Chapter 22: The American Crusade


The First International War on Soil now known as America occurred in 1565



The First International War on soil now known as America took place in 1565 when the Spanish Conquistadors led by Pedro Menendez, a "Knight of the Order of Santiago" at the request of the Roman Catholic Church set sail to what is now known as America to murder the French Huguenots and destroy their colony.  Hence, it can be said that this was America's First International War.


The "Knights of the Order of Santiago" was Spain's equivalent of the Knights Templers, a Catholic military order closely tied to the Crusades carried out to recapture Jerusalem from Muslim control.  Therefore, it can be said that when Pedro Menendez, a Knight of the Order of Santiago " sailed to what is now known as America to "supposedly recapture land" from the control of the French Huguenots - they came as "Crusaders".


The "Knights of the Order of Santiago" was Spain's equivalent of the Knights Templers, a Catholic military order closely tied to the Crusades carried out to recapture Jerusalem from Muslim control.  Therefore, when Pedro Menendez, a Knight of the Order of Santiago " sailed to what is now known as America to "supposedly recapture land" from the control of the French Huguenots - it can be said that they came as "Crusaders".


When Menendez was commissioned, King Phillip II of Spain wrote a letter to Menendez regarding his duties and responsibilities as Adelantado in sailing to Florida to oust the French Huguenots who had established a colony, the first in what is now known as America and the first to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to America.  King Philip II addressed Menendez in the following manner:  “To Gen. Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Knight of the Order of Santiago and our Governor of the Province of Florida”. [1]


Upon his return to Spain, King Philip had Menendez sit for an official portrait.   “At Court, the king rewarded his Adelantdo with incomes and honors, had him sit for a portrait by Titan, and made him governor of Cuba in addition to Florida.” [2]  Following is a picture of the above mentioned portrait where Menendez is pictured as a “Knight” in the Order of Santiago. [3]  Note, the symbol of the cross   


Portrayed on his chest over his heart is the Cross of Saint James that comes to an end in a sword and is the official emblem of the religious and military order of the Knights of the Order of Santiago founded in the 12th century.  St. James was the patron saint of Galicia and this is where many of the Conquistadors that came with Menendez were from.



Most people think in terms of the “Crusades” having been conducted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the eleventh through the thirteenth centuries.  However, needless to say, in 1565 when Pedro Menendez de Aviles, a Knight of the Order of Santiago brought the Catholic's Holy War to the soil of what is now known as America the Crusades actually continued throughout the sixteenth century. 


The mission of Pedro Menendez and the Spanish Conquistadors, at the request of the Roman Catholic Church, was to murder the French Huguenots who had established the first successful colony in what is now known as St. Augustine, Florida.  The French Huguenots and their leader Jean Ribaut had come to what is now known as America because of religious persecution at the hands of the Catholic Church in France.  They were the first to bring the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ to America and they were the first to be martyred on American soil. 


And, the Catholic Priests, alongside the Jesuits of St. Francis of Xavier, who accompanied Menendez on his Crusade misled Menendez and the Conquistadors to believe that it was God's will for them to murder the French Huguenots in cold blood and encouraged them to do so. 


According to Hosea 6:9 when the Catholic Priests including the Jesuits of St. Francis of Xavier encouraged the Spanish Conquistadors to murder the French Huguenots - the Priests were as guilty as the Spanish Conquistadors.  Murder by consent is still murder. 


Hosea 6:6 6For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.  7But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.  8Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.  9And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.


Just as the priests in verse 9 murder in the way by giving their consent – so did the Jesuits and the company of other priests that accompanied Menendez - they gave their consent to the slaughter of the French Huguenots – Christians who desired to worship the LORD in spirit and truth. 


And, Solis de Meras, a Priest and brother-in-law of Menendez was one of the two men who personally killed Jean Ribaut, leader of the French Huguenots.


The Pulpit Commentary says it best:


"A corrupted pulpit is the worst of all ministries. Popes, archbishops, bishops, and the clergy in every grade in all Churches, have been found amongst the most intolerant despots and the most bloody persecutors of all times. They consecrate the banners of the warriors, they advocate the cause of slavery, they have ever been the prime obstructors to the promotion of liberty and the advancement of the universal rights of man. An old expositor has said, “The clergy, when wicked, are the worst of all men; none so cruel and bloody.” It is time for the people to be taught that a pulpit is not necessarily a Christian or a useful thing. It may be — alas! it sometimes is — the corruptest and the most pernicious thing in the neighborhood in which it has a place. A man is not a saint because he calls himself a Christian; a building is not the “house of God” because it is called a church, a chapel, or a tabernacle; a forum is not sacred to the utterance of gospel truth because it is called a pulpit. Things called “sermons” may sometimes have more wickedness in them than infidel tracts; places called the “houses of God” may sometimes serve more effectually the cause of the devil than the theatres of pleasure-seekers or lecture-halls of skeptics. Mere names must not rule our judgment. It is the policy of the devil in these days to baptize his instruments with Christian titles. He is never more powerful than when he occupies the sacred desk, writes religious books, and quotes the Word of God. There are wolves in sheep's clothing, and false prophets now as ever."  — D.T. Pulpit Commentary, The - The Pulpit Commentary – Volume 13: Daniel-Joel.


And, in 1565 Menendez brought the first black slaves to America

and it was at this point in America's History

that the first "Slave Plantation" came into existence


Most people think that the first slaves and slave plantation originated in 1619 with the arrival of Africans to Jamestown, Virginia.  But not so, in 1565 when Menendez came to what is now known as Florida, the 500 African Slaves he brought with him built the Spanish Fort as well as the first Spanish Catholic Mission that is still in existence today.


And, this Spanish Fort and Mission located in St. Augustine, Florida was America's first "Slave Plantation".


Menendez de Aviles was a Conquistador as well as a Knight in the Order of Santiago. [4]  The Knights in the Order of Santiago considered themselves to be an extension of the Knights Templar who protected Catholic Christians on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  However they protected Catholic Christians on their pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. James located in Spain as opposed to going to the Holy Land in Jerusalem. [5]


In his role as a Conquistador, Menendez explored lands in the New World claiming or reclaiming new land for the Spanish king, which by implication was for the Vatican as well.  It was in both roles, as a Knight and as a Conquistador, that Menendez set sail for Florida in 1565.   Menendez was commissioned by the King of Spain to reclaim land in Florida being claimed by the French Huguenots that originally had been explored by other Spanish Conquistadors.  However, the French Huguenots only established their colony after the Spanish decided to abandon any attempt to colonize America.


I want to return to the portrait of Pedro Menendez as the symbolism is important to understand.




Symbolism of the Portrait


It’s significant that the portrait was at the request of King Phillip II as a reward to honor Menendez and his role in Florida in Spain’s conquest of Florida.  Given that this was the King’s “official portrait” meant that the manner in which Menendez was portrayed was approved by both the King and Menendez as to what they wanted to visually convey in the portrait concerning Menendez’s role in conquering Florida. 


Symbolism in a portrait is as important as the person being portrayed.  Symbols “visually” communicate and convey to others something about the nature and character of that individual. 


Titan’s portrait of Menendez conveys to us that King Philip was acknowledging that Menendez was a Knight in the Order of Santiago and that he was functioning in his role as a Knight and a Crusader when he conquered Florida.


To begin with, portrayed on his chest over his heart is the Cross of Saint James.  The Cross of St. James is a cross that comes to an end in a sword and is the official emblem of the Knights of the Order of Santiago.  Furthermore, Mendez’s right hand is resting on a table and next to his hand is a copy of a map that identifies Florida, the land he conquered. 


More importantly, pictured setting on top of the map identifying land conquered by Menendez is a “Knight’s Helmet”.  In his book, The Mode in Hats and Headdress, R. Turner Wilcox says it best:  “Coiffure and headtire in both sexes have from prehistoric times served to establish the individual’s rank or position in society, to impress the lowly and to challenge the enemy.” [6]  


The significance of the symbolism of the “Knight’s Helmet” cannot be understated.  The Knight’s Helmet identified Menendez’s rank and position in society as that of a Knight, in particular his role as a Knight in the conquest of Florida. 


The fact that the Knight’s Helmet is on top of the map conveys that Florida is under the authority, not only of Menendez, but also under the authority of the spirit behind Menendez.  Keep in mind, that Daniel 10:12-21 as well as other Scriptures reveal that there are Geographical Principalities. 


I want to point out that the map located underneath the Knight’s helmet reflects all the land that was given to Menendez by King Philip II, and represents Florida according to Spain’s definition of Florida at that time, not just Florida as we understand Florida today.


It was the “Geographical Ideas” that were reflected on the Old Spanish Maps  - not the actual geographical features.    


When drawing maps of the New World, the Spanish cartographers had to rely on information given to them by the explorers.   Needless to say, if one compares the old Spanish maps with today’s maps, the differences are quite substantial.  What the explorers thought and reported back to the mapmakers was quite different than the actual geographical features of the areas they explored.


It’s important to be aware that when the old Spanish cartographers portrayed Florida on a map it was with the understanding that Florida included all of North America from parts of Canada to Mexico, much more than just the peninsula of Florida or the State of Florida as we know it today. 

In other words, the spirit operating behind Menendez is over the whole geographical area of la Florida as understood and as portrayed on the maps by the old Spanish cartographers.  However Florida, as we understand Florida, or more specifically, the geographical area around St. Augustine would be the power center or gateway into the whole area.


Many of the Illegal Immigrants Crossing the Border into America

are the Spiritual Offspring of the Knights of Santiago


As it pertains to today (2019) when you understand the spiritual aspects of the Holy War between Spain and France in 1565 and the Spanish Proclamation, drawn up in 1515, that the Catholic Church required all Conquistadors to read to the natives when they conquered new lands  you can understand the spiritual aspects of why so many of the Spanish immigrants who are crossing the border illegally believe that they are coming to America to take back what belonged to their Spanish forefathers. 


These particular immigrants are the "spiritual offspring" of the Knights of Santiago who murdered the French Huguenots in cold blood.


The Spanish Proclamation also known as the "Requerimiento" was intended as Rome's formal and legal charter of conquest - the conquest of land that belonged to the native American Indians.  It informed the native Indians that they could either convert to Roman Catholicism and accept Spanish rule or their entire tribe would be entirely wiped out.


It's interesting that before the Spanish Conquistadors could "legally" enslave or inflict harm to the native American Indians that they encountered when claiming land in the new world the Catholic Church required them to read aloud the Requerimiento.  Which didn't make much sense since the Requerimiento was read in Spanish. 


The text of the royal order informed the natives of their natural law obligation to hear the Gospel beginning with the Roman Catholic Church's version of the history of the world, along with an extended discussion of the establishment and foundations of the Roman Catholic Church.  The Requerimiento claimed that God had given charge of all the nations of the world to St. Peter, the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church.  Peter was lord and superior to all humankind, and all, including the native American Indians should obey him wherever they may live, under whatever law, sect, or belief, for God had given Peter and his successors the entire "world for his kingdom and jurisdiction."  The Conquistadors informed the Indians that the pope was an "Admirable Great Father and Governor of all Men," and they were commanded to obey him.


Then the Spanish Conquistadors the native American Indians that Pope Alexander, one of the great pontiffs who had succeeded St. Peter as lord of the world, had made a "donation" of their territories to the king and queen of Spain. 


Then the natives were advised that they could inspect the writings of the Requerimiento if they wished - as though the native Indians could read Spanish. 

Then the Indians were ever so politely asked to take a few moments to ponder this new set of facts.  They were also told that they were nonetheless required (hence the title of the document, the Requerimiento) "to acknowledge the Church as the ruler and superior of the whole world, and the high priest called Pope, and in his name the king and queen … in his place, as superiors and lords and kings" of their countries by virtue of the pope's donation.


The Spanish Conquistadores were Guilty of Acts of Genocide - Acts of Genocide that were sanctioned by Rome's religious men:  And, if the Indians did not consent and permit the missionary fathers accompanying the conquistadores to preach to them, or if they "maliciously" delayed in doing so, the Spaniards, "with the help of God," would invade their country and make war against them.  They were further threatened with subjection to the "yoke and obedience of the Church and of their highnesses":


The Spanish Conquistadors advised the native that they would take them, their wives and their children and make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their highnesses may command.  That they take away all their possessions and do them all the harm and damage that they could to those who did not obey and who refused to receive their lord and resist and contradict him.


The native were also warned that any deaths and losses which they should accrue from the Spaniards' attack on them would be their own fault for failing to heed the Requerimiento's directives, "and not that of their highnesses or of the Spanish Conquistadors. 


Hanke, the English-language authority on the Requerimiento, has summarized the history of the required announcement to the Indians as follows:


A complete list of the events that occurred when the Requirement formalities ordered by King Ferdinand were carried out in America, more or less according to the law, might tax the reader's patience and credulity, for the Requirement was read to trees and empty huts when no Indians were to be found.  Captains muttered its theological phrases into their beard on the edge of sleeping Indian settlements, or even a league away before starting the formal attack, and at times some leather-lunged Spanish notary hurled its sonorous phrases after the Indians as they fled into the mountains.  Once it was read in camp before the soldiers to the beat of the drum.  Ship captains would sometimes have the document read from the dick as they approached an island, and at night would send out enslaving expeditions, who leaders would shout the traditional Castilian war cry "Santiago!" rather than read the Requirement before they attacked the near-by villages.  Sometimes Indian messengers were sent to "require" other Indians.


It didn't matter that the Indians didn't understand one word of the Requerimiento or the ultimatum it contained.  Nonetheless, Spain relied on the Requerimiento as the official legitimating basis of its right to conquer and rule throughout the Americas. 


It has been said that Law, even unlawful Laws, which Europeans have long revered as their instrument of civilization, became the West's perfect instrument of empire in the Heart of Darkness that was America. 


In general, the Crusades were Holy Wars supported by the Roman Catholic Church to protect the Catholic Church from the enemy, at least according to their definition of “enemy”.  The enemy included Muslims, infidels, heretics and all Protestants as is evident with the slaughter of the French Huguenots, or whoever or whatever was in any way opposed to the Catholic Church - right, wrong or indifferent. 


