battle is against the Rulers, against the Authorities, against the World Powers of the Darkness of this age and against the Forces of Evil in the Heavens.


Ephesians 6:11-12 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil12 For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of the darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  HCSB 


But, until all the powers of darkness are under His feet and Christ returns and establishes His Kingdom we are to take our stand against the kingdom of darkness.


1 Corinthians 15:24-25 24 Then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when He abolishes all rule and all authority and power.  25 For He must reign until He puts all His enemies under His feet.  HCSB  


The King James Translation identifies these spiritual forces as "Principalities".  Again, as already noted these Principalities include the same Principalities that the Prophet Daniel spoke of in Daniel 10.


These "Principalities" are the "Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens" that wield their "Spiritual Influence" over the governments of nations at both the national and local level - they are the "Geographical Principalities" that oppose God's plans for mankind - in particular Israel - that the Prophet Daniel spoke of in Daniel 10.


We must never forget what the Prophet Daniel revealed in Daniel 10 - that there is a raging spiritual battle going on in the spiritual realm between Gabriel the Archangel,  Michael the Archangel that stands watch over Israel (Daniel 10:21, Daniel 12:1, Revelation 12:7) and the Prince and Kings of Persia - angels that fell with Satan and who to this day oppose Israel. 


The same Principalities manipulating the Iranian Government today are the same principalities over the nation of Persia - modern day Iran - that the Prophet Daniel spoke about in chapter 10. 


People die but the Principalities who are spiritual beings do not die and for that reason the Prince and Kings of Persia that the Prophet Daniel spoke of are able to continue to wield their spiritual influence over each and every new generation.  Even today, like their forefathers, the Persian people of Iran boldly admit that they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. 


Iran may threaten and harass Israel, however, the Prince and Kings of Persia and the people they are able to influence will never be able to hinder or thwart God's prophetic purposes and plans for Israel.  They will never be able to wipe Israel off the face of the earth! 


The Prince of Greece:  We know from Daniel 10:20 that Michael, Archangel of Israel who came to the aid of the Archangel Gabriel, withstood the Principalities operating over the government of Greece as well as Persia.  Greece, in particular, is interesting because in Acts 17 the Apostle Paul reveals that the "Men of Athens" were extremely religious in every respect.  And, in the context of Acts 17:22 the word "religious" means that the Men of Athens were very superstitious and had a reverence for demons operating behind all the pagan gods of antiquity.     


Acts 17:22 22So Paul, standing in the center of the Areopagus [Mars Hill meeting place], said: Men of Athens, I perceive in every way [on every hand and with every turn I make] that you are most religious or very reverent to demons.  Amplified Translation 


In other words, these "Warlike" and "Political" Principalities are able to influence and operate through anyone who opposes Israel and those who worship any God other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Whether they know it or not, people who worship any God other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, like the "Men of Athens, they are bowing down to the false gods, demons and Principalities like the "Prince of Greece" that operate behind all satanic and false religions of the world.


Keep in mind that Satan wants to be like God - Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28.  And, 2 Corinthians 11:14 reveals that reveals that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and that his servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.  


2 Corinthians 11:13-15 13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. NKJV

In other words, Geographical Principalities are Political in nature - but first and foremost, the nature of these Geographical Principalities is "Religious".  Religious in the sense they operate behind anyone like the "Men of Athens" in Acts17:22 who are "Very Religious" in nature - who have a reverence for demons and devils.  They will operate through all deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ or anyone who disguises themselves as righteous people.   


The Satanic Power of Disguise:  In the Garden of Eden Satan hid behind the serpent and it seems that the Apostle Paul when referring to Satan as an angel of light had the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve in view - 2 Corinthians 11:3. 


In whatever form Satan appeared to Adam and Eve it's obvious that Satan gave the appearance of a good being.  And, so it is today.  Satan still comes in a disguise - coming as an angel of light Satan continues to deceive people and it will only lead them to transgress which will bring about their fall.


That's why Satan's servants disguise themselves as "Angels of light" - these Satanic beings are very religious.  Just as Satan misled Eve concerning the nature of God - Satan still disguises himself as an angel of light for the purpose of misleading people about the nature of God.  Coming as an angel of light Satan seeks to deceive people by persuading people to do things under the name of religion.  But it is anything other than righteousness. 


And, it is because they are both Political and Religious in nature that they seek to bring both political and religious groups together to plot against God's people and plans.  For example, Acts 4:25-27 is one of several account in Scripture where we see the "Political" (Herod and Pontius Pilate representing the Roman Government), the "Religious" (the Sanhedrin), the heathen and people in general coming together in an effort to thwart God's purposes to further their own personal agendas. 


Acts 4:25-27 25 You said through the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father David Your servant: Why did the Gentiles rage and the peoples plot futile things? 26 The kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers assembled together against the Lord and against His Messiah. 27 “For, in fact, in this city both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, assembled together against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, HCSB


And, history bears witness that Satan and the Geographical Principalities have used this strategy throughout the ages.  Even today we see this strategy manifesting in the halls of Congress and throughout our State Capitols as well as from the Pulpit.


Back to the Crucifixion of Christ.


The Tables were turned:  They may have gathered together for the purpose of executing and furthering their own goals but without realizing it they were fulfilling the purposes of God when they conspired to crucify Jesus.


Satan and those he operates through will never be able to thwart God's plans.  God is and never will be a victim of Satan.


And, it was only after Christ rose from the dead that they all realized how they had missed the mark.  For the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 had the princes of this world known of "God's hidden Wisdom in a Mystery - a truth once hidden now revealed after Christ rose from the dead - a Wisdom not of this world - a Wisdom God predetermined before the ages so that it should result in glory for us - none of the princes of this age would have crucified Christ.


The Wisdom of God in a Mystery is His Crucifixion and His Resurrection

it is the "Gospel of Jesus Christ"


1 Corinthians 2:6-8 6 Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:  7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:  8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. KJV


1 Corinthians 2:8 reveals that had the "devils" and the political governors of the Roman empire and the ecclesiastical rulers of the Jewish church state understood the real purpose by the death of Christ would never have been concerned in bringing it about.


The Princes of this world along with the Jews and Romans and all those who conspired together had in their ignorance conspired in vain to prevent what God had foreordained:  the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  However, they soon realized that no man can thwart God's plans.


Satan found an Opportune Time with Judas


Luke 4:13 13 When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.  NLT


And, another opportunity came with Judas. 


Scripture reveals that in connection with his purpose to betray Jesus, Satan put into the heart of Judas that he should betray Christ - then after entering Judas heart Satan entered into Judas himself. 


John 13:2 2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray HimKJV


John 13:27 27 When Judas had eaten the bread, Satan entered into him. Then Jesus told him, “Hurry and do what you’re going to do.”  NLT


The idea came from the devil, but Judas could have rejected the idea.  The Lord will not over ride our free will and neither can Satan.  It seems that sins, like the betrayal of Jesus, that are so exceedingly sinful are from Satan.  


Woe to those who allow Satan to put anything into their hearts - because after Satan put the evil desire into the heart of Judas - the door was opened for Satan to actually enter into Judas.  And, it was at that point that Christ knew there was no turning back for Judas.  It was at this point that Judas had filled up the measure of his iniquity and wholly given himself over to Satan. 


Christ told Judas that what he was about to do - do it quickly.  Again, Christ will not override our own free will and more importantly Christ did not stop Judas because Christ was ready to go to the cross!


Satan may have thought it was his opportune time - however Satan found out that it was God's opportune time to deal Satan the death blow to the kingdom of darkness.


Satan and his Princes brought about their own Defeat when they influenced Judas and others to crucify Christ:  While it is true that the Roman Officials and the Jewish Sanhedrin along with the Jewish people and Gentiles plotted against Jesus (Psalm 2:1-3, Acts 4:25-27 Satan and his principalities plotted against Christ long before men did.  We know from Luke 4 "The Temptation of Jesus" that Satan had already devised the downfall of Jesus Christ and when Satan failed Luke 4 tells us that Satan waited for another opportune time - which Satan found in Judas. 


Satan Tempted Christ to set up an Earthly Kingdom:  Long before the Sanhedrin and the Roman Government even existed Satan was well aware of the Scriptures of the promised Messiah that would establish His Kingdom and destroy the works of Satan.  If Satan could only destroy Christ Jesus, the promised Messiah then Christ could not establish His Kingdom and Satan's kingdom of darkness would remain unchallenged.


And, that brings us back to the account in Luke 4 when Satan tempted Jesus.  It's important to understand that the second temptation was for Christ to bow down and worship Satan and in return Satan would give Christ all the kingdoms of the world.   Satan tempted Christ to seize “power and glory” for Himself by submitting to the authority of Satan - to which Christ responded "Get thee behind me Satan"! 


Judas was Satan's Opportune Time:  When Satan was unable to Tempt Christ - verse 13 reveals that Satan departed from Christ until an "Opportune" time and we already know that Judas presented an opportune time for Satan. 


Buy why - what was Judas' mindset? 


Reason #1:  We know that Satan was a thief and that he was stealing from monies that were meant for Jesus and His ministry.  In John 12 we find that Mary, Martha and Lazarus prepared a dinner for Jesus and his disciples.  And, Judas was upset that Mary anointed Jesus' feet with expensive oil because according to Judas the fragrance could have been sold and the money used for the poor.  However, Judas didn't care for the poor he only wanted the money for himself. 


And, in addition to being a thief, I believe when Jesus rebuked Judas and told him to leave Mary alone the rebuke was key to his betrayal of Jesus - because it was after that very dinner had ended that Satan put it into Judas' heart to betray Christ.   


John 12:2-8 2 There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him.  3 Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.  4 Then one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, who would betray Him, said, 5 "Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?"  6 This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it7 But Jesus said, "Let her alone; she has kept this for the day of My burial.  8 For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always."  


John 13:2 2 And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him,  NKJV


Reason 2:  Like the other Disciples - Judas believed that Christ was going to set up an earthly kingdom.  And, we know from Scripture that it was a shock of disappointment when the Disciples realized that the kingdom of Jesus was a "Spiritual Kingdom".


I believe one reason that Judas betrayed Christ was because Judas thought he could force Christ to set up an "Earthly" kingdom - an earthly kingdom that Judas would be part of.  And, from the account of Luke 2 we know that's what Satan wanted Christ to do - set up an earthly kingdom. 


I don't believe that Judas ever thought that Christ would choose death on the cross over life.  From what we can tell from Scripture - Judas was seized with remorse that Christ was sentenced to death - the strong implication is that Judas was truly shocked at Jesus' sentencing.  I believe that Judas expected that Jesus would rise up and strike down his accusers rather than receive a death sentence. 


But, Christ's Kingdom was not of this world - He was to set up a "Spiritual" Kingdom - and that's exactly what Satan was trying to thwart.



Satan thought Peter was an Opportune Time - but it wasn't

Unlike Judas - Peter's heart towards the Lord was one of Affection - not Betrayal.


We know from Scripture that Christ's Disciples believed that Christ was going to establish an "Earthly Kingdom".  So, it's understandable their disappointment when Christ told them that His Kingdom was not of this world and that to establish His Kingdom (which was a Spiritual Kingdom) He must go to Jerusalem where He would suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and scribes, be crucified and rise again on the third day

According to Matthew 16:21-23 this revelation was not only unexpected but it was particularly unacceptable to Peter who didn't understand that Jesus had to endure the sufferings of the Cross.  Peter didn't understand that Christ's sufferings were essential to God's purpose for all of mankind - that to bring salvation to the world He must be will willing to suffer for all of mankind.


And, not understanding that it was God's will that Christ suffer the Cross, Peter took Christ aside and rebuking Christ forbid such a thing that He should suffer and die.  At which, Christ turned his back to Peter and addressing Satan said "Get thee behind me Satan".


Matthew 16:21-23  21 From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead. 22 But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!” 23 Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me.  NLT


King James reads:  Matthew 16:23 23But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.  KJV


When Jesus to turned to Peter and said "Get thee behind Me Satan" Jesus dealt with both the natural (Peter) and the spiritual (Satan) simultaneously.


The word "savourtest" is referring to Peter's "Mindset" - not the attitude of his heart.  Satan may have been able to influence Peter because of his mindset - but Satan was never able to enter Peter's heart. 


Jesus rebuked Peter for seeing things merely from a human point of view and not from God's point of view.  Seeing things merely from a human point of view allowed Satan to use Peter as a stumbling block and hindrance to Christ - and this was offensive to Christ.  Peter was a hindrance to Jesus because he did not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.  And, it was because Peter had the things of men in mind that Satan was able to work through him.


Jesus rebuked Peter for becoming a stumbling block and hindrance to Him.  Peter was a hindrance to Jesus because he did not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.  And, it was because Peter had the things of men in mind that Satan was able to work through him.


Christ rebuked Peter for having his mind set on an earthly kingdom which was contrary to the  Spiritual Kingdom that was according to God's will for Christ.  That Christ rebuked Satan at the same time Christ rebuked Peter - then it's obvious that Satan didn't want Christ to really go to the Cross - but wanted Christ to set up an "Earthly Kingdom" - setting aside the Doctrine of the Atonement - thwarting God's purpose for all of mankind.     


The Biblical law of “Double Reference"


Jesus turned to Peter and said "Get thee behind Me, Satan"!


When Jesus to turned to Peter and said "Get thee behind Me Satan" Jesus dealt with both the natural (Peter) and the spiritual (Satan) simultaneously.


The Biblical law of “Double Reference” is referring to a situation that occurs in the Natural Realm and the Spiritual Realm simultaneously.  While the natural realm is visible – the spiritual is not - nonetheless, those in the natural realm are influenced by the demonic in the spiritual realm.  In these particular situations – the LORD deals with both simultaneously which can be thought of in terms of “Double Accountability”.


For example, when Satan deceived Eve – Satan (the invisible) used a serpent (the visible) to operate through while remaining hidden.  And for that reason when the LORD spoke to the serpent – the main rebuke was directed at Satan (Genesis 3:14-15).  Likewise, when Jesus rebuked Peter (the visible) at the same time He also rebuked Satan (the invisible).  Matthew 16:22-23


Invisible:  Invisible simply means not in sight – it doesn’t mean that a spiritual being doesn’t have substance to their spiritual makeup.  For example, Colossians 1:16 which reads:


Colossians 1:16  16For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him:


We know from 2 Kings 6:17 that at times God opens man’s eyes that he can see into the spiritual realm. 


