Chapter 23:


Satan was the first Narcissist - The Spiritual Aspects of Psychotic Disorders


For many years, I was in deliverance ministry and as I ministered to people I was able to grow in my understanding of how the demonic can bind people up and what happens to them after they are bound up and how they can be delivered. 


First of all, and I stress, not everyone who is bound up by the enemy is bound for the same reason nor used in the same way that the enemy was able to use Leah's husband.  I have personally witnessed many people being set free and I have personally witnessed both the physical and mental healing of many. 


But, for the purposes of this chapter I need only focus on the spiritual aspect of those like Leah's husband who are bound up with a psychotic disorder because of sin in their lives and are used by Satan.


Many years ago, Leah's husband was actually diagnosed at John's Hopkins University with two personality disorders.   And, over time, like Leah I began to realize that personality and psychotic disorders are spiritual in nature.  More to the point:  in his case - Leah's husband is reaping what he has sown - his disorders and the symptoms of his disorders are the manifestations of his sins.


Because there is a spiritual aspect to his Psychotic Behavior and because the enemy was able to work through his mental disorders to try and destroy everyone around him - not to mention he has all but destroyed himself this spirit will no doubt try and continue to operate against the spiritual offspring of Alexander, Lillias and John Skene. 


Narcissism; psychopath, OCD, Schizophrenia, etc are all secular names for spiritual illness that James, Paul and others as well as the Psalmist wrote about.  And, even though her husband was officially diagnosed with two mental disorders it was only through the Scriptures that Leah and I  came to understand just how much Satan was able to operate through her husband's mental disorders to torment others. 


To begin:


Satan was the First "Spiritual" Narcissist


Adam and Eve were the First Human Narcissists


Of all the Psychotic Disorders "Narcissism" is the first to be introduced into the world.  The medical term takes its name from Greek mythology whose central character was a young man named Narcissus because he fell in love with his own reflection - hence the "Narcissist".


However, long before Greek mythology, Paul warned us of the Narcissist. 


Paul tells us that in the last days there will come times of difficulty - and at the top of his list are "Lovers of their own selves" - selfish, studious of their own interest, and regardless of the welfare of all mankind.  These Narcissist people - who are infatuated with themselves - he is a

"lover of self" and self-love will make the times perilous because they want to be like God.  2 Timothy 3:1-7


The narcissistic sociopath lacks empathy and sympathy for others.  Even the ones who are close to them.  Narcissism is a personality disorder - a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.  


They only care about themselves and won't do anything for others unless they benefit from it somehow.  They are experts when it comes to manipulating others to their benefit because they look for  people who are too trusting and once they discover such people they become the victims of the Narcissist who begins to manipulate and use them for his own selfish purposes.  They lure their victims in with their charm and they will even feign problems and emotions of sadness to get their victims to sympathize with them.  A lot of innocent people fall into their traps and end up getting hurt by them.


Sounds a lot like Satan who wanted to be like God - Ezekiel 28.  And, wasn't it Satan with flattering lips that beguiled Eve into believing that she could be like God? 


How enlightening that Narcissism didn't begin with humans - narcissism began with Satan - a spiritual being who in turn influenced Adam and Eve into believing they could be like God. 


And, that's what is so alarming about anyone who is married to a Narcissist - they are married to someone who is influenced by Satan - the Narcissist of Narcissists.  


And, like Adam and Eve who wanted to be like God, Leah's husband will always shift the blame to others.  Adam blamed Eve for giving him the fruit and blamed God for giving him Eve (Genesis 3:12).  And, Eve blamed the serpent.   And, like Adam and Eve the Narcissist believes they can hide their sins from God (Genesis 3:9).  


When God asked Adam if had eaten of the tree - while Adam acknowledged his transgression that he did eat of the tree; he does this in such a way as to shift the blame from himself to God and Eve.  This woman whom Thou didst give to be with me, ‏she gave me, and I did eat.