Interestingly enough, the true Christians outside of the Catholic Church were considered heretics.  For example, the French Huguenots were considered heretics simply because they left the Catholic Church and became part of the Protestant movement.  Actually the Protestants were a group of true Christian believers who wanted to hear from God the Father for themselves in able to discern God’s will for their own personal lives.  That we as Christians are to hear for ourselves seems reasonable because that’s what the Scriptures teach.  However, according to Catholic Doctrine, not Scripture, the Catholic Church wanted to hear for the people, which is very clever on their part given the control they wanted over their congregations.


It is well known that the Knights Templar, along with other Orders of Knights who were also known as Crusaders, among other things protected Catholic Christians who were on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Israel.  The Knights also protected the Holy Land in Jerusalem itself as well as other land that the Roman Catholic Church claimed to be theirs - that it was not their land to claim didn’t matter. 


Ironically, their true motives hidden from the Vatican, the Knights Templar wanted the Holy Land in Jerusalem for themselves.  Interestingly, eight days after the first Crusade ended a King of Jerusalem was even chosen by the Knights from among themselves.  Needless to say the whole concept of the Crusades did not honor the LORD, nor did the Crusades represent the true Christian or the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Unfortunately the Crusaders went as far as to kill many of God’s chosen people.  The Crusaders killed many of the Jewish people who were living on the land that God gave to them as their inheritance.


Nor did the Crusade in America honor the LORD; however there is a Biblical principal that what was intended for evil God can use for good.  And, what was intended for evil the LORD did use for His good here in America. 


The GoodAmerica’s roots are those of the MartyrdomRevelation 12:11 11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.  Menendez gave Jean Ribaut, leader of the French Huguenots, the opportunity to convert back to Roman Catholicism and Ribaut chose the death of a Martyr over Catholicism. 


The French Huguenots became a conceived threat to the Roman Catholic Church and needless to say they became labeled as heretics.  To make matters worse, at least according to the Catholic Church, a group of French Huguenots sailed to what is now known as America and established the first successful colony in America on land that the Pope, at the time, “thought” was within his authority to take from the Native Americans and give to Catholic Spain. [7]  According to the Pope, because the Native Americans were not Catholics and therefore considered to be pagans they had no rights.


However, Spain was unsuccessful in its attempts to colonize and the King of Spain declared that Spain would no longer attempt to colonize in the New World.  “This latest debacle finally convinced the Spanish crown that Florida was not worth the effort, and on September 23, 1561, Philip II decreed that there would be no further effort to colonize Florida. 


But within six months French ships were underway, destination Florida, and the Spanish prohibition would soon be set aside.” [8]     


Menendez, a Knight in the Order of Santiago & the Holy War in America:

Approximately six months later the French Huguenots sailed for America and successfully established a colony in Florida known as Fort Caroline.  Yet, even though the Spanish King halted all attempts to establish colonies in what is now known as America, when Spain found out that the French Huguenots had successfully established a colony in Florida, the King of Spain commissioned Menendez as his Adelantado and as a Knight in the Order of Santiago to sail to Florida and reduce to nothing the French Huguenots.  He was to kill the Huguenots, not as Frenchmen, however, but as heretics, [9]  as well as destroy any and all signs of their existence. 


Adelantado was a military title held by Spanish Conquistadores who were commissioned by the King to serve as a type of Governor over land that they had discovered, explored and/or conquered in the name of Spain.  The Adelantado’s  responsibilities included establishing a settlement and to ensure the safety of that settlement against possible aggression or opposition.  For example, after Menendez set foot on what is now Florida, he claimed the land in the name of Spain and the Roman Catholic Church, and announced the establishment of St. Augustine.  Then to protect Spain’s interest, he killed the French Huguenots as well as enslaved the Native American Indians.   


St. Augustine:  Supposedly Menendez chose the name St. Augustine for the new colony that he established for Spain because he first saw the coast of Florida from his ship on the feast day of St. Augustine. [10]  After this first sighting, Menendez stepped foot on the shores of Florida eleven days later.  In all reality I believe that he chose the name St. Augustine for the new Spanish colony for an additional reason with a deeper significance. 


The Spiritual Battle:  Ephesians 6:12 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


To understand the events that took place in 1565 here in America, we need to understand that it was not only a physical battle, but it was also a spiritual battle with principalities operating behind the Spaniards.  And to understand the principalities operating behind Menendez we need to understand the relationship between Saint Augustine, Saint James and the “Knights of the Order of Santiago”, and how that relates to America. 


“St. Augustine”:  The “Rules” or “Orders” that The Knights of the Order of Santiago chose to be governed by were those authored by St. Augustine [11]  – the very man that Menendez chose to name his new colony after.  Augustine was a man who was born in the year A.D. 354, died in A.D. 430 and was declared a Saint according to Catholic Doctrine.  However, this doctrine does not line up with Scripture.  It’s not Biblical and it is to be rejected. 


“St. James”:  First of all it’s important to understand that the James the Catholics refer to as a Saint is not the James of the Bible.  Regardless of what they claim, praying to a Saint does not line up with the Word of the LORD.  In fact the LORD considers it a sin to seek the dead for any reason.  So given what the Word of the LORD teaches, the Saint James who is the patron saint of the “Knights Order of Santiago” is not the James of the Bible.  Instead, they are invoking and praying to a “familiar spirit” – a principality. 


James the Sup planter:  In particular, the principality, the Sup planter, operating behind St. James, became the ruling geographical principality over all of America. 


At one time, Santiago was the Spanish word used when referring to St. James.  According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica Library, “Santiago is the Spanish for St. James, whose shrine the city possesses.” [12]  Santiago or St. James was the Patron Saint of Spain as well as Patron Saint of the “Knights of the Order of Santiago”.  And it was his name that the Conquistadors “invoked” before going into battle in the Americas.


It has been documented as well that Menendez himself invoked Santiago when he led the attack against Fort Caroline. Menendez and his army attacked Fort Caroline shouting “Santiago” which is the Spanish war cry of the Knights of the Order of Santiago.  According to Francis Parkman, author of Pioneers Of France In The New World, “Menendez, with a few officers and men, cautiously mounted to the top.  Beneath lay Fort Caroline, three bow-shots distant; but the rain, the imperfect light, and a cluster of intervening houses prevented his seeing clearly, and he sent two officers to reconnoiter.  As they descended, they met a solitary Frenchman.  They knocked him down with a sheathed sword, wounded him, took him prisoner, kept him for a time, and then stabbed him as they returned towards the top of the hill.  Here, clutching their weapons, all the gang stood in fierce expectancy.  ‘Santiago!’ cried Menendez. ‘At them!  God is with us!  Victory!’  And, shouting their hoarse war-cries, the Spaniards rushed down the slope like starved wolves. … Through the breaches and over the ramparts the Spaniards came pouring in, with shouts of ‘Santiago!  Santiago!’” [13]


The Knights of the Order of Santiago believed that St. James, even though he was dead, when invoked would come to their aid and support them in battle.  That may sound strange to many Protestants; however, praying to the dead, and believing that a dead Saint can actually come to their aid is not uncommon in the Catholic faith.  However, this practice of necromancy is prohibited and a transgression against the LORD.  We are to seek the LORD for our help.  1 Chronicles 10:13 13 So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; 14And enquired not of the Lord: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse.


New gods came to the gates and there was war:  Judges 5:8 8They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?


In reality, the Spaniards were invoking a principality and by doing so the principality operating behind whom they referred to as St. James gained legal access to the geographical area over America.  The Native American Indians worshipped many pagan deities; however, the god behind St. James was unfamiliar to them.  The Spanish brought new gods to the gates of America; in other words when this spirit was invoked it gained legal access over America.  However, what does legal access mean?


To answer that question we have to identify the manifestations of the spirit operating behind St. James to gain an understanding as to how this spirit is operating over and influencing the people of America. 


We know from Scripture that angels had names: for example, Gabriel the messenger and Michael the warrior.  Principalities are fallen angels and they too had names: for example, Satan, the accuser and Abaddon, the angel of the abyss.  We know that Abaddon was a fallen angel because in Revelation 9:1 he is described as having fallen from the sky to the earth.  Revelation 12:4-9 further supports that Satan and his angels fell to the earth.


So, the first place to start is with the meaning of the name “James” which will give us an idea of the manifestations of the spirit in operation.  Interestingly enough, the meaning of the name James actually describes the manifestations that took place in 1565 when the Spaniards dislodged the Huguenots from America.  


In the Bible someone’s name would reveal the character of an individual.  And, it was not unusual for the LORD to change someone’s name when the nature of the individual changed.  Given that James is the name that we want to focus on then we need to find out what the name means according to Scripture and how that applies to St. James of Santiago. 


The name James can be found in the New Testament, which was written in Greek.  Given that James is the Greek form of Jacob, meaning sup planter, then it’s important that we understand the meaning of the name Jacob as well.  


Before we look at the name Jacob in the Old Testament let’s look at the James of the New Testament.   We need to ask, put side by side, does the life of St. James of Spain measure up to that of James of the Bible?


James in the New Testament:  As Christians we know that when we accept Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior, even though our name didn’t literally change, that we become a new creation.  And as we work out our own salvation we are to be transformed and that transformation or change in our nature and the renewing of our mind should be evident to those around us.  All who overcome will receive a new name.  Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.


However, there were times when Jesus Christ literally changed someone’s name.  For example, in Mark 3:16 we find that Jesus Christ changed Simon’s name to Peter which meant rock and we know from Scripture that Peter did indeed eventually become that rock.  In verse Mark 3:17 we find that to James and John, Jesus gave the name “Boanerges” which means “Sons of Thunder”. 


Mark 3 [16] And Simon he surnamed Peter; [17] And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder:


There are several people in the Bible named James; however it was James, one of the Sons of Thunder, that the “Knights of the Order of Santiago” chose as their patron saint.  “Sons of Thunder” can describe a positive characteristic of someone or it can identify a negative or undesirable characteristic.  Boanerges means “Sons of Thunder”; however, it also means “Sons of Commotion” or violent anger or rage. 


Renewing of the MindRomans 12:1 1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


The character of the Biblical “Sons of Thunder” changed from one of wanting to call down thunder, not by the Spirit of the LORD, to John being known as the Disciple of Love and his brother James becoming the first martyr among the apostles who walked with Jesus.  Acts 12:2  2And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.


Along with Peter, they alone were with Jesus at some of the more profound times in the life of Jesus Christ: the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-2), the restoration to life of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:37 -43) and with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane Mark 14:32-34. 


Luke 9:51  51And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, 52And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. 53And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. 54And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?  55But He turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. 56For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.


James and John wanted to avenge Jesus by calling down fire; however, Jesus corrected their misunderstanding of who He was by explaining that He came to save men’s lives not destroy them.  When correcting James and John it’s important to note the Words of Jesus – “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of”.  It was not the Holy Spirit that was influencing James and John and if it was not the Holy Spirit, then it could only have been an unclean spirit.  Keep in mind at one time even Peter was influenced by Satan and Jesus rebuked Peter by saying Satan, get thee behind Me.  Matthew 16:22       22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. 23But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.


Colossians 3:10  10And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:   Colossians 3:10 helps us to understand that when Jesus explained to James and John that he came to save the lives of men and not to destroy them that He wanted them to understand or have more knowledge of who He was in order that they could line their emotions up with who He was and not who they thought He was.  Or in other words they were to renew their mind.


John 12:27  27Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. 28Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. 29The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.


I believe the nature of James and John wanting to call down thunder by a spirit not of the LORD changed.  If the voice of the LORD sounded like thunder to James and John as well as the crowd and we are to be renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created man, then the thunder of James and John would have transformed to being like the sound of the thunder of the LORD.  To sound like thunder is not to be taken as literal, but as positional.  In other words, the words that they spoke should have reflected Jesus Christ.  


Of what spirit were the Spanish Conquistadors?:  That the Conquistadors or the Knights of the Order of Santiago invoked St. James to go into battle with them to aid them in their destruction of those who were not of the Catholic faith does not line up with the instructions and rebuke that Jesus gave James.  Again, when James [and John] wanted to call down fire from heaven to consume those who rejected Jesus – Jesus rebuked him [them] saying “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of”.  Satan’s Counterfeit:  The James that the Spanish Conquistadors invoked when going into battle was Satan’s counterfeit to James the Apostle that actually walked with Jesus. 


Job 39:19-25 describes the anticipation of a “War Horse” preparing to go into battle.  Given the context of this section, it’s interesting that “thunder” is used to describe the anger and hatred of the warriors and that even the war horse was able to detect the anger of the warriors.  Thunder in the context of verse 25 means to be “violently agitated”. 


Job 39:19  19Hath thou given the horse strength? hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? 20Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshopper? the glory of his nostrils is terrible. 21He paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength: he goeth on to meet the armed men. 22He mocketh at fear, and is not affrighted; neither turneth he back from the sword. 23The quiver rattleth against him, the glittering spear and the shield. 24He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage: neither believeth he that it is the sound of the trumpet. 25He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha; and he smelleth the battle afar off, the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.   NIV reads “battle-cry” instead of “shouting”. 


The Spanish Conquistadors were “Sons of Thunder” who went into war; however, not in righteousness.  Even though the Scriptures tell us that Jesus rebuked James when he wanted to call down thunder upon those who rejected Jesus, the Conquistadors called down thunder and “destroyed” those “who the Catholics said” rejected Jesus. 


It’s important to understand that the Catholics thought they could judge who had their salvation – regardless of the testimony of the ones they killed.  As a consequence, they slaughtered many who had accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and had their salvation.


The French Huguenots confessed Jesus Christ as their Savior.  However, because the French Huguenots would not reject Protestantism and rejoin the Catholic Church, it was determined that they rejected Jesus Christ and therefore they were killed.  In all reality, they were killed because they became a threat to the false doctrine of the Catholic Church. 


Boanerges meant “Sons of Commotion”, “violent anger” and “rage” as well as “Sons of Thunder”.  And, by all accounts the Conquistadors exhibited all these characteristics.


Obviously, it would not be wisdom to assume that everyone’s name reveals something about their nature.  Even when someone’s name does indicate the nature of that person, we still can’t and shouldn’t assume that a principality is working through that individual.