2 Kings 6:17 17Then Elisha prayed, Lord, I pray You, open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.   


Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God:  Acts 7:56


David saw into the spiritual realm:  1 Chronicles 21:16-17


Even though God would not allow Moses to see His face – He did allow Moses to see His form:  Exodus 33:18-23.  Much as God the Father is invisible to us – we know that He exists.


Scripture reveals that Satan has to operate through God’s creations – as he did through Peter.  He cannot operate or exercise authority without the cooperation and willingness of man, whether it is unknowingly as it was with the Apostle Peter or knowingly if he finds a man with the wrong heart as he did with Judas.


When Jesus called each of the twelve disciples to follow Him in his earthly ministry - there is no doubt that they believed that He was the Promised Messiah - after all they witnessed Jesus' miracles, etc.  Nonetheless, John 20:9 reveals that the Disciples did not understand the Scriptures that Christ must rise from the dead which would help us to understand why the disciples believed that Christ was going to establish an earthly kingdom and why they couldn't understand, even though Christ had made it clear to them that He was not going to establish an Earthly Kingdom.  And, there is no doubt that like the other Disciples, Judas believed that Christ was going to set up an earthly Kingdom.


After Christ Rose - the Disciples Finally Understood the Cross:  The Disciples had a measure of understanding concerning the Jewish Messiah but they didn't have enough understanding that they could apply these Scriptures to Jesus Christ.  And, it was only after Christ had risen from the grave and He opened their understanding that they might fully understand the Scriptures that the Disciples at long last fully understood the message of The Cross. 


On the Road to Emmaus:  Luke 24:18-50 reveals that after Christ rose He appeared to two of His Disciples on their way to Emmaus and their hearts burned within them as Christ explained the Scriptures to them concerning His death.  And, as Christ broke bread with them their eyes were opened and they recognized Christ.


Eager to share the good news with Christ's eleven Disciples the two returned to Jerusalem where they found the eleven Disciples gathered together.  As they began to describe what had happened on the road to Damascus and how they recognized Christ as He broke and blessed the bread, Jesus appeared to all of the Disciples gathered together. 


And, it was at that moment in time that Christ opened their understanding that they might all fully understand the Scriptures concerning the nature of His death - that He had to go to the Cross and rise from the dead to enter into His glory Luke 24:26-32. 


Luke 24:30-35 30 Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. 32 And they said to one another, "Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?" 33 So they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, 34 saying, "The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!" 35 And they told about the things that had happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of bread. ….. Luke 24:44-46 44 Then He said to them, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."  45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures46 Then He said to them, "Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, NKJV


The "Ascension" and the "Day of Pentecost":  Even though the Disciples had a much better understanding of the Messiah's kingdom they were still hoping that, at least to some degree, that Christ would still restore a secular kingdom to Israel. 


Just moments before Christ ascended the Disciples asked Him "Lord, are You restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time"?  In response Christ tells them that "It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority".  And, then Christ turns their attention to the "Day of Pentecost" when they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them.  Acts 1:6-8


Christ does not contradict their expectation that the kingdom would be restored to Israel instead he turns their attention to the "Day of Pentecost" when they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them.  And, it was at that point in time, on the "Day of Pentecost" when 3,000 were added to their numbers and the church was born, that the Disciples never had any more thoughts of a temporal kingdom.  After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit there could be no doubt that the Messiah's Kingdom was a "Spiritual Kingdom" - it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


And, on the Day of Pentecost when all the Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in the foreign languages of all the men from the other countries that were gathered together for the "Feast of Pentecost" and 3,000 of these men accepted the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were baptized - this was probably the moment that the Disciples really understood the "Spiritual" nature of Christ's Kingdom. 


Until the end when all of Christ's enemies are under His feet and He establishes His Kingdom - every time someone accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior - His Spiritual Kingdom here on earth will be continually expanding.  And, every time that someone is set free of Satan, as Christ revealed to the 72 Disciples in Luke 10, Satan will be forever falling like lightening.


However, until Christ returns, the "spiritual forces of evil in the Heavens" will continue to oppose the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Back to America and 1565: 


Back to America's Spiritual Battle in the Heavens and the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens that Gained Access over America in 1565 still Affects Present Day America


Just as in the days of Christ - in 1565 the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavens joined forces with both Spain's Political leaders and Rome's Religious leaders to plot against the French Protestants known as the French Huguenots here in what is now known as America.


Because of their political and religious nature the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavens will always seek to bring both political and religious groups together to plot against God's people and plans.  Again, Acts 4:25-27 is one of several account in Scripture where we see the "Political" (Herod and Pontius Pilate representing the Roman Government), the "Religious" (the Sanhedrin), the heathen and people in general coming together in an effort to thwart God's purposes to further their own personal agendas. 


Acts 4:25-27 25 You said through the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father David Your servant: Why did the Gentiles rage and the peoples plot futile things? 26 The kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers assembled together against the Lord and against His Messiah. 27 “For, in fact, in this city both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, assembled together against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, HCSB


The people of Israel, the Roman Government, the religious Sanhedrin - the kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers assembled together in a deadly confederacy against the Lord and His son the Messiah.  


And, history bears witness that Satan and the Geographical Principalities have used this strategy throughout the ages.  Even today we see this strategy manifesting in the halls of Congress and throughout our State Capitols as well as from the Pulpit.

And, just as the goal of these warring Principalities was to oppose God they will continue to use "Religious" people to "Manipulate" governments to push their own secular agenda and vice versa.  Even as I am writing this section it's obvious that the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens have influenced many of the world governments and religions to oppose both Israel and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The goal of the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens and those they work through here on earth is to promote Islam and other false religions as well as promote "Secular Christians" who live their lives as though they are unbelievers that the Apostle Paul wrote about in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. 


The only thing that stands in their way is the "Spirit Led Believer" who embraces the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the teachings of the Apostles that wrote the New Testament Scriptures which is the true standard of teaching by which all other teachings are to be judged.


It may surprise some - but the Secular Christians who live their lives as though they are unbelievers are not a threat to the kingdom of darkness.


And, so it was here in America in 1565:  The goal of the Roman Catholic Church was to "Supplant" the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the Gospel of Roman Catholicism.  And, that meant that they had to murder the French Huguenots who rejected the Gospel of Roman Catholicism. 


Roman Catholicism is a "Distortion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ".  Their teachings that exalts the man-made traditions of the Roman Catholic Church nullify the Word of God.  Roman Catholicism is not the Gospel according to the authors of the New Testament.  It is "Man's Gospel" and does not pass the test according to the teachings of the Apostles that wrote the New Testament Scriptures which is the true standard of teaching by which all other teachings are to be judged. 


Because the French Huguenots worshipped the Lord in "Spirit and in Truth" they were a threat to Satan as well as the Roman Catholic Church who turned to a different gospel whose teaching is contrary to the truth - distorting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Galatians 1:6-11 6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. 11 For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. ESV


2 Corinthians 11:4 4 For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. ESV


For example, Catholics teach that Mary, the mother of Christ, is co-redeemer and that is absolutely not true.  Nowhere in Scripture did the Apostles who established the Church ever pray to Mary or pray in the name of Mary let alone pray that she intercedes with Christ on their behalf.


Scripture is clear "Christ" is the only Redeemer and the way to the Father is through the Son - not Mary. 


John 14:6 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. NKJV


What?  Like those the Apostle wrote about, the Roman Catholic Church "Preaches another Jesus"!  Who can save more fully and more powerfully than that Jesus that Paul and the Apostles taught about.


1 Timothy 1:3 3 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. NLT


Syncretistic Religion:  The Roman Catholic's teachings are "Syncretistic" in nature -  meaning they combine Biblical teachings with pagan customs.  And, even though this is strictly forbidden in Scripture (2 Kings 17) when Spain's Catholic Order of the Knights of Santiago came to America in 1565 they knelt down at the Cross and invoked Mary and "Santiago" the patron saint of Spain to come to their aid in destroying the French Huguenots.   


According to the Catholic Church "Santiago" is the Spanish word for "James" one of Christ's twelve Disciples.  Once again, the Roman Catholic Church has perverted a Biblical figure to fit their own needs.


2 Kings 17 gives an example of syncretistic religion.  The Israelites worshiped the God of Israel while continuing to worship pagan gods at the same time.  Verses 24-41 gives an account whereby Samaria had been resettled with people from various nations who brought the worship of their national deity with them to Samaria.  These people were taught about the God of Israel and the manner in which He was to be worshiped; however they continued to worship their own national deity as well, each according to the manner in which each pagan god required. 


2 Kings 17:33-35 33 And though they worshiped the LORD, they continued to follow their own gods according to the religious customs of the nations from which they came34 And this is still going on today. They continue to follow their former practices instead of truly worshiping the LORD and obeying the decrees, regulations, instructions, and commands he gave the descendants of Jacob, whose name he changed to Israel.  35 For the LORD had made a covenant with the descendants of Jacob and commanded them: “Do not worship any other gods or bow before them or serve them or offer sacrifices to them. ….. 2 Kings 17:40-41 40 But the people would not listen and continued to follow their former practices.  41 So while these new residents worshiped the LORD, they also worshiped their idols. And to this day their descendants do the same.   NLT 


And, so it is with the Roman Catholic Church.  For example,


Mary of the Catholic Church is not Mary the Mother of Jesus.  Roman Catholicism's  devotion to Mary and Santiago are examples of syncretistic religion.  Menendez and Spain's Catholic Knights of the Order of Santiago brought the worship of Mary and Spain's patron deity "Santiago" with them when they supplanted the French Huguenots and built the first Spanish Mission and Shrine to Mary on soil now known as America.


According to "France and England in North America" written by Francis Parkman and published in 1865 when Menendez who was Spain's Catholic Commander of the Order of Santiago (Page 161) led the attack against the French Huguenots at Fort Caroline he invoked "Santiago"  the patron saint of Spain".  The following excerpt from page 111 reads:


"Santiago!" cried Menendez.  "At them!  God is with us!  Victory!"


And, shouting their hoarse war-cries, the Spaniards rushed down the slope like starved wolves."


From the very beginning of establishing a Spanish colony in Florida, Spain's Catholic Knights and Priests invoked pagan deities.  Even before Menendez attacked the French Huguenots at Fort Caroline he and Spain's Catholic Order of the Knights of Santiago worshipped the God of Israel at St. Augustine while at the same time invoking the satanic spirit operating behind Mary and Santiago to go with them into battle against the French Huguenots. 


According to the Apostle John it is of the upmost importance that we test the spirits to see whether they be of God 1 John 4;1-3.  And, when you test the spirits, Scripture condemns the Pope's interpretation of who Mary and James (Santiago) are as well as invoking pagan deities.  The Mary of Catholicism is not co-redeemer along with Christ as the Catholics claim and James does not come back from the dead to lead anyone in battle. 


Scripture warns Believers about the dangers of consulting the dead on behalf of the living and worshipping the pagan goddess's such as the Asherah's and the Queen of Heaven. 


Isaiah 8:19-20 19 And when they say to you, "Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter," should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. NKJV


The Prophet Isaiah expresses his indignation at the folly of those who consult the dead on behalf of the living.


Scripture forbids anyone to set up a wooden Asherah pole beside the altar of the Lord.  Yet, you can see from the following picture taken from inside the "Mission of Nombre de Dios" that was founded at the site where Menendez and Spain's Catholic Priests and Knights of Santiago first set foot in St. Augustine, that's exactly what the Catholics did! 


The wooden tree trunk that serves as a pedestal for the statue of Mary wearing a Queen's crown is none other than the wooden Asherah pole that is condemned in the Bible.  In other words, Mary of Catholicism is simply the Catholics version of the goddess "Asherah" as well as the pagan Queen of Heaven as described by the Prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 44:17). 


Deuteronomy 16:21 21 “You must never set up a wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build for the LORD your God. NLT


An Asherah pole is a reference to a wooden pole or tree that represented the Canaanite goddess Asherah.  Notice in the following picture that Mary is portrayed as a “Queen”, seated on top of a “Tree Trunk” that has been placed beside the altar of the LORD in the Shrine to Mary in Saint Augustine, Florida.  The wooden pole itself is the symbol of Asherah. 


You can see that the statue of Mary portrays her as a Queen seated on the wooden tree trunk is symbolic of the Asherah pole beside the altar to the LORD as described in Deuteronomy 16:21 and is an abomination unto the LORD. 




Interestingly, The Roman Catholic Church considers the Mission of Nombre de Dios as the most sacred site in America - yet Scripture reveals that it is an abomination to the Lord.


Following are two pictures are a close up of the wooden pedestal that Mary is seated on.



The Crown identifies Rome's Mary as a "Queen" yet the Apostles who wrote the New Testament Scriptures never identified Mary as a Queen. 


The Second of the Ten Commandments is clear:  Even more so, the second of the Ten Commandments is clear that we are not to make any graven image of man and this is a good example of why we are forbidden to.


Believers are not to make any carved image or show an idol reverence - yet the Catholic Church does just that.  They show reverence to the man made idols of both Mary and James (Santiago) as well as many other so-called saints.  The Lord is a jealous God - He is very jealous of His own honor - He will not tolerate respect and reverence due Him to bestowed on inanimate objects or other beings.


Exodus 20:4-5 4 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, NKJV


This particular statue of Mary seated on a wooden tree trunk portrays her as "Our Lady of La Leche" - the Virgin Mary nursing the infant Jesus.  The devotion to Our Lady of La Leche was brought over from Spain by Menendez and Spain's Catholic Order of the Knights of Santiago.  And, the centerpiece of the Mission Nombre De Dios is the Shrine of "Our Lady of La Leche" - the statue of the Virgin Mary nursing the infant Jesus, which is a replica of the Our Lady of La Leche statue placed in a cathedral in Spain by Phillip III who personally undertook the erection of a shrine in honor of Catholicism Lady of La Leche.


The shrine is a popular religious pilgrimage site with pilgrims coming from all parts of the world to pray for Mary to intercede for them.  They pray for fertility, her blessings and intercession for a successful pregnancy and delivery.


However, read what Jesus said about the nursing Mary - His answer is striking:


Luke 11:27-28 27 And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!" 28 But He said, "More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" NKJV


The Roman Catholic Church does not keep God's Word!


When answering the woman Christ turns the focus away from such veneration of His mother.  Notice that Christ recognizes Mary, not as Mother, but by the title of "Woman".  And, as Christ was dying on the Cross once again Christ refers to Mary as "Woman".


What love Christ had for this Woman - as His last earthly care was for His mother.  As Christ was dying on the cross He entrusted Mary to the care of the Apostle John.  He said to His mother "Woman" behold thy son and to His disciple Christ said "Behold your mother". 