In essence Adam was saying that he had no farther blame in this transgression other than eating what Eve gave him - after all Adam was not the one who picked the fruit - no it was Eve who took the fruit and gave it to him.  


And, when God questioned Eve she lays the blame solely upon the serpent.  The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. What Eve said about the serpent was true:  with the "Flattering Lips" of a Narcissist and Sociopath/Psychopath Satan did beguile her!  On the other hand, there was no doubt that Eve was aware of the prohibition and penalty if they ate from the tree in the midst of the garden because Eve told the serpent that God said "You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die".


Eve was beguiled by the "Flattering" lies of Satan that she could be like God.  Their sin was not simply that they ate of the forbidden tree - their sin was a "Love of Self".  How profoundly sad that both Adam and Eve so dishonored God by choosing the creature over their Creator.  


And, how profoundly sad, that there are those today that are "Lovers of Themselves" for it is because of them that there will be perilous times in their households. 


Like Adam and Eve a Narcissist and Sociopath/Psychopath cannot see the sinfulness of their desire to be like God.  Few are the Narcissist and Sociopath/Psychopath that confess their own sin! They are so arrogant that they can't even detect or hate their sins Psalm 36.  They are continually making excuses for their sins and the hurt they inflict on those they supposedly love.  The influence and subtlety of Satan operating through them, their own inclination to sin, the unfavorable circumstances in which they were born or married into, etc., etc., according to the Narcissist and Sociopath it's not his fault - it's the fault of his circumstances - these are the excuses they offer for their sins.  


The account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:13) points to sin as the reason humans must experience death (Genesis 2:17; 3:3).  So, it can be said that in the Garden of Eden Satan was a "Conqueror over the People" - "Victorious over the People" because it was through the sin of Adam that death came into the world and it is the last enemy that Christ puts under His feet.


And, it was death that Leah's husband tried to hold over her head.  For her husband the ultimate victory over Leah was to bring about her death.


They may glorify death - which is Christ's last enemy - but those who oppose Christ will find out that the day will come when Christ will put His last enemy - death - under His feet - and it is then that Christ will come back and establish His Kingdom. 


1 Corinthians 15:20-28 24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.  25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death NKJV


According to Strong's the word "Victory" in 1 Corinthians 13:55 and the word "Nicolaitans" in Revelation 2:6 both mean the same:  conquest - the means of success - to be victorious - to triumph. 


And, now we can see two evil spirits working together - the spirit behind the Nicolaitan and the spirit operating behind the Narcissist.


Until the Narcissist and Sociopath/Psychopath acknowledges that he alone is guilty and that he alone is responsible for all his iniquities, Satan will be able to influence him.


Because there is a spiritual aspect to the characteristics and nature of the Narcissist and Sociopath/Psychopath if he or she is in a situation or relationship with someone who is led by the Holy Spirit - they will "Spiritually Abuse" you.  As was the case with King Saul and David.


Spiritual Abuse


According to studies over 12 million people per year are victims of domestic abuse here in America.  And, many of those who commit violent acts against the ones they supposedly love are like Leah's husband - they are a Narcissist and/or a Sociopath/Psychopath that leads a double life and the only person they love is themselves.  Outside of themselves everyone else is an "Object" to be used and abused by them.  


And, while Scripture doesn't use the terms Narcissism, Sociopath and Psychopath the Psalmist warns us about those like the Sociopath and Psychopath who have a "Double Heart" (Psalm 12) and speaks with flattering lips because a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  And, Paul warns us that in the last days men shall be "lovers of their own selves" which is a characteristic of a Narcissist.


Domestic AbuseNeedless to say, the Sociopath/Psychopath affects anyone he or she comes into with whether it be the work place, the church they attend, etc.  However, for the purposes of this chapter my main focus is on the Sociopath/Psychopath who lives in your own home - because it is here that he/she does their most destruction - in the confines of their own homes away from the eyes of the public they abuse the very ones that should be able to trust them. 