However, when the LORD reveals that a principality is operating through someone whose name does identify their nature – the name not only identifies the nature of an individual – it also identifies the spirit or the Principality that will influence and operate through the individual throughout his or her lifetime.  What’s important to understand, is that the Principality, in turn, will operate through this individual as a vehicle and will attempt to influence or hinder anyone who comes into contact with this person.  The individual may or may not be aware that a principality or demonic spirit is operating through them.


Revelation & Spiritual Gifts:  Before proceeding, I want to comment further on revelation from the LORD regarding the demonic and principalities. 


Spiritual Gifts:  In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul describes the different Spiritual gifts that are given to the Body of Christ as the Holy Spirit determines.   The purpose of the various gifts is for the common good of the Believers, meaning that every gift of the Holy Spirit is essential.  The gift of the discerning of spirits is one of a number of gifts and given the nature of this study it is that particular gift that we need to understand.  1 Corinthians 12 [10] To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:


Spiritual Understanding.   Because not everyone understands spiritual warfare, I want to speak to those who are called to Spiritual Warfare and why we are not understood by others in the Body of Christ.


Luke Chapter 10 is among the teachings of Jesus Christ on Spiritual Warfare and still applies to us today.  Notice in verse 1 that it was only those that Jesus “appointed” that were sent two by two ahead of Him to every town and place where He was about to go.  And, one of things that they dealt with was the demonic.


Not everyone was “appointed” for this particular “calling”.  Nor did Jesus rebuke the 72 (or 70 depending on the translation) when they returned with joy, saying, LORD, even the devils are subject unto us through thy Name (verse 17).  However, even though Jesus gave them power and authority over the Kingdom of Darkness, in verse 20 Jesus tells them not to rejoice over their power over the demonic; however they were to rejoice that their names are written in heaven.  As Believers we all need to understand the boundaries that the LORD has established for us and stay within those boundaries. 


In verse 18 Jesus states that He had beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven indicating that because the devils were subject to the 72 – that in the Name of Jesus that Satan’s kingdom in the heavens was suffering defeat.  According to Ephesians 6 we know that our weapons are not carnal and that our “spiritual warfare” is fought in the heavenlies.  This aspect of warfare is what is referred to as “Second Heaven Warfare”. 


Luke 10:21 21In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.


In verse 21 Jesus goes on further rejoicing in spirit and thanking the Father that this type of second heaven warfare was not revealed to everyone.  In verse 23 Jesus turned to His disciples and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see.

Luke 10:23  23And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: [24] For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. 


In other words, not everyone is called to second heaven warfare nor will everyone in the Body of Christ understand this type of warfare.  However, blessed are those that have been appointed and who do understand what God has called them to. 


Going back to Luke 10:18  18And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.  19Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


The word “beheld” in this context means to look upon or gaze at.  It means to call ones attention to or to comprehend a matter.  And, according to Strong’s Concordance “beheld” also means to “discern clearly either physically or mentally”.  Again, the discerning of spirits is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:10. 


With that in mind, Jesus called attention to, looked into and understood second heaven warfare.  He boldly declared to those disciples there with Him that He gave them authority in that area.  In talking to them, Jesus begins the dialogue by looking into the second heaven, and he draws his disciples attention to those particular events going on in the heavenlies.  While Jesus had their attention on the second heaven, it was in this spiritual posture and focus that He gave them authority over all the power of the enemy including to tread on serpents and scorpions.  By directing their attention to the heavens – Jesus spoke of the place where Satan dwelled and gave them authority in the second heavens as well as here on earth.


Seducing spirits & Doctrines of devils1 Timothy 4:1 1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.


St. James & the Doctrine of Devils: The Doctrine of devils is yet another avenue that the demonic or a principality will take to mislead or set up a substitute religion or whatever it is that the enemy wants to accomplish.  Given that the St. James of Spain does not agree with Scripture, then we can safely say that St. James falls into the category of the doctrine of devils.  According to one legend, “stars” led a Spanish shepherd to the forgotten burial place of St. James bones.  Stars in Scripture have several meanings and interestingly enough, stars refer to angels, including those angels who fell along with Satan.  Revelation 12 [4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.  St. James of Spain does not agree with Scripture; however, he would agree with the doctrine of devils, in this case, the doctrine of a fallen angel.  


The Doctrine of Devils is nothing other than a devil, whether it be a demon or a principality, influencing someone as in the case of the shepherd.  Interestingly enough, the apostle James was never buried in Spain. 


According to Scripture we are, at all times, to test the spirit and we test the spirit by seeing if it lines up with the Word.  If it does not line up with Scripture then we know that it is not of the LORD and therefore we are to reject that doctrine. 


Unfortunately, at that point in time in history, Catholics did not have access to the Scriptures and relied only upon what the Catholic Church taught about James.  They would not have had Scriptures available to them to make certain that what they were being taught was correct.  Yes, the Spaniards had a “zeal” for the Holy Wars; however, their zeal was based on the doctrine of the Catholic Church, not according to the knowledge of Scripture.  Romans 10 [2] For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. [3] For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.


However, today’s Christians do have access to the Scriptures and because of the Scriptures we have gained knowledge and an understanding of the spiritual war that was waged in 1565 here in America.  Hebrews 4 [12] For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 


Since we do have access to the Scriptures, we need to be like the Bereans and examine the Scriptures daily to see if what we are being told is true.  Acts 17 [11] Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.


Going back to the doctrine of devils.  In Isaiah 14:13-14 Satan said in his heart that he would be like the God Most High, meaning that he wants to be worshipped in the same way that Yahweh is.  One of the many ways that Satan seeks to be like Yahweh is to pervert the Scriptures. 


Take James for example.  I believe that Satan chose the “name” of the apostle James because of the meaning behind his name and proceeded to pervert who James the apostle was to fit the doctrine of his devils. 


The Shrine & Grave of St. JamesIsaiah 65 [1] I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. [2] I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts; [3] A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; [4] Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels;


Today as well as in Biblical times there are people who actually sit among the graves and engage in the practice of necromancy, a form of divination.  Séances are another form of necromancy and divination with the idea that they can communicate with the dead.  Actually what they are communicating with are demonic spirits known as “familiar spirits”.  Familiar spirits are assigned to a specific family and will stay with that particular family throughout the generations until it has been exposed and dealt with.   These familiar spirits would obviously be familiar with the details of the dead person’s life as well as his or her forefathers. 


Catholics who make a pilgrimage to “Shrines”, for example, the Shrine of St. James, is a good example of people sitting among the graves in an effort to communicate, honor or pay homage to the dead.   The Catholic Church believes that when they pray to the dead saints that they in turn will intercede with God on our behalf.  Even their supposed relics and images are to be venerated.  However, these practices are not in accordance with the Scriptures.  Isaiah 8 [19] And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?


Pope John Paul II declared the year 2000 as a “Holy Year” and the Christian Catacombs as well as other shrines were added to the four Patriarchal Basilicas as places to visit in order to gain the Jubilee indulgence, in other words, pardon from sin. 


When visiting the Christian Catacombs the same conditions required for the Basilicas were to be met in order to gain the Jubilee indulgence.  For example, for those who decided to make the pilgrimage to one of the above places, to gain the indulgence, they were required to take part in either a Mass or other Catholic celebration, spend time in prayer, ending their prayers in Our Father and prayer to the Virgin Mary.


Back to Names and their Meanings:  At times we know that names were given to people at birth and before birth to identify what the characteristics or nature of that individual would be.  Sometimes an angel would visit the parents before a child was born and reveal to the parents the name to be given to their child that would identify the child's nature and even his spirit.  For example, an angel visited Joseph and not only told him of the birth of Jesus, but also gave him the name Jesus.  The name Jesus identified this particular child as the "Savior" or "God Who is Salvation."  And, we know from Scripture that's exactly who He was.  Matthew 1 [20] But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. [21] And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.  

The Meaning of James and its Hebrew equivalent Jacob.  Given that James is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Jacob and both names have the same meaning, then the meaning of the name Jacob is important to this study.   


Genesis 25 [21] And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. [22] And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord. [23] And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.   [24] And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. [25] And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. [26] And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.


While still in the womb - the LORD identified the nature of both Esau and Jacob to Rebekah.  Their struggle in the womb between each other was prophetic of two different nations.  The Struggle between Esau and Jacob is symbolic of the struggle between Christ and the Antichrist.  The Edomites, offspring of Esau, to this day struggle against the Nation of Israel.  Unfortunately it can also describe ancient and ongoing struggles between Christians, for example, the struggle between Catholicism and the French Huguenots that took place in 1565 here in America.  


Jacob was named at birth and the name Jacob means “sup planter” and “heel catcher”.  Interestingly enough, when Jacob was born he was born with his hand holding Esau’s heel.  [26] And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob:…


The name "Jacob" also means "deceiver" and identified the deceptive nature of Jacob until the LORD changed his name to Israel.  True to the definition, Jacob’s life was a reflection of his name.  However, there came a time when Jacob wrestled with the LORD and at that time the LORD changed Jacob’s nature; therefore the LORD changed Jacob’s name to Israel.   The Scriptures tell us that Jacob wrestled with God and that’s what the name Israel means:  “Struggles with God”.  Genesis 32:25-31


Even before Jacob and his twin brother Esau were born – they both struggled in Rebekah's womb and the struggle was symbolic of their own "personal struggle" between each other after their birth.  It was prophetic of the struggle between the two nations that they would eventually come to represent.  As stated earlier, their struggle can also represent the struggle between the various Christian denominations or can be on a personal level between two or more of the brethren as well. 


Why did Jacob wrestle with the LORD?  Well, it was because of his deceptive nature, the very nature that God needed to change in Jacob.  However, there was something else about Jacob’s nature that was revealed when he wrestled with the LORD.  When the LORD told Jacob to let Him go, Jacob replied that he would not let him go until the LORD blessed him.  In other words, Jacob wanted the spiritual blessings from the LORD, whereas his brother Esau despised his birthright, meaning the spiritual blessings.     Hebrews 12 [16] Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.  (Genesis 25:29-34)


When Esau traded his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew he was actually giving up the spiritual (the birthright) for the flesh (the stew).  The birthright was the covenant promises that the LORD had promised to Abraham, passed down to Isaac and would have been passed down through Esau’s seed had he not sold his birthright to Jacob.  


The “Sup planter” Spirit:  Not only did Jacob sell Esau the stew for his birthright, at a later time Jacob deceitfully took Esau’s blessing.  Scripture reveals to us that on these two occasions, Jacob “sup planted” his brother by buying his birthright and deceitfully taking his blessing as well.  Esau’s statement to his father acknowledges his understanding that Jacob’s nature was truly a reflection of his name. 


Genesis 27 [35] And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing. [36] And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me?


The sup planting spirit behind Jacob and Esau’s struggle was the same spirit behind the struggle between the Spanish Catholics and the French Huguenots.  And that same spirit still continues to stir up divisions and schisms among the various Christian denominations as well.  Even though paganism came through the Roman Catholic Church and continues to remain within the Church, we need to keep in mind that there will always be a remnant within the Catholic Church because of their faithfulness to the LORD for the first several hundred years.  The only way that I can understand this is that even though Israel worshipped pagan gods alongside Yahweh, they too will always have a remnant because of the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  We also need to keep in mind that there are many issues within the Protestant Churches as well that are not pleasing to the LORD


Just as Jacob and Esau were brothers, the Remnant within the Catholic and Protestant Church are brothers.  The remnant identifies those who really do have their salvation.  Not all Catholics or Protestants have their salvation. 


However, having said that, even though there is a remnant within the Catholic Church, it does not negate their teachings, many of which include teachings of paganism.  I would not attend Mass or share in their communion table given their understanding of communion.   Fellowship among the remnant can be outside the Church building.  It doesn’t mean that we participate in their rituals that have their roots in paganism.


Many people worldwide do not understand that the Roman Catholic Church “Does Not” represent all of Christendom. The word “Protestant” meant that those who were Protestants were “protesting” against the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church and many of us today are still protesting against their teachings that are not Scriptural.


Furthermore, when the Church of Rome allowed paganism to come into their Church they gave up their birthright and their blessings.  Both Esau and the Church of Rome sold their birthright or anointing because of wanting to satisfy their flesh.  Esau sold his for stew.  The Catholic Church sold theirs for power and wealth.  Later Esau wept because of losing his birthright; however he didn’t repent.  The Roman Catholic Church has not repented either – paganism still has a place in their doctrine.  Esau tried to kill Jacob and the Roman Catholic Church has killed many true Christians.   The Catholic Church did not have the right to kill non-believers in the Name of Jesus.


Esau put the flesh first; however, Jacob eventually put the LORD first. Esau freely gave up his birthright, but Jacob deceived Esau of their father’s blessing.  When Esau lost his birthright it was inevitable that he would lose the blessing since both are so closely related.  Needless to say, both Catholics and Protestants have their own problems.   


The Spanish and Catholicism wanted to obtain the “Spiritual Blessing” of the French Huguenots:  Jacob and Esau were brothers, nonetheless Esau lost his birthright and spiritual blessing to Jacob.  Just as Esau gave up his birthright to his brother Jacob – I believe the Roman Catholic Church gave up their birthright as well to the Protestants.  The French Huguenots wanted to hear from the LORD for themselves; the Roman Catholic Church wanted to hear for the people.


When the French Huguenots were killed, not as Frenchmen, but as Protestants, I believe it was because the Roman Catholic Church wanted the blessings of what the LORD was doing in the New World.


New gods:  Judges 5 [8] They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?


Who was this new god that came to what is now known as America?  This new god, unknown to the Native American Indians, was a “Sup planting” spirit.  At the time, the Native America Indians worshipped the sun, moon, stars and animals.  


Even though this spirit was new to America, it was the same spirit that had already attempted to “sup plant” the French Huguenots from France and now came to the New World to “sup plant” them from this land as well.  One of the manifestations of the sup planting spirit is to “follow on the heels of”, so it should not surprise us that the Spaniards “followed on the heels of” the Huguenots to America. 


The “Sup planter”:  How did the spirit operating behind the identity of St. James manifest when the Spanish set foot on the coast of Florida in 1565?  And how is the “sup planter” still manifesting over America? 


St. James the Sup planter is invoked:  As mentioned earlier, Menendez and the other Spaniards shouted the war cry “Santiago” when they attacked Fort Caroline as well as when they attacked the Native America Indians, who were considered without rights as long as they were pagan.