John 19:26-27 26 When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold your son!"  27 Then He said to the disciple, "Behold your mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home. NKJV


Christ directs the focus to the only legitimate cause of His mother's blessedness. Christ's mother herself was blessed because she had submitted her will entirely to the will of the Holy Spirit.  When told that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive - Mary said: 


"Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word."      


Luke 1:38 38 Then Mary said, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her. NKJV


Mary was not blessed because she was the mother of Jesus - Mary was blessed because she submitted to the Word of God.  Mary was blessed because she was willing to submit to God's will for her life and to accomplish all the purposes of God's grace concerning her. 


The only Relationships which Christ Recognizes are Spiritual Relationships:  And, when Christ told the woman in Luke 11 that “yea rather, blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it” like His mother - Christ was including everyone who hears the Word of God and keeps it - not just His mother.  It was Christ "Spiritual Relationship" with Mary that was the higher.


Catholics may pray to the Catholic's version of Mary to conceive - however according to Genesis 30:1-2, 7, 22 as well as other Scriptures only God can open the womb.


Genesis 30:1-2 1 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, "Give me children, or else I die!" 2 And Jacob's anger was aroused against Rachel, and he said, "Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?"  ….. Genesis 30:22-23 22 Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.  23 And she conceived and bore a son, and said, "God has taken away my reproach."  NKJV 


When tested by the Word of God it's obvious that "Mariology" lines up with the fertility gods and goddesses of Scripture.


The Mission of Nombre de Dios was founded at the site where Menendez and the Spaniards first set foot in St. Augustine, laying claim to Florida as well as what is now known as all of America in 1565.  Considered by the Catholics to be the most sacred acre of land in all of America, the Marian Shrine is the first of all Marian Shrines established in America and is located where the first mass was offered by Mendoza, one of Spain's Catholic priests that accompanied Menendez in 1565 and who blessed the murder of the French Huguenots.  


The Connection Between Mary and Santiago the Patron Saint of Spain:  Even though the actual shrine to Mary was not built until 1620, intercession to Mary for victory over the French Huguenots began before the Spanish even landed and they continued invoking Mary as well as Santiago throughout the slaughters. 


There is a reason why Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago invoked the demonic spirits behind Mary at the same time they invoked the demonic spirit operating behind "Santiago" the Spanish word for "Saint James".  


First of all, Saint James is the Roman Catholic Church's perversion of James one of Christ twelve disciples who is called "Santiago" in Spanish. 


According to ancient lore, while James was in Spain, which doesn't line up with Scripture and before her death the Virgin Mary holding a baby appeared to Saint James.  Again, this doesn't line up with Scripture either.  Supposedly Mary told James to build a sanctuary where God would be honored and gave James a pillar with her image to be placed in the sanctuary.  Then, supposedly, somewhere around AD 834, hundreds of years after his death, James miraculously appeared to aid the Spanish army to gain victory against the Moors who were invading their country. 


This led to the shrine dedicated to Saint James (Santiago) and his being officially recognized as the Patron Saint of Santiago.


Like all other images created by the Roman Catholic Church the following image of Mary holding the baby Jesus when she appeared to James has had a tremendous emotional impact on Catholics. 


This particular picture like all the statues of Mary are not simply works of art but are a driving force in the daily lives of the many Catholics that pay homage to Mary.  In other words, their devotion to Mary is directly associated with Marian art.  Their devotion is not based on Scripture. 


And, the following picture where Mary appears to James (Santiago), Spain's patron saint,  has a special significance in the Spanish speaking countries. 



Because the Roman Catholic Church and the Knights of Santiago who protected Spanish pilgrims on their way to the "Shrine of St. James (Santiago) intertwined the myth of Mary with that of Santiago (James) it would stand to reason why the Spanish Catholics built a “Shrine” to Mary on what is now known as America.


As we explore the symbolism of the statue of Mary atop the wooden tree trunk there are  three objects in the picture of the statue of Mary atop the wooden tree trunk that are important to understanding how the Mary of Catholicism relates to this study.  


1.  The statue of Mary in her role as “Our Lady of la Leche” and as a Queen

2.  The Wooden Tree Trunk

3.  The Altar


Iconography:  All images of Mary emphasize devotions to Mary.  So, given that the devotion to Mary is intertwined with Marian art, before I go into further details concerning the symbolism of the three objects it's important to explain the concept of "Iconography" and how the Roman Catholic Church used this form of "visual communication" in their paintings and statues that have had the enormous emotional impact on Catholics that it does to this day.


Iconography, is a form of visual communication that uses images and symbolism in art to both reveal and conceal their ideology.  For example, the artwork and statues that adorn the walls and halls of the Vatican and Catholic churches is meant to convey certain ideas to the everyday Catholic and the public – while at the same time the full meaning of the allegories incorporated into their iconography remains hidden from everyone other than those who the Catholic Church feels are enlightened and worthy of the hidden meaning. 


There is no doubt that the Roman Catholic Church meant for the images of Mary to have an emotional impact on Catholics that would to their "devotion of Mary".  The statues are not simply works of art but are a focal point of the daily lives of many Catholics who are devoted to Mary.  For many Catholics their devotion to Mary is stronger than their devotion of Christ and their devotion to Mary is without a doubt intertwined with Marian art.  The images of Mary are a blend of art, religion and spirituality - a combination that led to the veneration of Mary among Catholics worldwide. 


Nonetheless, their devotion to Mary or any other Catholic idol is folly!


Isaiah 44:9-20 9 Those who make an image, all of them are useless, And their precious things shall not profit; They are their own witnesses; They neither see nor know, that they may be ashamed. 10 Who would form a god or mold an image That profits him nothing? 11 Surely all his companions would be ashamed; And the workmen, they are mere men. Let them all be gathered together, Let them stand up; Yet they shall fear, They shall be ashamed together. 12 The blacksmith with the tongs works one in the coals, Fashions it with hammers, And works it with the strength of his arms. Even so, he is hungry, and his strength fails; He drinks no water and is faint. 13 The craftsman stretches out his rule, He marks one out with chalk; He fashions it with a plane, He marks it out with the compass, And makes it like the figure of a man, According to the beauty of a man, that it may remain in the house. 14 He cuts down cedars for himself, And takes the cypress and the oak; He secures it for himself among the trees of the forest. He plants a pine, and the rain nourishes it. 15 Then it shall be for a man to burn, For he will take some of it and warm himself; Yes, he kindles it and bakes bread; Indeed he makes a god and worships it; He makes it a carved image, and falls down to it. 16 He burns half of it in the fire; With this half he eats meat; He roasts a roast, and is satisfied. He even warms himself and says, "Ah! I am warm, I have seen the fire." 17 And the rest of it he makes into a god, His carved image. He falls down before it and worships it, Prays to it and says, "Deliver me, for you are my god!" 18 They do not know nor understand; For He has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, And their hearts, so that they cannot understand. 19 And no one considers in his heart, Nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say, "I have burned half of it in the fire, Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals; I have roasted meat and eaten it; And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?" 20 He feeds on ashes; A deceived heart has turned him aside; And he cannot deliver his soul, Nor say, "Is there not a lie in my right hand?" NKJV


The Images of the Mary of Catholicism are not in Agreement with Scripture


Even though Mary hardly ever speaks in the New Testament "Why" do Catholics consider Mary the most revered and well known woman in the world.  The answer is simple:  It's because of the "Images" of Mary created by the Roman Catholic Church.  And, the images of the Catholic Mary do not agree with the account of Mary in the New Testament.


To illustrate my point, let's take the picture of Mary atop a "wooden tree trunk" in front of the altar at the Spanish Mission in St. Augustine, Florida and as the Apostle John commands us I am going to "test the spirits" 1 John 4:1.  Therefore, I'm going to go to God's Word to see is this portrayal of Mary is according to the teachings of the New Testament Apostles or if this portrayal of Mary is a manifestation of the pagan "Queen of Heaven" and the pagan goddess "Asherah" and the "Asherah Pole" that is an abomination unto the Lord.


Given that Deuteronomy 16:21 reveals that we must never set up a wooden Asherah pole beside the altar built for the Lord then we know the image of Mary seated on top of a wooden pole is none other than an Asherah pole beside the altar built unto the Lord and is an abomination unto the Lord.


Deuteronomy 16:21 21 “You must never set up a wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build for the LORD your God. NLT



Catholics will tell me that the image is of Mary - not Asherah - however Scripture says otherwise and Scripture is authoritative.  Scripture never identified Mary as a Queen or wearing a crown or seated on top of a wooden pedestal.  On the other hand, Scripture reveals that the pagans, as a family unit, worshipped the pagan "Queen of Heaven" - and according to Scripture "Asherah" was a pagan goddess.  And, just as the pagan poured out a drink offering to the "Queen of Heaven" there are images of Catholics pouring out drink offerings to Mary.


In other words, it's obvious that the true meaning of the image of Mary wearing a crown seated on top of a wooden pedestal is hidden from the everyday Catholic.  


More to the point - when you test the spirits, Scripture condemns the Pope's interpretation of who Mary is.  Furthermore, the images of the Catholic Mary that portray her as co-redeemer alongside Christ is false teaching.  Scripture warns Believers about the dangers of praying to the dead and on behalf of the dead - so needless to say the images of praying to the dead Saints is condemned by Scripture.  And, so on and so on.


There was a time when Catholics were forbidden to even read the Scriptures:  For hundreds of years the Catholic bibles were written exclusively in Latin - a language which was reserved for the "so-called" members of society, the "so-called" Scholars and Church leaders.  Needless to say, the average working person who didn't know Latin could not read the bible for themselves even if they were allowed to.  And, that was the whole point.  Even more telling is that the Catholic masses were said in Latin which meant the everyday Catholic could not even understand the mass.  However, it wasn't important or necessary that the everyday Catholic understand the mass - they had their Church rituals, the rosary and holidays all of which made everyone feel righteous.  


Today Catholics are allowed to read Scripture - that is they can read the "Catholic Bible" - but are forbidden to read any Bible that has been translated by Protestant Scholars.


The following are two of the reasons that the Catholic Church felt they had to provide the everyday Catholic with a translated Bible they could read.


1.    The Bubonic Plaque was a turning point for the everyday Catholic who turned their anger against the Catholic Church because not only was the Catholic Church helpless to stop the Plaque - many of their leadership died as a result of the plaque as well.  And, this was not supposed to have happened to Catholics - the Bubonic Plaque was only supposed to affect the Protestants who they considered as pagans.


Faith in the Roman Catholic Church and distrust of the Pope and clergy began to emerge.


2.  Feudal society had undergone major changes and during this time the Catholic Church lost a lot of the authority they once wielded over kings as well as people.  And, all these changes helped bring about the "Protestant Reformation" something the Catholic Church never thought possible.


The Bubonic Plague also called the Black death, significantly impacted the social order, wealth, power and more importantly the way Christians thought in the Late Middle Ages. In addition to the Bubonic Plague wars were raging throughout Europe all of which brought instability to the Church of Rome. 


The Church of Rome was the authority both politically and spiritually throughout all of Europe at all levels of society. However, now with disunity within the Church and death on every doorstep the everyday Catholic as well as high class society was thrown into a time of re-examining the authority and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.


Prior to the Bubonic Plague, the Roman Catholic Church, governed by the Pope, wielded their power over all of society as the sole guardian of religious thought and doctrine even pronouncing blessings and curses over people at their whim - which needless to say is not Scriptural.  No one dare question the teachings or authority of the Roman Church less they be condemned, excommunicated with the threat of eternal damnation or even be tortured or burned at the stake.


But now, faith in the Roman Catholic Church and distrust of the Pope and clergy began to emerge and many Catholics began to inquire into the teachings of theologians outside the Roman Catholic Church.


As the power of the Roman Catholic Church declined a new breed of well educated Biblical Scholars outside of the Roman Catholic Church began to emerge and grow stronger.  Men who translated the Bible into the common language of the people.


And, who can ever forget Martin Luther, a Catholic monk, who in 1517 nailed his 95 theses to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  Included in his theses Luther rebuked Pope Leo for the selling of indulgences.  Luther correctly rejected the validity of indulgences.  Based on Scripture Luther correctly asserted that no man could buy forgiveness of their sins or buy their way into heaven - that according to Scripture forgiveness and salvation was granted by God alone - not the Roman Catholic Church.


It was Luther's 95 theses that led to the birth of the Protestant Reformation.  The focus of Luther's writings that the Bible is the "only source" of religious authority and that salvation is reached through faith and not deeds as Roman Catholicism led people to believe became the focal point of Protestantism.


Had it not been for the Protestants who started to translate the Bible into the common language of the common people I doubt that the Catholic Church would have ever approved of the Catholic Bible being translated into a language that their parishioners could read on their own and understand. 


However, they had no choice to provide Catholics with a Bible, otherwise some Catholics might read one of the Protestant translations which is not in agreement with Catholic teachings.


In fact, it's not been all that long that the lay person in the Catholic Church was even allowed to read the Bible.  Much to the dismay of the Catholic Church during the reformation the everyday working Catholic expressed a desire to read the bible - which meant the Catholic Bible that was written in Latin would have to be translated into the common language of the people. 


And, to this day, Catholics are only allowed to read the authorized "Catholic Bible".  Catholics are not allowed to read any Bible that was translated by Protestant Scholars - especially the King James translation.


The Pope does not consider the King James Translation a valid translation according to  Catholic cannon.  However, there's another reason why the Pope's hate the King James translation - because they hated King James who they considered a thorn in their side.  


King James was a Protestant who rightly rejected the power of the pope - especially when it came to the Roman Catholic Church meddling in the affairs of state - especially the king's affairs.  King James believed that Kings as well as the common people are accountable to God and no one else including the Pope.  And, this incensed the Pope to the point that in 1605 a group of English Catholics attempted to assassinate King James and replace him with a Catholic head of state.  Thankfully, their attempts failed.


King James commissioned 47 scholars all of whom were Protestants - and all hated by the Pope.  Not surprising the 47 scholars excluded the "Apocrypha" which is part of the Catholic Bible.


Bottom line is that the King James version is not in agreement with Catholic teachings - however what is important is that the King James is in agreement with the writings of the Apostles.


The Protestant translations were rejected by the Catholic Church simply because the Pope and Cardinals are not interested in knowing the truths of Scripture that expose all the pagan customs they "Christianized".


During the dark ages the everyday Catholic was forbidden to read the Scriptures - so they wouldn't know what God allowed and what God didn't allow.  In other words the everyday Catholic had no way to test if what the Pope was telling them was according to God's Word or not.