Spiritual Abuse:  King Saul is an example of a double minded man who spiritually abused David.  In one breath King Saul tells David "my son I Love You" then in the next breath he was literally trying to "Kill David".  And, those like King Saul who are double minded and live in your home will "Spiritually Abuse You" and even their own offspring.


Again, the Psalmist warns us about those like the Sociopath/Psychopath who have a "Double Heart" and speaks with flattering lips.  And, the Apostle James reveals that a double minded man like the Sociopath/Psychopath is unstable in all his ways.


A Sociopath and Psychopath both lead a double life.  And, while Scripture doesn't use the terms Sociopath and Psychopath Scripture has much to say about the manifestations of Psychotic Disorders & Defense Mechanisms.  Without a doubt they are both spiritual in nature. 


For example, the Psalmist warns us about those like the Sociopath/Psychopath who have a "Double Heart" and speaks with flattering lips.  And, the Apostle James reveals that a double minded man like the Sociopath/Psychopath is unstable in all his ways.


James 1:8 8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. KJV

Psalm 12:2-4 2 They speak falsehood every one with his neighbor: With flattering lip, and with a double heart, do they speak. 3 Jehovah will cut off all flattering lips, The tongue that speaketh great things; 4 Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail; Our lips are our own: Who is lord over us?

Like the man with flattering lips that the Psalmist speaks of - the Sociopath is charming.  And, because he believes that no one can lord over him - meaning he is the one that will lord over others he views others as objects to used for implementing his cruel intentions.  He has no scope for emotions or feelings. 


Their emotions are superficial - and their incapacity for feelings and emotions allow a sociopath to elude responsibility for his actions - and for that reason they are forever placing the blame on others.  On the other hand they will feign emotions of warmth, joy, appreciation only when it is necessary to get what they want.    When questioned about their lack of emotions they will convince you that it's because they are emotionally strong or they have more faith than you.


The Sociopath/Psychopath can be very amusing, carefree and lively because they learned that people are drawn to a charming carefree person.  And, from firsthand knowledge, I know for a fact that whether it's a murder, cheating, a scam they feel no guilt whatsoever.  They can never empathize with others nor do they feel guilt for blaming others.  A sociopath believes he is justified in inflicting pain on the other person because they deserved it. 


Like the Psalmist 12 man - a sociopath has a boundless capacity to lie.  Interestingly when a sociopath is caught lying they are clever at changing the subject by blaming someone else and turning the focus away from themselves.


Like Leah's husband they will twist what someone says or twist a situation, then personalize what they twisted, then give the false impression that you had purposely done something wrong to cause them great distress.  And, they expect you to defend what they twisted.  Again, it's easy to understand why the Apostle Paul warns, there will come times of difficulty for those living in the same house with a Narcissist who loves only himself.  


Again, the medical term Narcissism takes its name from Greek mythology whose central character was a young man named Narcissus because when Narcissus saw his reflection in a pool of water he fell in love with himself.  Interestingly, many Many people tend to think that the story of Narcissus as well as Jupiter and Mercury, etc, are just fairy tales - but not so.  The pagans didn't leave their account of Narcissus because they believed it to be just a fantasy - they left an account of him out of their reverence for Narcissus.


The pagans were "very religious" and had the utmost "reverence for all the gods and goddess" they wrote about and built temples to.  To the pagans of antiquity who built temples to the gods and goddesses of mythology - these stories recorded in Mythology are as real to the pagan as the stories we read about in the Bible.  Mythology was a detailed account of their religion and how their pagan gods wanted to be worshipped - and in reverence to the demonic gods - they attempted to carry out what they thought their god or goddess wanted.  The accounts in mythology is a detailed account of the false gods and goddesses that they actually believed existed and they actually paid homage to.


From the beginning Satan has tempted mankind with the desire to be like a god.  Just as it was in the Garden of Eden so it was with pagans who lived during the period that the Church was being established.  Just read Acts 14 and Acts 17.