The Spanish invoked St. James in other battles as well as those fought with the Native Americans.  By invoking St. James in their holy wars, Menendez and other Conquistadors as well as the Knights of the Order of Santiago were “spiritually” binding the spirit of “Anti Christ” that was behind their “Holy War” to the land in the New World, including the land that is now known as Florida.  The spirit behind this “Holy War” was not the Spirit of the LORD.  It was an “anti Christ” spirit working through the Spanish Conquistador and his men who slaughtered the French Huguenots – Protestants who were seeking a place to worship the LORD in spirit and truth. 


The Blood of the Martyrs


For those who believe that the land where the Huguenots were slain is sacred because of their shed blood, I want to emphasize that it was not the blood of the Huguenots; however, it was the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) that enabled the Huguenots to overcome Satan.  And, it was also the “Word of their Testimony” and that they “Did not love their Lives so much as to shrink from death” that the French Huguenots became “Martyrs”.  


The Blood of Jesus


There is no blood that is redemptive other than that of Jesus Christ


Ephesians 1 [7] In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace;


Jesus was without sin!  We are all sinners.  Therefore the shed blood of any human being, no matter how righteous or innocent, cannot make land sacred or holy as many people believe.  This belief is not Scriptural, it is a tradition of man and it is idolatry.  


Abel Was A Righteous Man – However His Blood Cried Out For Justice


Hebrews 11 [4] By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.


We know from Scripture that Abel was a righteous man and we know that it was the blood of this “innocent” man that was the first blood to be shed upon the earth and the voice of his blood cried unto the LORD from the ground.  However, the blood of Abel cried out for justice. 


Genesis 4 [10] And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. [11] And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; [12] When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.


The land did not become sacred because of this righteous man’s blood that was shed.  Instead, the ground would no longer produce for Cain as it had in the past because of Abel’s blood crying out from the ground for justice and vengeance that resulted in Cain now being cursed from the earth.  It was Cain himself that was cursed – not the land; however, the land would no longer produce for Cain. 


The Blood of Jesus speaks a better word than the Blood of Abel.  Abel’s blood cried out to the LORD for justice, whereas the blood of Jesus was redemptive.


Hebrews 12 [24] And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.


However, The Martyrs Blood Will Be Avenged


It is Biblical that the LORD will avenge the blood of the Martyr.  Not only does the blood of Abel cry out for justice - the voice of the shed blood of the Martyr cries out to be avenged as well.  And, according to Scripture, the LORD will avenge the blood of the Martyrs in His own way and in His own timing.


Matthew 23 [35] That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.  [36] Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.


Revelation 6 [9] And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: [10] And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? [11] And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.


The Blood of the Huguenots Was Avenged


Dominique de Gourgues Avenged the Blood of the Huguenots and made Atonement for the Land that had been Defiled.


Interestingly enough, the deaths of the Huguenots, were avenged by Dominique de Gourgues, the Frenchman who set sail in August 1567 for Florida to even the score by slaughtering the Spanish who were now occupying what once was Fort Caroline. 

According to Numbers 35:33, blood pollutes the land and atonement for the land can only be made by the shed blood of the one who shed the innocent blood.  According to Scripture it is the “Avenger of Blood” that is to slay the one who shed the innocent blood.  And when the murderer is slain the land is thereby cleansed.


Numbers 35 [33] So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.


Numbers 35 [19] The avenger of blood shall himself slay the murderer; when he meets him, he shall slay him.


In 1567, two years after the Huguenots had been murdered, Dominique de Gourgues, a Frenchman set sail for Florida to personally avenge the French Huguenots.  In March or April of 1568 after destroying several other forts established by the Spanish in Florida, Gourgues finally made his way to the very Fort where the French Huguenots were slaughtered.  


It was at the hands of Gourgues that the Huguenots were avenged when the very Spaniards that murdered the Huguenots were slain by Gourgues and he had them hung on the very trees that they had hung the Huguenots on.  Gourgues had wooden tablets hung on the trees that read:  “Not as to Spaniards, but as to Traitors, Robbers, and Murderers[14] in retribution for the tablets that the Spaniards had hung over the Huguenots that read “Not as to Frenchmen, but as to Lutherans”. (emphasis added)  


These events can be spiritually understood in terms of Numbers 35 verses 19 and 33.  I believe the LORD allowed Dominique de Gourgues to act as the Avenger.  Why?  Because given the Biblical principal in Numbers 35 verses 19 and 33, the land that had been defiled by the innocent blood of the French Huguenots could only be cleansed when an “Avenger” shed the blood of the Spaniards that had murdered the Huguenots. 


The Account of Dominique de Gourgues ~ the Avenger of the Huguenots


The following account of Dominique de Gourgues and the details of what took place at Fort Caroline, renamed Fort San Mateo by the Spanish, is taken from Francis Parker’s book Pioneers Of France In The New World.


“The next day was Quasimodo Sunday, or the Sunday after Easter, Gourgues and his men remained quiet, making ladders for the assault on Fort San Mateo.  Meanwhile the whole forest was in arms, and, far and near, the Indians were wild with excitement.  They beset the Spanish fort till not a soldier could venture out.   


On Monday evening he sent forward the Indians to ambush themselves on both sides of the fort.  In the morning he followed with his Frenchmen; and, as the glittering ranks came into view, defiling between the forest and the river, the Spaniards opened on them with culverins from a projecting bastion.  The French took cover in the woods with which the hills below and behind the fort were densely overgrown.  Here, himself unseen, Gourgues could survey whole extent of the defences, and he presently descried a strong part of Spaniards issuing from their works, crossing the ditch, and advancing to reconnoiter.


As the Spaniards reached the edge of the open ground, a deadly fire blazed in their faces, and before the smoke cleared, the French were among them, sword in hand.  The survivors would have fled; but Cazenove’s detachment fell upon their rear, and all were killed or taken.


When their comrades in the fort beheld their fate, a panic seized them.  Conscious of their own deeds, perpetrated on this very spot, they could hope no mercy, and their terror multiplied immeasurable the numbers of their enemy.  They abandoned the fort in a body, and fled into the woods most remote from the French.  But here a deadlier foe awaited them; for a host of Indians leaped up from ambush.  Then rose those hideous war-cries which have curdled the boldest blood and blanched the manliest cheek.  The forest warriors, with savage ecstasy, wreaked their long arrears of vengeance, while the French hastened to the spot, and lent their swords to the slaughter.  A few prisoners were saved alive; the rest were slain; and thus did the Spaniards make bloody atonement for the butchery of Fort Caroline.


But Gourgues’s vengeance was not yet appeased.  Hard by the fort, the trees were pointed out to him on which Menendez had hanged his captives, and placed over them the inscription, ‘Not as to Frenchmen, but as to Lutherans.’


Gourgues ordered the Spanish prisoners to be led thither.


‘Did you think,’ he sternly said, as the pallid wretches stood ranged before him, ‘that so vile a treachery, so detestable a cruelty, against a King so potent and a nation so generous, would go unpunished?  I, one of the humblest gentlemen among my King’s subjects, have charged myself with avenging it. … But though you cannot suffer as you deserve, you shall suffer all that an enemy can honorably inflict, that your example may teach others to observe the peace and alliance which you have so perfidiously violated.’


They were hanged where the French had hung before them; and over them was nailed the inscription, burned with a hot iron on a table of pine, ‘Not as to Spaniards, but as to Traitors, Robbers, and Murderers.’


Gourgues’s mission was fulfilled.


Thus Spaniards and Frenchmen alike laid their reeking swords on God’s altar.” [15]  (emphasis added)



The Death of the Huguenots vs. the Death of the Spaniards


The differences between the deaths of the Huguenots and the deaths of those who killed the Huguenots is significant.  Only innocent blood can be avenged.


When the Huguenots established Fort Caroline they were not breaking any laws because the King and Queen of Spain had officially given up on establishing a colony in the New World.  France and Spain were at peace with one another.   The Huguenots had not broken any laws, therefore their shed blood was innocent blood and for that reason they could be avenged.


On the other hand, the Spaniards who murdered the Huguenots were guilty of breaking the law for the very reasons that the Huguenots were not guilty.  Furthermore, and of more importance, by their own testimony, the Spaniards justified killing the French Huguenots because of their hatred for Lutherans and Protestants.   Therefore, the shed blood of the Spaniards who murdered the Huguenots and died at the hands of Gourgues was not innocent blood.


It has been explained how the innocent blood of the Huguenots was atoned for; however, one might wonder how the land was cleansed after the shed blood of the Spaniards.


The Gibeonites & Israel’s Three-Year Famine


2 Samuel 21 gives the account of Israel’s three year famine being broken only after the surviving Gibeonites were avenged by the deaths of those who had shed the innocent blood of other Gibeonites.  This same account will help us to understand the differences between the shed blood of the innocent and the shed blood of those who shed the innocent blood and how each affected the land.


 I want to point out that the famine was directly related to the “innocent blood” of the Gibeonites that had been shed.  However, the shed blood of Saul’s seven male offspring that was required to make atonement for the land did not keep the land from being cleansed.  It was after David delivered seven of Saul’s male offspring into the hands of the Gibeonites, they were hung by the surviving Gibeonites before the LORD, and thereafter buried did the LORD answer prayer in behalf of the land.


In other words there is a difference between the “innocent blood” and the blood that is not considered innocent.  In the case of Saul’s household, it was the sins of the father visited to the third and fourth generation.


The Gibeonites Avenged


David realized the seriousness of the famine in its third year and inquired of the LORD as to why.  The LORD revealed to David that it was because of the “bloody house of Saul” in that Saul had slain the Gibeonites.


Even though the Gibeonites were a pagan nation, the LORD required the nation of Israel to keep the covenant that Joshua had made with the Gibeonites and that was to spare them.  Obviously, Saul had not kept this covenant and because Saul slew them, a curse was upon the land which resulted in a three year famine.  Interestingly enough, the famine occurred after Saul’s death and affected the entire nation of Israel because Saul represented the entire nation as its King. 


David inquired of the Gibeonites as to how atonement could be made in order that the Gibeonites would bless and not curse Israel.  And what the Gibeonites required was for their blood to be avenged by seven males from the bloodline of the man who broke Israel’s covenant to spare them – this being Saul’s house.


The Avenger for the Gibeonites that had been killed were the Gibeonites themselves.  Just as the Gibeonites were avenged by other Gibeonites, the blood of the French Huguenots was avenged by their own countrymen as well.  


Gourgues & Retribution in Kind:  The Spaniards at Fort Mateo were “Sup planted by Gourges


St. Augustine and its environs was a city polluted and stained with footprints of blood. 


Hosea 6:8 8Gilead is a city of wicked men, stained with footprints of blood. (NIV translation)


Hosea 6:8 8Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. (KJV translation)


Hosea 6:8 8Gilead is a city of evildoers; it is tracked with bloody [footprints]. (Amplified Bible)


Polluted means to Seize by the Heel, to Circumvent and to Supplant.  A Sup Planter is one who follows on another's heels.  It’s important to note that according to Strong’s Concordance, the meaning of the word “pollute” in the context of Numbers 35:33 is different than that of “polluted” in Hosea 6:8.  Pollute in Numbers 35:33 means to defile while Polluted in Hosea 6:8 means “a knoll”, tracked, to seize by the heel, to supplant, to circumvent, a footprint.


Interestingly enough, the meaning of the word Polluted as used in Hosea 6:8 is identical as that of James and Jacob.  Just as the name James and Jacob means to take by the heel and to sup plant, according to Strong’s the word “Polluted” means to take by the heel and to sup plant as well. 


After the Spanish realized that Ribault had set sail for America in 1565, they too set sail.  In other words, the Spanish followed on the heels of the French Huguenots.  It was through the shedding of French blood that the Spanish were able to circumvent the establishment of a second French colony as well as supplanting the already existing French colony at Fort Caroline. 


Then, the Spanish further polluted the land with their footprints stained with the blood of the French Huguenots they murdered.  Like Gilead in Hosea 6:8, St. Augustine, Florida was a city polluted with the bloody footprints of the Spaniards who slaughtered the French Huguenots.  After the massacre at Fort Caroline, Menendez and his followers returned to St. Augustine covered in blood.  “Again, Menendez returned triumphant to St. Augustine, and behind him marched his band of butchers, steeped in blood to the elbows, but still unsated”. [16]  


Retribution in Kind

Habakkuk 3 [14] With his own spear you pierced his head when his warriors stormed out to scatter us,gloating as though about to devour the wretched who were in hiding.


The Spaniards didn’t understand, but their bloody footprints were prophetic as to a future event that would unfold and involve them in the sense of “retribution in kind”.  They were prophetic in the same sense as when Jacob was born grasping Esau’s heel – it revealed the nature of the future relationship between the two brothers.


Retribution in kind means that their own weapons would be turned against them.  In other words, their bloody footprints meant that they too would be supplanted - tripped up by their heels.  In this particular situation, retribution in kind meant that the Spanish would be supplanted from Ft. Caroline, now known as Fort Mateo, by the French in the same manner that they supplanted the French Huguenots including hanging Spanish soldiers from the very trees that Menendez hung the Huguenots. 


Habakkuk 3:14 14With his own spear you pierced his head


According to documented accounts, it appears that those at Fort Mateo were the very soldiers who had killed the French Huguenots when the Fort was known as Fort Caroline and some of the very ones who entered St. Augustine steeped in the blood of the Huguenots.  Going back to the above verse we can see that “retribution in kind” was a reality for the Spaniards at the hands of Gourgues.  I want to point out that while retribution in kind is a Biblical principle, verse 14 specifically speaks about piercing the head. 


After killing Ribault, the Spaniards quartered his head and upon their return to St. Augustine, they placed his quartered head on lances at the four corners of where they planned to build a fort. [17]  Given that Ribaut’s head had been severed and hewn into four pieces, I have to wonder how many Spaniard’s heads were pierced by Gourgues.   Again, I want to emphasize that it was not the blood of the Huguenots, it was the blood of the Lamb that enabled the Huguenots to overcome Satan. 


Going Back to Hosea 6.


The Company of Priests Murder in the Way of Consent:


Hosea 6:6 6For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.  7But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.  8Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood.  9And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness.