And, it was only after a long period of time that the Catholic Church "had to" - allow the everyday Catholic to read the Scriptures - with the understanding that they were not to try and discern what the Scriptures were saying.  And, with the understanding they could only read the "Catholic Bible" - not the King James Bible of the Protestants.


Unfortunately, whether Catholics read their Bible or not really won't make a difference because the Catholic Bible includes the Apocrypha which teaches doctrine that is not found in the teachings of the great Apostles Paul, Peter and other New Testament writers.


The Jewish scribes and translators of the Protestant Bible do not believe that the writings of the Apocryphal books were inspired and with good reason.   For example, according to 2 Maccabees 12:38-46 of the Apocrypha Catholics are taught that they are to offer prayers for the dead and so on and so on.    


Everyone loves art, and during the Protestant Reformation the Catholic Church was much more interested in using art as a meant to convey Church doctrine than allowing the everyday Catholic the right to have a Bible translated into a language they could read and understand.  Which brings me back to iconography.   


It is what the iconography meant to conceal from the public that is the most revealing.  Why the need to conceal?  They wanted to conceal their personal beliefs concerning their ideology and how they used their beliefs as a means to the end.  And, history bears witness that throughout the centuries the Pope wielded an enormous power over kings and queens and governments who were led to believe that if they didn't yield to the Pope's authority they would go to hell.  And, a lot of those beliefs were conveyed in their art work and statues.


Again, iconography, images and symbolism used in art, is a form of visual communication that are used by those like the Catholic Church that want to both reveal and conceal their ideology concerning Catholicism.  Though certain ideas are conveyed to the everyday Catholic and the public – the full meaning of the allegories incorporated into their iconography remains hidden.  It is what the iconography meant to conceal from the public that is the most revealing.  Why the need to conceal?  They wanted to conceal their personal beliefs concerning their ideology and how they used their beliefs as a means to the end.  And, history bears witness that throughout the centuries the Pope wielded an enormous power over kings and queens and governments who were led to believe that if they didn't yield to the Pope's authority they would go to hell.


They also wanted to conceal that their fascination with ancient antiquity and their gods was more than just a fascination.  In other words, America's Founding Fathers were actually "influenced" by the pagan belief system that their false gods ordained their rulers to govern the land and that's clear from all the pagan symbols throughout our government buildings.  The worship of pagan gods was and is not just a meaningless tradition of man carried over from antiquity.  It was and is a bona fide (false) religion.  The spirits that operate behind these pagan deities are the angels that fell when Satan, that old ancient serpent fell.  Daniel 10 is only one Scripture that clearly reveals that these pagan gods rule over geographical areas and have human representatives that maintain places of worship for them.


That Old Ancient Serpent:  As Spirit led Christians we know that there is always a spiritual dimension to the earthly.  One is not inconsistent with the other, as one cannot exist without the other.  As it concerns animals, this all began when Satan used the serpent as a tool to hide behind when he tempted Eve.  And, for that reason, there is a spiritual nature of the serpent that we should be aware of.  Not only is the serpent man’s natural enemy – the serpent also represents man’s “Spiritual Enemy." Needless to say, it is significant that both the animal and Satan were two dominant entities in the Adamic dispensation and for that reason the spiritual connection or relationship between Satan and animals is of importance.


Back to the Symbolism of Mary portrayed on a wooden tree trunk in front of the altar built unto the Lord in Saint Augustine, Florida.


1.  The statue of Mary in her role as “Our Lady of la Leche” and as a Queen:  First and foremost Scripture does not portray Mary as a Queen nor made any statue of her to place in front of the Lord's altar or anywhere else.  Nor did the Apostles ever burn incense to Mary. 


However, Scripture reveals that the pagans did!  There are many statues that date back to antiquity that portray a Queen of Heaven, including Ashera, wearing a crown and breast feeding their son as pictured above. 


The Prophet Jeremiah reveals that the idolatrous worship of the Queen of Heaven was an abomination unto the Lord and anyone who participated in this idolatrous worship was sinning against the Lord.  Jeremiah 7:18 and Jeremiah 44:17, 25. 


Both the worship and visual image of the mother and child was so much a part of pagan tradition that when they joined the Christian Church, pagans were unwilling to let go of the mother goddess worship.  To appease the people, Catholic leadership merely renamed the mother goddess “Mary” and her infant child “Jesus”.  In other words, the Catholic Church compromised and combined Christianity with paganism.  In this way it became acceptable to both.


A Matter of the Heart:  Jeremiah 7:15-19 and Jeremiah 44:17-18 explain why men, women and their children will not give up the idolatry of the Queen of Heaven.  It was in their heart and continues down through time even unto today.  These Scriptures reveal their heart’s desire and their determination to have their rebellious will over the will of the LORD.


Just as the Israelites gave credit to the Queen of Heaven for their prosperity and not the LORD, I have personally heard Catholics give the Queen of Heaven, the Mary of the Catholic faith, honor, glory and credit for all the good in their lives.  Obviously, they do not test the spirits, as we are told to do, and ignore the Scriptures that reveal that Satan counterfeits these things as well.  2 Thessalonians 2:9-11


2.   The Wooden Tree:  Mary of the Bible was never portrayed seated on top of a Wooden Pole as portrayed in St. Augustine.  However, Scripture does forbid Asherah poles and Asherah trees.  NIV:  Deuteronomy 7:5, Deuteronomy 16:21


3.   The Altar:  Mary was never portrayed seated in front of an altar seated on top of a tree trunk as portrayed in the above picture.  However, Scripture forbids a tree or wooden pole in front on the altar.  Deuteronomy 16:21


And, what about the Idolatrous Statue of Father Francisco Lopez De Mendoza that gave his Blessings to Menendez, Commander of the Knights of Santiago to Murder the French Huguenots? 



There were other Priests on the voyage with Menendez; however Mendoza was the Chaplain which meant he had authority over the other Catholic Priests. 


What?  They built an Idolatrous statue of Father Francisco Lopez De Mendoza on the grounds of the Nombre de Dios Mission in St. Augustine, Florida?  The very Chaplain who gave his blessings to Menendez to murder the French Huguenots - God's remnant people!


Just as the priests in Hosea 6:9 murder in the way by giving their consent – so did the priests that accompanied Menendez give their consent to the slaughter of the French Huguenots – Christians who desired to worship the LORD in spirit and truth.  


The following is from page 120 of Francis Parkman's "Pioneers of France in the New World" and gives an account of Menendez preparing his attack on the beached Huguenots after a troop of Indians informed him of their whereabouts.  One of the first things that Menendez did in preparation was to call for Mendoza, one of the company of priests who accompanied Menendez to Florida.  


“Menendez instantly sent forty or fifty men in boats to reconnoiter.  Next, he called the chaplain, - for he would fain have him at his elbow to countenance the deeds he meditated, …” 


Hosea 6:9 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. KJV



Hosea 6:9 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. KJV


St. Augustine and its environs was a city polluted and stained with footprints with the blood of Spain's Catholic Knight of Santiago.


Hosea 6:8 8 Gilead is a city of wicked men, stained with footprints of blood.  NIV

Hosea 6:8 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity and is polluted with blood.  KJV

Hosea 6:8 8 Gilead is a city of evildoers; it is tracked with bloody [footprints].  Amplified


Santiago - the Sup Planter:  The word Polluted in Hosea 6:8 (KJ) means to "Seize by the Heel", to Circumvent and to Sup plant!  A Sup Planter is one who follows on another's heels.  In the context of Hosea 6:8 according to Strong's Concordance, the meaning of the word "pollute" means "a knoll", tracked, to seize by the heel, to supplant, to circumvent, a footprint.


Keeping in mind, that the Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago invoked "Santiago" (James) to come to their aid in "sup planting" the French Huguenots it's interesting that the meaning of the word Polluted as used in Hosea 6:8 is identical as that of James and Jacob.  The New Testament was written in Greek and the Greek meaning of the word "James" is "Sup Planter".  In other words, when James (Santiago) was invoked - it was the "Sup planter" that was invoked over what is now known as America.


And, that was one of the goals of the Roman Catholic Church and Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago (James) - to sup plant the French Huguenots.


Satan the Sup planter:  And, wasn't that the goal of Satan when he tempted Adam and Eve - to sup plant them!  When Satan tempted Adam and Eve one of his goals was to "sup plant" them - which he did.  The Lord banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.  And, this was the goal of Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago - to sup plant the French Huguenots by murdering them.


After the Spanish realized that Ribault had set sail for America in 1565, they too set sail.  In other words, the Spanish followed on the heels of the French Huguenots.  It was through the shedding of French blood that the Spanish were able to circumvent the establishment of a second French colony as well as supplanting the already existing French colony at Fort Caroline.


The "Sup Planting Spirit" is one of the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens that Gained Access over America in 1565 as a "Territorial Principality" that still Affects Present Day America.


Again, the goal of Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago was to sup plant the French Huguenots by murdering them.  Then, after murdering the French Huguenots, the Spanish further polluted the land with their footprints stained with the blood of the French Huguenots they murdered.  Like Gilead in Hosea 6:8, St. Augustine, Florida was a city polluted with the bloody footprints of the Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago who slaughtered the French  Huguenots. 

The following account of their bloody footprints is from page 127 of Francis Parkman's  "Pioneers of France in the New World". 



Before going any further I want to remind those reading this article that the Mary and James (Santiago) that the Catholic Priests and Spain's Catholic Knights of Santiago invoked are not the Mary and James of the Bible.


Mary & St. James the Sup planter were invoked over America:   That Menendez and others “invoked” the spirit behind Mary and St. James before and upon their arrival to Florida gave those particular spirits legal access here in America.  The god or principality operating behind Mary, the Queen of Heaven and James the sup planter both require to be worshipped in the manner that they were worshipped in Santiago:


And, the goal was to sup plant the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ replacing it with Catholicism's "Syncretism" Gospel - a mixture of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with paganism.


It was the Gospel of Jesus Christ that the Huguenots preached that stood in the way of Roman Catholicism from spreading their doctrine that Mary is co-redeemer - who teach that the Roman Catholic Church has more authority than that of Scripture and so on and so on.  Catholics follow a different way that pretends to be the Good News - but it is not the Good News at all.  The doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church is a "different" Gospel than the Gospel found in the Scriptures.


Sarah the Matriarch is the Mother of all Nations - not Mary:  Before going back to the historical account of the events of 1565 I want to include the following Scriptural account of "Sarah" the Mother of the Jewish nation.  I do so, because the Church of Rome falsely claims that Mary is the mother of the church, the mother of all peoples as well as the lady of all nations. 


However, Scriptures reveals that Sarah the first of the three matriarchs is the Mother of all nations as well as Mother of the Jewish Nation and that Believing women are her daughters.


The Mother of the Jewish Nation


Genesis 17:16 10 And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peo  ples shall be from her."


The Lord Blessed Sarah as the "Mother of all Nations" - Kings of people would come from her.  Needless to say, Sarah certainly was the most honored and well known woman in both the Old and New Testament. 


Sarah was a type of the blessed Virgin Mary - Genesis 17:16; Romans 9:9; Hebrews 11:10-11. The Apostle Paul reveals that Sarah is a type of the New Testament and heavenly Jerusalem.  And, just as all Believers are considered as the children of Abraham the faithful women are considered the daughters of Sarah, Galatians 4:22, 24, 26. See also 1 Peter 3:6.


Sarah, the Founding Matriarch of Judaism is rightly celebrated for her enduring faithfulness to God and His will for her life including her steadfast commitment to her husband Abraham.


She is honored in both Judaism and Christianity as the most important female figure in the world’s history  through whom all the nations of the earth were to be borne and blessed.


Isaiah 51:1-2 1 Listen to Me, you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were cut, and to the quarry from which you were dug.
2 Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain. When I called him, he was only one; I blessed him and made him many. HCSB


 1 Peter 3:6 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror. NKJV


Hebrews 11:10-11 10 for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. 11 By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. NKJV


Galatians 4:21-26 21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?  22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, 24 which things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar-- 25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children-- 26 but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all. NKJV


Romans 9:9 9 For this is the word of promise: "At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son."  NKJV


Back to the Historical Account of Spain's Catholic Conquistadors and the French Huguenots and "What" Principalities are over America and "When" and "How" they found a place to set up a Stronghold over America it's important that you understand the Biblical Principals of Geographical Principalities and "Spiritual Warfare".


To understand how these satanic principalities gained access to establish a political and religious stronghold over America we need to go all the way back to 1565 when the first "Spiritual War" between the nations of Spain and France that was both political and religious in nature was fought in the New World on soil now known as America.


And, in 1565 when Spain's Catholic Priests and Knights of the Order of Santiago along with their leader Menendez invoked Mary and the spirit of Santiago they gave the satanic spirit operating behind Mary and Santiago the right to govern over America in the spiritual realm as Territorial Principalities.    


Other Territorial Principalities:  As time went on and other people came to what is now known as America other satanic spirits were invoked over America and they too gained access over America as "Territorial Principalities.  This is discussed at the end of this section beginning on page 51.  


Again, the spiritual truths of America’s past are relevant to current and future events in America.  And, the account of the French Huguenots is especially relevant to America's roots as a Christian nation. 



The Original Sin of America is Religious Persecution


Secular Awareness:  Most people believe that Slavery was the original sin of America - however the "Original Sin" of America is Religious Persecution.


America's Spiritual Roots were laid down by the French Huguenots


The Spiritual Seed of the United States of America

Was founded upon the “Word of their Testimony” and the “Blood of the Martyr”



Revelation 12:11 11“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” KJV


 There is much discussion among the Christian community concerning the spiritual roots of America.  Assuming that we do have a Christian foundation (and we do), some attribute this to the Founding Fathers and documents produced by them around the time of the American Revolution, others cite earlier roots with William Penn of the Colony of Pennsylvania, while still others refer to the Pilgrims and the Puritans in the New England colonies. 


However, the real spiritual roots of the America can be traced back to 1565 to a little-known group of French Huguenots led by a man named Jean Ribault who established the first successful colony in what is now known as America.


The Huguenots were French Protestants who were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church for their faith beginning as early as 1536 in France.  Although they wanted to establish a colony for France, the primary reason that the Huguenots came to what is now known as America, was to establish a place where they could worship the LORD in spirit and in truth. 


And, in 1565 the French Huguenots did indeed establish the first successful colony in what is now America, approximately 56 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. 