Acts 17:22-23 22  “So Paul, standing in the center of Areopagus [Mars Hill meeting place], said:  Men of Athens, I perceive in every way [on every hand and with every turn I make] that you are most religious or very reverent to demons23 For as I passed along and carefully observed your objects of worship, I came also upon an altar with this inscription, To the unknown god.  Now what you are already worshipping as unknown, this I set forth to you.”  Amplified Bible


Acts 14 10 “Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.  11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. 12And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. 13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. 14 Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out, 15And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein: 16 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways.”  KJ


The pagans of antiquity actually believed in Narcissus as recorded in Mythology and worshipped him accordingly.  Many of his followers followed him because they too "loved only themselves". 

The pagans of antiquity have long since passed away - but the demons they worshipped have not passed away.  And, they are the same demonic spirits still influencing many people today.  The spirit behind Narcissus is the same spirit that is influencing the modern day Narcissus - those who love only themselves and want to be like God.


Narcissism is characterized by an inflated self-image and addiction to fantasy (vain imaginations).  They view themselves as exceptional and have no empathy for others - not even their own children.


Before leaving the Garden of Eden I want to share what Scripture reveals about the "Nicolaitans" in the Church at Pergamum that embraced the teaching of the Nicolaitans which Christ hates Revelation 2:8 and Revelation 2:16


According to Strong's Concordance the root word for the word Nicolaitan is "Nike" and is referring to those who want to be "Victorious over the People" - to lord over others. 


And, it can be said that it was in the Garden of Eden - that Satan had his first victory over people.  It can be said that Satan was "Victorious over the People" because it was through the sin of Adam that death came into the world.  But, now, the Christian has victory over death through Christ.  Romans 5:12; Hebrews 2:14; 1 Corinthians 15:51-57


Romans 5:12 12 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. NLT


Hebrews 2:14 14 Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,  NKJV


1 Corinthians 15:51-57 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.


55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Note the word "Victory" in verse 55 because according to Strong's the word "Victory" in 1 Corinthians 13:55 and the word "Nicolaitans" in Revelation 2:6 both have the same meaning:  conquest - the means of success - to be victorious - to triumph


Scripture reveals that when Christ has destroyed the works of the devil and all His enemies are under His foot that Christ Jesus will return and establish His Kingdom 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. 


But until then, Satan who has the power of death, (Hebrews 2:14) not as lord but simply as executioner, and who is the prince of the devils (Matthew 12:24) and ruler and god of this age (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4) exercises authority over the lower heavens and is the spirit working in the disobedient to do his will. 


And, it is the Nicolaitan spirit operating through Leah's husband that he wants to be victorious over Leah in the same way that Satan was victorious over Adam and Eve.  Leah's husband held death over Leah's head for almost their entire marriage.  For her husband the ultimate victory over Leah was to bring about her death and the fear of death.


They may glorify death - which is Christ's last enemy - but those who oppose Christ will find out that the day will come when Christ will put His last enemy - death - under   His feet - and it is then that Christ will come back and establish His Kingdom. 


1 Corinthians 15:20-28 24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.  25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death NKJV


I'm including the following commentaries concerning the Nicolaitan because they are an accurate description of Leah's husband.      


According to Adam Clarke's Commentary "The Nicolaitanes taught the community of wives, that adultery and fornication were things indifferent, that eating meats offered to idols was quite lawful; and mixed several pagan rites with the Christian ceremonies".


According to the Pulpit Commentary " The doctrine of the Nicolaitans, and that of Balaam (ver. 14), and that of the woman Jezebel (ver. 20), seem to have this much in common — a contention that the freedom of the Christian placed him above the moral Law. Neither idolatry nor sensuality could harm those who had been made free by Christ. The moral enactments of the Law had been abrogated by the gospel, no less than the ceremonial. The special mention of “the pollutions of idols” and “fornication,” in the decrees of the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15>20, 29), seems to show that this pernicious doctrine was already in existence in A.D. 50. In 2 Peter 2 and Jude 1:7-13 a similar evil is denounced". 