Just as the priests in verse 9 murder in the way by giving their consent – so did the Jesuit and other priests that accompanied Menendez give their consent to the slaughter of the French Huguenots – Christians who desired to worship the LORD in spirit and truth. 

The following describes Menendez preparing his attack on the beached Huguenots after a troop of Indians informed him of their whereabouts.  One of the first things that Menendez did in preparation was to call for Mendoza, one of the company of priests who accompanied Menendez to Florida.  “Menendez instantly sent forty or fifty men in boats to reconnoiter.  Next, he called the chaplain, - for he would fain have him at his elbow to countenance the deeds he meditated, …” [18]  (emphasis added)


In other words, Menendez would be pleased to have a priest at his elbow to encourage, approve of, bless and support the slaughter of the Huguenots in the name of Christianity - so the company of priests murdered in the way by consent.  After capturing the stranded Huguenots, instead of asking Menendez to show mercy to the Huguenots, Mendoza, a priest, only asked Menendez to show mercy to the few Catholics that were part of the colony established by the Huguenots.  The following is from the personal account of Mendoza, one of the priests who accompanied Menendez to Florida and an eye witness to the slaughter of the second group of Huguenots killed by Menendez: 


“Since they all were Lutherans, his Lordship decided to condemn them all to death.  I, being a sacerdote and with the bowels of a man, petitioned him to grant me a favor, and it was that those whom he found to be Christians should not die.  He granted me this, and proceedings were carried out by which we found ten or twelve.  These we brought with us.  All the rest died for being Lutherans and against our Holy Catholic Faith.” [19]  (emphasis added)  As mentioned earlier even Christians were killed if they were not Catholics.  In commenting on Menendez’s zeal to kill the French Huguenots, Mendoza said:  “The fire and desire he has to serve Our Lord in throwing down and destroying this Lutheran sect, enemy of our Holy Catholic Faith, does not allow him to feel weary in the work.” [20]    


Among the company of priests, in addition to Mendoza and the Jesuit Priest of Saint Francis of Xavier, was Soils de las Meras, a Priest and brother-in-law to Menendez, and like Mendoza and the other priests, he too approved of the murder of the Huguenots in the name of Christianity.  “What we know of it is due to three Spanish eye-witnesses, Mendoza, Doctor Soils de las Meras, and Menendez himself.  Soils was a priest, and brother-in-law to MenendezLike Mendoza, he minutely describes what he saw, and, like him, was a red-hot zealot, lavishing applause on the darkest deeds of his chief.” [21]     


Mendoza was with Menendez at the first massacre of the French and Meras at the second.  According to Bartolome Barrientos who wrote "Pedro Menendez de Aviles Founder of Florida" The priest Meras was one of the two men who actually killed Ribaut. 


Breach of Faith


Menendez’s Brother-in-Law Justified Menendez’s Breach of Faith with the Huguenots


Menendez betrayed the two groups of Huguenots that were murdered on the beach.  During their several meetings, Menendez either implied or guaranteed their safety.  Ribaut himself called on Menendez to remember his oath.  Because many Catholics as well as Protestants believed that Menendez was guilty of a breach of faith, his brother-in-law came to his defense as follows: 


“Such is the sum of the French accounts.  The charge of breach of faith contained in them was believed by Catholics as well as Protestants; and it was as a defence against this charge that the narrative of the Adelantado’s brother-in-law was published.  That Ribaut, a man whose good sense and courage were both reputed high, should have submitted himself and his men to Menendez without positive assurance of safety, is scarcely credible; nor is it lack of charity to believe that a bigot so savage in heart and so perverted in conscience would act on the maxim, current among certain casuists of the day, that faith ought not to be kept with heretics.” [22]  (emphasis added)


Going Back to Hosea 6


Transgressed the Covenant “at Adam”


Hosea 6 verse 7 gives a spiritual understanding of the promises made by Menendez with the Huguenots at a river crossing where Menendez guaranteed their safety – only to break his oath by having them slaughtered – and only after the Huguenots crossed over the river.


Hosea 6:7 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against Me.  (KJV)


Hosea 6:7 7 But at Adam they transgressed the covenant, there they dealt faithlessly with Me. (RSV)


Hosea 6:7 7 Like Adam, they have broken the covenant – they were unfaithful to me there. (NIV)


The word “there” in verse 7 indicates that the “place” where the covenant was transgressed is important.  The Revised Standard translation identifies “at Adam” for the word “there” in the King James translation. 


Adam is the name of a city at the Jordan and it was here at the ford where Joshua and the Israelites crossed over the Jordan.  Joshua 3:16 That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.


Ribaut and the Huguenots “Crossed Over A River”


And, it was at a “river crossing” where Menendez broke his assurance and oaths promising the Huguenots safety.  To carry on talks with the Huguenots, Menendez and the Spaniards had to wait for the Huguenots to “cross over a river”.


“Famished and desperate, the followers of Ribaut were toiling northward to seek refuge at Fort Caroline, when they found the Spaniards in their path.  Some were filled with dismay; others, in their misery, almost hailed them as delivers.  La Caille, the sergeant-major, crossed the river.  Menendez met him with a face of friendship, and protested that he would spare the lives of the shipwrecked men, sealing the promise with an oath, a kiss, and many signs of the cross.  He even gave it in writing, under seal.  Still, there were many among the French who would not place themselves in his power.  The most credulous crossed the river in a boat.  As each successive party landed, their hands were bound fast at their backs; and thus, except a few who were set apart, they were all driven towards the fort, like cattle to the shambles, with curses and scurrilous abuse.  Then, at sound of drums and trumpets, the Spaniards fell upon them, striking them down with swords, pikes and halberds.  Ribaut vainly called on the Adelantado to remember his oath.  By his order, a soldier plunged a dagger into the French commander’s heart; and Ottigny, who stood near, met a similar fate.  Ribaut’s head was cut off, and portions of it sent in a letter to Philip the Second.  His head was hewn into four parts, one of which was displayed on the point of a lance at each corner of Fort St. Augustine. …” [23]  (emphasis added)


Protest in the context that Menendez protested meant to affirm or avow.  When Menendez was charged with a breach of faith, the brother-in-law of Menendez, a priest, justified this breach of faith by asserting “that faith ought not to be kept with heretics”.


Before Ribaut and other Huguenots “crossed the river”, were betrayed and killed, members from both groups of the Huguenots at separate times “crossed the river” multiple times in their talks with Menendez.  And it was at this particular river crossing that the covenant was broken.


Following are several accounts of those meetings that occurred with the Huguenots in which Menendez either “implied” or “guaranteed” the safety of the Huguenots:


On one occasion::  “Menendez gave him the same equivocal answer that he had given the former party, and Ribaut returned to consult with his officers.  After three hours of absence, he came back in the canoe, and told the Adelantado that some of his people were ready to surrender at discretion, but that many refused.  They can do as they please,’ was the reply.  In behalf of those who surrendered, Ribaut offered a ransom of a hundred thousand ducats.  ‘It would much grieve me,’ said Menendez, ‘not to accept it; for I have great need of it.’ …” [24]  (emphasis added)


On a separate occasion:  “One of the Frenchmen recrossed to consult with his companions.  In two hours he returned, and offered fifty thousand ducats to secure their lives; but Menendez, says his brother-in-law, would give no pledges.  On the other hand, expressions in his own despatches point to the inference that a virtual pledge was given, at least to certain individuals.  The starving French saw no resource but to yield themselves to his mercy.  The boat was again sent across the riverIt returned laden with banners, arquebuses, swords, targets, and helmets.  The Adelantado ordered twenty soldiers to bring over the prisoners, ten at a time.  He then took the French officers aside behind a ridge of sand, two gunshots from the bank.  Here, with courtesy on his lips and murder at his heart, …”


“The Adelantado walked in advance till he came to a lonely spot, not far distant, deep among the bush-covered hills.  Here he stopped, and with his can drew a line in the sand.  The sun was set when the captive Huguenots, with their escort, reached the fatal goal thus marked out.  And now let the curtain drop; for here, in the name of Heaven, the hounds of hell were turned loose, and the savage soldiery, like wolves in a sheepfold, rioted in slaughter.  Of all that wretched company, not one was left alive.” [25]  (emphasis added)


Hosea 6:7  7But at Adam they transgressed the covenant, there they dealt faithlessly with Me.


And, so it was, that at the crossing of the river that Menendez transgressed the covenant not only with the Huguenots, but also with the LORD.  During the conversations with the Huguenots, Menendez invoked the Name of the LORD, and by doing so he was required to keep his pledges of safety to the Huguenots.


The land was polluted ceremonially as well as morally


When Menendez went ashore in Florida there was much Catholic ritual that was part of the ceremony that took place when he took possession of the land.  The ceremony was performed by the same Catholic Priest that stood and gave his approval when Menendez killed Jean Ribault and other French Huguenots in the Name of God as a means to justify the shedding of innocent blood on the land.


The ceremony that Menendez participated in when he went ashore and formally took possession of the land in Florida involved rituals of the Catholic Church.  In fact, the Catholic Priest who led the rituals had gone ashore the night before in order to prepare the way for Menendez to come ashore:


“Notwithstanding the need for haste, the admiral’s landing was duly marked, for the Spanish were a ceremonious people, understanding the purposes of panoply and ritual.  On  the eighth of September, 1565, as the Indians stood and watched, Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Adelantado, Governor and Captain General of Florida, stepped from his launch with his gentlemen, announced by trumpets and artillery.  Chaplain Francisco lopez de Mendoza Grajales walked forward to greet him, carrying a cross and intoning the Te Deum Laudamus.  The company knelt to kiss the cross and, while banners hung limp in the sultry air, heard a mass in honor of the Nativity of Our Lady.  Then Menendez, notary by his side, took possession of Florida in the name of His most Catholic Majesty and as lord of the land received the fealty of his captains and the officials of the royal treasury.  The Saturibas of the vicinity played their role to perfection, kneeling before the cross, kissing hands, and trying their teeth on Spanish hardtack.  On that day St. Augustine, scarcely more than a ditch and a pile of barrels, became a Spanish municipality.” [26] (emphasis added)


Given that polluted means a knoll as well as deceitful, I find it of interest that the place that Menendez chose to slaughter the Huguenots was after they crossed over a “sand hill”.  It was only after the Spaniards led them in groups of ten over the “sand hill” that the Huguenots realized that Menendez had deceived them.   Menendez purposely chose the sand hill in order that the French Huguenots who had yet to be taken across the hill could not see what was happening to the other Huguenots as they were led across to the other side and slaughtered. [27]   


Hosea 6:7 7But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against Me.  The word “treacherously” means that the Spaniards dealt deceitfully with the Huguenots; they acted in a covert manner.  


When the land has been polluted the enemy can bind people to the land “spiritually”, continuing to operate through the same deception and defilement that he worked thorough years, even hundreds of years earlier.  For example, the land in Florida was polluted by Menendez, a Knight in the Order of Santiago, and other Spaniards who were on what amounted to a Crusade.  However, what does that look like?


Satan’s Crusades:  I don’t believe that anyone will argue the fact that the Crusades were “Holy Wars”.  However, even though they were fought in the Name of Jesus Christ, they were not “Holy Wars” fought for righteousness nor were they according to the will of God.  It is Scriptural that many people will say LORD, LORD and He will know them not.


The spirit of Knighthood seeks to “sup plant” and replace true Christianity with some form of religion or even Christianity that is in compromise and married to the world as its substitute.   


The Knights were the warriors who fought these Holy Wars during the Crusades.  While the purpose of most secular wars is to sup plant, it’s important to understand that Knights were spiritual warriors fighting spiritual battles albeit spiritual battles that they created to serve their own purposes.  Even though the Crusades were supposedly religious in nature, they were nonetheless political and secular as well.  It’s just that the political hid behind the religious.  Masses of land and wealth was accumulated and stolen by the Knights during the Crusades in the name of Christianity.  The evil that resulted during the Crusades and the evil men that justified their actions in the name of Christianity, betraying the Name of Jesus Christ, is almost unbearable to even think about


I don’t doubt that many of the Knights and Crusaders were misled and sincerely thought what they were doing was right.  There were many who were misled by both the Roman Catholic Church and by those Knights Templar who were fighting for power, land and wealth under the guise of Christianity.  


The Crusades were the Holy Wars of Satan.  The Crusades “Never” portrayed the true nature of Jesus Christ.  All the blood that was shed in His Name only served to make Jesus Christ a stumbling block - a stumbling block even to the Hebrews, Yahweh’s chosen people.


The Crusades, including the one led by Menendez in Florida were Holy Wars influenced by Satan and they were counterfeits of the Holy Wars led by Joshua when the Hebrew people crossed over the Jordan and took possession of Canaan.  We know from Scripture that Satan desires to be like Yahweh and that he counterfeits those things of Yahweh. 


The Holy Wars led by Joshua:  When Joshua and the Hebrew people crossed the Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land they needed to dislodge the enemy before they could take possession.  To leave the enemy in the land meant that the enemy would constantly be a snare to God’s people. 


Just as Joshua and Israel waged Holy Wars to displace the pagans – enemies of Yahweh – and then replace paganism with the worship of the LORD, Satan’s revenge is to wage his Holy Wars to displace Christians – enemies of the Kingdom of Darkness - then to replace Christianity with his substitute.  Psalm 2:1 1Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 3Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.  Psalm 2 reveals that the enemy is not only rebelling against Yahweh but also His people.  Among his substitutes:  Secular religion which is a form of godliness, Harry Potter, Freemasonry, Paganism, Mythology, etc.


The Holy Wars led by Satan’s People:  If Yahweh will use His people to dislodge Satan and his people to take possession of a geographical area, then Satan will use his people to dislodge Yahweh’s people from the land so that he can set up a counterfeit religion.  Satan will resort to what has worked before, even working through the brethren to betray brethren as he did in the Garden of Gethsemane


Just as Satan sent Roman soldiers to dislodge Jesus, Satan sent Spanish soldiers to dislodge the French Huguenots.  Just as Judas betrayed Jesus and led the Roman soldiers to where Jesus was, Francis Jean, a French Huguenot, betrayed his brethren and led Menendez and his Spanish soldiers some forty miles through the underbrush to the location of Fort Caroline the night of the massacre. [28]  


Laudonniere, the Governor of the French colony, was in charge of Fort Caroline the night that Menendez attacked.  Just as Judas identified Jesus to the Roman soldiers; Francois Jean identified Laudonniere to the Spanish soldiers that fateful night.  “As I went to give aid to those who were defending the breach on the side to the southwest, I was met there by a great number of Spaniards who had entered the fort by overcoming our men on that side.  They drove me into the great court of the fortress, and there I saw Francois Jean, one of the sailors who had stolen my boats in the mutiny.  He had guided the Spaniards to this place.  On seeing me, he began to shout that I was the captain of the fort.  This group was led by a captain who was, in my opinion, Don Pedro Menendez.” [29]   


John 18:2 2Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with His disciples.  3So Judas came to the grove, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.