However, the thought that the French Huguenots had established a colony in the New World enraged the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church who commanded that the King of Spain commission Spain's Catholic Conquistadors to sail to the New World and massacre the French Huguenots.


And, it was here at Fort Caroline, the fort established by the Huguenots, and the environs of what later became the nearby town of St. Augustine, Florida, that when Spain's Catholic Conquistadors were about to murder Jean Ribault - he quoted Psalm 132 asking the Lord to remember his devotion and all the afflictions he had suffered in coming to the New Word to establish a place where the Lord could be worshipped in spirit and in truth.


And, as he was facing his death at the hands of Spain's Catholic Conquistadors Jean Ribault swore an oath to the Lord and made a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob that he would not let himself rest until he found a place to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth - thereby establishing the spiritual foundation of America.  And, as he finished quoting Psalm 132 Spain's Catholic Conquistadors murdered Jean Ribault. 


Thus, his testimony, the vow and oath sworn by Jean Ribault was sealed with his blood - the blood of a martyr. 


And they loved not their lives unto the death:  The French Huguenots regarded not their present temporal circumstances, but gladly delivered up their lives to the fury of Spain's Catholic Conquistadors.  And it was with his blood that Jean Ribault sealed the truth of Psalm 132 concerning God's Sovereign plan for America.


Ephesians 3:10 10 [The purpose is] that through the church the [a]complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere.  AMPC


When Spain's Catholic Conquistadors murdered the French Huguenots because they were Protestants - they and the principalities operating behind them thought they thwarted God's plan for America.  But, they were wrong - because the blood of the French Huguenots - America's first Martyrs - still cries out from the ground.  And, it was because of the blood of the Lamb and the by the word of the Martyr who did not love his life so much that he was afraid to die that Jean Ribault sealed with his own blood the truth of Psalm 132 that he prophetically spoke into the spiritual realm - that America is founded on!


When Jean Ribault spoke Psalm 132 into the Spiritual Realm he was speaking Prophetically.  Psalm 132 Revealed God's Sovereign Plan for America:  Spain's Catholic Conquistadors and the principalities operating behind them had not counted on Jean Ribault, leader of the French Huguenots to recite Psalm 132 into the spiritual realm when they asked if he wanted to save his life by recanting and return to Catholicism - just moments before they murdered him.


Psalm 132 was Ribault's prayer to God that the Lord would remember his purposes in coming to America.  Like King David, Jean Ribault's intense desire was to find a place where God's people could worship Him in Spirit and in Truth - to see the establishment of God's worship as well as of His kingdom in what is now known as America. 


And, it was when Jean Ribault spoke Psalm 132 into the spiritual realm that the principalities and powers in the heavenly sphere understood that the foundation of America was laid on the blood of the Lamb and by the word of Jean Ribault's testimony who did not love his life in the face of death.


And, it is the blood of the Lamb and the by the word of the Martyr who did not love his life so much that he was afraid to die thus sealing the truth of what he spoke into the spiritual realm with his blood - that America is founded on!


To escape persecution for their faith and even extinction, the French Protestants, known  as the Huguenots, sailed to America in 1564 and established a permanent colony in modern day Florida.  They founded Fort Caroline on June 30, 1564, and it was here at Fort Caroline that the Spiritual Roots of America were laid down on October 12, 1565 with the martyrdom of Jean Ribault, the French Huguenot.


Previous to the Huguenots settlement, Spain had attempted to colonize America, but without success.  When Spain learned that the French had established Fort Caroline, they were determined to sail to America and destroy both the fort and the Huguenots.  Not only were the territorial interests of Spain at issue, but more importantly, their hatred of the Huguenots whom they considered heretics.  The Spaniards destroyed Fort Caroline and subsequently established nearby St. Augustine on September 8, 1565.  It is important to understand that Fort Caroline is approximately 15 months older than the town of St. Augustine and approximately 56 years older than the Plymouth (Rock) colony. 


The Martyrdom of Jean Ribault:  Jean Ribault was a French naval officer and devout Huguenot Protestant.  In 1562 he led an expedition to establish a haven for French Protestants in the New World.  Leaving another naval officer, Rene Laudonniere, in charge, he returned to France to re-supply the colony.  Upon his arrival he found a religious war in France and had to seek refuge in England, but instead, he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.  After his release in 1565, he led another expedition of soldiers and supplies to re-supply the colony.  In the meantime, Laudonniere had moved the original colony south and established Fort Caroline near what is now St. Augustine, Florida in 1564.  Ribault and Laudonniere tried to defeat the Spanish in a naval battle, but their ships were destroyed by a hurricane.  In contrast, the Spanish chose a land route to Fort Caroline and massacred most of the Huguenots.  Ribault was washed ashore after the hurricane, was captured by the Spanish and executed.  Below is an account of Ribault’s death.


 “Solis de Meras, a Spaniard and an eyewitness to the scene, described the massacre in the following words:  ‘The Adelantado [Menendez], taking Jean Ribault behind the sand hills, among the bushes where the others had their hands tied behind them, he said to these and all others as he had done before, that they had four leagues to go after night, and that he could not permit them to go unbound; and after they were all tied, he asked if they were Catholics or Lutherans, or if any of them desired to make confession.  Undoubtedly Menendez was cruel and bigoted, but he was a product of his era.  He hated Lutherans, Huguenots, and other members of the new religious sects and showed them no mercy.


Jean Ribault replied, "that all who were there were of the new religion," and e then began to repeat the psalm, "Domine! memento Mei"; and having finished, he said, "that from dust  they came and to dust they must return, and that in twenty years, more or less, he must render his final account; and that the Adelantado might do with them as he chose."  The Adelantado then ordered all to be killed, in the same order and at the same mark, as had been done to the others.  He spared only the fifers, drummers and trumpeters, and four others who said that they were Catholics.


The man who actually killed Ribault first inquired of him whether the French commander did not expect his soldiers to obey orders, Ribault answered, "Yes." Then the Spaniard said, "I propose to obey the orders of my commander also.  I am ordered to kill you."  The Psalm that Ribault recited before the dagger was thrust into his body was the 132nd Psalm which begins "Lord, remember David"; but Ribault began it, according to an eyewitness, with "Lord, remember me." [2]


“History has justifiably recognized the greatness of Jean Ribault.  He and his followers chose to die for principle rather than recant and abandon their religion.”[3]


The Spiritual Roots of America:  When Ribault recited Psalm 132 he spoke a “Creative Word” into the spiritual realm declaring God’s true purpose for him coming to America.  It was at that time that Satan and the Kingdom of Darkness understood that Jean Ribault and many other Huguenots were willing to lay down their lives for Jesus Christ.  Jean Ribault and other Huguenots with him overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 


Ephesians 3:10 10“[The purpose is] that through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) and in the heavenly sphere.” Amplified Bible


Ribault had the same heart desire as David in seeking a place in the New World where God might be worshipped in freedom.  Just as David vowed in Psalm 132 to find a habitation for God - so did Ribault.


Psalm 127:1 1Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.


Again, immediately before Ribault was martyred he quoted Psalm 132 and just as King David swore an oath to the Lord to find a habitation for God, Ribault too sought to find a habitation for God.  Ribault went into covenant with Yahweh with this oath just before he was martyred and at that time the LORD laid down the foundation or seed of our nation in 1565.


Many others came from other countries to this land and they were eager to either buy or take land from the Indians.  However, it is interesting to note that Ribault's interest in the land was to find a habitation for God where God could be worshipped in freedom and in spirit and truth.  For God to build the house, to plant the seed of

America as a Christian Nation, a covenant was necessary between God and man just as God went into covenant with Abraham and Moses.  All other covenants between men, whether they were covenants between two individuals or between two countries, would be building upon the foundation already laid in 1565.  Although Ribault claimed the land for France, there is no record, at least to my knowledge, that Ribault himself purchased or went into any covenant for land with the Indians.  In addition to Ribault, Rene Laudonniere, Governor at Fort Caroline, laid down the roots of Government in America. 


Martyrdom:  Revelation 6:10-11, Revelation 12:11 and others speak of the importance of the blood of the martyr.  Among other things the blood of the martyr brings damage to the kingdom of darkness.  We know that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father.  However, as Steven was being martyred, rather than being seated, Steven saw Jesus "standing" at the right hand of God  (Acts 7:55-56).  Scripture tells us that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father because His work is complete.  So for Jesus to stand at the martyrdom of Steven speaks volumes of how He views those who are willing to lay down their lives for Him.  Just as praise and wielding the Word of God over the enemy weakens or pulls down principalities [Psalm 149:6-9] so does the blood of the martyr Revelation 12:7-13.  


Bibliography:  Fort Caroline and It’s Leaders; excerpted from: Bennett, Charles E.: Laudonniere and Fort Caroline:  History and Documents, University of Florida Press, Gainesville, 1964.  Copyright 1964 by the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions of Florida.  Reprinted by permission in 1983, 1991 and 1996 by Eastern National Park & Monument Association.  (Note: This book can be purchased on site at Fort Caroline or ordered through the Eastern National Park & Monument Association for $3.95.  Bennett refers to at least 31 different resources used.)



America's Spiritual Battle in the Heavens


The Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavens

that Gained Access over America in 1565 still Affects Present Day America


The "Why" "How" and "Who"


The Trinity of Evil:  In 1565 the Trinity of Evil, Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet joined forces to oppose God's Kingdom purposes for America and murdered the French Huguenots - the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America


The following is not exhaustive but gives an overview as to how Satan the Supplanter - that old ancient serpent in the Garden of Eden alongside the Anti-Christ that symbolizes the deification of secular authority and the False Prophet that symbolizes religious compromise gained access over America beginning in 1565.


1.  Satan the Sup-planter


Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors, at the request of the Roman Catholic Pope came to America for the sole purpose of "sup planting - God's true Remnant - the French Huguenots".


And, just as Satan crafted a "Ruse" supplant Adam and Eve, Menendez crafted a ruse to deceive the French Huguenots. 


And, like the Pharisees - the Catholic Priests who came with Menendez gave their consent to murder the French Huguenots


Hosea 6:7 7 But like Adam they transgressed the covenant; there they dealt faithlessly with me.  ESV


And, this spirit that was operating through Spain's Catholic Priests and Knights of Santiago also wanted to lord over the Protestant French Huguenots.


Supplant by Stratagem:  This spirit will go about accomplishing its goals by operating through people in the same way that it did through Menendez did when he murdered the French Huguenots in the two attacks immediately after the initial attack on Ft. Caroline and that is to supplant by stratagem.  The strategy of the supplanter is to operate through Scheming, Undermining, Betrayal and Deception.  The sup planter will operate through compromising Christians as well as unbelievers


According to Webster’s 1930 New International Dictionary to sup plant is “to remove or displace as by stratagem”.  And, stratagem means “a trick in war for deceiving the enemy; have a deceptive device.” 


And, Menendez was no stranger to the deceptive devices of war when it came to trickery.  When Menendez eventually caught up with the two groups who were away from Ft. Caroline when the Spanish attacked the French Fort he captured both groups through means of a “ruse”.  He tricked both groups of French Huguenots to surrender to him by leading them to believe that he would let them live only to have them slaughtered.  It’s not just that he misled them it’s the methods he used to mislead them - trickery


For example, when Menendez and his soldiers could not reach one of the groups without alerting them first, he put on the clothes of a sailor and rowed over to them, giving the appearance that he was coming in peace.  In other words he was “acting”.


After slaughtering the first group, and after finding the whereabouts of the other Huguenots, Menendez’s soldiers purposely strolled into the path of the second group of Huguenots giving the appearance that they didn’t feel threatened by the Huguenots which implied that the Huguenots need not feel threatened by the Spaniards. 


When several of the Huguenots agreed to talk with Menendez he was courteous, he fed them, and even referred to some as brethren.  It was not until Menendez had tricked them into surrendering to him, assuring them of their safety, that they realized that they would be killed. 


Not fully aware of the Huguenots ability to successfully wage war against the Spaniards, Menendez devised a plan where he convinced the Huguenots to allow themselves to be transported in groups of ten over to where the Spaniards were camped.  In this way the Huguenots could not possibly present a problem for the Spaniards.  However, to accomplish this, Menendez used trickery to gain the trust of the Huguenots to agree to being separated out into groups of ten.  And, it was only after each group of ten crossed over the sand hill and reached the line in the sand that Menendez had drawn did they realize the trap they had allowed themselves to become ensnared.  


The following is a quote from Pioneers Of France In The New World: 


“When the Adelantado saw the French fires in the distance, he lay close in his bivouac, and sent two soldiers to reconnoiter.  At two o’clock in the morning they came back, and reported that it was impossible to get at the enemy, since they were on the farther side of an arm of the sea (Matanzas Inlet).  …  A thought struck Menendez, an inspiration, says Mendoza, of the Holy Spirit.  He put on the clothes of a sailor, entered a boat which had been brought to the spot, and rowed towards the shipwrecked men, the better to learn their condition.  A Frenchman swam out to meet him.  Menendez demanded what men they were.  ‘Followers of Ribaut, Viceroy of the King of France,” answered the swimmer.  ‘Are you Catholics or Lutherans?’  ‘All Lutherans.’  …  Menendez gave his word for their safety, and, returning to the shore, sent his boat to bring them over.  On their landing, he met them very courteously.  His followers were kept at a distance, so disposed behind hills and among bushes as to give an exaggerated idea of their force, … Such were the Adelantado’s words as reported by a bystanders his admiring brother-in-law and that they contain an implied assurance of mercy has been held, not only by Protestants, but by Catholics and Spaniards. …  One of the Frenchmen recrossed to consult with his companions.  In two hours he returned, and offered fifty thousand ducats to secure their lives; but Menendez, says his brother-in-law, would give no pledges.  On the other hand, expressions in his own despatches point to the inference that a virtual pledge was given, at least to certain individuals.”  [4]


The following is a quote from Pioneers Of France In The New World regarding the events that took place when Menendez and his men found the second group of Huguenots, Jean Ribaut being among them: 


“Day broke, and he could plainly see the French on the farther side.  They had made a raft, which lay in the water ready for crossing.  Menendez and his men showed themselves, when, forthwith, the French displayed their banners, sounded drums and trumpets, and set their sick and starving ranks in array of battle.  But the Adelantao, regardless of this warlike show, ordered his men to seat themselves at breakfast, while he with three officers walked unconcernedly along the shore.  His coolness had its effect.  The French blew a trumpet of parley, and showed a white flag.  The Spaniards replied.  A Frenchman came out upon the raft, and, shouting across the water, asked that a Spanish envoy should be sent over. 