Needless to say, there is a spiritual aspect to the characteristics of the Narcissist and Sociopath/Psychopath.  And, because they are spiritual in nature, if a Sociopath/Psychopath is in a situation or relationship with someone who is led by the Holy Spirit - they will "Spiritually Abuse" you.  As was the case with King Saul and David.


According to another commentary "The works of the Nicolaitans were physical and spiritual fornication, which also included the doctrines of Balaam.  The word "Nicolaitan stems from the word nikos for "victory" and laos for "people".  The word nikolaites means "destruction of people" and "to conquer over people" and "to reign over the people" which means that among the Nicolaitans, there was a doctrine according to which the people had to obey and were made subordinate to a false priesthood and leadership.  We can see that one of its main traits were its priests who controlled people, reigned over them through religion …….. The word "Nicolaitan (nikolaites) gives us a clear hint of reigning over people through religious doctrines and works."


Victims of Domestic Abuse and Spiritual Abuse


Like the Nicolaitan who misuses power and control to lord over others we can see this spirit at work in cases of "Domestic Violence" where the perpetrator wants to control and reign over his family in a destructive manner. 


Domestic violence is the same pattern of misuse of power and control used against a household member or intimate partner that we see operating through the Nicolaitan.  Just like the Nicolaitan those who commit domestic violence attempt to coerce, intimidate, and control through emotional fear, verbal fear, physical fear, sexual, and religious means. Domestic violence is more about power, control and the ability to lord over others than about gender.


For example, when King Saul attempted to murder David, the "domestic violence" was between two males and was very similar to the patterns we typically see in spousal abuse today between a man and woman.  While, King Saul's abuse towards David could be thought of as "Domestic Violence" it was actually the pattern for the "Spiritual Abuse" that we see in families today.  One minute King Saul tells David he loves him - then the next minute he is trying to murder David.


The account of King Saul and David helps us to understand what goes on in domestic violence relationships where the domestic abuse has a spiritual aspect to it.


According to studies over 12 million people per year are victims of domestic abuse here in America.  And, many of those who commit violent acts against the ones they supposedly love are like Leah's husband - they are a Narcissist and/or a Sociopath/Psychopath that leads a double life and the only person they love is themselves.  Outside of themselves everyone else is an "Object" to be used and abused by them.  


And, while Scripture doesn't use the terms Narcissism, Sociopath and Psychopath the Psalmist warns us about those like the Sociopath and Psychopath who have a "Double Heart" and speaks with flattering lips because a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  And, Paul warns us that in the last days men shall be "lovers of their own selves" which is a characteristic of a Narcissist.


Scripture clearly reveals that the manifestations of a Narcissist as well as a Sociopath/Psychopath and all Psychotic Disorders & Defense Mechanisms are spiritual in nature.


God's Word is a light unto our path and we can learn a great deal about "Spiritual Abuse" from the account of King Saul and David.


 Narcissism:  Genesis 3:1-7 ... ye shall be as gods  Psalm 36


Psychopath:    Psalm 36 & Psalm 12    


Personality Profile of a Psychopath

1.  self aggrandizement

2.  craftiness at appearing "good,"

3.  exercising no capacity to feel for others,

4.  lying with charm and a straight face,

5.  and feeling a twisted "delight" in "pulling one over on someone else"


Disremembering the memory/Practice of Undoing:            

James 1:23-24 ... he is like unto a man beholding his natural faces in a glass:  For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.


Isaiah 5:20       Isaiah 28:15     Romans 1:25


Fantasying:  Vain imagination


OCD:  Mark 7:6-13  Legalism


Subconscious: Psalm 51:6 


Schizophrenia: a divided mind

Schizo = divided

phrenia = mind


Psalm 12 - double minded

James 1:5-8  double minded man is unstable in all his way - how he thinks , feels & decides


Schizophrenia has Multiple Personalities:  The Demoniac Mark 5





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