However, instead of dislodging Jesus, the Scriptures were fulfilled concerning his death on the cross.  Scripture tells us that if the “princes” of this world had understood the real meaning of the cross then they would not have crucified Jesus.  That Paul used the word “princes” in 1 Corinthians 2:7 is significant.  I believe that princes included the principalities.  Had Satan understood that the grave was not going to be able to hold Jesus I don’t believe Satan would have been so eager for Jesus to be crucified.   1 Corinthians 2:7 7But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.


Nor did the Kingdom of Darkness understand the reality of God’s will concerning Jean Ribault and the French Huguenots.  Not until the hour of Ribault’s death when Ribault read Psalm 132 did Satan understand that Yahweh was allowing Ribault’s death for a Higher purpose. 


Had Satan understood that God was allowing Jean Ribault’s death in order to plant the seeds to worship Him in spirit and in truth here in America, I don’t believe that Satan would have sent the Spaniards to kill him.  Like Jean Ribault and others of the Protestant movement, there are still many here in America who seek to worship the LORD in spirit and in truth and who will never submit to the will of compromise and the traditions of man found in Catholicism or any denomination.  I believe that it was the seeds planted by the French Huguenots and their martyrdom that opened the door for others seeking a place to worship the LORD in spirit and truth to come to America. 


It is through the church that the LORD reveals to Satan and the Kingdom of Darkness what He is doing at any given time.  Ephesians 3 [10] To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,  Amplified reads:  “[The purpose is] that through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere. 


Even though we know that all the earth is Yahweh’s, it is still a Biblical principle that the LORD has allowed Satan and the Kingdom of Darkness authority, including geographical authority, for various reasons and for certain periods of time.  For example, in John 19 Jesus explains to Pilate that it is his Father that has given Pilate authority to crucify Jesus and that Pilate of himself had no authority over Him.


John 19:10 10 “Do you refuse to speak to me?’  Pilate said.  ‘Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?’”.  However, in verse 11 Jesus states clearly that it His Father who has given Pilate the power to make such a decision.  11 “Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.  Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.’ ”


Jeremiah 49 is a Scriptural basis where we find that Molech, pagan god of the Ammonites, along with his priests and officials has taken possession of a geographical area. 


Jeremiah 49:1 1 Concerning the Ammonites: This is what the LORD says: “Has Israel no sons? Has she no heirs? Why then has Molech taken possession of GadWhy do his people live in its towns2But the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will sound the battle cry against Rabbah of the Ammonites; it will become a mound of ruins, and its surrounding villages will be set on fire. Then Israel will drive out those who drove her out,” says the LORD. 3Wail, O Heshbon, for Ai is destroyed! Cry out, O inhabitants of Rabbah! Put on sackcloth and mourn; rush here and there inside the walls, for Molech will go into exile, together with his priests and officials.


Furthermore, during the six years that Jephthah judged Israel he fought and won a battle against the Ammonites and their national god Chemosh.  The battle was fought over who owned the land and Jephthah raises the question concerning land and their god verses the God of Israel.  [Even though Molech is the recognized National deity of the Ammonites and Chemosh is the recognized National deity over the Moabites when the two nations formed a confederacy then Chemosh and Molech both would have been considered the national deity over whichever Nation was ruling at the time]


Judges 11:24  24Wilt not thou possess that which Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess? So whomsoever the Lord our God shall drive out from before us, them will we possess. 25And now art thou any thing better than Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab? did he ever strive against Israel, or did he ever fight against them, 26While Israel dwelt in Heshbon and her towns, and in Aroer and her towns, and in all the cities that be along by the coasts of Arnon, three hundred years? why therefore did ye not recover them within that time? 27Wherefore I have not sinned against thee, but thou doest me wrong to war against me: the Lord the Judge be judge this day between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon.


Spiritual Cords Tied to the Land of the Ammonites


What do the gods of the Land of the Ammonites Require


Scripture reveals to us that the LORD requires us to worship Him in certain ways.  As one of many examples, we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth and we are not to worship Him the way pagans worship their pagan deities. Nor are we to worship Him alongside pagan deities. 


Scripture speaks of the “Baals”.  The world Baal is a “title” and this title identifies the ruling Geographical principality over the other unclean spirits in their particular geographical area.  And, just as Yahweh gave guidelines as to how He was to be worshipped, the principalities and other unclean spirits desired to be worshipped in very specific ways as well. 


For example, child sacrifice was part of the worship that Chemosh and Molech demanded of their followers.  [Leviticus 18:21; 2 Kings 23:10]  We know that incest is a manifestation of these two spirits as well because the Moabites, whose National deity is Chemosh and the Ammonites, whose national deity is Molech originated from the incestuous relationship between Lot and his two daughters.  [Genesis 19:30-38]  In addition to actually sacrificing their children in a fire, incest is in a sense a type of child sacrifice as well.  In other words, these two deities require that children in some way be harmed by the very ones that they should be able to trust, both their parents and other relatives. 


On the other hand, instead of being sacrificed as victims, children participated in the worship of the Queen of Heaven by gathering the wood for the fathers to light in order for the women to bake cakes that they had made for the Queen of Heaven in her image.  Making vows, burning incense and pouring out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven was also required in the worship of the Queen of Heaven.  [Jeremiah 7:17-18 & 44]    


The concept that pagan gods were worshipped in a certain manner, depending upon their nationality, is further explained in the Book of 2 Kings Chapter 17.  And Daniel 10 gives a further understanding of geographical principalities. 


2 Kings 17 also gives an example of syncretistic religion.  The people worshiped the God of Israel while continuing to worship pagan gods at the same time.  Verses 24-41 gives an account whereby Samaria has been resettled with people from various nations and the people from the various nations brought the worship of their national deity with them to Samaria.  These people were taught about the God of Israel and the manner in which He was to be worshiped; however, they continued to worship their own national deity as well, each according to the manner in which each pagan god required. 


For example, the people of Babylon would have made tents or booths which involved a form of religious prostitution for their god, Succoth-benoth, while the men of Cuth would have honored their national deity, Nergal, as a god of the chase and a god of battles.  And the people of Hamath would have made an image of a goat without wool as representative of their god, Ashima.  The Avites worshipped their national deity, Tartak, made in the image of a donkey.  Reference:  Dake’s Notes on Exodus 23:24


2 Kings 17:30  30And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, 31And the Avites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim.   32They feared the Lord, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.


The gods of St. Augustine:  And this is what happened when the Spaniards established a colony in Florida.  Roman Catholicism is an example of syncretistic religion.  The Spaniards worshiped the God of Israel; however, when they came to Florida they also invoked the principality operating behind the supposed St. James as well as established the worship of the Queen of Heaven at the Spanish Mission.


Back to Jephthas & the Ammonites:  The children of Ammon warred against the children of Israel; however, the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah enabling the Israelites to subdue the Ammonites.  The Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah “before” he made a vow to the LORD that if the LORD gave him victory over the Ammonites he would sacrifice to Him whatsoever came out of his house to greet him upon his return home.   The LORD didn’t require such a vow of Jephthah, so why would Jephthah make a vow when the LORD had already granted him victory?  


The answer lies in “When” Jephthah made the vow.  Given the sequence of events, Jephthah made the vow “After” he had left the boundaries of Israel’s land and crossed over into the boundaries of the Ammonites.  In other words, Jephthah was influenced by Chemosh, the national deity of the Ammonites and this deity required a burnt offering of “child sacrifice” of all those living in Ammon or coming into his geographical region. 


It doesn’t mean that Jephthah consciously made the vow; however, he came under the influence of this particular spirit.  Even King David was “incited” by Satan when he took a census.  1 Chronicles 21:1 1And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.   


It was Jephthah’s daughter who came out to greet him upon his return from war.  Jephthah would not have known that it was his daughter that would have come out to greet him; however, it was careless of Jephthah to make such a vow given that he did not know that it would not have been his daughter.  Besides, whether it was his daughter or someone else, either way a human sacrifice would not have been according to God’s will.  Some believe that Jephthah was thinking in terms of an animal, but Jephthah specified that whatsoever came out of his house to “meet him”.  And, it was customary for those coming home from war to be met by their families with singing and dancing.


According to the tenth Book of Daniel there are geographical principalities.  According to Judges 11, we know that Chemosh, the god of the Ammonites, was connected to their land.  In other words Chemosh was a geographical principality over Ammon.  And, the spiritual cords over the land of the Ammonites were cords that required child sacrifice as an offering to Chemosh. 


The gods of St. Augustine:  Roman Catholicism is an example of syncretistic religion.  From the very beginning of establishing a Spanish colony in Florida, the Spaniards invoked pagan deities.  Even before Menendez attacked Fort Caroline he and the other Spaniards worshipped the God of Israel at St. Augustine while at the same time invoking Mary as well as the spirit of Santiago to go with them into battle. 


Mary of the Catholic Church is not Mary the Mother of Jesus.  Their interpretation of Mary is nowhere to be found in the Bible.  However, the way in which they portray Mary is no different than the worship of the mother goddess or the Queen of Heaven.


The Queen of Heaven & the Asherah Pole at the Mission of Nombre de Dios in St. Augustine, Florida:  The Mission of Nombre de Dios was founded at the site where Menendez and the Spaniards first set foot in St. Augustine, laying claim to Florida as well as what is now known as all of America in 1565. 


Considered by the Catholics to be the most sacred acre of land in all of America, the Marian Shrine is the first of all Marian Shrines established in America and is located where the first mass was offered by Mendoza, one of the Catholic priests that accompanied Menendez in 1565.  


Even though the actual shrine to Mary was not built until 1620, intercession to Mary for victory over the French Huguenots began before the Spanish even landed, continuing throughout their slaughter.  Because of the relationship between the Knights of Santiago and the Shrine of St. James, their role in protecting Spanish pilgrims on their way to the “Shrine”, it was only a matter of time before a “Shrine” to another Catholic Saint was built at the first Spanish Mission in America.


The following picture was taken inside the Shrine to Mary on the grounds of the Mission of Nombre de Dios.  There are three objects in the following picture that are important to this study. 


1.  The statue of Mary in her role as “Our Lady of la Leche” and as a Queen

2.  The Wooden Tree

3.  The Altar



Deuteronomy 16:21 21So do not set up any wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build to the LORD your God.


An Asherah pole is a reference to a wooden pole or tree that represented the Canaanite goddess Asherah.  Notice in the above picture that Mary is portrayed as a “Queen”, seated on top of a “Tree Trunk” that has been placed beside the altar of the LORD.  The wooden pole itself is the symbol of Asherah.  The above statue is the Asherah pole beside the altar to the LORD as described in Deuteronomy 16:21 and is an abomination unto the LORD


1.  The statue of Mary in her role as “Our Lady of la Leche” and as a Queen:  Scripture does not portray Mary as a Queen breast feeding Jesus.  However, Scripture does reveal the worship of the Queen of Heaven and the Israelites were forbidden to participate in this idolatrous worship - Jeremiah 7:18 and Jeremiah 44:17, 25.  Furthermore, several of the Queens of Heaven, including Ashera, in ancient times were portrayed wearing a crown and breast feeding their son as pictured above.  


2.   The Wooden Tree:  Mary of the Bible was never portrayed seated on top of a Wooden Pole as portrayed in St. Augustine.  However, Scripture forbids Asherah poles and Asherah trees.  NIV:  Deuteronomy 7:5, Deuteronomy 16:21


3.   The Altar:  Mary was never portrayed seated in front of an altar seated on top of a tree trunk as portrayed in the above picture.  However, Scripture forbids a tree or wooden pole in front on the altar.  Deuteronomy 16:21


The following two pictures are close-ups of the tree trunk or Asherah Pole.



The Catholic’s portrayal of Mary and Jesus does not line up with Scripture.  However, their portrayal does line up with the ancient pagan worship of the Queen of Heaven or the mother goddess worship.  Numerous Babylonian monuments as well as monuments and paintings from other countries depict a goddess nursing an infant.


Both the worship and visual image of the mother and child was so much a part of pagan tradition that when they joined the Christian Church, pagans were unwilling to let go of the mother goddess worship.  To appease the people, Catholic leadership merely renamed the mother goddess “Mary” and her infant child “Jesus”.  In other words, the Catholic Church compromised and combined Christianity with paganism.  In this way it became acceptable to both.


A Matter of the Heart:  The following Scriptures explain why men, women and their children will not give up the idolatry of the Queen of Heaven.  It was in their heart and continues down through time even unto today.  These Scriptures reveal their heart’s desire and their determination to have their rebellious will over the will of the LORD.


The Queen of HeavenJeremiah 7 [15] Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, [16] As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto thee. [17] But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. [18] But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. [19] And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?


Jeremiah 44:17 17But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. 18But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.


Just as the Israelites gave credit to the Queen of Heaven for their prosperity and not the LORD, I have personally heard Catholics give the Queen of Heaven, the Mary of the Catholic faith, honor, glory and credit for all the good in their lives.  Obviously, they do not test the spirits, as we are told to do, and ignore the Scriptures that reveal that Satan counterfeits these things as well.  2 Thessalonians 2:9 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


What do the gods of St. Augustine Require


Mary & St. James the Sup planter were invoked over America:   That Menendez and others “invoked” the spirit behind Mary and St. James before and upon their arrival to Florida gave those particular spirits legal access here in America.  The god or principality operating behind Mary, the Queen of Heaven and James the sup planter both require to be worshipped in the manner that they were worshipped in Santiago:



Worship in Spain

Worship in St. Augustine

St. James and Mary had Shrines


A Shrine was set up to Mary of Lady Lache

Catholics make a pilgrimage to St. James’s Shrine

Thousands of people make a pilgrimage to Mary’s Shrine

Pray to St. James and Mary


Pray to St. James and Mary

Syncretistic Religion:  They pray to James, Mary and Yahweh

Syncretistic Religion:  They pray to James, Mary and Yahweh

Catholics consider the Shrine of St. James sacred land

Catholics consider Mary’s Shrine as the most sacred land in America


The Spiritual Cords laid down in St. Augustine as well as Fort Caroline and Mantanza, Florida still are still binding that particular geographical area today.  And whether people understand or not, the enemy has legal access to operate through these spiritual cords.  That legal access extends even to our government. 