‘You have a raft,’ was the reply; ‘come yourselves.’  …


‘My brother,’ said Menendez, ‘go and tell your general, that, if he wishes to speak with me, he may come with four or six companions, and that I pledge my word he shall go back safe.’ 


La Caille returned; and Ribaut, with eight gentlemen, soon came over in the canoe.  Menendez met them courteously, caused wine and preserved fruits to be placed before them, – he had come well provisioned on his errand of blood, - and next led Ribaut to the reeking Golgotha, where, in heaps upon the sand, – lay the corpses of his slaughtered followers.  Ribaut was prepared for the spectacle, – La Caille had already seen it, – but he would not believe that Fort Caroline was taken till a part of the plunder was shown him.  Then, mastering his despair, he turned to the conqueror.  ‘What has befallen us,’ he said, ‘may one day befall you.’  And, urging that the kings of France and Spain were brothers and close friends, he begged, in the name of that friendship, that the Spaniard would aid him in conveying his followers home.  …


… In behalf of those who surrendered, Ribaut offered a ransom of a hundred thousand ducats.  ‘It would much grieve me,’ said Menendez, ‘not to accept it; for I have great need of it.’


Ribaut was much encouraged.  Menendez could scarcely forego such a prize, and he thought, says the Spanish narrator, that the lives of his followers would now be safe.  … Menendez directed an officer to enter the boat and bring over the French by tens.  He next led Ribaut among the bushes behind the neighboring sand-hill and ordered his hands to be bound fast.  Then the scales fell from the prisoner’s eyes.  Face to face his fate rose up before him.  He saw his followers and himself entrapped, – the dupes of words artfully framed to lure them to their ruin.  The day wore on; and, as band after band of prisoners was brought over, they were led behind the sand-hill out of sight from the farter shore, and bound like their general.  At length the transit was finished.  With bloodshot eyes and weapons bared, the Spaniards closed around their victims. [5]


2.  The Spirit of Judas - a spirit of betrayal


And, like the priests of Hosea 6:7, who like Adam transgressed the covenant, Menendez  shamefully broke the oath he gave to Jean Ribault and the French Huguenots not to kill them


Menendez gave Jean Ribault and the French Huguenots his word that he would let

 them live - and Ribault reminded him of that promise - to no avail


Hosea 6:7 7 But like Adam they transgressed the covenant; there they dealt faithlessly with me.  ESV


This spirit can only operate "after" someone has either entered into a covenant or taken a vow or oath or agreed to something


Francis Parkman:  page 133 "Menendez met him with a face of friendship, and protested that he would spare the lives of the shipwrecked men, sealing the promise with an oath a kiss, and many signs of the cross …."


Then, when Menendez proceeded to murder the French Huguenots "Ribaut vainly called on the Adelantado to remember his oath.  page 134

Spanish Borderlands - page 146-147:  "French reports state that Menendez, to induce the one hundred and forty men to surrender themselves, their arms, and ammunition without a blow, gave his oath to spare their their lives and to send them to France."  However, on page 147 we find that Menendez did not spare their lives.  page 147:  There the Spaniards fell upon them, slew, and decapitated them.  The stain on the ground where this bloody scene was enacted is ineradicable, and after three and a half centuries the place is still known as Las Matanzas (The Massacre). 


Page 149 gives us an important fact concerning the oath Menendez gave to the French Huguenots:  Some there were, of course, among his officers at St. Augustine, and among the nobility in Spain, who condemned Menendez for his cruelty and for slaying the captives after having given his oath for their safety."


3.  Mithra (the Biblical "Baal Berith") - pagan god of agreements, oaths and covenants


Judges 9:4 4 So they gave him 70 pieces of silver from the temple of Baal-berith. Abimelech hired worthless and reckless men with this money, and they followed him. HCSB


Judges 8:33 33 When Gideon died, the Israelites turned and prostituted themselves with the Baals and made Baal-berith their god. HCSB

Judges 9:46 46 When all the lords of the Tower of Shechem heard, they entered the inner chamber of the temple of El-berith. HCSB


And, this spirit was also operating through Spain's Catholic Priests and Knights of Santiago who wanted to lord over the Protestant French Huguenots.


4.  The Nicolaitan spirit - Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors brought the first 500 slaves to what is now known as American in 1565


Jean Ribault and the French Huguenots brought the first black man to America - but they were not slaves - they were free men


In the context of Revelation 2:15 the meaning of the word Nicolaitan is to have victory over others - to lord over them.  And, this spirit was also operating through Spain's Catholic Priests and Knights of Santiago who wanted to lord over the first slaves brought to America as well as the Protestant French Huguenots.


Revelation 2:15 5 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. KJV


And, this spirit was also operating through Spain's Catholic Priests and Knights of Santiago who wanted to lord over the Protestant French Huguenots.

And, just as the spirit operating behind Santiago  influenced our Spanish forefathers the spirit operating behind the principality Victory influenced our English forefathers in their attitudes toward Christians as well as Africans.  Both were oppressed at the hands of our forefathers  because of that influence albeit in different ways. 


The Nicolaitan spirit was the spirit operating behind slavery that gained legal access to do so through America’s British forefathers.  And, even though this spirit was weakened at the end of the Civil War, it continued to operate and “lord over” African Americans through the invisible shackles of segregation and racism in America. 


The following, while not exhaustive, gives an overview of other "Territorial Principalities" that have gained access over America



The Apotheosis of Washington


The Apotheosis of Washington is the most important feature of the Capitol’s Rotunda.  It is an allegorical painting over the eye of the dome as seen from inside the Rotunda and portrays historical figures of American leadership combined with those of pagan deities.  For example, Washington is deified as a triune god, including the personification of the god Jupiter,[6] the Persian god, Mithra, and as a god himself in human form.  Washington is surrounded by numerous other deities, including a composite of Minerva, Liberty,[7] Bellona,[8] and Mithra, seated to his right, a composite of Victory, Fame[9] and Juno seated to his left, and finally, the goddess directly beneath Washington was a composite of America and Freedom [10].  As composites, the deities can be understood as One deity Out of Many as well as Many deities Out of One.  


“The focal point of the great Rotunda is the canopy of the dome where the fresco, ‘The Apotheosis of George Washington,’ may be seen 180 feet above the Rotunda floor. … It is an allegorical painting which combines mythological and historical figures.  In the center, Washington apotheosized, is seated in majesty.  On his right is the Goddess of Liberty and on his left is a winged figure, symbolic of Victory and Fame, sounding a trumpet.”[11] (emphasis added)


“The iconography of the canopy fresco, with its conjunctions of deities and humans, may seem strange to us today.  However, in the mid-nineteenth century the personification of abstract ideas by means of figures drawn from classical mythology and the association of historical figures such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin with these was part of the cultural vocabulary.  The gods and goddesses stood allegorically for universal virtues embodied in popular historical personalities.  Thus Washington sits enthroned in the pose of all-powerful Jupiter, …”[12] (emphasis added)


The Apotheosis of Washington is an excellent example of the double use of iconography.  Given that an important part of Satan’s strategy is to remain hidden its understandable why our English founding fathers used iconography to reveal one message to one group of people while concealing its true meaning from the general public.    


What is Revealed:  the theme of gods and goddess are not generally viewed as out of the ordinary, rather, they are accepted as part of secular history and are commonplace – harmless so to speak.  As a result, the public would not object to Washington being defied as a god or portrayed as the human representative of Rome’s pagan god Jupiter.  Rather than be offensive The Apotheosis of Washington would be accepted at face value: a beautiful work of art, but meaningless in nature.  That is exactly what was meant to be conveyed to those they felt could not even begin to grasp the deeper things of the spiritual realm (i.e., meaningless and harmless in nature).


What is Concealed:  On the other hand, antiquity appealed to the intellect of Jefferson and Washington who believed that as intelligent men they understood what the common people did not: the deeper things of the spiritual realm, which are nothing more than “Satan’s so-called deep secrets” (Revelation 2:24).  As a result, our Founding Fathers as well as the general public were under deception.  The public did not understand the true intentions of Jefferson and Washington.  Then again, Jefferson and Washington didn’t understand the wiles of the enemy; they themselves were under self-deception.


“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” (Romans 1:21-23, KJV, emphasis added)


The Apotheosis of Washington reveals they like those of antiquity changed the glory and majesty of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and animals.  The following is a picture of The Apotheosis of Washington [13] in its entirety.  As we go along, several close-ups will be included as well. 





In his heart, Satan said that he would be like God (Isa 14:13-14).  Therefore, because God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are One (1 John 5:7), we should not be surprised that Satan’s imitation of “One” were composites of multiple gods portrayed as one, as can be seen from inside the Rotunda as well as atop the Capitol’s dome. 


Again, the focal point of the dome viewed from outside is a statue of the goddess, Liberty, atop an orb that reads E pluribus Unum.  The focal point of the dome as seen from inside the Rotunda is The Apotheosis of Washington with its only inscription:  E pluribus Unum.  In addition to the portrayal of composites in The Apotheosis of Washington, the thirteen goddesses surrounding Washington, three of which are shown below, [14] are symbolic of “many”, but at the same time, holding hands indicates that they are “one”.  The banner they are holding is the focal point and the inscription E Pluribus Unum clearly reinforces that the “Many Out of One” or the “One out of Many” are referring to pagan deities.


Unquestionably, Jefferson and Washington were as interested in the spirituality embraced by the Romans as they were in their government.  Not only is the design of Capitoline Hill incorporated into the architecture of the United States Capitol, but the religious beliefs of the pagan gods of Capitoline Hill were woven into the Capitol’s iconography as well.  Again, this is significant given that the First Amendment of the Constitution, according to Jefferson, was intended to erect “a wall of separation between church and state” and at the very least prohibits favoritism of one religion over another. 


The Apotheosis of Washington is just one example where the personal beliefs of Jefferson and Washington continued to be incorporated into the Capitol’s iconography long after their deaths.  Even though Washington had been dead for many years by the time The Apotheosis of Washington had been commissioned, it has been well documented that when planning the United States Capitol that George Washington personally identified with Jupiter and Capitoline Hill.  It was with that understanding that his identity as Jupiter continued to be incorporated into icons portraying him as a god in human form.           


Again, The Apotheosis of Washington is only one example that clearly conveys our Founding Fathers reverence to the pagan gods.


It’s important to understand that the objectives for the design of the Capitol were closely guarded and implemented by those political leaders that served after them., as attested to when the “final iconographic decoration” completed in 1916 repeated the same “basic themes first propounded as appropriate in the 1790’s” [15]


“The process of imagining, designing, constructing, and decorating the Capitol occupied statesmen, architects, and artists from 1791 to 1916.  Washington and Jefferson’s idea that the Capitol should convey America’s new political, social, and cultural order was so strong that it survived continual revisions and major additions to the design they had sanctioned in 1793.  Revolutionary-era events provided symbols and allegorical personifications that expressed such concepts as liberty, justice, prosperity, and national union.” [16] (emphasis added)


“Designing the Capitol demonstrated the imperceptible merging of architectural and political interests in 1792 and 1793.  Washington’s and Jefferson’s involvement attests to the Capitol’s significance in their eyes: it must express America’s political ideals while fulfilling Congress’s legislative needs.  Interaction of the country’s most important political leaders with the architects who implemented their joint ideas continued into the Capitol’s construction phase, as successive presidents monitored the work of those charged with carrying out the Thornton-Hallet design.”[17] (emphasis added)


Liberty – One out of Many


The iconography from early America reveals a great deal about George Washington, who he was, his ideology concerning the founding of America as well as how his contemporaries viewed him.  As mentioned above, the Capitol’s dome is the focal point of the United States Capitol both outside and inside.  The American goddess, Liberty, is the spiritual connection between the two focal points.  Therefore, of Liberty’s many identities, the “many out of one” that we want to explore are her roles as “Liberty” (Minerva) and “Freedom” that link her to the dome.   


Atop the Dome:  In this role, she was originally identified as “Armed Liberty”.  However, she is now more commonly recognized as “Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace”.  She stands atop an orb inscribed with the inscription, E pluribus unum.[18] (see below picture)




Inside the Dome:  In The Apotheosis of Washington, Liberty (Minerva) is portrayed seated alongside George Washington under the banner with the inscription, E pluribus unum.


The following two quotes touch on the representation of Liberty in her role atop the Capitol’s dome as “one god fashioned out of many gods”: 


 “Once again, one single concept was not large enough to encompass the spirit of America, and Crawford combined features associated with Athena, Hercules, Liberty, and America to create a suitable symbol.[19] (emphasis added)


“This third and final version of the dome statue of Liberty addresses concerns about Indians and slavery.  Freedom, according to the artist, remains the focus of the statue, whether in the official title, Statue of Freedom, preferred by the current (1991) Architect of the Capitol, or the more accurate title given by Crawford and used by Jefferson Davis, Armed Liberty, which accurately conflates the two ideas manifest in this combined rendering of Minerva and Liberty.” …    “Jefferson Davis’s rejection of the liberty cap and his recommendation of a ‘helmet’ led to Crawford’s conflation of three traditional allegories:  Liberty, Minerva, and America.”[20] (emphasis added)


As can be seen, Liberty is a composite of at least seven deities:  Liberty, Freedom, Minerva, Mithra, Athena, Hercules and America.  Hence, “One Out of Many” and “Out of Many, One”.


Liberty is also a composite of the different forms of worship associated with each of the deities incorporated into her personification and as a result, she became America’s New Secular Religion.  In other words, out of one religion came many religions.  As a result, America embraces freedom of religion and religious toleration. 


The Center of America


The orb on which Liberty stands ties her to both the heavens and the earth and thus identifies her as the geographical principality who is the guardian deity over America which also identifies her as foremost among the other geographical principalities.  As already mentioned, in her role as Minerva she was portrayed as “Minerva, Patroness of American Liberty”.   


The Capitol dome was believed to be the center of America and the focal point of the dome as seen from outside the Rotunda is Liberty atop the Dome’s orb.  Just as the Sovereign Lord set Jerusalem in the center of the nations with countries all around her (Ezekiel 5:5), America’s Founding Fathers considered the Capitol and Washington D.C. as the geographical center of America. 