It’s also important to understand that over time other spiritual cords have been added to the ones laid down by Menendez.  These additional spiritual cords laid down by others, such as the Freemasons, have contributed to this spiritual cord becoming stronger and stronger and until it is not easily broken.  It doesn’t mean that these spiritual cords cannot be broken; however, they become harder to break over time.


The first Spanish Mission established in America, Mission Nombre de Dios, is a Place of Pilgrimage even today for the approximately 200,000 that make a pilgrimage there yearly.  The particular chapel that houses the Mary statue of Lady of La Leche, which is Spanish for “Our Lady of the Milk and Happy Delivery”, is considered the cornerstone of the mission, which by implication is one of the “spiritual cornerstones” of America.  As already noted, the Chapel with the Mary statue is considered to be America’s Most Sacred Acre.


The present chapel is a replica of earlier coquina (a natural rock formation consisting of sea shells and limestone) chapels. The significance is the use of “Sea Shells” given that a sea shell was the symbol of the Knights of the Order of Santiago and later used by other Knights on their coat of armor to indicate that they had participated in a Crusade or been on a long pilgrimage.



Satan  the “Sup planter” of True Christianity

Is one the Ruling Spirits Over America


And the LORD said unto the serpent, … And thou shalt bruise his heel


In other words, Satan, that old ancient serpent, is a heel catcher, and he will use trickery to sup plant someone just as the Spanish used trickery to sup plant two of the three groups of Huguenots that they slaughtered.  Scripture tells us that Satan will “bruise the heel” of mankind.  In other words Satan will “overwhelm someone by seizing them by their heel in order to trip and sup plant them. 


The “Ruling Principality” over America is Satan and his goal is to continue to “Sup Plant” the “True Christianity” that the French Huguenots laid down as the foundation of America!


All other geographical spirits and their dominions fall under the dominion of Satan and the Sup Planter. 


And the LORD said unto the serpent, … And thou shalt bruise his heel


Biblical Principles:  The same Scripture can be referring to the Natural while at the same time dealing with the Spiritual.  When studying Scripture, it is important to understand that there are Biblical principles and often times a Scripture has more than one application – as in the case of Genesis 3:15.


Genesis 3:14 14And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.


The Natural Serpent and the Spiritual Serpent:  For example, in Genesis 3, the serpent in the Garden of Eden involves more than the serpent itself. 


From studying Scripture we know that Satan is the old ancient serpent (Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:2) and that he was also in the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 28:13).  The serpent in Genesis involves two serpents, one in the natural realm and one in the spiritual realm.  It involved the spiritual working through the natural.  While Satan, that old ancient serpent, represents the spiritual realm, he was operating through the literal serpent that God created, which represents the natural realm. 


Even though we are in a spiritual battle, we need to be mindful that Satan will choose those things and people in the natural realm that are not so obvious to us to hide behind and work through in order to trip us by the heel. 


Genesis 3:15 reveals to us that the serpent will “bruise the heel” of mankind.  The word bruise means to “overwhelm” and just as the name James means “heel catcher, the word heel in Genesis 3:15 means “to seize by the heel” and to sup plant as well.  In other words, Satan will attempt to “overwhelm and sup plant God’s people by tripping them up by their heels”.


Satan the Heel Catcher Hid behind Saint James:  Given that Satan will bruise the heel of mankind, we can begin to understand that it was Satan hiding behind the principality Saint James when the Spaniards sup planted the French Huguenots. 


Why does Satan hide?  When the Spaniards attacked Fort Caroline, their war cry was “Santiago”.  It stands to reason that if they shouted “Satan” instead of Santiago when attacking Fort Caroline, it would have been too obvious to those Spaniards who really thought that they were fighting a “Holy War” for the LORD – not a “Holy War” for the enemy


See for yourself:


The following has already been referenced in this section as to what Menendez and his men shouted when attacking Fort Caroline:  “‘Santiago!” cried Menendez.  ‘At them!  God is with us!  Victory!’  And, shouting their hoarse war-cries, the Spaniards rushed down the slope like starved wolves.” …  “Through the breaches and over the ramparts the Spaniards came pouring in, with shouts of ‘Santiago!  Santiago!’”


Now, substitute Satan for Santiago and one can see why Satan hides


Satan!  Cried Menendez.  At them!  God is with us! …  Through the breaches and over the ramparts the Spaniards came pouring in, with shouts of Satan!  Satan!  Satan was able to work through the mind set of the Spaniards whose opinions and ideas were those of man and according to the Catholic Church and not those of Yahweh!  


Jesus Found Himself in the same Type of Situation:


Jesus said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan:  Matthew 16:21 is a clear Biblical example of the Biblical Principal that a passage of Scripture can be referring to the Natural while at the same time dealing with the Spiritual.  In Mathew 16:21 Jesus addressed Peter, [the natural realm], while simultaneously addressing Satan, [the spiritual realm].


Matthew 16:21 21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. [22] Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. [23] But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.


In an attempt to get Jesus to sin, Satan used Peter as a vehicle.  Satan knew that Jesus would not be tempted by him, because he had already tempted Jesus without success.  So, he made an effort to tempt Jesus through a disciple that was close to Jesus.


Satan hid behind Peter, and using Peter as the vehicle, attempted to “seize Jesus by the heel” in order to keep Jesus from fulfilling His work to be done at the cross.  In response, Jesus addressed Peter and Satan at the same time concerning the same situation.  “But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan


We need to keep in mind that Satan “hides” behind others when trying to “seize the heel” of someone.  Satan knows that the remnant will not willingly disobey the LORD.  However, we need to be aware that his plan is that we may be influenced by those that we love and trust, not realizing that we are taking the bait of the enemy.  Like Peter, Satan will try and use our friends and loved ones as a “stumbling block” in our lives.


            1 Peter 5 [8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:    2 Corinthians 2 [11] Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

In order to keep Satan from outwitting us, we need to be aware of his wiles and schemes and it is important to understand how Satan is able to use people as a vehicle to operate through, as was the case when the Spaniards seized the heel of the French Huguenots. 


The answer can be found in Matthew 16 verse 23.  Jesus rebuked Peter for becoming a stumbling block and hindrance to Him.  Peter was a hindrance to Jesus because he did not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.  And, it was because Peter had the things of men in mind that Satan was able to work through him.


Matthew 16 [23] But Jesus turned away from Peter and said to him, Get behind Me, Satan!  You are in My way [an offense and a hindrance and a snare to Me] for you are minding what partakes not of the nature and quality of God, but of men.  Amplified Bible 


Jesus stated to both Peter and Satan that “thou art an offense unto Me:  for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men”.  In other words Jesus was binding Satan from setting a trap or snare through Peter not having his mind set on the things of God but on men.  Satan was seeking to work through “the things of men” which was Peter’s opinion or earthly point of view concerning Jesus’ destiny.  Peter’s point of view or opinion was not based upon Yahweh’s will or point of view, which was that Jesus would be crucified on the cross.  


Satan still attempts to create stumbling blocks in the Body of Christ by working through the brethren’s opinion or point of view that is often based on a lack of understanding to come against the anointing or call on the lives of others. As long as it is Biblical, it is not necessary for me to understand someone else’s calling.  And, I am not to jostle their place on the wall.  What I believe is necessary is that we understand what Yahweh has called us to as individuals and to be faithful to that calling.


But Jesus turned away from Peter and said to him, Get behind Me, Satan!


That Jesus “turned away from Peter” indicates that Jesus literally had his back to Peter, meaning that Peter was behind Jesus at the same time that Jesus commanded Satan to get behind him as well.  Jesus dealt with both the natural and the spiritual simultaneously.


To Sup plant:  To understand the strategy that Satan has and is continuing to use to “Sup plant” true Christianity in America, we need to understand what supplant means.  We have addressed the Biblical meaning; however, the meaning found in the Dictionary is very revealing as well and does not contradict the Biblical meaning.


“Supplant” (Webster’s New International Dictionary – 1932): To trip up one’s heels, to throw down;  1) To trip up, 2) To overthrow, destroy, undermine, or force away, esp. in order to put a substitute in place of, 3) To remove or displace, as by stratagem; esp., to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as one who supplants another in royal favor.

Synonym:  Remove, Displace, Undermine, Overthrow, Supersede


The goal of the spirit over America is to “Supplant” and “Overthrow” through deception, undermining, use of force or whatever means it takes to “Displace” the “True Christianity” that the French Huguenots laid down as the foundation of America!


The goal of this spirit is to overthrow “Uncompromising Christianity” such as was practiced by the French Huguenots, and in its place, substitute a Christianity that is in compromise, such as Catholicism.  


The Sons of Thunder also meant “Sons of Commotion”.  One only has to read the news or even attend the public schools to understand how much commotion is being created over what is acceptable and what is not acceptable concerning Christianity.  The laws are such that no one really knows what they mean or how to apply them and that’s why so many people are ending up in the courts for the courts to rule on issues concerning what is legal and what is illegal concerning Christianity.  And the list goes on.


Satan doesn’t want to sup plant “religion” or “spirituality” – however, he will undermine, or do whatever it takes to supplant True Christianity.  Religion and spirituality are the substitutes for true Christianity.  For example, Harry Potter serves as one of the many substitutes that Satan has made available for Christianity in schools whether they realize it or not.


The spirit behind Knighthood operates alongside the Sup planter:  The Spanish invoked the name of James, their patron saint when they attacked here in America – and they considered James the greatest of all “Knights”.  It was this spirit of Knighthood that was invoked over America.  It is a spirit that seeks to usurp the Blessings of true Christianity, which was laid down by the French Huguenots, and later worked through the Masonic knighthood of secular religion, etc.


The “Escalloped Shell” as a symbol of St. James was originally worn only by the Knights and pilgrims devoted to St. James. [30]   


The importance attached to the escalloped shell as a symbol pertaining to the Crusades became such that the Pope decreed that only the Crusaders of nobility could wear the symbol of the escalloped shell.  These Crusaders now included other orders of Knights or Crusaders as well as the Knights of the Order of Santiago as long as they were of nobility.   The escalloped shell identified the wearer as one of nobility who had fulfilled his vows either as a Crusader or had made a long pilgrimage. 


“The following illustrations of the dress and emblems of the Knights Templars, will be read with interest in this connection:  … On his head a broad-brimmed hat, with a shell in front; … An Escallop Shell was the Pilgrim’s ensign in their pilgrimages to holy places.  They were worn on their hoods and hats, and were of such a distinguishing character that Pope Alexander IV., by a bull, forbade the use of them but to pilgrims who were truly noble. … So highly were these escallop shells prized by the Christians that Pope Alexander IV., by a bull, prohibited the assumption of escallop shells as armorial devices by all but ‘pilgrims who were truly noble.’” [31]     


George Washington, the Escalloped shell and a Knight’s Helmet


George Washington personally chose both the Escalloped Shell and the helmet of a Knight to be emblazoned on his Coat of Arms that he had designed for his carriage. [32] The Escalloped Shell identifies Washington as a “Sup planter” and “Deceiver” just as the Knights of the Order of Santiago.  In other words Washington meant to “supplant” true Christianity with the “Secular Religion” of the Masonic Knighthood as the substitute. 


As a Freemason, Washington understood the importance and power of symbols and he thoroughly understood how to communicate using symbols.  Washington would not have carelessly chosen the escalloped shell and knights helmet or any symbol without a thorough understanding of what it communicated to others; specifically his fraternal brothers.  Many of the titles of Freemason Degrees were those of Knights; as a Freemason, [33]  George Washington was considered a Knight. 


There is much to say about this topic and how it relates to Washington and will be explained in much greater detail in another section.


And, there is much to say about another matter.


George Washington was of Huguenot Ancestry


That George Washington was of Huguenot Ancestry brings to the table yet another dimension of the multifaceted life of our first President.  And, likewise, this topic will be discussed in another section.  However, I want to briefly touch upon this subject matter.


Much has been written about Washington’s ancestry on his father’s side; however, the earliest known forefather of George Washington to have come to America was from his mother’s side.  And, it was through this maternal forefather that George Washington was of Huguenot Ancestry.


The LORD used the French Huguenots to plant the spiritual seeds of America.  On the other hand, Satan used George Washington, who was of Huguenot Ancestry to plant the seeds of secular religion.


Retribution in Kind – Satan’s Personal Revenge


Keeping in mind that Satan wants to be like Yahweh will help us to understand that Satan will pervert the Scriptures and apply them as he sees fit.  For example, Satan applied the Biblical principal of retribution in kind, however, in a perverted sense when he worked through George Washington to plant the secular seeds of religion in America.  Retribution in Kind means that Satan would purposely choose someone of Huguenot Ancestry to plant the tares of secular religion.  I say Huguenot Ancestry because Satan would not be able to accomplish such through a true Huguenot.


There are those who speak of Washington’s Huguenot Ancestry as though the term Huguenot was referring to a nationality.  For those who believe that George Washington was a Huguenot, I want to clarify that he was of “Huguenot Ancestry”.  And there is a difference between someone who is a true Huguenot and someone who is of Huguenot Ancestry.


It is of the utmost importance to understand that “Huguenot Ancestry” does not make someone a Huguenot.  For example, at birth, someone’s offspring is not automatically born a Christian just because the parents are Christians.  Likewise, someone is not born a Huguenot – they are Huguenots because they choose to walk in righteousness. 


It is a fact that George Washington was of Huguenot Ancestry.


It is also a fact that Washington’s life never reflected that of a true Huguenot.


Again, Washington’s Huguenot Ancestry will be discussed in greater detail in another section.