 “’To found a City in the center of the United States, for the purpose of making it the depository of the acts of the Union … is [to create] a temple erected to liberty.’  The Capitol’s location was in the center of Washington, ‘as the city is the center of The American empire,’ with its streets ‘directed towards every part of America, to enlighten its inhabitants respecting their true interests.’”[21] (emphasis added)


Just as the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord was deposited by Solomon in the temple at Jerusalem (1Kings 8:1-6), the Capitol, America’s temple to Liberty, was described as the “ark of the American covenant”:


“Henry James, writing in The American Scene, perceptively described the Capitol as the ‘ark of the American covenant, … as a compendium of all the national terms and standards, weights and measures and emblems of greatness and glory …’” [22] (emphasis added)


Revered as a temple and considered the center of America, as well as the ark of the American covenant, leaves no doubt that the Founding Fathers viewed all aspects of the Capitol as being sacred.  This would explain why the dome of the Capitol was considered the key most crucial to the planning of the Capitol.  For that reason, The Apotheosis of Washington, which is at the center of the Capitol’s Rotunda, is the key of keys to understanding the hidden meanings of the Capitol’s iconography.     


In ancient times, the dome of a temple was symbolic of the heavens.  Whatever icon was portrayed in the dome and elsewhere in the temple identified the ruling gods over that particular geographical area.  These “centers” were considered “focal points” because they were believed to be geographical areas where the natural was linked to the spiritual realms.  For that reason, these particular geographical areas became sacred meeting places.  


The orb that Liberty stands on indicates that our Founding Fathers also viewed America as the center of the world with Liberty the vital link between the gods and America.  The orb is also key to understanding the identity of one of the more significant principalities that was incorporated into America’s rendering of Liberty, yet has remained hidden over the years:  Mithra, a military deity and “god of the covenant” known as Baal Berith in the Bible – Judges 8:33; 9:4.   


Of his many attributes, when Mithra was portrayed standing on an orb, he was portrayed with the head of a lion.  This would explain why part of Liberty’s headdress includes the paws of a lion hanging over both sides of her face.  (see below picture[23]



The masculine attributes of Mithra were also incorporated into Liberty’s personification, which makes her an androgynous god, both sexes, male and female, united into one.  This merger of male and female is the perversion of Genesis 2:21-24.  When a man and woman married, they were to become one, forming an inseparable union.  The spiritual merger of male and female principalities was symbolic of this unity between a man and woman becoming one – an inseparable union – again, one out of many and many out of one.


Details of The Apotheosis of Washington


  We now want to look at the focal point of the dome as seen from inside the Rotunda, The Apotheosis of Washington, which is located directly underneath Liberty atop the Dome.  As seen in the following diagram[24] (which has been annotated for clarity), the goddess Liberty is positioned directly above The Apotheosis of Washington, which identifies her as both a geographical principality and a ruling principality over America.  As such, every deity located beneath her, including Washington deified, is under her dominion.   



It has already been pointed out that in addition to being the only inscription in The Apotheosis of Washington, the same concept of E pluribus unum was incorporated into its iconography.  The thirteen goddesses surrounding Washington are symbolic of many, yet at the same time, holding hands indicating that they are one (referring to pagan deities).  Liberty, in addition to being portrayed seated alongside Washington holding a copy of the Constitution, is portrayed in other scenes of the canopy in her roles as “Armed Freedom” and Minerva, all part of “America’s Capitol Hill Triad” – again E Plurbis Unum.   


The following picture is of a close-up of Washington, Liberty and Victory seated alongside one another in The Apotheosis of Washington.  Liberty is wearing Mithra’s Phrygian Cap, known in America as the Liberty Cap.  As the Phrygian Cap was one of Mithra’s main symbols, we know that Mithra has been incorporated into this personification of Minerva/Armed Liberty atop the dome’s orb. 



The Capitol Triad


As already mentioned, in ancient Rome, Jupiter was worshipped alongside the goddesses Juno and Minerva at their temple on Capitoline Hill and it was the worship of these three together that came to be known as the Capitoline triad.  This concept was transferred to America’s own “Capitol Triad”: Washington, Liberty and Victory as portrayed in The Apotheosis above seated alongside one another.   


The following is a picture of The Apotheosis of Washington in its entirety, annotated to highlight “Mithra’s rainbow upon which Washington sits.   



The symbolism of the three seated directly over the rainbow is key to the spiritual interpretation of allegory of The Apotheosis of Washington and the inscription, E Plurbis Unum.  Of Mithra’s many manifestations, it was when he was portrayed seated over a rainbow that he was identified as “god of the covenant” – the mediator between men and the gods.  Therefore, Washington seated over the rainbow conveys the idea that as the human representative of Mithra, Washington was acting as a mediator on behalf of the gods who had entered into a “spiritual covenant” with mankind.  The gods surrounding Washington were witnesses to the covenant. 


Scripture reveals that a cord of three strands is not easily broken (Eccl 4:12).  Whether it was Rome’s Capitoline Hill Triad or Washington’s Capitol Hill Triad, the triad gods can be understood in terms of a “triple braided cord”.  All three deities seated directly over the rainbow indicate that all three were involved in the covenant between man and the spiritual realm.  Coming together as a triple braided cord meant that the covenant would not be easily broken.  This “spiritual covenant” pertains to the copy of the Constitution of the United States that Liberty is holding. 


The idea that Minerva and Liberty had a bearing on America’s Constitution from its inception is supported elsewhere.  One such example is the portrayal of Minerva dictating the Constitution to Young America and Victory leading Young America to swear fidelity at the altar of the Union inscribed around the base of a statue in honor of Chief Justice John Marshall as pictured below.



Even though all three of these gods are seated alongside one another in The Apotheosis of Washington they are not all equal.  There is a chain of command within the dominion of a principality; therefore, the positioning and posture of the gods in relationship to one another is significant. 


Minerva is seated shoulder to shoulder with Washington while Victory is seated slightly below the two.  Minerva is seated to the right denoting the place of honor.  Washington’s right foot is pointed towards Victory, indicating that she is seated at the foot of Washington.  (See the article on We the People of the United States of America)


When Washington points to the Constitution, he is directing our attention to Liberty as well as to the Constitution.  Liberty, not Washington, is the one who is holding the Constitution and Washington acknowledges his regard for this particular deity, which links the American Constitution to the spiritual realm and to a spiritual covenant.  In return, Liberty sets her eyes towards Washington, yet Victory, who sits at the foot of Washington, looks away from him.  The symbolism supports Victory relationship to the goddess Minerva.  Victory was frequently associated with Minerva in her role as Athena – the Greek manifestation of Minerva.   Victory would also accompany Minerva (Athena) into battle and was portrayed standing in Athena’s (Minerva’s) hand.


However, there is something else that is extremely revealing:  I believe that Victory in her role as Columbia is symbolically looking towards Florida and her ties to the Spanish and her male counterpart Santiago, the Moor Slayer.  Blowing the trumpet of victory clearly conveys that in her role as Columbia – that one day the Spanish will once again lay claim to America.      


The symbolism on the whole is of man going into covenant with pagan gods and even more significant, that the man was the first president of the United Sates.


Covenants and Pagan Deities


The worship of pagan gods was and is not just a meaningless tradition of man carried over from antiquity.  It was a bona fide religion.  The spirits that operate behind these pagan deities are the angels that fell when Satan fell.  As previously mentioned Scripture clearly reveals that these pagan gods rule over geographical areas and have human representatives that maintain places of worship for them.


The Apotheosis of Washington reveals that the first President of the United States, like the Roman Senators of antiquity, went into covenant with these principalities.  The United States Capitol was and is a place of worship for these same principalities and there are those who knowingly continue to maintain the Capitol as a temple in reverence of these pagan deities.  Not only did Jefferson and other lawmakers of America want to meet on a hill symbolic of the hill where Rome’s lawmakers met, it is obvious they also wanted to honor the Roman lawmaker’s reverence to the pagan gods of Capitoline Hill.


Capitoline Hill was at the very center of Rome’s political and religious existence.   The lawmakers identified with the pagan gods and worshipped them accordingly.  One did not exist apart from the other.  Lawmakers were known to have taken their vows in front of Jupiter who was concerned with oaths, treaties and leagues.  Likewise, George Washington and the other American patriots were also portrayed taking an oath before Jupiter.


“The iconography of the panels decorating the south wing (which was to contain the House of Representatives) is derived from the most powerful ancient god, Jupiter, … In the central panel, a single standing figure (representing either collective American patriots or Washington) takes an oath before the seated Jupiter … king of the gods in Roman mythology … Oaths in ancient Rome were taken at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, located on the Capitoline hill.” [25]


However, Scripture clearly warns man not to make covenants with pagan deities. 

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was very clear that the Israelites were not to make covenants with either the pagans or their gods:  


Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.  They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.” (Ex 23:32-33, KJV, emphasis added)


“That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them” (Joshua 23:7, KJV)


Nonetheless, the Israelites entered into covenants with the pagan gods, among them “Baal-berith”, the Canaanite “god of covenants and oaths” (Judges 8:33, 9:4, 46).  The angels that fell with Satan are the satanic spirits operating behind  Baal-berith and the other deities that the pagans worshipped as their gods.  Baal-berith, as well as all other Baals, are the ruling principalities within the hierarchy of the fallen angels.  The iconography at the Capitol suggests that America’s Founding Fathers entered into covenants with these same pagan gods as well. 


Over time, the worship of Baal-berith found its way into other countries, including Iran and Rome, where this deity was known as Mithra.  Interestingly, Mithraism dates back to Biblical times when Cyrus was king of Persia (modern day Iran) (Ezra 1:8).  The name of Cyrus’s treasurer was “Mithredath”, which meant that he was either “given by Mithra” or “dedicated to Mithra”.  Highly praised as a military deity as well as god of covenants, Mithra along with Jupiter was eagerly embraced by the Roman military as one of their foremost gods.  Obviously, as Jupiter was also a god concerned with covenants, treaties and oaths, somewhere along the way the attributes of Baal-berith became incorporated into Jupiter’s identity as well as that of Mithra.


Finally, the worship of Mithra, like Jupiter, was brought to America where the attributes of these two military deities were combined with the attributes of George Washington, America’s military hero.  As such, they are portrayed as one deity with Washington as their human representative in The Apotheosis of Washington.  This is another example of E pluribus unum:  One out of Many – Many out of One.


In antiquity, Mithraism was Christianity’s main rival.  It is interesting that the symbolism of Mithra, albeit hidden, was incorporated into the images of George Washington defied as a god.  Then again, our forefathers wanted to be “Liberated from Christianity”.  


As in other countries, as the worship of the ancient gods were taken from one country to another and given new names, America’s forefathers renamed the ancient gods with names that Americans could identify with.  However, the manner in how one change came about is most surprising.  When Washington was portrayed as the human representative of the pagan gods Jupiter and Mithra, over time his identity became more prominent than that of either Mithra or Jupiter.  He was no longer only seen as a “representation” of a pagan god – he was viewed as a god.  In other words, Mithra and Jupiter became “Americanized” through the image of George Washington.


Like the Assyrians in 2 Kings 18:33-35 and the Spanish Conquistadors, The Apotheosis of Washington reveals that our English Forefathers also believed that America’s success in war was attributed to a deity. 


For example, in one of the six groups of figures that line the perimeter of The Apotheosis of Washington, in the section directly beneath Washington with Minerva seated at his side in her role as Guardian of the Constitution, Minerva is portrayed in her American role as a “goddess of War” under the identity of “Armed Freedom[26] also known as “Columbia” as shown below.  



The word “Columbia” is based on the surname of Christopher Columbus and it is common knowledge that the District of Columbia was named in honor of Christopher Columbus – who on behalf of the King and Queen of Spain supposedly discovered America. 


In her newest role as the war goddess Columbia – America’s spiritual ties to Spain and Spain’s war deity Santiago, the Moor Slayer were strengthened.  The goddess “Columbia” represents the feminine personification of the United States while Santiago represents the masculine. 


In addition to the spiritual ties between Spain and America, in her role as Columbia, the goddess also spiritually connects the “tendrils” that sprung up from the roots laid down by America’s English founding fathers to the “tendrils” that sprung up from the roots laid down by America’s Spanish founding fathers in Florida – intertwining and strengthening one another. 


“Tendrils” are symbolic of spiritual cords as alluded to by Jeremiah:


Jeremiah 48:32 32O vine of Sibmah, I will weep for thee with the weeping of Jazer: thy plants are gone over the sea, they reach even to the sea of Jazer: the spoiler is fallen upon thy summer fruits and upon thy vintage.” (KJV, emphasis added)


Amplified Translation:  32O vines of Sibmah, I weep for you more than the weeping of Jazer [over its ruins and wasted vineyards].  Your tendrils [of influence] have gone over the sea, reaching even to Jazer.  The destroyer has fallen upon your summer fruit harvest and your [season’s] crop of grapes.


Jeremiah was using the symbolism of spreading vines to convey a spiritual truth.  Just as vines that grow and spread in a garden can cause destruction to crops – “spiritual influence” can grow and spread like tendrils from one geographical area to another causing destruction. 


“Tendrils” or “spiritual vines” in the context of this study have spread between the District of Columbia and Florida.  These spiritual vines are cords that spiritually connect our nation’s seat of government to the vines or cords established when Spain established their seat of government in the new world in 1565 at St. Augustine, Florida.


“Tendrils of influence” describes the Spanish influence that was produced by the tendrils that sprung up and started to grow from the Spanish roots planted in 1565 and whose tendrils as they continue to grow and reach maturity will influence America in a way that will be extremely destructive to our country. 


As an example, for many years the Mexican cartels have been able to influence Americans with their supply of drugs.  However, as the vines grow and mature we are now beginning to see the vines of the Mexican cartels spreading from Mexico reaching well within America’s borders.  It is one thing for the cartels to stay within Mexico – their physical presence within the borders of America will be quite another matter.  And, no one is denying the unspeakable fear and destruction they will bring.  It will no longer be a matter of just buying or selling illegal drugs.  Many of America’s youth will be influenced by the cartels to do their bidding – while others and their families will suffer at their hands for not doing their bidding.  The families of drug users in America may suffer at the hands of cartels just as the family members of drug users in Mexico do.  Neither is the everyday citizen who fails to show an outward expression of respect for gang members or cartels exempt from their cruelty.  The cartels and Spanish gangs are part of the fulfillment of the Spanish Curse spoken over America by the Spanish Conquistadors as well.   



And, no one can deny the influence the Spanish speaking immigrants have on America’s politicians!  With the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor, the Spanish tendrils of influence have now reached the Supreme Court.


This portrayal of Personified Columbia is from a World War I patriotic poster (Herbert Hoover Library).  Obviously, the influence of this spirit is a spirit of seduction operating through the outstretched “tendrils” of this war goddess.


Christopher Columbus and his gods


Interestingly, Christopher Columbus drew a self-portrait that reveals his belief that   pagan gods of antiquity gave him victory in his supposed discovery of America.  And just as The Apotheosis of Washington associates the goddess Victory with the founding of America, Columbus associates himself with the goddess Victory as well – floating above him.


Christopher Columbus’ self-portrayal reveals that like many of America’s Founding Fathers, he too had a certain self perception of his own grandiosity.  The District of Columbia is the namesake of Christopher Columbus and even though he never actually set foot on land that is now known as America, Columbus is one of few men who America has set aside a day to be honored by all Americans.


In an allegorical sketch personally drawn by Columbus, he portrays himself as a god.  Columbus drew this sketch of his “triumphal entry” and upon returning to Spain, Christopher Columbus and his train was received by the King and Queen with all the pomp and ceremony of the “Roman Triumph”.  The following (self) sketch of Christopher Columbus and text are taken from The New Complete History of the United States of America by John Clark Ridpath.[27]  


In his sketch, Columbus portrayed the goddess Victory hovering over him, which is an indication she influenced his desire to be victorious in his endeavors.  The goal of anyone influenced by the goddess Victory becomes blinded to reality.  Their goal is to conquer – to lord it over others.  Neither equality nor righteousness are part of the equation.  Columbus and those who honor him called it discovery.  Others, rightly so, call it “lording it over others”.


It was not unusual for men like Columbus to invoke pagan gods through prayer.  However, his self portrayal would be more than just symbolism to him – he would actually be revealing something about his own beliefs to others.



His sketch with Victory hovering over him indicated that Columbus had invoked Victory to come to his aid and that he believed it was this pagan goddess who brought him victory in battle.  However, anyone influenced by the goddess Victory becomes blinded to what it means to be victorious in the Lord.  Instead, like Columbus, they call evil good and good evil to justify their victories in war and whatever other endeavors they may engage in.   To take land that is already inhabited is not discovery, yet those who honor Columbus call it discovery.  Others recognize that he only discovered people who he was able to “lord over” in order to take their land.


Like our English forefathers, Columbus too was impressed with Rome’s deities.


After their victory in battle, Roman generals paraded the people they had conquered along their parade route when they were received with all the pomp of the “Roman Triumph”.  In similar fashion, Christopher Columbus paraded some of the natives from the New World that he had triumphed over when he was received with all the pomp of a “Roman Triumph” when returning to Spain. 


“When Columbus started to Barcelona, the whole population along the way arose to greet him.  His progress became a triumphal pageant.  Curiosity to see and hear overmastered the multitudes.  Their Majesties knew not whether to receive the Admiral as subject or as prince.  A royal canopy was prepared in the open air, and there thrones were placed for the sovereigns.  Ferdinand and Isabella sat side by side.  There Columbus with his train was received and welcomed.  He knelt and kissed the queen’s hand.  It was believed that the discoverer had found the Indies.  The national imagination was inflamed to a fever of extravagant dreams.   Columbus’ story was heard by the sovereigns with the greatest interest.  He was confirmed in all his honors and emoluments.  The court and the hidalgos who surrounded it vied with one another in doing obeisance to the great AdmiralSeveral of the natives of the West Indies had been brought home in the train.”[28] (emphasis added)


Christopher Columbus like the Knights of Santiago and the spirit operating through Columbia, the goddess named in his honor, is a spiritual cord linking America to Spain.  The following is a quote from Appleton’s Encyclopedia in which the King of Spain expresses his belief that Columbus is an enduring bond between America and Spain:


“The accompanying illustration is a representation of a noble statue by Sunal, a Spanish sculptor, which will be set up in the Central park on the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of our continent, an event which it is believed will be celebrated by the governments of Spain and the United States, other European and American nations perhaps participating in the quadricentennial of the momentous event.  The late king of Spain, who said to the writer, ‘Columbus should form an enduring bond between Spain and the United States,’ was deeply interested in the proposed celebration, expecting to visit the New World with a large Spanish fleet, and perhaps to witness the unveiling of the Columbus statue in the Central park.” [29]


People also believed that pagan gods supported them in war – financially as well as on the battle field – this belief is also portrayed in The Apotheosis of Washington.  


Mercury:  The pagan god Mercury is portrayed in the Apotheosis of Washington – handing a bag of gold to Robert Morris, financier of the Revolutionary War. [30]



In Biblical times money from the temple of the pagan god Baal-berith was used to hire mercenaries:  Judges 9:4  4And they gave him threescore and ten pieces of silver out of the house of Baal-berith, wherewith Abimelech hired vain and light persons, which followed him. 5And he went unto his father's house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren the sons of Jerubbaal, being threescore and ten persons, upon one stone: notwithstanding yet Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left; for he hid himself.


The Christians and Second Heaven Warfare


We know from Ephesians 6 that a Christian’s battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers,


It’s obvious to those who understand the invisible operating behind the visible that our battle is not against those people who Satan operates through – but against the principalities and powers that operate through them – Ephesians 6:12-18.  More to the point our battles is not against flesh and blood but against those powers operating in the heavenlies.   


I find it interesting that the setting of The Apotheosis of Washington and the six group surrounding Washington is actually portrayed in the heavens where Ephesians 6 reveals is the true battleground.


How interesting that the Apotheosis of Washington actually portrays the connection of America’s historical figures to those of principalities.


Satan’s Kingdom Suffers Defeat – His principalities shall come down



Jeremiah 13:18 18Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit down: for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory.


I believe the teaching of the seventy-two that Jesus sent out in Luke 10 is among those teachings that are important to the advancement of God’s Kingdom and the defeat of Satan’s Kingdom.


Luke 10:18 18And He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.  19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:  and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


The word “beheld” in this context means to look upon or gaze at.  It can mean to call ones attention to – to be discerning – to comprehend a matter.  With that in mind, Jesus called attention to, looked into and understood second heaven dynamics, and He boldly declared the disciples authority in that area.  In talking to them, Jesus begins the dialogue by looking into the second heaven, and He draws His disciples attention to it.  While He had their attention on the second heaven, it was in this spiritual posture and focus that Jesus gave them authority over the demonic forces.  Jesus spoke of the place where Satan dwelled and that is where He gave them authority.


Notice that in verse 1 that it was only those that Jesus “appointed” that were sent two by two ahead of Him to every town and place where He was about to go.  Not everyone was “appointed” for this particular “calling”.  Nor did Jesus rebuke the 72 (or 70 depending on the translation) when they returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy Name – verse 17.  Rather, in verse  18 Jesus responds by stating that He had beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven indicating that because the devils were subject to the 72 in the Name of Jesus that Satan’s kingdom in the second heaven was suffering defeat.  This is only one of the aspects of what is known as “second heaven warfare”.  In verse 19 not only does Jesus give unto those appointed to second heaven warfare power to tread on serpents and scorpions, He also gives them power “over all the power of the enemy”.  Over all the power of the enemy means just that:  over all the power of the enemy is not limited power. 


In verse 20 Jesus states that they are to rejoice not in that the spirits are subject unto them in His Name; however they are to rejoice in that their names are written in heaven.  Now notice that Jesus did not distinguish between demonic spirits verses principalities.  Spirits indicate both the demonic and principalities.  Otherwise Jesus would have made a distinction. 


Jesus goes on further rejoicing in spirit and thanking the Father that this type of second heaven warfare was not revealed to everyone.  In verse 23 Jesus turned to His disciples and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things ye see:  [24] For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.


Not everyone is called to second heaven warfare nor will everyone in the Body of Christ understand this type of warfare; however, blessed are those that have been appointed and who do understand what God has called them to. 


High Places included altars and images of the gods they were worshipping as well as rituals.  The images and altars differed from High Place to High Place depending upon the local gods being honored; however, all High Places were places of demonic activity. 


For example, the account of Balak and Balaam is a Biblical example where those knowledgeable with the magical arts and who claim to have power with supernatural spirits would gather at the High Places of Baal to utter their enchantments and practice their divination.  


Balaam for Hire as an Enchanter:  Even though Balaam heard clearly from the LORD, he was also known for resorting to divination as well.  And, it was because of Balaam’s reputation as an Enchanter that whom he blessed was blessed and whom he cursed was cursed that Balak, the pagan king of the Moabites wanted to hire Balaam to curse the Israelites.  However, the LORD gave Balaam the following message to take back to Balak:  that He would not allow any enchantments or divination to come against the nation of Israel.   


In his attempts to curse Israel, Balaam went to different High Places that the pagan King Balak took him to. Numbers Chapter 22 and 23  


Numbers 22:41 41And it came to pass on the morrow, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up into the high places of Baal, that thence he might see the utmost part of the people.


Numbers 23:13 13And Balak said unto him, Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, from hence thou mayest see them: thou shalt see but the utmost part of them, and shalt not see them all: and curse me them from thence. 14And he brought him into the field of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars, and offered a bullock and a ram on every altar. 27And Balak said unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee, I will bring thee unto another place; peradventure it will please God that thou mayest curse them from thence.  28And Balak brought Balaam unto the top of Peor, that looketh toward Jeshimon.


We are to know who our enemy is – because the enemy knows who we are!


Jericho was the Gateway into the Promised Land and it was here that the first battle was fought and won.  The walls of Jericho had to come down before the Promised Land was taken.  Jericho was the key to the Promised Land and the first battle upon entering the Promised Land involved eliminating the stronghold that had been set up in the Gateway at Jericho. 


It might be of interest to take a look at the strategy that Joshua used.  In Joshua 2:1  1Joshua “secretly” sent two men as “spies” to go inside the enemy line to view the land – especially Jericho. 


Just as the LORD used His people – Satan will also work through people and all too often these people come as an angel of light.  Sometimes, it’s hard to tell those from the camp of the enemy from the LORD’s camp.


The importance to know the Word of God cannot be stressed enough.  How can we “test the spirit” if we do not know Scripture.  Without knowledge of the Word, the “angel of light” will appear just as that:  the “angel of light”.


Just as it was necessary for Joshua to send out two spies for the purpose to obtain every possible piece of information about the enemy they were about to encounter, we too must be knowledgeable as to the identity of our enemy and his strengths and strategy as to how he will try and ensnare us on a personal level as well as congregational.  It is absolutely important that we are knowledgeable of what and where the opposition is coming from.  We must have a strategy and that strategy is given by revelation.   


Even though we are considered as part of Israel (spiritually) one might wonder how we could possibly be connected to the battles that Joshua fought so long ago.  According to Judges 2 [20] through 3 [4] it was to test us and to teach us warfare. 


Judges 2:20 20And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel; and he said, Because that this people hath transgressed my covenant which I commanded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice; 21I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died: 22That through them I may prove Israel, whether they will keep the way of the Lord to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not. 23Therefore the Lord left those nations, without driving them out hastily; neither delivered he them into the hand of Joshua.


Judges 3:1 1Now these are the nations which the Lord left, to prove Israel by them, even as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan; 2Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war, at the least such as before knew nothing thereof; 3Namely, five lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baal-hermon unto the entering in of Hamath. 4And they were to prove Israel by them, to know whether they would hearken unto the commandments of the Lord, which he commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses.


Because the enemy had not been completely defeated during the conquest of Canaan we are still at war with them from generation to generation. 


The LORD still has an army today and we are part of that army.  And we are to fight against the spiritual powers of the world who have set up strongholds against the LORD and who have lifted up their hands to the throne of the LORD.  The people of old have passed on; however, Satan and the principalities that worked through them will continue setting up strongholds from generation to generation until the end of this age when they will be thrown into the lake of fire.


For example,


Exodus 17:14 14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. 15And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi: 16For he said, Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.


The conquest of Canaan also required that the land be cleansed of all remnants of paganism.  The LORD not only dealt with the pagans themselves but also with their false religions and symbols.  For those of us who stand in Gateways, the LORD will also require us to cleanse our homes of symbols that are not pleasing to Him.


As Christians, we are to put on the armor of God and after we have done all we can do we are to “Just Stand There” Ephesians 6.  We who know that our identity is in the LORD Jesus Christ and who understand Gateways will exercise the authority that has been given to us and Jesus Christ Himself will enable us to stand.


The Gate of the enemy is a Gate whereby the enemy has set up a spiritual stronghold, a place of demonic activity.  And we are to bring down these strongholds dislodging the ruling geographical principalities. 


Jeremiah 13:18 18Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit down: for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory.


Proverbs 21:22 22A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust.


When Satan comes – can he find a place in you?


Before we pull down the strongholds of the enemy we need to be willing to pull down the strongholds in our own personal life.  We will be required to go through the fire yielding to the LORD those things in our lives that give Satan power over us and that are unacceptable to the LORD.


John 14:30 30I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming.  And he has no claim on Me.  [He has nothing in common with Me:  there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.] Amplified Bible


Every time a Satanic stronghold is pulled down Satan’s kingdom suffers defeat because of those who are called by God to that Ministry.






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[1] Certain Man -- Daniel 10 refers to Gabriel as a "certain man".  Daniel 8:16, 9:21 and 12:6 reveals that Gabriel whose name means "Man of God" an angel of the highest order - the heavenly messenger sent to Daniel to interpret his visions is the "Certain Man".

[2] Fort Caroline and It’s Leaders, p.42

[3] Ibid, p.56

[4] Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.65-66

[5] Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.68-69

[6] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.148

[7] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.302

[8] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.102

[9] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.302

[10] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.102

[11] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.302

[12] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.148

[13] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.303

[14] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.140

[15] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.105

[16] Ibid, p.4

[17] Ibid, p.43

[18] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.ii

[19] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.100

[20] Vivien Fryd, Art & Empire, p.193-195

[21] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.47

[22] Ibid, p.8

[23] Architect of the Capitol, Art in the United States Capitol, p.408

[24] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.145

[25] Pamela Scott, Temple of Liberty, p.41

[26] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.129

 “War”  Armored Freedom, sword raised and cape flying, with a helmet and striped shield reminiscent of those on the Statue of Freedom, tramples Tyranny and Kingly Power, assisted by a fierce eagle carrying arrows and a thunderbolt.  Figures trampled by “Freedom in War

[27] John Clark Ridpath, The New Complete History of the United States of America, p.318-319

[28] Ibid, p.318

[29] Appleton’s Encyclopedia, p.698 

[30] Barbara A. Wolanin, Constantino Brumidi: Artist of the Capitol, p.136

“Commerce” Mercury, god of commerce, with his winged cap and sandals and caduceus, hands a bag of gold to Robert Morris, financier of the Revolutionary War, while men move a box on a dolly.