America’s Holy War in 1565 –


In addition to what history taught us about the Conquistadors, history has failed to teach us all the facts as to why the Conquistadors came to America.  While it is true that the Conquistadors exploited the Native American Indians and came to America to search for gold, the larger purpose reveals that they came as Crusaders.  The Conquistadors were Knights of Santiago waging a holy war for the King and for the Pope.


There can be no doubt that a “Crusade” led by a “Knight” took place on America soil.   The following facts speak for themselves (emphasis added):


1.                  Regarding their mission to thrust the Huguenots from Florida, the universal mindset of Menendez and other Catholics was that of waging a Holy War and a Crusade.


“It was a holy war, a crusade, and as such was preached by priest and monk along the western coasts of Spain.” …  A darker spirit urged the new crusade, - born not of hope, but of fear, slavish in its nature, the creature and the tool of despotism; for the typical Spaniard of the sixteenth century was not in strictness a fanatic, he was bigotry incarnate.” [34]   


2.   Crusades were led by Knights and Menendez was a Knight in the Order of Santiago. 


When Menendez was commissioned, King Phillip II addressed  a letter to Menendez regarding his duties and responsibilities as Adelantado, in sailing to Florida to oust the French Huguenots in the following manner:  “To Gen. Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Knight of the Order of Santiago and our Governor of the Province of Florida.” [35]


3.                  Menendez and the Spaniards invoked Santiago with the “War Cry” of the Knights of Santiago when attacking Fort Caroline


“ ‘Santiago!’  cried Menendez. ‘At them!  God is with us!  Victory!’  And, shouting their hoarse war-cries, the Spaniards rushed down the slope like starved wolves.  …  Through the breaches and over the ramparts the Spaniards came pouring in, with shouts of ‘Santiago!  Santiago!’ ” [36]


4.   Galicia was the birthplace of the Knights of Santiago and many Knights of Galicia set sail with Menendez joining the Crusade against the French Huguenots. 


“Preparation for his enterprise was pushed with furious energy.  His whole force, when the several squadrons were united, amounted to two thousand six hundred and forty-six persons, in thirty-four vessels, one of which, the San Pelayo, bearing Menendez himself, was of nine hundred and ninety-six tons burden, and is described as one of the finest ships afloat.  [FN#21]  There were twelve Franciscans and eight Jesuits, besides other ecclesiastics; and many knights of Galicia, Biscay, and the Astruias took part in the expedition.” [37]


            5.  The Tombstone of Menendez:


Menendez died in 1574, approximately two years after he left America to go back to Spain.  The following inscription on his tombstone is taken from The Spanish Borderlands. [38]


“His body was carried to the Church of St. Nicholas in Aviles and placed in a niche on the Gospel side of the altar.  His tomb is marked with this inscription:  ‘Here lies interred the very illustrious cavalier Pedro Men de Aviles, native of this town, Adelantado of the Provinces of Florida, Commander of the Holy Cross of La Carca of the Order of Santiago and C. Gen. of the Ocean Sea and of the Catholic Armada which the Lord Philip II. Assembled against England in the year 1574, at Santander, where he died on the 17th of September of the said year being fifty-five years of age.’” (emphasis added)


Even in death, the inscription on Menendez’s tombstone will forever proclaim and state publicly to the world that Menendez was Governor of Florida and a Knight in the Order of Santiago. 


            6.  Other Knights of Santiago in America


      Hernando De Soto was a Knight in the Order of Santiago:


Menendez led his Crusade in America in 1565; however, there was an earlier Crusade in America.  In 1539, twenty-six years before Menendez came to America, Hernando De Soto, a Knight in the order of Santiago like Menendez and shouting the war cry of Santiago, made his presence in Florida known.    “Hernando De Soto was about thirty-six years of age when he was appointed adelantado of Florida.  He was ‘a gentleman by all four descents,’ and had recently been created by the Emperor a knight of the order of Santiago .” [39]


As with other Crusades, in addition to his soldiers, De Soto, zealous for the Catholic Church and the Order of Santiago, took with him the necessary priests to convert the Native American Indians to Catholicism. 


“De Soto took the chief by the hand and led him out, accompanied by a dozen foot soldiers; and then, having thrown the Indians off guard by this strategy, he ordered the trumpet sounded.  Shouting their battle cry of ‘Santiago’ the Spaniards bore down upon the Indians, and, after a brief fierce fight, routed them and killed from thirty to forty, while the rest leaped into two nearby lakes to escape the horsemen’s lances.” [40]


“This was the beginning of three years of restless wandering, in the course of which De Soto and his men traversed Florida, Georgia, Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas.  Leaving at the camp a garrison of fifty footmen with thirty horses and food for two years, on August 1, 1539, De Soto set out.  In his train were some five hundred and fifty lancers, crossbowmen, and arquebusiers, about two hundred horses, a number of priests and Dominican friars – with the sacred vessels, vestments, and white meal for the Mass;…” [41]


7.   Knights of Santiago at Canyon de Chelly, Arizona


It was not unusual for the Native America Indians to carve historical events into the rock.  This type of “rock art” is known as “petroglyphs” and one such petroglyph carved into Canyon de Chelly, located in Arizona, portrays the Spanish Conquistadors marching into the Canyon. [42]


Interestingly, in this particular petroglyph at Canyon de Chelly, the Indians portrayed the Conquistadors wearing the “wide brimmed hat, a long staff, and a short cape with a cross (the “cross of Santiago”) portrayed on the cape.  This is an exact representation of The Knights of Santiago as they not only wore armor, but at times also wore the prescribed clothing of the pilgrim on his way to the Shrine of Santiago:  a “wide brimmed hat”, an “eight foot staff”, and a “short cape”.  In other words, the petroglyph gives a picture of more than just Spanish Conquistadors; the petroglyph reveals that these Conquistadors were also Knights of Santiago. 


8.  The Solder-Knight - A mixture of Catholicism & Paganism:  


The soldier-knight was known for his zeal for the Catholic Church and he was equally known for his beliefs in paganism.  It was this mixture of Christianity and paganism that was established in St. Augustine, Florida.


The following is an excerpt from The Spanish Borderlands.  “Adventure, conquest, piety, wealth, were the ideals of those Spanish explorers, who, pushing northward from the West Indies and from the City of Mexico, first planted the Cross and the banner of Spain in the swamps of Florida and in the arid plateaus of New Mexico.  The conquistadors who threaded the unknown way through the American wilderness were armored knights upon armored horses; proud, stern, hardy, and courageous; men of punctilious honor, loyal to King and Mother Church, humble only before the symbols of their Faith; superstitiousbelieving in portents and omens no less than in the mysteries of the Church, for the magic of Moorish soothsayers and astrologers had colored the life of their ancestors for generationsPart pagan, however, the conquistador was no less a zealous warrior for Church and king.  His face was as flint against all heretics.  He went forth for the heathen’s gold and the heathen’s soul.  If he succeeded, riches and honor were his.  Hardship, peril, death, had no terrors for this soldier-knight.  If he was pitiless towards others, so was he pitiless toward himself.  He saw his mission enveloped with romantic glory.  Such men were the conquistadors, …” [43]



Characteristics of a Crusade:  The Huguenots and the Native Americans were considered enemies of the Roman Catholic Church; therefore, to justify his claim to the land in America, the Pope declared that because the Huguenots rejected the teachings of the Catholic Church, they were heretics and therefore had no claim to exist let alone to establish a colony in the New World.  Furthermore, because the Native Americans worshipped pagan deities the Pope declared they had no right to the land that they and their forefathers had lived on for centuries.


Menendez was not only a conquistador, he was also a Knight in the Order of Santiago also known as the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword.  That King Philip addressed Menendez in his role as a Knight makes it perfectly clear that Menendez was undertaking a Holy War.


The Conquistadores considered themselves the Auxiliaries of the Crusade:


The following quote is from the Catholic Encyclopedia online under “Crusades”:  “The Conquistadores, who ever since the fifteenth century had been going forth to discover new lands, considered themselves the auxiliaries of the crusade.” [44]


Again, long after the Crusades in the Holy Land were abandoned, other Crusades were being fought by Knights in different countries by Orders of Knights who were not Knights Templar, but were founded on the same principles and these particular Crusades did not come to an end until the seventeenth century.  And once again, it will probably surprise many living in America to find out that a Crusade or Holy War was fought in 1565 on what is now known as American soil. 


Anyone outside of Catholicism was considered an enemy of the Church of Rome.  Those who left the Catholic Faith to join in the Protestant movement became branded as heretics, and as such, were now considered the enemy of the Roman Catholic Church.  However, as we Protestants know better, that while we were considered enemies of the Catholic Church, we were not enemies of Yahweh or His son Jesus Christ.  The Protestants desired to worship the LORD in spirit and in truth – Roman Catholics did not – the relationship was more with the Church itself as opposed to Yahweh.  Therein lies the real issue as to why we were and still are considered enemies of Catholicism.


When the French Huguenots, who were already considered enemies of the Church of Rome, came over and settled a colony on land that the Pope had granted to the countries of Portugal and Spain – the services of a “Knight” was needed to protect the interests of both Spain and the Church of Rome in what is now known as America. Therefore, the services of Menendez, who was a Knight in the Order of Santiago, were enlisted!  After arriving on the shores of Florida, Menendez had the Huguenots killed in the name of Spain and in the name of the Catholic Church.  He declared that he killed them not as Frenchmen but as Protestants. 


What was a Crusade?  


According to the Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) “Crusade” includes the following:  “A Crusade signified to take the cross, mark one’s self with a cross and any one of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers, in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Mohammedans.  It was any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm; as, a crusade against intemperance.  To engage in a crusade; to attack in a zealous or hot-headed manner.” 


According to the Online Catholic Encyclopedia “The origin of the word [Crusades] may be traced to the cross made of cloth and worn as a badge on the outer garment of those who took part in these enterprises. Medieval writers use the terms crux (pro cruce transmarina, Charter of 1284, cited by Du Cange s.v. crux), croisement (Joinville), croiserie (Monstrelet), etc. Since the Middle Ages the meaning of the word crusade has been extended to include all wars undertaken in pursuance of a vow, and directed against infidels, i.e. against Mohammedans, pagans, heretics, or those under the ban of excommunication. The wars waged by the Spaniards against the Moors constituted a continual crusade from the eleventh to the sixteenth century; in the north of Europe crusades were organized against the Prussians and Lithuanians; the extermination of the Albigensian heresy was due to a crusade, and, in the thirteenth century the popes preached crusades against John Lackland and Frederick II. …..” [45]  (emphasis added)





Addison, C. G. The Knights Templars. NY:  Masonic Publishing Company, 1873


Bennett, Charles. Laudonniere & Fort Caroline: History and Documents. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2001


Bennett, Charles. Three Voyages Rene Laudonniere. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press), 2001


Bolton, Herbert E. The Spanish Borderlands: A Chronicle of Old Florida and the Southwest. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921


The Catholic Encyclopedia Classic 1914 Edition


Doster III, Alexis, Goodwin, Joe, and Post, Robert, ed. The American Land: Smithsonian Exposition Books. NY: W.W. Norton, 1979


Encyclopaedia Britannica Deluxe Edition 2003 CD-ROM/DVD. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1994-2002


Lossing, Benson. Mount Vernon and Its Associations. NY: W.A. Townsend, 1859


Parkman Jr., Francis. Pioneers of France in the New World. Boston:, written bt. 1864-1892, Publisher’s Advertisement 1907


Pike, Albert. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Charleston: prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, 1871


Ridpath, John Clark.  The New Complete History of the United States of America. Cincinnati: Jones Brothers Publishing, 1913


Waterbury, Jean ed. The Oldest City. St. Augustine: St. Augustine Historical Society, 1983


Wilcox, R. Turner. The Mode in Hats and Headdress. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1948



[1]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.126

[2]  Jean Waterbury ed., The Oldest City, p.33

[3]  John Clark Ridpath, The New Complete History of the United States of America,  

    p. 488-489

[4]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.126

[5]  C. G. Addison, The Knights Templars, p.538-539

[6]  R. Turner Wilcox, The Mode in Hats and Headdress, p. Foreword

[7]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.80 & Preface and Francis Parkman

    Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.11, 49

[8]  Jean Waterbury ed., The Oldest City, p.22

[9]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.38 and Francis Parkman Jr.,

    Pioneers of France in the New World, p.57

[10]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.35

[11]  The Catholic Encyclopedia on CD-Rom:  “Order of Saint James of Compostela”

[12]  Encyclopaedia Britannica 2003, “Santiago de Compostela”

[13]  Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.59

[14]  Ibid, p.84

[15]  Ibid, p.77, 83-85

[16]  Ibid, p.67

[17]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.43

[18]  Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.64

[19]  Charles Bennett, Laudonniere & Fort Caroline, p.163

[20]  Ibid, p.160

[21]  Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.64

[22]  Ibid, p.71

[23]  Ibid, p.70-71

[24]  Ibid, p.69

[25]  Ibid, p.66-67

[26]  Jean Waterbury ed., The Oldest City, p.28-29

[27]  Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.66-67

[28]  Ibid, p.57-59

[29]  Charles Bennett, Three Voyages Rene Laudonniere, p.164

[30]  Catholic Encyclopedia “Order of Saint James of Compostela”

Pimbley’s Dictionary of Heraldry:  First published in 1908 & is now in the Public

Domain and can be down loaded

“Escallop:  The figure of a scallop shell.  This was originally worn to signify that the    wearer had made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James, Compostella, Spain.  Later on it was placed on the shield to show that the bearer or an ancestor had been a Crusader or had made a long pilgrimage”.

[31]  C. G. Addison, The Knights Templars, p.159-160

[32]  Benson Lossing, Mount Vernon and Its Associations, p.233

[33]  Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.328, 808, 816 & v

[34]  Francis Parkman Jr., Pioneers of France in the New World, p.49

[35]  Ibid, p.126-127

[36]  Ibid, p.59

[37]  Ibid, p.50

[38]  Herbert E. Bolton, The Spanish Borderlands, p.161

[39]  Ibid, p.46

[40]  Ibid, p.54-55

[41]  Ibid, p.51-52

[42]  Alexis Doster III, Joe Goodwin, and Robert Post, ed, The American Land, p.30-31

[43]  Herbert E. Bolton, The Spanish Borderlands, p.3

[44]  The Catholic Encyclopedia Classic 1914 Edition “Crusades

[45]  Ibid




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